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File: 8 KB, 275x183, TECK Coal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54762024 No.54762024 [Reply] [Original]

TECK Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous Thread: >>54695691

>> No.54762045

TECK Resources and Glencore are still at it. Glencore wants TECK intact for their take over.


>> No.54762277

>Canadian conservatives
Whose business is but the shareholders what happens to the ownership of a private company? If everyone else and their mother wanted a say they should've put some skin in the game.

>> No.54762580

It's over, isn't it?

>> No.54762608

The thought of selling all my investments and stacking it into physical silver crops into my mind all the time.

>> No.54762699

If i sell all my possessions and leave where should i go? Bali? All i need is a plot of land and some animals, what is that in some backwater place in south east asia? 10k $? 30k?

>> No.54763386

Rural US in a gun friendly state.

>> No.54763415

hello is first majestic a buy
im about to abandon stocks altogether

>> No.54763427

teck b is one of my only good investments

>> No.54763476

Best silver miners? Explain reasoning. I AM NOT INEVSTED IN ALL THESE AND DONT CARE TO BE.

Kootenay silver and Dolly varden. Proven assets in economic areas. PROVEN DEPOSITS.

Abra silver. Big ass deposit. Hundreds of millions of ounces.

Hercules silver, explorer.

Further interest silver Corp metals. Deal breaker, Chinese jurisdiction.

>> No.54763486

I have cash on the sidelines right now. When we got past this next week of churn kIm going to pile into what I perceive the most solid silver plays. I'd like to get about $40k in exposure on top of what I already have.

>> No.54763491

i havtn looked into this but theres no such thing as a private company really. like when a german bank loans money at 0 interest to a german company to buy up an american company, thats not "private individuals doing things with their private company privately"

>> No.54763652

Summa silver. Sprott investment. Nevada hurisdiction. Bonanza historical drills.

>> No.54763725

>Abra silver. Big ass deposit. Hundreds of millions of ounces.
also hundreds of millions of shares and a crappy jurisdiction

>> No.54764347
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NFG Bros, go to 31:17, Sprott even talks about the shorting fuckery that's been keeping the price way down


>> No.54764641

Teck has been a fantastic company for a number of years, but I fear if Glencore gets ahold of them they will end up gutted.
Dolly Varden has been doing pretty well but their still a ways off from getting a mine going on Torbit or their other major prospects. It will be interesting to see what Hecla does with them in the near term.

>> No.54765214

cmmg bros. I voted my TECK B shares against the split and now they're tabling it. I feel powerful.

>> No.54765314

>I feel powerful.
you are powerful

now the question is if you're qualified to be making major financial decisions for a mining company. I guess we'll see.

>> No.54765398

>now the question is if you're qualified to be making major financial decisions for a mining company
I mean, I feel like you don't have to be a financial expert to realize that saddling the coal side of the split with a massive debt to the metals side with basically no upside was a transparent admission that they need the coal money in the short term. Even their justification for the split is basically that ESG investors will pay more for the metals side if they dump the coal - they have little real argument for how the fundamentals of either company would be better.

>> No.54765437

I'm not disagreeing with your decision, I don't know the details and don't really care.

I'm just saying there's a reason shareholders pay a CEO and board many millions of dollars to run a company for them. Usually if shareholders ran the thing it would be bankrupt or out of compliance in a week.

>> No.54765487

>there's a reason shareholders pay a CEO and board many millions of dollars to run a company for them
sure, 2pbtid-san. BUT. CEO's and the board must also kneel at the altar of ESG due to modern trends. Whereas shareholders have no such limitations. So if the CEO and board are being forced into a short-sighted decision by the Blackrocks of this world - that is where the shareholders can step in.

>> No.54765538

we do ESG because
1. it pays
2. we're working in one of the most hated industries in all of industry
3. we only work with the permission of the locals, and the locals are often morons.

but time will tell, maybe you're totally right and companies should be taking a stand against the people that control their ability to work.

my guess is you're going to see ESG continue to spread because it costs nothing, it's basically the law already, and the people that hate it are dying off.

>> No.54765592

let's make it 4

Mining isn't allowed under most ESG guidelines, right? Environmentalists hate mining, they discourage investment in mining companies. So mining companies are going to be the biggest adopters of ESG policies in the hope they don't get left out from investments.

Not that it matters, if the ESG guys kill off mining they'll quickly starve to death and we can go back to mining once they're gone.

>> No.54765690

>we do ESG because
>1. it pays
for now, TECK employee-san (?). but it is a non-financial, mostly emotional set of checkboxes that may change at any time. Now, IF you want to dump your shares right away for a higher price - then sure, if you check all the boxes right now, that is the way to get the highest price. I don't disagree there will be some negative medium term effects as well, as it'll be harder to operate and raise capital in the current environment if you have "feel bad" operations. BUT. That is all a distortion for non-financial reasons. And the past shows those can only last so long. If real resource scarcity starts to kick in, I think some of these guidelines will fall faster than seems possible right now. By analogy, defense companies weren't "ESG-approved" a few years ago - but they sure are now (or at least, Blackrock & co will look the other way).

>> No.54765707

The real red pill is environmentalists don't hate mining, they just hate mining in their own area.

nobody cares if china or brazil or russia or indonesia is environmentally or socially conscious in their business practices. Environmentalists want to destroy other countries while preserving their own.
And they're mostly succeeding.

>> No.54765725

I dunno, having your permits yanked in county and state board rooms feels like a financial consequence to me.

and the opposite, adopting ESG policies, costs literally nothing since mining companies already play be the strictest enviro and social laws outside of government workers.

>> No.54765756

OK yeah now that is 100% true
I wonder sometimes if the USA's soft-outlawing mining is a long-game play to have other nations deplete their resources first so we still have some when we really need them. But that seems too sophisticated for our politicians. Canada seems to take a more mining-friendly approach out of necessity.

Sure, but having a one-trick pony that's all-in on the current hot, ESG-approved resource (I suppose it's actually two here with Zn but close enough), then getting wrecked when that one resource goes into a bear market because everyone only invested in that, is a financial consequence as well. And if those companies getting the permits overinvest, their mines can be bought.

>> No.54765785

>I wonder sometimes if the USA's soft-outlawing mining is a long-game play to have other nations deplete their resources first so we still have some when we really need them.
their resources are also cheaper than ours to get. Mostly because they don't give a fuck about their workers or the environment. It makes sense to buy their cheaper commodities than mine our own.
>getting wrecked when that one resource goes into a bear market because everyone only invested in that, is a financial consequence as well.
most mining communities no longer rely on mining for money. And yes, a company that gets shut down by 5 liberal commissioners can be bought, and you can be sure it'll be bought by some ESG company that can pull the permits.

>> No.54765832

When I first stared in industry everything had to be recycled. Then it was post-consumer recycled. Then it was environmentally conscious. After that it was green. Then it was biobased. Now it's ESG

these are all buzzwords for the same thing. And none of them means much of anything.

>> No.54765921

>a company that gets shut down by 5 liberal commissioners can be bought
That's why you have multiple mines in multiple jurisdictions. Yeah it will hurt, but you can survive. But, you must concede, a well-operated mine getting shut down because it's owner also has an out-of-favor resource - for jurisdictions known for being "mining friendly", that would be a bit extreme no, or at least a clear statement with its own negative consequences for that jurisdiction? And if one side of a recently split company devolves into a shitshow, you think people won't point the finger at the other?
Now, Chile might do what you are describing with the way things are headed there now, but that's going to be a problem no matter what TECK or anyone does. Frankly, they might just nationalize the in-favor resources regardless, they're already doing it for Lithium.

>> No.54765940

I'm mostly thinking US or canada.
I don't really know about canada, but in the US mines get stopped at the permit phase all the time. It's near impossible to get permits, and the ones that do are throwing every environmental, social, and financial promise they can out there.

in a jurisdiction where environmental concerns don't much matter, you still need to get investment from the West, and that's going to include some ESG virtue signaling.

>> No.54765953

>Sprott even talks about the shorting fuckery that's been keeping the price way down

Sprott is a shill whose sole job is to convince you to buy bad investments so he can profit.. and you are a moron and a schizo to believe "they" are keeping the price down so you can buy cheap silver

>> No.54765958

Uranium ?

>> No.54766061

>US mines get stopped at the permit phase all the time
Yeah the companies I've looked into with US development projects certainly don't seem to be having an easy time of it. I don't know why any established company would try to open a new mine in the USA. Canada seems to be some kind of middle ground where they do have first-world safety and environmental standards (and first world money), but mining is important enough to the economy that they can't just outright ban it.
Now in TECK's case the US exposure I think is mostly Red Dog, and I don't doubt there's some risk there. But, I would think that the largest zinc mine in the world getting shut down for political reasons would raise some eyebrows or at least produce severe enough consequences to be reversed eventually. Kind of a smart move actually to keep growing those operations - it's like "too big to fail" but with metal.

>> No.54766151

These are two bots , no human could be this boring and dedicated to writing or reading such empty of content midwit npc narrative drivel

>ESG policies, costs literally nothing

Yeah the trillion $ scam costs nothing. Filter these two out

>> No.54766210

>no human could be this boring
Sorry to disappoint - shall I shill junior miners owned by cowboy-hat wearing, Thai ladyboy enjoying CEOs instead? Or perhaps discuss the COMEX default that's surely coming in two more weeks?

>> No.54766335

Yeah tell us your schizo theories on comex focus on how you learned that valuable information

>> No.54766366
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>the COMEX default that's surely coming in two more weeks

>> No.54766397
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>the COMEX default that's surely coming in two more weeks?

>> No.54766430

I drive one of those trucks

>> No.54766470

NFG is a fucking monster.
If it dips under $6 CAD again I’m loading up like a madman.this will be double digits easy by EOY

>> No.54766698

Remember TECK also runs the massive Trail smelter complex, one of the largest base metals smelters in north america. Thats a major asset for TECK.

>> No.54766870

When will my commodity stocks moon, I just want a buy a small holding and become a sheep farmer

>> No.54766914


>> No.54767196

>Yeah the trillion $ scam costs nothing.
It costs nothing MORE. Because everything in the "scam" is already on the lawbooks and we've been doing it for decades. It's literally priced in already and has been longer than you've been alive.
>Filter these two out
by all means do. Idiots piss me off. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.54767380

it's just Bob and Lassen

>> No.54767411

Could you at least say something that's not dumb AND boring

>Yeah the trillion $ scam costs nothing.
>It costs nothing MORE

Like this comment is dumb and boring like reading makes you dumber and you get bored because it's retard npc drivel. Up your game you boring retard

>> No.54767423

shush, it's fun when he doesn't recognize any of us.

eventually he's going to figure out it's the same 4 regulars roasting him every day.

>> No.54767491

>it's our secret club of boring losers we can talk about stuff we don't understand despite devoting our life to it

Tell me what ur buying so I know what to sell

>> No.54767506

>Tell me what ur buying so I know what to sell
equity in my own businesses. You can't buy or sell that.

after that it's real estate, and water shares. Also things I doubt you can buy or sell.

last on the list is rare coins and mining artifacts. If you'd like I'll sell you some so you can sell them again.

>> No.54767646

Ahhhh, You're the guy who sifts thru pennies who is gonna be rich some day. Keep with it little fella

>> No.54767679

you really should lurk moar. This is getting embarrassing

>> No.54767726

> read all the boring garbage and lies we post for a year then you can be dumb and boring as us and fit in

Post some more stuff about hyperinflation and the collapse

No thanks

>> No.54767758

Not sure, but he's probably laughing at you because you're talking to the troll you've spent the last 3 weeks copying.

>> No.54767793
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imagine shorting the generational bottom, blowing up your account, and going bankrupt

>> No.54767861

Post some more stuff about esg that you learned at the diversity training it's very informative and helpful to investment decisions

>> No.54767903
File: 2.94 MB, 404x720, 1675659961671578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, newfag

Now fuck off

>> No.54767909

ESG irritates the fuck out of the thread.

an amateur troll like yourself wouldn't understand

>> No.54767933

Really tell us more about how esg costs nothing....amazing insight,like straight from the WEF...thanks for educating us

>> No.54767935

absolutely chimped

>> No.54767948

I am now an officer of the business society at my community college that feeds directly into a tier one university.

I got an A in my accounting class.

I became an officer of this club within two weeks of joining it.

I will run the world one day.

>> No.54767954
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I only lost 20k and already recovered. That's like what a years salary for you?

>> No.54768048

The WEF just wants you to be happy
You should probably comply

>> No.54768132

Any thoughts on integra resources? Apparently it was a twitter favourite junior miner at some point, but it dumped like all the rest.

>> No.54768415
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new bootcamp announced

>> No.54768493

It might be worth the $99 just to see what to short

>> No.54768518

It's at the worst point on the Lassonde Curve and reinforced this with the Millennial merger. Expect years of studies and permitting for its properties, not just at DeLamar, but also at Mountain View and Wildcat for which approvals will not be as simple as Kosec would like you to believe.
Take Mountain View, for example. It lies directly adjacent to and upstream from a popular fishing reservoir stocked by NDOW and is on Indian cultural land of the Pyramid Lake Tribe, something that Kosec has dismissed.
I don't trust Kosec, Salamis or Banducci. I think they are greasy and I've caught them each telling lies several times.

>> No.54768519

issues with metallurgy... non-oxide ore is refractory. Great ground otherwise. Would not invest personally
you can even refund the $99 if you view it live or something like that. The refund policy is on their site.

>> No.54768535

You should be able to do basic math. How do you expect to profit from fake physical silver when you pay a 20% vat, 80% premium, 19% ESG fee and then your garbage rocks get stolen by a crackhead?

>> No.54768799
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>then your garbage rocks get stolen by a crackhead?
My nigga are you even trying? You really should lurk moar. Like Bob says maybe then you'll pick up some legit trolling tactics because right now it's just embarrassing desu.

You're way too front door and so aggro it just makes everyone think you're already so mad that it's just funny rather than something worth getting mad at in response.
Consider this an intervention.

>> No.54768866

Looks like the sector is now on its deathbed.

>> No.54769216

Thanks for the input. I have a small position, probably shouldn't have bought it, just wanted some exposure to juniors and it looked like it had dumped far enough. I think they could heap leach some of the ore from the old stockpile, which boosts the NAV, but if I would consider it a separate project, it wouldn't be very exciting

>> No.54769344
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>we do ESG because
You're a faggot that worships kikes, niggers, faggots, and trannies
Nothing more
Nothing less

>> No.54769459
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>entire thread is arguing which kike dick tastes better
Keep it. I'm going fishing

>> No.54769486

It's pretty funny the fbi hires shills here to promote ESG at the same time they shill worthless metals and mining stocks. It must be working though, why else would they write 10 paragraphs of how great ESG is

>> No.54769728

Nat Gas may have bottomed and is going to begin climbing up, how do I profit from this?

>> No.54769766

9000 IQ post

>> No.54769837

You can buy an ETF that tracks natty for example. Or just buy o/g producers. If you think natty is going back to the ridiculous highs of last year you could consider shorting European industries that are dependent on energy and natty like chemicals

>> No.54769865
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>Big Bob is actually an FBI contractor
Damn. Shoulda seen it comin'

>> No.54770063
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checked, I was back to even on miner stonks around 2 weeks ago, now down 30%, and PMs barely dropped! It ain't fair frens.

>> No.54770413

best just sit on majors and cash for now desu

>> No.54770475
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Imagine getting bottomed generationally and being proud of it

>> No.54770497

Agnico Eagle just beat earnings estimates today. Expect other low cost majors to follow suit.

>> No.54770661


Aren't some of you fellas in Santa Cruz?

>> No.54771037
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>> No.54771463
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Doing the horse dance
Feeling the flow. All good things

>> No.54771627


Sand. That is all

>> No.54771705
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>> No.54771772
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Smart sand up 8% this morning

>> No.54771905
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I want in but damn it it's already done a 2.3x since you first posted it. I don't know if I can bring myself to pull the trigger now.

Ticker SND?

>> No.54772039

Snd is smart sand
Slca is us silica
Secyf is source energy services

>> No.54772249

Us silica up 8% today as well
I dumped them a month ago for the other two smaller market cap sand companies.
Oil field water is another thing I've been looking into but idk how much potential it has comparatively
I'm not smart enough to tell either but I've learned that having shit for brains is just fine as long as you get dealt the good cards

>> No.54772372
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>> No.54772492

You're butthurt for some reason. Just remember like every time I tell you. Every moment that passes you keep lovong your shitty existence and I'll love my awesome one. There's nothing you can do about it and it's inevitable. For example, since the time you were last on. I've continued living my awesome life and you've been living your shitty one. I just go up and up and you stay the same.

Imagine getting beat by a tattoo headed nigger.

>> No.54772507


>> No.54772519

I'm out ATM.

Sketch imo

>> No.54772579
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It's got a lot of resistance to get through with all those SMAs stacking on top of each other but they're practically horizontal now, 45 overtaking the 100, bullish RSI crossover coming out of oversold, and sitting on a pretty solid support. With those narrowing bands it looks to me like it's gearing up for a big move one way or another, so if it can break upwards then all that shit becomes support and it's game on, could at least be ready to make another run to 2.60

I bought

>> No.54772660

uranium chads...when is our time?

>> No.54772728

Now but only if you own Kazatomprom.

>> No.54772852

Picrel makes me want to play death stranding

>> No.54772993
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I'm cautious desu. I only put 750 cheeseburgers into smart sand yesterday because I'm hoping for a good earnings report early may. If not I'll simply increase my position should it happen to trend downward

>> No.54773372
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Need big brain help with fracking water service providers wttr ticker if you wanna give it a peek.
From the article
>Current share price of US$7.48 suggests Select Energy Services is potentially 49% undervalued
Bunch of methmaticks I could figure out if I sat down and tried to coke my way thru it.

>> No.54773628

Idk, I dont trust the Russian but CCJ is still too high for a buy

>> No.54773968
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Info noted, thanks. I only took a small position too, if it does break down it could reach 1.20 or 0.6 if things go really badly. I like the support enough to risk a little.

Bear with me, I'll look it up

>> No.54774315
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> To all juniors filing yearly / quarterly financials on the very last Friday night

Prep anus!

>> No.54774416

Kek, it's an autists dream. I'm expecting 29 financial statements after close today from my watchlist.

>> No.54774491
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Similar here.
Horsies are on suicide watch!

>> No.54774673

Not a Russian company.

>> No.54774844

Bayhorse just announced Sprott bought a 40% steak!

>> No.54774993

Source energy services up 15% today!!!

>> No.54775308

dude looks like an Oblivion character

>> No.54775352
File: 164 KB, 1504x835, WTTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like that gap in March, but as it's at the end of a downtrend it could be a breakaway gap signalling a reversal off the ~$6 support, so less need to worry about it getting filled, unless it's putting in a 123 reversal on the weekly in which case it might retest the downtrend around 5.5 before going back up

Currently sitting above 18 and 45dma but below 200 and 100, the 100 threatening to go beneath the 200. Bollinger bands are narrowing but I'm not sure if it's going to break up or down. It's tested the 200dma twice recently, with neither taking out the previous high in March.

I'm really not too confident one way or another on this one so I can't say much. I think it'll depend on how it handles that 200dma resistance. Personally I'd wait and see if it's successful on a third attempt to break the 200dma, it has some upward momentum so if it manages that it will also take out the March high and keep the 100 above the 200, bringing the other SMAs with it and it'll be in a good spot.

>> No.54775391
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Also, fuck.

>> No.54775431
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40% horse meat, what's the other 60%?

>> No.54775482

kekt and rekt

broken neck by the looks of it

>> No.54775516
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Notice the rider just salutes it mid-spasms as he fucks off.

>> No.54775596

thats me after I bought at .025 and sold at .040

>> No.54775638

Why’s you feed a kangaroo after almost doubling your money?

>> No.54775736

>the rider just salutes it mid-spasms as he fucks off.

>> No.54775765

where did you get this video of tattoo nigger shorting the generational bottom and losing his whole account ($20k)?
>muh gary
>muh michael oliver

>> No.54775812

>It must be working though, why else would they write 10 paragraphs of how great ESG is
time to feed my pet troll

Next I'm going to tell you why US major mining companies all required proof of vaccination from their workers during the pandemic.

You see, all of them do business with the US government, so every one of them does the required stuff like requiring proof of vaccine, and regular drug testing, and EEO, and biobased standards, and green initiatives, and basically just ESG.

Mining companies in the US at least are glowie franchises just like defense contractors and 99.9% of tech companies. If you're investing in mining companies that DON'T toe the government line, you're just buying the few companies that don't deal with the US. Probably the worst of the worst as investments go. Stuff like ESG, vaccinations, drug testing, is a good indication that the company will probably do well financially.
Smart investors know this, even if they hate ESG, or vaccines, or drug testing.

>> No.54775836

Damn you're not gonna cry are you anon?
I've never seen one person so worried about the finances of others. Does your mother know you lose sleep worrying about reds money?

>> No.54775973

Not a bad week. Oil earnings weren't great but caught the pbr ex div, doesn't look like the 50% promised. Stock going to tank 50% in the run? 20% can't moan if it doesn't. Ur did well, lithium didn't shit the bed. Simple pleasures

>> No.54776019

frankly it's hard to imagine most commodities haven't found a bottom, uranium especially. This administration just doesn't give enough of a damn to invest in any of this yet still wants to force everyone to rely on them all as they punish oil sissies. Inflation running rampant.

>> No.54776286

of course all this
means that conservatives who make up most of the government and industry workforce are being removed from their jobs by things like vaccine requirements and diversity training. Either quitting or just getting fired. A lot of them took early retirement rather than get the jab.

The ones that are left either support those initiatives, or don't hate them enough to leave. So we see a steady movement in the industrial workforce to the center and left as conservatives are let go or retire on their own. Or simply replaced by attrition when every new hire has to show proof of vaccination and has to attend diversity training.

Again, this is important for the mining investor to know, because it means investing only in companies that agree with your personal ideals is going to leave you with fewer and fewer investment opportunities as time goes by and these policies remain in effect. Mostly because people that agree with you are being actively removed from the workforce.

Whether this is good or bad is none of my concern. I work to make money and don't much care what I have to do to make it. I have a very mercenary attitude which of course gets me a lot of hate from idealists such as yourself who'd rather go broke and stick to their beliefs than relax a little and make money. And that's fine, you're free to remain poor and idealistic. I don't have the luxury of ideals, and if I did, they wouldn't be the same as yours anyways.

>> No.54776488

I started my career in mining when Clinton was in office. I made a small fortune during the Bush Jr. years, and again when Obama took charge, and when Trump was in office, and during the Biden administration. A business that's going to succeed can't just quit working every time something they don't like gets written into law.

neither can a worker, or an investor. You're free to try, but you'll go broke.

>> No.54776527

The commisar would sell his own mother to make a profit. Anyone who wouldn't is not trying to win the game of life.
Money > ideals

>> No.54776587

I don't really like my mother that much anyways. I haven't talked to her in literally years. She thinks rich people are evil, can you imagine?

I think everyone is trying to win at the game of life. There's lots of ways to win that don't include making lots of money. But this is a business board, and if an anon comes here wanting to make money they need to be ok with what it takes to do that. In the US, in mining, that means very likely ESG and vaccine mandates and other stuff the /pol/ types will find personally and deeply offensive.

there's also the problem that you guys call most money making strategies "jewish tricks," and insist that you're going to get rich doing the opposite. Which you might, stranger things have happened. But you probably won't.

not you personally of course, just anons on 4chan in general. If you own real estate you're already rich or soon will be, even though it's a jewish trick according to /biz/

>> No.54776629

How much would you have to be paid to kill your entire family?

>> No.54776648

I wouldn't kill anyone for money.

>> No.54776679
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afternoon all how are we doing. Power was out again for the morning, anything major change while i was off?

>> No.54776726

Not if I could do it for free. Anyone that deserves killing deserves killing desu. Money isn't my prime motivation. It's not even in the top five

>> No.54776800

Damn, what happened there?

>> No.54776845

Yep I think of most ideological extremists as drama queens. The left equates refusing vaccines or diversity training with literal murder. The right considers the opposite to be literal murder.

in real life vaccine/no vaccine or ESG/no ESG isn't really killing much of anyone. Nor is it changing their minds. The rest of the world goes right on working without much regard to what the ideological extremes think.
This very much includes mining companies. Their job is to make money whichever way the political winds blow, and they're constantly blowing.

>> No.54777013

the scoop tram tried driving on the back! Honestly not sure, this is a fuck up and a half sent from one of my mates working underground right now.

>> No.54777040

Be sure to wave at your children thru the camp fences commissar

>> No.54777057

Images flip sometimes when phone posting

>> No.54777420
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Graeme got welched on his private placement.

>> No.54777428

comedy gold today

>> No.54777659

>of which $6000 has been recieved
>the Company will pay finder’s fee of $5,600 in cash for the placement

>> No.54777962

>Yeah I'm here to pay the property taxes for the BZB mine
>Certainly xer, will that be cash, check or card?
>Can I pay with stock options?
>No seriously, it's the biggest unproven silver deposit in the WORLD
>xer, I'm going to have to ask you to leave

>> No.54778060
File: 2.46 MB, 360x203, BoomerScammer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is BHS required to pay the finders' fees if the placees don't stump up?
This is hilarious.

>> No.54778072

What is silver miner anon thinking at this very moment?

>> No.54778088

I'm wondering if the $6k they received was a refunded finder's fee?
>What is silver miner anon thinking at this very moment?
dunno, but I am wondering if IQDELET is observing shabbat this evening

>> No.54778133
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exit all lithium positions

>> No.54778159
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>> No.54778316

>I'm wondering if the $6k they received was a refunded finder's fee?
Could be.
I'm thinking that the placees said, "fuck this," once the permitting debacle was revealed.

>> No.54778343

couldn't have been very many placees, that's an almost unanimous rejection of the thing.

the other thing I was wondering, if he paid officers or vendors with warrants is this what it would look like? No cash coming in, but maybe the pp wiped some debts? Even shut down they have huge expenses.

>> No.54778388

>paid officers or vendors with warrants
I'm quite sure that the company must disclose all shares-for-debt transactions. I'm inclined to go with the outright rejection theory.

>> No.54778398

>I'm inclined to go with the outright rejection theory.
that's hillarious!
I wouldn't take their stock in payment, but it's a really bad sign if they can't give the stuff away at .04

>> No.54779092

Yall we need to get our most solid silver and gold miners list squared away because now is the time to get this shit in order before it all takes off.

Solid miners/ further dd requested

Summa silver.
Kootenay silver.
Hercules silver.
Avino gold and silver mines.
I-80 gold.

Dolly varden (shit management but solid asset)

What I care about.

Proven assets.
Not a dog shit balance sheet preferably not operating at a loss.

I've posted the lundin list. Jeff clark has a free list. Rick rule rankings have been posted.

Let's get a sticky going. I'm serious about this. We need to get this shit squared away because this shit is going to take off within the next month or two.

>> No.54779129

I've told him three times it's not a big deal to me lol.

Imagine seething about a dude with tattoos on his head that lives in a trailer park lol. I got this guy good I guess.

>> No.54779146

>Proven assets.
>lists several companies with neither

>> No.54779197

Learning so much about ESG today from this thread. Thanks guys.

>> No.54779767


>> No.54779863

serious question, troll
would you buy an ESG company?
how about one with a female CEO?
or a tranny CEO?

Just curious, because to a lot of investors things like that matter. And I'm just pointing out that ESG is something we're basically forced to do, and has no impact on the operation of the company aside from making it more profitable and maybe avoiding some lawsuits and boycotts.

>> No.54779877

You can get away with anything under this system. Environment, human rights, fraud, racketeering, name it...if you have a black refugee tranny at the helm you're all good

>> No.54779895

yep, that's basically what I'm saying

ESG, no ESG. They're the same companies. One is just covering their asses better.

>> No.54779927

Nobody here wants to do that anymore. I think people moved from a hopeful "move to japan countryside with a waifu" to a more vengeful "once I make it the girls who rejected me in Highschool will suck my cock for a cheese slice". Another thing is like me, people are already fully positioned and can't make many moves. If I got cash suddenly I could be interested in another buy, but right now can't bring myself to care about the next garunteed 50× buy now. I also really want to sell some shit, but I can't since I have held so long and I would go nuts if they are the ones that end up shooting up over a perceived better choice, such as Impact.

>> No.54779938

this is a crypto board you absolute fag

>> No.54780010

I was thinking of cloning the Crescat Precious Metals Fund but I cannot see what their holdings are. Instead what if I simply equal-weighted the 15 to 20 largest silver miners? I already have a decent amount of money in a gold miner ETF, but I want some more upside potential.

I'm in the UK but I can also buy US, Canadian, Australian etc shares in a tax sheltered account.

>> No.54780100

he blew up his account. he just comes here to larp when he's high

>> No.54780122
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Don't smoke. I lift weights instead. Does that trigger you?

>> No.54780127

They have their holdings on the website. U didn't look hard enough.

>> No.54780129

Every single one of those companies is either a producer or a developer/explorer with proven assets. Hercules is the only speculative one, but they have historical drills.

>> No.54780639
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they don't give you the full list otherwise it would be too funny. I heard they exited all mexico play. Also, crescat nigger have too much capital unlike us, they dont care if half their play blow up. I do mind since I'm poor.

I stopped giving a shit about producer, these fuckers always get into debt for one reason or another. I stick to exploration now, with proven asset if possible.

Doing some DD right now on Summa, find them pretty pricey for what they currently have...
Southern Silver is good too, comparable to Kootenay.

>> No.54780870
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I have a good chunk of cash on the side but I'm not very interested in any of the companies mentioned here >>54779092, maybe Dolly Varden but it seems like there are lots of expectations already baked into the price. I just continue holding majors for the most part right now, and if I feel like there is an opportunity to time a bullrun I'll probably buy calls. I do like and hold a few juniors though. Skeena is one of my favourites, just takes lots of time to get into construction phase and have to be conscious of the dilution in the next five or so years before production but excellent project all around. Artemis is fully funded until production starts in about two years. NGEX is potentially another Filo in the making. I like Orezone a lot but I would like it to be cheaper plus Burkina Faso isn't exactly risk free. I'm interested in G-Mining since they are also fully funded until production like Artemis. If I was more interested in gold exploration I'd probably go for one of the Golden Triangle juniors like DV, ESK or GOT, or just stick to NFG.

I wonder how energy will fare in the near term? Gold seems like a good bet right now for obvious reasons but I'm conflicted on what energy will do now that disinflation is settling in and a recession seems to be ongoing, perhaps worsening into a depression. Usually oil gets beat up in that kind of environment, but supply has been kept on a tight leash this time around. Uranium definitely seems to be performing well and I'm going to remain in that for the long term. Fuck uranium juniors though, been overvalued as fuck for like two years now. Natgas and coal are a bit of an enigma to me thanks to all the geopolitical chaos in the last few years. I would think that they should do well in the next few years thanks to the sanctions/LNG shenanigans though. Have they found a bottom or will they get pummeled in an impending economic slowdown...?

>> No.54780910

>producer or a developer/explorer
Faggot changes the goal posts and still insists that Summa has "proven" assets.
Get fucked.

>> No.54781024

>Stronger capital requirements
Basel iii implementation

>> No.54781222

just in time for the banking crisis. Good thing that lessons were actually learned from the GFC. Imagine how bad it would be without higher capital requirements / CET1 ratios. Of course that banking crisis
is still going and will continueq though, but it would be much worse without things like Basel III. Credit where it's due -- good job regulators. For once.

>> No.54781251

This is their excuse to move to Basel iii. Wtf are you smoking?

In other news
Looking into fertilizer as per RWs recommendation I found this gem. I can't read it because chemistry but true if big

>> No.54781309
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>blue lagoon dumped by 26% since last year++

Is it time to sell bros? I think I've had enough of mining stocks, they are ALL scams.

>> No.54781485

any thoughts on eastern platinum?

>> No.54781610


Not the full list just the top ten


>> No.54781692

Do you know what Basel III is? And do you know it has already been implemented well before the current year? I don't think you know what you are talking about
>Looking into fertilizer
I know a bit about fertilizer so if you need help or ideas I can try to answer. I'm no chemist either but I understand the basics well enough I think. We used to have an anon here in a few threads way back who worked as a supplier for farmers and used futures to get deliveries, would be cool if he showed up again. He would no doubt know a lot about the subject

>> No.54781724

Ah it seems I am mistaken. I had assumed wrongly that the US banks were also under Basel III (since it's internationally implemented) but it seems the US has not in fact implemented it. Apologies. Silly yanks!

>> No.54782144
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Memeline are telling us next week is the end of this crabby sideline move

>> No.54782588

People seem to not take into account the fact that the price is being manipulated by the cartel in these videos. On the day of expiration the price suddenly fall when before and after it barely moved? Or how the market rallies for no reason leading up to FOMC? What they want needs to be considered instead of what the line should do logically follow.

>> No.54782610
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People understand very well its manipulated but there is a limit to it. Why are we at 2000$ and not 35$ ?

When memelover see breakthrough like this or breakdown, they buy/sell en masse, enough for the manipulator to be hand tied. That's just how it is, 2 fist can't block 4.

Gold and Silver will shine, there is nothing stopping it, its destiny.

>> No.54782744

While I agree it should go up eventually, I don't agree with many people who call once we break through then we climb insanely and no stopping it. They will pull every desperate move in the book to try and contain it. I want to be wrong, but I won't be planning a hawaii getaway until we actually made the unthinkable move up. It could be next month, it could be EOY, it could be further out. I will not give my hopes up but instead want to patiently wait until it actually does happen.

>> No.54782787


Could go either way from here.
Gold may very well backtrack to $1800 or even all the way back to $1600 from here to gather more strength for another try at shooting through these levels.
Gold is against a huge resistance zone, while dollar is resting on a strong support and seems like it wants to go back up.
If the dollar starts moving with any strength gold will fall. Which of course would be great because it's just more time to buy more, especially miners which would get fucked even lower than they were a while ago.

>> No.54782882

I disagree completely. Gold will not have any major fall nor will the dollar go up anytime soon. Also there should be another hike this coming week.

>> No.54783094

Is this silver miner ETF a turd? It now has European listings so Europoors like me can buy it. 0.65% expense ratio (in reality cheaper than flipping stocks) but a third of the ETF is tied up in Wheaton & Pan American.


>> No.54783209


I believe there are many buyers below $1,800 or so, who would swoop in, private interests and central banks. But we may have to wait until 2024/25 for the next big gold move, which would come after central banks are cutting rates in a distressed economy.

Therefore real interest rates would be going down, with oil & commodities soft vs gold, which enhances the profits of mining companies as oil is a major input cost.

>> No.54783414
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It's kind of interesting looking at the charts, right now is not a terrible entry into the silver miners. The major gold miners do seem to be overbought at the moment on a short term basis. Maybe time to back up the truck when silver hits $23.

>> No.54783444

>when silver hits $23.
Where are you people getting these big drops from?

>> No.54783471

>Where are you people getting these big drops from?

Silver is volatile and has been $23 or below as recently as March and most of the year preceding that.

Look at it another way, the S&P 500 today is over 4,100. If it sinks to 3,500 or below it's hard to imagine that silver, a more economically sensitive metal than gold, will hold up above $25. But who knows.

>> No.54783771
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They have to change regulations which doesn't come at the drop of a hat. Yaaa democracy!
But seriously this is how they do that shit
>Exploit X loophole(s) that are built in
>Nooooooooooo. Our exploitation has consequences
>We must (insert predetermined solution) immediately!!!!!
Now.they have the proles demanding the changes they already had in mind. For your own benefit and not theirs, naturally.

>> No.54783821

The article was making ammonia which is a nitrogen heavy fertilizer I think. I read the article as best I could before it became purely rune stone hyroglyphs of chemistry. Even if I understood it, I probably wouldn't be able to extrapolate from it into workable investment knowledge. Maybe some big brain can help out here. It's too grand of a gulf for me tho

>> No.54784049

Found this. Not sure if it's helpful or relevant tho

>> No.54784088

The thing is though that once silver takes off these "over valuations" on these companies aren't going to matter.

It matters to an extent sure. But let's say silver goes up 35-50%, now the companies are UNDER valued.

I know this sounds over optimistic but this is how we have to be. Don't go into disgustingly over valued companies but keep in mind the fundamentals of silver and it's inevitable (and likely imminent) rise.

Theres a certain point where I consider a company disgustingly over valued. But most of these companies aren't necessarily over valued.

We need to get these nailed down because silver is going to pop within the next three months. Michael Oliver is right on every call. He usually makes the call and then there's a two or three month window to where it happens. Example, the top in stocks he called. He called the moon for silver about a month ago. We are literally running out of time.

>> No.54784097

I'd love to hear what information you have about majors. It's definitely an under researched area of mine. Care to share some of your favorites and thoughts?

>> No.54784120

I specifically clarified that they have historical. I'm not moving any goal posts you are reading too literally.

I am throwing out categories without going into depth because I have done hours and hours of reading on the companies and didn't feel like going into depth.

I want to make a sticky or something. Is there someway I can make a text file online we can all share?

>> No.54784131

I'm out until they get solid drills. >>54781610
Go to the research tab. All the companies the update on they are likely invested in.

>> No.54784135
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>Up 50%
Remember they will halt trading like they did nickel if it gets too out of hand. However producers likely will not go hand in hand with those halts so they could very much run away if silver does leaps of that magnitude
>PP very hard

>> No.54784159

Niggas don't be following Gary or they'd know.

>> No.54784171

Counter party risk. Definitely a thing. Im covered enough in physical so if that happens I will be okay.

>> No.54784205

Kootenay is a good example. They have 130m proven ounces for a current market cap of about 30m. At current silver prices those 130m ounces have a retail value of about 2bn. Take out costs and everything but that is still a massive value sitting in the ground. Now say silver goes to fifty. 4bn dollars in the ground.

Gogols is another example. Every dollar that silver goes up the value of their deposit goes up by 100 million dollars.

If something is perceived as a little over valued right now it doesn't matter. You'll be looking back and laughing at these prices.

>> No.54784218
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I've been following Gary around Las Vegas sweeping up his nuggets of wisdom. I follow him from his house to the office, his office to the gym, then from the gym back home. I even got a job at the car wash he uses so I could vacuum out his whip for any of those wisdom nuggets I might have missed. I volunteer at the local gym so I can watch him change in the locker room, keeping a close eye for any nuggets that might fall from his muscular taint to the cold, wet tiles below.

>> No.54784319

THOUGHTS ON YELLOWCAKE PLC? I dropped a couple grand in it

>> No.54784330


>> No.54784344

You've got a shit sense of humor for a Mexican.

>> No.54784359

Maybe clarify your criteria since they are all over the place depending on which post you are making.
"historical drills" are referred to as such because they are unreliable until PROVEN otherwise. There are many examples of historical results which can't be matched by contemporary drilling.

>> No.54784628
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Now you're either trying to gaslight or you're incapable of linear thought.
If you want people to participate in a joint effort to create a top gold/silver list, then try not being so scatterbrained and haphazard. You might be on to a good thing.if you clarified your criteria in unambiguous and non-contradictory terms.

>> No.54784662


Zinc batteries? First I've heard of it. Anyone else here caught any scent of this yet?

>> No.54784678

I just did a quick post. I want to go in depth and create some kind of permanent file. Just need to sit down and do it. Didn't want to at the moment. Trying to get some collab going first.

>> No.54784693

Whatever dude. I just don't care that much. I was trying to get a discussion going and you know what I meant. You can artistically focus on literal words and all that and I'll focus on finding the best miners.

I was making a quick half asked post to get discussion going and later I was going to sit down and make an in depth list.

I'll post it when I'm done. You're welcome.

>> No.54784799
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>I'll post it when I'm done
I look forward to it.

>> No.54785017
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Any big brain anons wanna help a faggot out here? I'm looking for zinc plays and I found this.
Since zinc is near a 52w low I figured I might wanna get a little bit of something going in that direction

>> No.54785018

I wouldn't really a public list. If any one of them goes down immediately everyone will panic and start blaming each other for the loss. A better thing would be a private list and shared among people who have cool heads and understanding the market is vile.

Anyway, for me, it's Ascot.

>> No.54785263

I can't figure out how to compare this company with zinc futures history. Wtf am I doing wrong fellas?

>> No.54785345




>> No.54785359

Maybe we're at the point we need a voice chat. Is doscrod the thing for that? I'm anti tech and out of touch.

Go on trading view and pull up the ticker for zinc futures, put current contract in front. Then pull up chart for company.

>> No.54785417
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Discord has voice chat and written chat. I don't think people in these threads are going to get on mic, lmao.

>> No.54785448
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>I wouldn't really a public list.
I strongly agree with this. Based small caps anon did a mistake with BHS but everyone forgot the couple of ten bagger he gave. No need to spoonfeed NPC, let them read the thread.

Yeah I agree, especially with Silver where very few are quality. Still, Summa has almost nothing honestly for a 50M+ market cap. A few drill hole but no strong story or reason to be so high. Only good thing is they have 10M in cash and juridiction.

>> No.54785603

Anyone here invest in commodity transport? Like dry bulk or oil tankers.

>> No.54785681

I did some digging because of sand/salt + curiosity in general. I learned a lot but mostly trains and trucking. Nothing for ships tho.
If you ask something specific I'm certain muh 'tism will be forced to read up on it. Certainly other anons have done some digs on this as well. Having details matters since logistics is a huge factor

>> No.54785960

lol bayhorse's PP's used to be like 1.6m$, now they can't even raise 50k$

>> No.54786064


Anyway. What I'm saying is we need to get this list going now. This silver move is imminent and we need to have our stocks squared away. I'm going to be putting serious effort into this over the rest of the weekend. I've been softly maintaining an interest list for the past couple weeks and I'm ready to start moving into further research.

Any contributions are appreciated but please no retarded ones. I've cross posted to pmg issuing the call. We need to make this a thing. We want 10-50x returns.

>> No.54786084

I've had a lot of interesting and solid miners come up in my feed and i haven't really been pushing them other than brief mentions. I'm excited to dive in and share with the thread what I've found.

If anybody is itching to get started, I'd suggest you check out avino gold and silver mines. It's at the top of my list. A producing major with 200m indicated ounces for a stupid low market cap. Operating at a PROFIT. With Nevada jurisdiction. No debt.

>> No.54786103

Second top miner is i-80 gold. Complicated to understand their picture but once you do you see they are in posistion to dominate us gold market. Nevada jurisdiction. Owns their own mill.

Just realized when I said summa silver I meant Hercules silver. Sorry.

Yall are grilling me over this lol and I'm just quick posting while running errands and doing chores. You can hold me accountable to shit once we get down to the nitty gritty. I'm just trying to rally the troops right now.

>> No.54786120

It's a good industry but there's a lot of shitty companies with scam management and the market ignores fundamentals because it's plagued by normie faggots that don't understand the commodity inflation situation and think "OH RECESSION EQUALS SHIPPING CRASH".

Look at the bigger shipping companies and ignore the small caps. Big ones can still give 3-10x returns. There was a based shipping anon in here a while ago.

>> No.54786149
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dont take it personally Red, we all share idea and try to have the best of the best for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I seriously looked over Summa and they have tons of potential but I really don't understand where that 50m market cap come from. I guess its premium for Sprott and juridiction ? Dont know.

I'm looking into Minaurum right now, I've seen a couple of (good) newsletter recommending it. David Morgan did an interview with him last year, might worth a look. Same as Summa, I find them pricey.

>Just realized when I said summa silver I meant Hercules silver
Now I get it, yeah Hercules is already part of my PF since September, up 300%, it has very good historical drill result, good story. Not buying more, already overweight.

I might just stay in cash and wait for a good opportunity. I'm only looking at silver miner right now but hard to find a good one.

>> No.54786216
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For anyone interested, the holdings of a silver equities fund managed by someone from sprott.

>> No.54786231

Viszla looks interesting to me. A lot of ounces.

>> No.54786521

I have heard of that before, yes. Think they're researching that tech for now. Zinc is already in sort of tight supply, but big new mines are coming online in the very near term and there are some good junior exploration projects so maybe zinc supply and demand will balance out in the near / medium term

>> No.54786976

>Also there should be another hike this coming wee
rate hikes are bullish for USD

>> No.54787072
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Forgot to mention I got the email back from dick drool about the lundin list that was covered weeks ago. Idk if it'll help but I'll jump on the laptop and copy the reply he gave me. I haven't even opened it so it might be 15% off his next gravity powered sky diving boot camp

>> No.54787620
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They still need to spend billions to get anything into production. The roaster is a great asset to have but needs a $250M rehab. I see a lot more dilution than share-price appreciation in the future.

>> No.54788037

Despite the consensus that we are in an oversupply, European gas storage is filling up... slowly.
Do I do something stupid?

>> No.54788537

The premium js likely the Sprott backing and the jurisdiction.

>> No.54788550


>> No.54789616

I just got back from selling 20lbs of smoked chicken to bodybuilders sat the local college night club. Made a cool $200. Not bad for a trailer headed tattoo nigger.

>> No.54789625

I'll look into this. They have multiple properties.

>> No.54789841
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Send chicken pics

>> No.54789943
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>> No.54790621


>> No.54790806


>> No.54790845


Why does the index suck?

Backtest link:


>> No.54790914


What are you primarily looking for? Confirmed silver in the ground + friendly jurisdiction?

>> No.54791014
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... McCoy-Cove is flooded, too.

>> No.54791067
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... as is FAD.
If you're going to buy I-80, you might as well buy ITT, the owner of Goulds Pumps, as well.

>> No.54791119

Ask Bob about the flooded UG mine in Colorado they wanted to drain. I can't remember the property name or the mine just now cuz 4 am and I'm sleeping on the couch cuz the missus being a cunt
Shits funny tho

>> No.54791388

you talking about the Silver King blowout?
that probably has a wikipedia page by now.

>> No.54791394

sorry, Gold King Mine in Silverton
It's late for me


>> No.54791432
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Ruby Hill, too.
Are we seeing a pattern here yet?
This outfit has a resource base, but it's mostly below the water table.
This is why I don't trust comparative metrics for mining co's/projects.

>> No.54791465

yeah my town has the same deal. Potentially hundreds of billions of dollars worth of silver, all underwater. Our mines below the water table all closed in 1899-1905 when striking miners shut off the pumps, flooding the mines. After that it was never profitable to dewater them again

>> No.54791497

after the mines flooded various companies drove 3 major drainage tunnels to try to lower the water, but none of them went deep enough to make any difference. One of those tunnels provides the water I drink. The other two drain acid mine water from the old workings higher up the hill.

>> No.54791511
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Silverchartist and Jeff don't really like Southern Silver I guess.

I only bought as a play for 50$, not holding longer I think.

>> No.54791952

>One of those tunnels provides the water I drink
Is it safe for consumption?

>> No.54792160
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same anon here.

Low cost gold majors have very strong cash flows at these gold prices. Gold could drop to $1,800 and they would still make loads of money. This gives them the ability to pay down debt, strenghten their balance sheet, make capital investments, and return money to shareholders. The increased M&A activity as of late is a symptom of this, and it's also a classic sign that a bull market is ongoing. Other commodity producers are also enjoying great FCF, not just gold. Energy is still doing very well, uranium supply is still in deficit and the price holds well (RR points out that it costs like $65/lb to produce the stuff globally speaking as well), oil remains strong thanks to majors continuing to delay capital expenditures and focusing on returning money to shareholders. Copper, iron ore and other metals have maintained relatively strong prices, though an imminent recession could ease the prices for a year or two. Majors in general are a fairly safe place to be because they have lower operating costs and they typically have strong balance sheets and access to credit. If a recession pauses the commodity bull for a year or two the majors will just keep on keeping on while the juniors will be at risk

I admit I still have lot of DD to do but in the gold space my favs are Endeavour Mining, B2Gold, Agnico Eagle, Barrick, Newcrest, Osisko Gold Royalties, WPM and Franco-Nevada. The aforementioned miners are lower cost than most other majors, and the royalty companies' business model makes them essentially OPEX free, leading to very high operating margins (their only costs are capital costs, debt and G&A, and WPM/FNV are debt free). Newcrest is in the process of being taken out by Newmont so it's pretty much like free money to me. Endeavour and Agnico are great at capital expenditures. B2Gold has low cost assets and great balance sheet and they pay dividends very readily. Barrick has good copper exposure in addition to gold.

>> No.54792562
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B2Gold has been very active, they recently put almost C$20M into Snowline. I've been collecting that B2 dividend around 4% for almost 3 years, not gigantic but better than many

>> No.54792617
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Yes, ammonia is a nitrate fertilizer. There are different specific fertilizers that have nitrates. There's ammonium nitrate and urea and other combinations. Nitrate fertilizers are mostly made from natgas using the Haber-Bosch process. You can make nitrates with other methods and material feedstocks but it's almost all made from natty because it's just the most efficient and cheapest. Natty is often the primary feedstock in the chemical industry as a whole. This is why chemical producers' margins suffer when natty goes up, OR chemicals and fertilizers go up along with natgas. When natgas blew up sky-high in Europe last year they had to shut down chemical plants altogether because they were operating at a clear loss. American chemical producers didn't suffer at all though because their natgas didn't reach anywhere near as high prices.

The three main fertilizers are nitrates (ammonia), phosphate and potash. These can be shortened into NPK by their chemical names, and fertilizer products often indicate their chemical content as numbers in that order (for example, 0-30-30 would have 30% of P and K). Phosphate and potash are mined from mineral deposits, nitrates are made at chemical plants almost always from natgas. Nitrates tend to be the most expensive but they also increase crop yields the most. Crops need all three chemicals in addition to other nutrients in order to live. I understand that farmers can often save on phosphate and potash if their prices go high because the soil retains some of it year over year, but nitrates not so much.

pic related is some good easily digestible info I found on fertilizer products and where they come from.

>> No.54792635

I'm excited about their Sabina acquisition. It's not an easy build but it'll be an excellent mine once they get it going. I like their exploration investments in Snowline and Aurion.

>> No.54792819

there have been a few fuck ups when it comes to draining mines. Gold king was the fuckup that destroyed a river wasnt it? I havent had coffee this morning.

>> No.54792852

B2Gold seems to be shifting focus towards north american properties, their winding down one african project if memory serves and their exploration activities in africa are slowing down as well.

>> No.54792912

Yes I think you're right, they aren't investing much into their Namibian mine. But they do still have their tier 1 mine in Mali which they continue to operate earnestly and which provides like 60% or 70% of their total cash flow right now. They're definitely diversifying elsewhere but they're not going to drop that mine any time soon

>> No.54793302

Well if you really are deadset, I like Ascot but people here sleep on it.

>> No.54793326

I cant wait to see Ascot operating, the town of Stewart is thrilled that Premier and Big Missouri are coming back online.

>> No.54794856

I'm tired bros
It's a kind of tired sleep won't fix

>> No.54794919

I'm tired bros
It's a kind of tired sleep won't fix

>> No.54794954

I'm energetic bros
It's a kind of energetic workout won't reduce

>> No.54795183

Bretty chur you fellas have discussed this operation before but can't recall just now.

>> No.54795205

did you see my reply to your fertilizer question anon? >>54792617

>> No.54795324


>> No.54795375
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I did see that. Thank you kind anon. I'm a chemistrylet so I have to delve into it sesame street style. Idk why I studied economics for so fucking long when it's self explanatory and thoroughly useless. At 40 I'm trying to teach myself these natural sciences that I disregarded long ago because I'm fucking retarded

>> No.54795447


>> No.54795521
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kek he kind of does a little bit

>> No.54795525
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Idk what I missed but looks like source energy services took a nose dive at the end of the day Friday. I haven't slept for quite some time so idk if I'm just not seeing this correctly but it would be a chance to load up

>> No.54795546

the Toronto listing went up 16.68% on Friday though

>> No.54795556
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I'm gonna have to take a break and get some rest. This isn't making any sense and I'm too tired think

>> No.54795568

just seems like OTC listing was steeply overvalued and investors captured the arby

>> No.54795583

Idk maybe I messed up somehow. Haven't slept in days

>> No.54795599
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go to sleep

>> No.54795624
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New ID?

Like the other guy says SHLE is up at least, but I'm also seeing that 32.4% drop in SCEYF. Hopefully SHLE follows suit on Monday and I'll happily load up on it.

Thanks for the heads up and get some sleep bro. It's scary and tragic what happens to people when they don't get 7 a night

>> No.54795636

if you do the currency conversion the OTC and TSX tickers are now valued about the same. It just seems like there was big arbitrage between the two which got corrected.

>> No.54795652
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Are they not the same company? I'm confused AF now. My account w swab shows it's up. Idk wtf I'm doing
I'm sorry mate. I'll stop posting and try to rest
I fucking love you guys and I appreciate you putting up with my shit

>> No.54795653
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Guess I'll just continue to want to kms for not buying at 1.75

>> No.54795691
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Same company different tickers on TSX and OTC so they have their own prices but the value should be similar so if one drops the other should too, unless it was just the OTC correcting to the TSX price like the other guy says but idk why it'd be that overvalued in the first place. Don't stress it and lie down.

Back atcha man and the appreciation is mutual.

>> No.54795718

Reminder that in 2011 gold outperformed the gold miners

And silver outperformed the silver miners. The metal also outperformed in 2020.

>> No.54795736

It's not coke this time. I unearthed a love dodecahedron that's going to tear everything to pieces and there's nothing I can do about it since it's been going for a decade or longer

>> No.54795921


This could be EXTREMELY bad for the Canadian mining sector. I wonder how the Trudeau gov is going to play this? I dont see this actually working in court.

>> No.54795952
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I want to ask but I don't want to give you an excuse to stay awake any longer. Sleep now and talk later

>> No.54796000

yikes, just when I was about to top up on my Appia Energy stock. btw panman, what do you think of API? I don't have much knowledge on investing I was just really excited by neodymium. The company's deposits are some of the largest and purest neodymium in the world but I realize this doesn't necessarily mean they will be able to produce anything

>> No.54796051

this is all the UN's fault

>> No.54796063

where are they located? I havent heard of them but i ll look at them in a minute. Neodymium is a really odd element, it usually only shows up in waste from massive copper deposits.

>> No.54796073

YES, fuck the trudeau gov for ratifying UNDRIP. FUCK that noise.

>> No.54796195

Alces Lake. They are primarily a uranium company. The government was building the refinery right there in sask. the neodymium and praseodymium are in pegmatites. But again I can't understand the $ side, so I can't tell how likely the company will continue to succeed and produce

>> No.54796228

i ll snoop them out, I do recall the gov putting a bunch of money into a refinery, its critical that Canada builds this sort of rare earth / tech metal processing base as china is now planning to block exports of such elements. These projects / properties are often very difficult to figure though, grades can be extremely inconsistent.

>> No.54796347
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>> No.54796523
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The problem with rare earth elements is that they are not rare.
It's just that they are chemically almost identical, and it's very hard to separate them from each other. It also takes shitton of energy so Chinas Putinfart will still be the cheapest option.

>> No.54796720

There are so many ways we could get screwed, this is why I can't stand how long it's taking to happen. The longer it's delayed the more stuff develops that could ruin everything.

>> No.54796849

this is why I've begun holding majors and cash more. Cash is optionality, majors pay me to wait (in buybacks and divvies)

>> No.54796981

the above article is so bad i dont even think the courts would agree to it, it would implode our mining sector as each and every treaty band would have jurisdiction over each others land title, which would make figuring out a permit impossible. Imagine setting up a perfect permit and land use agreement with one treaty band, only to have someone from a band 4 hours away deny it and force you to start over. Fuck that.

>> No.54796995

Always look at the volume when its OTC. Reason price was disconnected is because barely any shares are traded. This is why you trade on TSX.

>> No.54797012

yep. Some big fish probably sold it all and bought on TSX on Friday or something. Low volume is a fuck

>> No.54797881

>Is it safe for consumption?
Yeah. 2 of the tunnels were driven to intersect major mines so they could be used for drainage and haulage routes. But by the time they were completed most of those mines had gone well below the levels of the tunnels.
The third tunnel was driven to drain the entire mountain, and it produces clean water. But it never drained enough water to make any difference in the mines. We use it for drinking water now. The water district owns that one.
>Gold king was the fuckup that destroyed a river wasnt it?
Yep, that's the one. It's all contained now but the lawsuits are still going on 8 years later.

>> No.54798444

I ll never forget how the EPA fuckwits outright told the contractors to release the dam in the lower portal, when the contractors had specifically said that there was too much water pressure and it would be catastrophic. The EPA had to get someone else to do it, and utterly demolished that watershed. I am amazed the EPA can fuck up more than the BC Ministry of Environment, thats Olympic levels of useless.

>> No.54798683
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Finally the crash is coming

>> No.54798800

I wonder what it's like to be this guy. To be able to predict the market so fucking wrong so often, and to get paid for it. Dude is living the dream

>> No.54798834
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>Hail adventurer!
>May I interest you in some magical glowing rocks?
>I assure you that they can be sold for quite a profit in the nearby city
>Lost: 2500 gold
>Inventory updated: Empty Soul Gem x10
>Quest completed: Swindled!

>> No.54798858
File: 23 KB, 377x351, 1459549038234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this general.

>> No.54798872

Audible kek

>> No.54798998

I've seen some feds fuck up over the years, and I've seen them do some brilliant things too. They're human like any of us. But that one was sorta the Dylan Mulvaney of enviro work. Pretty huge fuck up. A grand learning opportunity.

>> No.54799054

Budding hog trader, is ninja trade any good?

>> No.54799061

It's pretty absurd. But I would expect nothing else in this clown world.

>> No.54799558
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kek'd & saved

>> No.54800767
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Move >>54800758

>> No.54802274

>too much water pressure and it would be catastrophic.
That's the one. Deluge