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54832178 No.54832178 [Reply] [Original]

Are the US government really this retarded?

Miners already pay their electricity bill.

>> No.54832218

The US govt is in an almost impossible position where it either pushes crypto offshore and misses out on trillions of new economic behavior, or it embraces crypto and undermines its own banking system and global reserve status.
I would honestly hate to be in a think tank that has to deal with this shit, it's an intractable Catch 22.

>> No.54832241

>Income that's hard to tax
>Self imposed "energy crisis" needs a scapegoat that's not sanctions, inflation, "green energy",not investing in nuclear, etc...
Only a matter of time. I'm fine with miners going offshore.

>> No.54832286

when he says "pulsechain solves this" he just means its proof of stake, which is hardly unique, most coins are.

>> No.54832291

they are trading climate hoax and being green. why wouldn’t they. now shill me pulsechain

>> No.54832316

Guys this is getting ridiculous jesus christ money is meant to be a real physical commodity so that we don't have endless tyranny, Bitcoin does not free fucking anybody if you need electricity, telecommunications, passwords, 2FA, KYC, AML Compliance and if you can't fucking physically fucking handle or hide your money what in the hell are we arguing about lmfao.
Please for the love of christ see the light and at least diversify a bit into physical things that are useful to you in the real world.

>> No.54832351

It has nothing to do with the fact that countries which adopt crypto will gain economic power. The US government is well aware of that. The problem is that their citizens will be prosperous, and that is unacceptable to them. This was never about money, its about power. Not power over other governments either, power over their own people. It is hard to convince a man to dig a ditch or blow up brown people overseas when he is set for life.

>> No.54832373
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You guys are all morons I see that now.

>> No.54832442

what is the best case scenario for the price of gold over the next 10 years? be realistic without conspiracy theories of imminent collapse. if that potential reward is enough for you then great. but some of us are looking to actually lift ourselves out of poverty here not just get a slow 2x over 10 years

>> No.54832528

>but some of us are looking to actually lift ourselves out of poverty here
Imagine being so useless your only shot at making decent money is gambling on projects made by southeast asian teens Reinforces one thing I've learned over the years browsing here - only poors FUD gold

>> No.54832557
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Did you seriously just post a twitter screencap and in that cap use GAINZY (of all people on ct) to make a point?

>> No.54832581
File: 658 KB, 1320x742, hbagNRG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedera solves the energy consumption problem, better then any other cryptocurrency, let alone any bullshit layer 2 for eth, e.g. pulsechain.

>> No.54832660
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>> No.54832697

The US needs to embrace its collapse.

>> No.54832703

fuck off hbaggie. i want to know what tf a replication of eth coins on a eth-fork chain means. who will support or not. what does it mean for price etc etc

>> No.54832704

How much do VCs hold?

>> No.54832711
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>> No.54832727

Fuck you Ivan, you will never be human. And if we go down, we'll sure as shit take you and the chicoms with us.

>> No.54832758

You're already down, my dude. You're just dizzy from the fall and haven't realized it yet. Roll aside and let the world walk while you catch some air and get back on your feet again.

>> No.54832766

So BItcoin mining moves to Russia, Iran, Venezuela, US actively disempowers itself in a nascent tech market, and global carbon emissions go up because the US is one of the greener Bitcoin mining hubs.
A declining power structure constantly lashing out and hurting itself more than its enemies, is only accelerating its own demise.

>> No.54832784

Gee I wonder which country is selling cheap energy right now to all the Eurasian block.

>> No.54832823

Shitcoins try to solve problems that don't exist. Crypto is all about BTC and who got there first. Shitcoins try and emulate the gains and are 100% at the whims of the whales funding them. It is all a ponzi at this point, and any entry is at the bottom of the pyramid. The ship has sailed. The jew is now in control. They got all offramps locked down. They got you locked out of exchanges that aren't kiked. Crypto will always be niche.

>> No.54832829

Yes, Ivan and Ching Pong will single-handedly end le heckin bankerinos by mining while Europe, the US and the rest of its play toy nations back away from bitfuck, impose stricter energy and carbon footprint related taxes and fees, and tighten their grip with CBDCs while adopting technology that favors their agenda as planned decades ago.

>> No.54832868

Think of crypto as a mario kart power-up that drags the person in first place backwards. The first place entity (the US) doesn't want it to exist, but all its competitors do.
It is an incredibly powerful tool to undermine the global hegemony, you underestimate how valuable it is to everyone that isn't in 1st place.

>> No.54832888
File: 306 KB, 1715x778, hbagAlloc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around 20% of all hbags.
they're done offering coin sales though.

>> No.54832906
File: 50 KB, 739x522, hbag.3.17.2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The jew is now in control.
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54833011
File: 137 KB, 716x716, 5fc8132273d8f5a47c74d7616369fa79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did people stop saying the entire word? How many of your precious lardass fucking ranch dressing calories does it take to type the rest of the word "technology"?

>> No.54833047

i don't have to imagine it
of course only poors fud gold, its a way to hold on to wealth not to create it. a poor would be a fool to all in on gold expecting to change anything

>> No.54833076

The #globalsouth will never take over. It's a population of simpering, culturally buck broken, anti-gun communist cuckolds who reflexively obey authority and desire only to be cogs in a large and inefficient authoritarian machine. The people of the free world ought to be at the front of all things.

>> No.54833077
File: 337 KB, 1074x992, sdkzim2uvrg71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can't fucking physically fucking handle or hide your money
I mean you effectively can do exactly this. Except you're handling a piece of information. 256 bits of information to be exact.
And the amount of resources it takes is relative and can adjust to changing conditions.
That being said...Bitcoin is still outdated in this sense anyway since eventually new consensus methods have been established and proven sufficient so that we don't actually need Proof of Work any longer.
However people are just slow and reluctant to change.
Almost as if just because it's something that's been around a while they refuse to move on with the times...kek

>> No.54833108

there are advantages to proof of work even if you don't agree with them. reasons beyond "slow and reluctant to change". proof of stake has its issues

>> No.54833123

You feds are not the country

>> No.54833125

>he doesn't realize that this particular /bizraeli/ that he screencaped is comfy as fuck with his 8 figures of wealth still
taking his genuine concern for others out of context as some kinda gotcha...
heavy ngmi aura coming from this post
honestly almost think you're reverse trolling with this post...if so congrats on this, seriously

>> No.54833164
File: 129 KB, 282x529, 1630388169459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you that crypto mining SHOULD be driven offshores? I live in argentina and have a pretty successful mining operation going on. I rented a tiny building and im currently in the process of buying it alongside with the second and third floor. The cost of energy is minuscule compared to the profit i make and let's just say that the authorities couldn't care less. Meanwhile i make double and triple the money by putting the profit not into more mining (we all know it's going obsolete) but also towards memecoins. The board hasn't just become a memetoken fiesta just because, most miners like me have begun pumping these tokens because buying them low and selling for a profit will always be more profitable than just living off mining.
Next is $PEEPO, just a heads up.
Why make the states suffer when we have third world countries ripe and ready to be exploited?

>> No.54833180

Sure. I mean XMR is a particularly good example of where it makes a ton of sense.
I really just wanted to force the whole
>gold boomer
>bitcoin boomer
analogy in hopes that anon there maybe understands that PMs in the modern age really just aren't as shiny now as they were throughout human history.
Even in the SHTF scenario they seem super questionable in a world where you can buy a lot of very valuable goods.
I suppose having a small amount of gold for some kind of rebuilding of society is not a bad idea though. 1% of a port in physical gold...seems reasonable. But only after having sufficient SHTF goods and such imo.

>> No.54833215

Xmr is a shitcoin

>> No.54833369

Also he does have gold exposure through his diamond encrusted star of david chain and a bunch of hilariously gaudy ring s and shit that a 1970s pimp might wear.
Entertaining guy though...nothing against him personally.
He's a great example of how easy it's been to make it if you have balls and aren't a complete moron.

>> No.54833410

(cont. because something I'm typing is triggering a spam filter but not sure what...maybe it's talking about betting and odds?)
The idea of not just making money from the hordes of people that will eventually give it away again buying tops like they did in 2021, and trying to be right about metals or some shit is just completely irrational.
Like the odds that this guy will make another 10 m or something by the end of 2025 is probably a very positive ev bet at even odds...think about that for a second...yes we live in clown world...but as long as the government doesn't completely shut it down I'm happy to dance along to the music as long as it's playing.

>> No.54834074


>> No.54834088


>> No.54834095
File: 65 KB, 1223x1227, passthespliffSchiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my gold bags goy

>> No.54834103

this tbqh and its the reason why if youre in USA its probably best to gtfo asap if you have any money

>> No.54834164

>simpering, culturally buck broken, anti-gun communist cuckolds who reflexively obey authority
You just described the US and the EU