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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 706 KB, 1170x916, 4234C170-8EF6-44BA-8F64-AA3D98F9288F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54817822 No.54817822 [Reply] [Original]

What the economic of kicking your kid out before they have a strong foundation?

>> No.54817854

I thought I was the only one here subscribed to that channel. I rarely watch it because it's too depressing, even though it is the truth.

>> No.54818286
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of it is cringe. 99% of the stories are people with no jobs because "woah I'm homeless you can't expect me to work"
Like wtf retard you just cut out rent/car payments that's a huge incentive to work what the fuck are you doing

>> No.54820254

nobody to take care of you once you're senile. the whole point of having children is to have someone who can look after you once you're incapable of doing it yourself so kicking children out of homes seem retarded to me. once they turn 25 or so sure but probably not sooner.

>> No.54820264

Go back to insulting dying people you massive faggot, get off this board

>> No.54820270

>POV: Your a military recruiter

>> No.54820307
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I have 3 kids they can life here as long as they please. Better then them racking up debt and slave away at a job they hate.

>> No.54820388

I wiped my fathers ass when he broke his hip, I wiped his ass when he was dying of liver failure in the hospital. He took care of me, so I took care of him. My mother on the other hand can be taken care by an abusive black nursing home staff, on her own dime for all I care.

>> No.54820496

>Better then them racking up debt and slave away at a job they hate
indeed. i'm glad there are sensible parents out there.
>My mother on the other hand can be taken care by an abusive black nursing home staff, on her own dime for all I care
sorry to hear that, anon. i sincerely hope you can make amends with her.

>> No.54820535

Two opposite people, one understood his duty to care for his family even if it was difficult and the other only cares about her own personal comfort to the point it makes both of us miserable. Stupid, stupid person.

>> No.54823061
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incredibly based dad, my parents kicked my ass out at 18 even though they did pay for my apartment (in a shitty neighborhood though)
i'd say it was beneficial for building autonomy but mostly i was just depressed and alone for most of the time

>> No.54823434

My boomer parents kicked me out at 18 and left me to fend for myself.
They still expect me to take care of them, so when the time comes I'm going to put them in the shittiest nursing home I can and let the non white staff beat the shit out of them.

>> No.54823486

In my experience parents tend to be generally fine with kids living at home during college/early career but only if the kid is doing something. If Sergei is a degenerate addict who barely finished HS with no plans idc if babushka kicks him out

>> No.54823504

>kicked me out
>but paid for my apartment
That doesn’t even count. They basically gave you an upgrade. Sorry you had to do more chores, doofus

>> No.54823524

Shouldn’t have been such a fuck up

>> No.54823565

this guy i know in HS got kicked out when his parents sold the house and downsized to an apartment, dude got cancer shortly after. i think he is doing well now but boomers can be cruel af
my dad can be rude af but he always lets us live at home
but then again he is indian so he doesnt have that sociopathic streak white boomers can have

>> No.54823577

Why are western """people""" so souless and pathetic?
They don't even value their closest family.

>> No.54824138

>What the economic of
The kids being illiterate like OP

>> No.54824189

Get the fuck out of here you retarded mooch. You only got an upgrade by getting "kicked out".

>> No.54824702

Do you dye your beard? If so that's fucking gay.

>> No.54824739

What? You can literally see gray hair

>> No.54824747
File: 98 KB, 498x739, FATS BIG MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting dying people
You mean Fats? Not my problem they all die at 40

>> No.54824766

being kicked out at 19 after neeting it up after high school for 2 years was the best thing that happened to me. forced me to actually do something with my life. now i just finished building a 3800 sq ft house on a acre lot at 28. feelsgoodman.

>> No.54824784
File: 422 KB, 1201x1241, img_3730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomers kicked him out
>He's now 30, owns multiple businesses, got ripped, and is living the good life
Really goes to show that sometimes you need to push the baby bird out of the nest to teach it to fly.

>> No.54824788

nice moobs faggot

>> No.54824801

Your parents dodged a bullet . Dont forget to do a flip off the Golden Gate bridge

>> No.54824803

This. They got to the point of sink or swim and chose to sink. Not my problem.

>> No.54824820

Tell me which gas station you work at so I can come spit in your inbred face

>> No.54824833
File: 168 KB, 1123x1476, Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them. What part of hoboken did you not understand?

>> No.54824844

you never really understand the urgency of working and saving and budgeting until your life depends on it.

so most people will never "have a strong foundation" because they're not being forced to. Your parents are lazy bums too, we understand this. So we force you to get off your ass and do something for yourself.

>> No.54824882
File: 183 KB, 1072x1371, OH NO NO NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54824892

Qrd on why this guy triggered a bunch of trannies?

>> No.54824943
File: 614 KB, 2000x1332, jerry-messing-41b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell people to read mein kampf and don't look like picrel, so naturally kikes rage

>> No.54824947

>you never really understand the urgency of working and saving and budgeting until your life depends on it.
It's possible to raise a child to be a responsible and financially conscious adult without pulling this boomer shit that will only make them hate you in the end. My parents taught me about finance and money management and now I'm self-sufficient without ever being kicked out. Kicking your kids out is unironically the lazy parent's way of raising your kids to be financially responsible. Instead of actually teaching them shit, you just tell them to fuck off while you sit back and sip on margaritas in your retirement. Lazy bitch.

>> No.54824965

based but you probably shouldnt post pics of yourself (if really you)

>> No.54825023

what we actually prefer is you get a job, work it whether you like it or not, and help us with bills.

when that fails a few times we start wanting you out. We still love you, but you can't just up and quit your job every time someone hurts your delicate feelings.

You may be different. Both of my kids are lazy and there was nothing I could do to force them to stop playing video games and go make a living. So they learned. They don't hate me, and they absolutely don't think I'm lazy. I actually hired one of them after he'd been out on his own for a couple years and learned how to work for a living. I hope to sell him my house and business to finance those margaritas you speak of. I worked hard to give him a future, I'm not going to see him throw that away.

>> No.54825055

Who are you kidding with those tits you could put that fat fuck to shame faggot.
Post the pic where you're behind the dumpster sucking black cum out of a bunch of crackheads for some squirrel meat.

>> No.54825077

it's insane that you actually have to explain this to "people". the idea that you can actually cooperate with someone to make you both greater than the sum of your parts is incomprehensible to 84% of the population.

>> No.54825129

>the idea that you can actually cooperate with someone to make you both greater than the sum of your parts is incomprehensible to 84% of the population.
no, we get it

you fail to cooperate with us over and over and over so we say enough. Giving our kids a free ride until we die or sell the house when they're 53 isn't doing them any favors, and neither of us comes out ahead.

this may come as a shock on 4chan, but making $1300 a month on crypto and spending it on your katana collection isn't helping me or you

>> No.54825141
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fats shidding and farding uncontrollably

>> No.54825155
File: 187 KB, 1041x720, Chud Sacrifice .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting myself for half a decade now, 4 different boards, 6 if you include infinity

>> No.54825166

wait, do you think you're white?

>> No.54825167

Imagine the alphabet boy in charge of cross referencing my 8 inch cock. Sad!

>> No.54825188
File: 25 KB, 600x354, Me After 7 Years In Sunlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiter than you Muhammad

>> No.54825193

you don't. you're compelled to argue even after you acknowledge the validity of my argument. you argue for the sake of argument. your children don't respect you they just learned not to disagree.

>> No.54825204

huh. Where I'm from we call that "hispanic" if we're being polite. I definitely wouldn't consider you white. I guess you can identify as whatever though.

>> No.54825213

>what we actually prefer is you get a job, work it whether you like it or not, and help us with bills.
good, then give them a chance to do that instead of kicking them out the second they turn 18
>when that fails a few times we start wanting you out. We still love you, but you can't just up and quit your job every time someone hurts your delicate feelings.
Now you're talking about a completely different situation, with someone who's in their mid-20s who's quit multiple jobs and never helped out with bills. Stop trying to equate the two, they're not the same

>> No.54825220
File: 38 KB, 680x594, 1683045818559600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are soulless and only care about themselves 90% of the time. They even see their own children as burdens while not preparing them for their future. I get to work on my masters while never having to worry about anything but working toward being at the top of my class while all the white students are just suffering for no reason and sinking towards the bottom. Probably explains why all the wites I meet are so broken and sadistic. Even the wealthy whites I know are losers in every other aspect of life. Family means nothing to them, it's why they're going to go extinct and to be honest, they deserve it. Just looks at any thread on 4chan about people's suffering or wagies and you can easily spot the white posts. Soulless, broken people. I would feel bad for them if they weren't so cruel. Don't worry though white anons, I'll treat you well when you work for me haha

>> No.54825223

>you're compelled to argue even after you acknowledge the validity of my argument
it's not an argument, it's just repeating what i already said and you didn't bother to read.

Not my problem if you argue with people that agree with you, and it doesn't mean I'm arguing back. I'm just curious how the young these days can't read or won't read past the first 5 words.

>> No.54825235

did you get your first job at 18?
that's funny.

>> No.54825252

I got my first job at 17, my parents let me live with them until I was 25 and paid for my college and now I make over $120k/year as a software engineer. If they had kicked me out at 18 then I would have had to settle for a shitty job that doesn't require any education and I would be making much less right now. Thank God my parents didn't have boomer brain

>> No.54825266

Shalom, read mein kampf fellow white guy

>> No.54825271

Sounds like you don't understand that being a parent doesn't make a decent person.

Do you only ever befriend people who have children?

>> No.54825292

neither of my kids wanted to go to college because they're quite lazy. One of them went for a year and dropped out.

not sure about your parents, but I earned my first million dollars at 32 in a field unrelated to my degree. This has tinted my views on college, and colored my kids views on money. But they get to learn one way or another. I expect one day they'll have people like you working for them, but it will require getting off their asses and working for it themselves.

>> No.54825376

I made several hundred thousand dollars in the last bull run because I already had the tech knowledge, understanding, and funds required to dabble in crypto. If my parents kicked me out at 18 then I'd probably still be making under $60k and just trying to survive instead of making more than your kids can dream about just sitting around writing code and playing with shitcoins. Thank you mom and dad :)

>> No.54825392

What are you Biz Lee?
>GAY2dt captcha

>> No.54825463

I'm not going to knock it if it works for you. That's a nice paycheck, and if you can repeat it you'll do well.

I come from a tradie family, several of them made millions in home construction and industy. I made millions in industry. I taught my kids how to easily make millions as a contractor to industry. But you can't make millions as a tradie contractor by sitting on your ass, and that's mostly what they like to do. So time will tell.

>> No.54826529

>defending a shirtless hillbilly on an anonymous anime site
okay queer

>> No.54827617

Lmfao fuck off rajesh. Your dad would disown you if you did anything to hurt his fragile Indian ego e.g like dating another caste (read: made up race)

>> No.54828226

Westerners have unparalleled ambition and yearn for adventure. That is why we discovered your countries and you had not the other way around. I left home at 18 with 10k in savings and went to live in Europe. I managed fine, got a master's over there and I am now capable of handling anything independently.

If you need to live at your parents past 18 you are a failure and will never be taken seriously by a white woman.

>> No.54828289

I got kicked out at the age of 19. Homeless for 7 years. Thanks to /biz/ I catched up with people of my age and now am running my own company.

>> No.54828290

Western children are entitled snowflake shitbags under their parent's roof. Kicking young adults out at 18 years old is doing them a favor. They can either get a job and pay for their own home, join the military and have the government pay for their home or they can be lazy children and live on the streets. Those are really good options when you think about it. No reason parents should continue to wipe their kid's asses past 18.

>> No.54828299

meant for >>54823577

>> No.54828305


>> No.54828312

American retards think being poor is more likely to make you successful.
If you wanted your kids to be successful you'd give them a business loan.

>> No.54828409

Thanks fren.
I guess it was mostly luck and a good timing. But it does feels good and I would like to say that people should never give up even how bad things may look. Life can literally change in a blink of an eye.

>> No.54828584

Shut the fuck up, inbred paki. Brown filth are animals, cruel and perverts. Whites are the only one who have soul.

>> No.54828748

whites are the biggest pawns of the Jews. Anglo subhumans are the reason we have homo pride, troons, feminism, and much more. Look at how you treat your own kids u cucks. get ur women and boomers in order for the sake of the earth u fucken losers tyty

>> No.54828786

I'm white and freeloaded with my mom for many many years and so did my cousin. It's americans who are the most soullless, must be all the poison in their food. It's not normal to kick people out at 18 in Europe.

>> No.54828791

I don't think they even believe it, they just want to rationalize sociopathic behavior towards their children.

>> No.54828810
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They surely kicked him after finding his wallet full of NEZUKO coins, what a fucking otaku lol
Maybe he will make it soon and show them how wrong they were

>> No.54829449

You'd be surprised. These people live in a state of complete delusion, and they may genuinely think kicking their kids out will teach them something. Perhaps it was true at some point in time, you know back when even working shit jobs while you studied was enough to afford living. Nowadays though, there's no chance of that happening.

>> No.54829460

nobody studied back then. You didn't get into college unless you were top 2% in money or brains.

now we spend millions sending morons to school they don't benefit from and will never use. We're compassionate like that.

>> No.54829486

GEw7 mad
>GEw7 mad
Read mein kampf for fucks sake

>> No.54829504

Don't shit out kids if you don't plan to take care of them.

>> No.54829513

Yeah, but guess what back then even someone with a job which didn't require education could afford to have a family, a house, and kids. Nowadays with a job like that, you will barely be able to survive. So what are you suggesting exactly? That 98% of people should just settle for living a live of poverty working shit jobs their whole lives? The data is very clear, the value of university education has gone down, but the cost of not having one has increased even more in comparison

>> No.54829533

Boomers have brain damage from leaded gasoline.

>> No.54829543

Bro, indian's are literal goblins who would literally do anything to be the best slave they can. I never met a more spinless bunch of liars in my life. Your race is an NPC meme and you are literally the "rabbling masses". No identity and no thought.

>> No.54829581

his family will pool resources and buy him a tim hortons or a convenience store where you may very well end up working for him as he says, though more likely he only hires other indians probably family and friends of family. it's a winning strategy and they're taking over in canada

>> No.54829713

You're not legally allowed to evict your 18 year old child just because they hit that age. They can still be your dependent under many circumstances.

I actually sued my idiot boomer father over it and forced him to pay my rent for an entire year after he tried it on me. I even warned him too when he was bullying me out of the house by leaving all of my possessions in the yard that I was going to take him to court.

It was like he had this built up resentment from my teenage years and this was him trying to dab on me the moment he imagined I was vulnerable.

His argument was that he had warned me several times I was out at 18. But it's not actually his choice. He failed to go through the legal eviction process and it would never have been approved anyways due to the circumstances.

>> No.54829717
File: 20 KB, 360x352, 1557850757273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as i turned 18 i was told
>you're either in school or you're paying rent to live here!
eventually graduated and moved out on my own into an apartment
years later i'm looking at houses but everything is too crazy expensive even with a 200k down payment
even making 90k/year i still can't afford a house
visiting parents and we get on the topic and i explain my situation
parents have a massive backyard
mom mentions they are trying to get it divided and that maybe i can build a 2nd house there
dad jumps in and says they should sell it on the market
markets are insane in the area and the land alone would go for 500k+
i wouldn't be able to get a mortgage to buy on the market (banks more strict for empty land) and i mention that
dad just shrugs his shoulders
(pic related) mfw.jpg
tfw dad would rather get some randoms living next to them rather than help me and be comfy family neighbors
they have a $2m house paid off, good pensions, lots of retirement savings
they've already made it yet still would rather put more money on their existing moneypile rather than help their children get a leg up
i get that's a lot of value but idk i don't even have kids yet but I feel like if i was in their position i'd do it to help my kid and so i could see them more often
anyway i'm looking at retiring early in another country within the next few years now, maybe somewhere in SEA
why pay a million dollars for a house and work 30 years when i could just move and not have to work ever again

>> No.54829752

Wtf anon. Are you sure you're his kid? Could he have learned your mother cheated on him and you're not his biological child? This is such disgusting behavior on his part, unless you were doing some insane shit which made living with you unbearable

>> No.54829937

Single moms are truly terrifying.

>> No.54829949

My Mom is an evil unloving bitch too. I feel you.

>> No.54830105

Most women are like this. They are very selfish creatures

>> No.54830121

fuck off, you're still extremely lucky your parents cared about your education

>> No.54830128

You really should cut off all contacts with them. That's not family.

>> No.54830135

Nigger what kind of down syndrome logic is this?
>they threw you a pebble, you ingrate!
Kys, trashcan. It's a fact that wages have not and will never keep up with inflation. Times are objectively harder now.

>> No.54830156

>>you're either in school or you're paying rent to live here!
I am 100% deploying this strategy in life going forwards. Good luck boomers!

>> No.54831104

Kys boomoid.

>> No.54832168

>White people are soulless and only care about themselves 90% of the time
you live in a white country because whites don't care about themselves
I wish it was how you said it is tho

>> No.54834289

Don't forget to pressure them into taking out college loans first!

>> No.54834331

You got upgraded you retard

>> No.54834636

The Mormons are a sick people

>> No.54834953

>Be 18 in out foster care
>move with gf
>dad passes
>move to moms, split with gf 2 be with family
>brother into drugs choose to be homeless over living in mom's house and end up abused PTSD
>work pay rent work
>get degree on scholarship
>Get over entitlement, work on self leave comfort zone
>Be 27 now
>130k in stocks
>down to 110k now since Jan bc bank fuck ups
>Wagies impressed friends constantly ask for money
>Always no, remind them 100k is nothing
>Move to desert, making $45 an hour with free housing
>Counting the days til I hit 200k
>Continually studying, applying for six figure jobs
>banking slightly more than $1000 weekly straight into stocks

What a waste of time feeling sorry for yourself is, just make the most of it and start stacking coin.

My friends are dog shit, I remind them a couple times a week we need to start a business I don't have the energy or skill set to manage everything myself.

I wish I had better friends or family which understood the importance of money and how pooling wealth opens so many doors, it will be so much slower for me to grind alone but it seems that's the hand I've been dealt.

>> No.54835008
File: 963 KB, 768x1024, 1-661081207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A century of brainwashing.

>> No.54835483

I'm worth 30k, and I'm 28.
I've been living with family and studying. I only started working last year and even today my family devours the near 6 figure income I make.

>> No.54835553

He can still make it. Just needs to camp out in front of a starbucks with his smartphone and sling shitcoins while also raking in donations

>> No.54835580

based homeless flipooor tell me your ways

>> No.54835663
File: 97 KB, 1272x794, 0xef5af046047e6553a9c052199f3b44cd4dbff4f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told /biz/ about 4chan yesterday. it did a 10x just a few h later.
Today, I've been telling you about picrel. /biz/ was good to me in 2017 but I won't spoonfeed you guys any more.

>> No.54835833

10x no fucking way....what tf is pic related? pepelambo?

>> No.54835893
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 1612300528813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if he's so fucked up in the head that it can't get much worse, only better.
> thief, neet, junkie, drugs, etc
Wouldn't expect to care for me afterwards though

>> No.54835929

yeah I'm very fortunate, I know a lot of people that had much worse parents or parents that had to be taken care of.
although their offer to let me stay didn't really help much since they lived too far away from campus so I had to move out to go to classes anyway.
they were even nice enough to invest into an education fund ever since I was a kid so I could go to school, and it was enough to pay for my 1st year, which for that I've always been grateful.
although they also got to claim me as a dependent on their taxes while I was in school, even though they never gave me money and I only stayed with them for a week or two a year kek
probably saved them $2k/year in taxes.
nah i'm not the kind of asshole to cut off family over something dumb like not being given money.
he's talking about the image filename which is a contract address for LAMBO, looks like a shitty scam like all shitcoins posted on biz

>> No.54835939

it's just called lambo but ye, pepe related
ca is in the pic

>> No.54836041

why is it a scam? what do you mean by scam exactly? looking at all these coins they are in the multi millions, I don't think a scam coin would ever get that high, but I mean everything in crypto is eventually destined to come down esp in defi, so if that's what you mean then desu that's terrible advice
yea I noticed that thanks

>> No.54836073

They learned to be lazy from watching your lazy ass

>> No.54836121

Tradie, yeah makes sense

>> No.54836196


>> No.54836219

fucking how?

>> No.54836227

I want to make it enough to the point I would abandon friends and family who are counter to that.

It's upto you.

My mom is dying of cancer, surgery in a week. I'd be sad but I'm hoping it goes south. Dumb bitch is sitting on $100k and it's not even in a savings account.

>> No.54836378
File: 49 KB, 622x783, 1641232914595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kicked my son last year. He's 25 years old, he should manage by himself and it's not like he doesn't have any way of supporting himself. He's got a job that pays really well. But he's also a fat piece of shit that drives everyone that loves him away and his only company is his girlfriend who he gaslights constantly into staying with him. She's moved overseas but sometimes comes visit him and every time he's with her it's a mess, she doesn't leave his house and treats him like a child (basically she behaves like his mom and does his chores while he works)
Last month i went to his apartment to visit him and he had pic related as his wallpaper and he spent 2 hours explaining me why PEEPO is the future and is better than PEPE and WOJACK and that he's already made 20k and plans on marrying his GF once he makes it and yada yada.
All that i could see was a pathetic fatso daydreaming about making it with a memecoin. Yeah, he's already made some pretty good money but he doesn't have plans for his life, his GF is his only friend and im pretty sure he spends the evening playing games and masturbating since half of his tabs on the PC were porn-related (he's obsessed with one girl of that anime of super heroes)
Don't even get me started on the stench of that apartment. Also he had chats opened with character.ai that i wouldn't dare to see or i would have to disown him.
Im worried

>> No.54836419

im sad to say your son is a redditor my dude

>> No.54837016

Kicking your kid out at 18 is like teaching them to swim by chucking them over the side of a boat and driving away.