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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54815083 No.54815083 [Reply] [Original]

so what did this fucking upgrade do?
eth2.0 is still slow expensive and the same shit as befre but even worse

>> No.54815107

Time like this last year was the same.

>> No.54815110

Future of finance

>> No.54815133

Jelly you missed the easy 2x?
Also, no one said this upgrade would lower gas fees.
It was for allowing unstaking which biz said never would come.
But now it has come and it makes your PoS alt-cons (alt-coins) irrelevant.

>> No.54815166

Use Arbitrum or Optimism or Polygon or Metis or stop being poor

>> No.54815882

I think eth will be part of the new financial system. It won't be used a shitcoin casino.

>> No.54818160

use optimism or arbitrum for trading and gambling - use mainnet to store your wealth

>> No.54818248

listen dude, all this talk about "tokenomics" it's all bullshit, you could have bought anything in march 2020 and made money. It's all manipulated bs, just stick to the ones that are still lower cost (unless you already own ETH in which case just hold until 2026)

>> No.54818981

its not manipulated and the prices in fact never rose, its just that the dollar is dying, quite literally.
as soon as it is below 45% reserve currency, its over

>> No.54819062

nobody cares because outside of bitcoin (money) speculation is the only major use of crypto so far. period.
nobody cares about paying $10 fees when they're making money in the process.

>> No.54819073

is there any way to lower gas fees? im new to this and the fees seem pretty steep..

>> No.54819280

are those contracts destined to be exploited, fuck yes
will you get drained like an idiot, yep

>> No.54819540

its more than 10 in fees...

>> No.54819555

The fees during the '21 bull run were literally hundreds of dollars. I think the most in fees I've paid lately is $30.

>> No.54819573

just dont use ETH then
people like you deserve to be stolen from

>> No.54819617

Must have been a compley contract. I usually average out around $5 per tx for lps and lend/borrow. Also learn to wrap your own eth, no need to pay some rent seeking devs a premium for doing you the "favor"

>> No.54820218

well it did what it was supposed to: centralize it even more and that now the stakers farm the shitcoin/nft tards

>> No.54820232

still more than enough ways to rent-seek from the bots and validators doing there thing

>> No.54821011
File: 114 KB, 1187x667, 295873295842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting anything from outdated spaghetti code
lol, lmao even
Ethereum it's only relevant nowadays because of baggies waiting for empty promises.

>> No.54822471

Fooling some wagies into the most expensive blockchain, Ethereum is just bs wanting to look like high tech.

>> No.54822811
File: 16 KB, 320x280, photo_2020-11-12_13-26-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, I do not suffer from those problems

>> No.54823507

Won’t go down until they release sharding and make it easier to mine.
Remember infinite supply

>> No.54823572

The high fees basically push out lower income people from accumulating unknown coins and constantly swapping.
It also forces development of projects on the ecosystem to become as efficient and robust as can be - along with other methods of combining transactions, scaling, and throughput to be developed.
Once the base chain is upgraded all of this combined makes an unbeatable ecosystem for web3 and blockchain industry

>> No.54823731
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Truly a shame ETH has so many good projects under its umbrella. Rebase, Polygon, Optimism, and many more. I guess we all have to keep bowing to ETH and its bullshit.

>> No.54823794

Ethereum is going to be the mother of all bubbles before it dies forever.

>> No.54823799

Wasnt polygon a total new chain designed to compete with ETH?

>> No.54823813

eventually people wont stand more shit from eth, i tell you i want to see it fall, its bs.

>> No.54823913

Ethereum dominance must be the one of the least substance i've ever seen, Somehow so many people put it on pedestal for doing so little, Even its decentralization is overblown.

The fakest network effect that ever been in tech, the economic security and liquidity meme, shit narrow roadmap, severe technical debt which prevent desirable upgradability pace, parasitic MEV mafia, decentralization etc. It's the biggest bubble nobody talks about.

>> No.54824182

Pay eth gas = average biden supporters kekw

>> No.54824223

please dont buy eth, buy random meme coin xy in the catalog and feed my mev bot

>> No.54824243

You still need to use eth for gas on arb tho

>> No.54824278

yes, and? Its cheaper while it comes with trade offs in security. That's why its only for gambling.

>> No.54824303

eth is still gay and gas fees are still stupid all they did was consolidate the fees to the greedy few and cut out all the hard working miners that supported the system for so long.
and all of it was done just so that us degenerates could ape shit like waifuai

>> No.54824314

polygon is multiple projects, the most popular one being a sidechain where gas fees are paid in MATIC. they just launched a zk rollup where gas fees are paid in ETH, but it's not attracting much activity. zksync era was launched just a few days before polygon zkevm and it's already way ahead.


>> No.54824345

non of the zk memes has gained any traction and likely wont in the near future. Why you might ask, it has nothing to do with the tech, just a very limited amount of suckers left

>> No.54824360

i love polygon, but all the projects on it died. make polygon great again.

>> No.54824370

no you're wrong it's purely due to network effects and shit like airdrops attracting activity

>> No.54824371

You can unstake but you can't sell or trade ETH2.0 from what I understand.

>> No.54824414

airdrops dont attract activity. Is there anyone left on aptos?
>Network effects
without suckers no network

>> No.54824560

yes they do. people used optimism because they thought there would be another airdrop. people used arbitrum because they thought there would be an airdrop. people are using zksync era right now because they think there will be an airdrop.

>> No.54824603

There are obviously airdrop hunt pajeets. But the reason optimism and arbitrum and optimism have respectable volume and tx are not retail

>> No.54824650

>consolidate the fees to the greedy few and cut out all the hard working miners that supported the system for so long
The "miners are the good guys" boomers are the dumbest ones that inhabit this thread.

>> No.54825627

there's no ETH2.0, retard

>> No.54826548

There's been instances reported of people using the Ethereum network, and later becoming gay. Would not risk it, personally

>> No.54827585
File: 39 KB, 640x477, 34993838454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine continuing to push this scammy shitcoin and all its sub-branches just because you ate the lie that it's decentralized and shit