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54781201 No.54781201 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a 24 yo virgin, watched porn since age 12

I don’t think I have a grasp of what expectations girls have and how I would be able to accommodate them
It’s getting worse with every year, just asked a girl out once
Can anyone tell me if my life is actually over?

>> No.54781224

Yes it's done. You die single

>> No.54781253

You literally created a new thread in 4chan. Being a virgin is the least of your problems. You are a disgusting putrid cancerous vile parasite that at best needs to euthanized and at worst tortured before euthanized

>> No.54781261

it's over, keep enjoying porn

>> No.54781262

>Not a single person
How do I get a gf

>> No.54781265

it's literally way easier to make a million dollars than it is to get a girlfriend.

>> No.54781268

are you me anon?
just wanted to say you're not alone in this, but I have no solution sadly.

>> No.54781271

Retard. if you have a million dollars you can pay somebody to get you whichever gf you want.

>> No.54781276


>> No.54781278

Listen newfag, I've been looking at porn since before the internet was even a thing. I accidentally stumbled upon some hardcore poor on an old jail broken satellite receiver back when I was a kid and I've been addicted since. I managed to do just fine in life.

Who am I kidding? I'm a living example of the 40 year old virgin. I'm a khhv and it's just about fucking over for me. Neither of us are going to NGMI

>> No.54781281

>thread full of pink IDs
>cutie vagina

>> No.54781287

Shit I don't know use Google

>> No.54781294
File: 69 KB, 640x616, panty sniffing biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, just eat some pussy and sniff some panties. Girls love them pussy eating panty sniffing chads.

>> No.54781296

Black guys who date chubby white girls are based in my experience

>> No.54781298

Tinder and porn speak the truth.
Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be degraded, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans and kings who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

>> No.54781305


Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn and tinder is the truth about women.

>> No.54781308
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>>Not a single person

>> No.54781359

I was cumming to porn since I was 8 and didn't get laid until i was 25. At first my dick didn't work, but she was willing to stay with me. Second time it was rock hard and lasted a few hours.

>> No.54781384

you often read "my practice gf" on this frog board
and its pretty much all about practice
don't be too harsh to yourself and keep your head up

>> No.54781430

stop thinking let ur instincts take over

>> No.54781443

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54781473

Ha I’m 29

>> No.54781527

Unironically get in the gym and start lifting weights. Also start eating low carb. You want to get broad shoulders, small waist, powerful legs, and a low enough body fat to accentuate your jaw line if you have one. Lift to failure, slow reps. Challenge yourself with each set. It will take some time but in a couple years of hard work, you will be a completely different person. This will give you more confidence, which is perceptible to women. Fuck the first 3/10 who gives you attention and use that experience and confidence to continually climb the ladder. Learn how to read body language and talk to women in public (hint: talk to them like you would a man, joke around, be relaxed and low-key, and go for the number after a brief conversation). By the time that you’re 30, you’ll be sleeping with sixes and sevens if you apply yourself.

>> No.54781543

yes pay for pua courses retard

>> No.54781547

>Also start eating low carb.
I see the ketoschizos are now trying to promote their neuroses on /biz/.

>> No.54781555

this is retarded normalfag advice which wont help and will damage your body and age you quickly for no reason

>> No.54781557

Stop watching porn and you will naturally return to being able to start at a healthy baseline (also will find someone to love more likely)

>> No.54781560

Keto is no carb. He’s just saying to cut out soda sperg.

>> No.54781591

This sounds cliche but you need to just start talking to people as well. Start with trying to make small talk with strangers while in line at the grocery store. Just quick 30 second casual conversations. It will seem awkward at first but you will get better at it. Be observant about what is around you and make comments to other people about things (“hey did you see that red truck in the parking lot almost hit that lady?”). The one thing that the PUA community of the mid 2000’s got right was how to open conversation in a casual way. Just be relaxed and observant. Start talking to old women or dudes your age. Then when you feel confident, start talking to women. Again, be casual. Don’t follow anyone or approach them. Just make conversation with the people around you. Your confidence will improve in time and this is noticeable to women. You want to appear confident and relaxed in all social situations and the only way to do that is to practice remaining comfortable in situations that make you uncomfortable.

>> No.54781602

I’ve done keto since 2010 and have zero health problems and have been told I look at least five years younger than my actual age. But believe what you want, I don’t care.

>> No.54781603

TLDR. Become a chad

>> No.54781609

join the nofap movement

>> No.54781626

>How do I get a gf
/adv/ is a good place for that

>> No.54781679

Basically. I think it’s more just always giving the outward impression that you’re comfortable, relaxed, and in control no matter what situation that you find yourself in. There is no magic line or comedy routine or style of clothing or anything else that will work consistently. It’s your presence. I think the zoomer girls call it “big dick energy” now but it’s basically an executive presence. An aura. I’ve heard women discuss this in person. They can tell if a guy is truly confident and is getting pussy just by his presence and energy. This is why guys with girlfriends and guys in new marriages get the most attention from females. They’re getting pussy at home so they’re relaxed in public. They don’t need to put on a front or expend effort to get female attention. It doesn’t matter to them. That’s why getting pussy is a self-fulfilling cycle. The more pussy you get, the more pussy you get. Women can tell if you’re getting pussy just by how you carry yourself. This is what you want to achieve. So, yes, fuck the first slamhog that comes your way if you’re a virgin. Then fuck a few more. Keep them on rotation. And then start going after the fours and fives and sixes as you get more experience and become more confident.

>> No.54781746

>told I look at least five years younger than my actual age
Don't take this the wrong way, m8, but everybody nowadays looks younger than their actual age. You see 25 year old guys looking like frickin 15 year old teenagers... it's cool that you stick to your diet though.

>> No.54781769

>Yes women love to be fucked by ((jews))

>> No.54781786

Thanks anon. It’s given me some discipline and I actually enjoy eating the same thing everyday. I hate to see other anons struggling with loneliness and depression and lack of pussy because I’ve been there myself. I’m not an expert but just sharing what has worked for me and other guys I’ve seen

>> No.54781819

Didn't lose my virginity until I was 27 OP. Everything in my life is good now. Just work on yourself. As you get older, as long as you're improving yourself, you will get more and more attractive to women. Just don't get complacent.