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54778769 No.54778769 [Reply] [Original]

How much wealth do i need for this?

>> No.54778779

>never experienced high school romance
There's no reason to contribute to society

>> No.54778798

You have one shot in life to experience this. If you haven't had high school romance it's too late.

>> No.54778807

That girl is about 4 feet tall. She will spoil chads genetics by producing dumb manlet children who never live up to their fathers standards

>> No.54778816

White women? Just be non white. Simple as.

>> No.54778821

High school romance is fake and gay 90% of the time.

>> No.54778823
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good times

>> No.54778824

I experienced high school romance. My girlfriend was an all American soccer player cute and fit. She went to college and got banged by some d1 linebacker who is mixed black. Now she’s a single bloated career woman with no kids at 30 and a ton of emotional baggage. High school love is a meme. Only thing that’s cool about it is fucking some pussy with less mileage

>> No.54778841

I recently told someone I was a 24 year old virgin and they laughed in my face. It was an extremely sobering moment. I should have felt miserable about it, but I actually a felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I was grateful for their response.

I am a complete genetic fuck up lol. There was literally never any chance for me. I always battled with that notion, but that person laughing at me really helped me come to terms with it. I have felt great ever since. Its literally not my fault. Only someone extraordinarily fucked up could possibly go 24 years in society without having ever had a girlfriend or even been on a date. I've made my peace with it now and I'm just gonna enjoy the bachelor lifestyle for however long my life lasts

>> No.54778849


>> No.54778851

Pretty sure she's about 5'5"-5'7" and the guy is about 6'5" maybe as tall as 6'7"

>> No.54778861

The people who experienced this are inherently better than you

>> No.54778862

lol you gotta relax bro. ur just not a normie, don't read too much into it

>> No.54778870

She’s not above 5’5. She looks squatty. She would look tiny even next to someone who is 6’0 with pads and cleats on. Women 5’5 and under tend to produce manlets

>> No.54778883

I was 23 when I lost mine, then had tons of sex and now I'm gonna die before 37.
Dont read too much into people they are mostly retarded

>> No.54778900

High school romance sucked. All my gfs were awkward retards and getting them to put out was more annoying than getting a drivers license renewed.

>> No.54778906

Are you the Colin cancer anon

>> No.54778916

Why are you going to die before 37? I also lost mine when I was 23, though I had a high school cheerleader gf who I decided not to fuck. In retrospect, I should have been tapping that.

>> No.54778917

Not even real for 90% of kids I’m a teacher it’s really bad out their now we are fucked. Also that’s from the show euphoria that woman is 30

>> No.54778924

Cope. Sort of. 97% of them end in failure, but that 3% make it worth it. I fucked up with wife material.
Depends. Some are legit cool. The quality of women goes down as they age so if you didn't marry someone young, you're just as tucked as roasties. Body count goes up with age and even a body count of 1 = high divorce rate

>> No.54778939

sorry you never knew cheerleaders but they're all womanlets maybe 5'2''

>> No.54778940

It’s worse than bad. Most guys are completely retarded minds blown from porn and nog worshiping leftist propaganda. Women are addicted to social media and whore themselves out to get attention any way possible. They are programmed to hate everyone but chad. Zoomers have very little mental capacity because their only sources of information are often tiktok and snapchat news

>> No.54778947

Some are legit cool? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.54778955

High school love is a fucking joke you simp boomer. When you are 16 you have no fucking clue who your partner will turn out to be. It’s like two retards humping a door knob. Get real buddy

>> No.54778970

Yeah these kids are drooling retards man one year of teaching and I’ve completely lost the sliver of hope I had for the future

>> No.54778989

This is from the TV show Euphoria on HBO.

Why are all of you lonely depressed faqqots? I would like to know what makes you think a tv show high school relationship is what u yearn for. All of u, go touch grass. Then try sex. Then kys.

>> No.54778992

>high school romance
Dumbest fucking thing that ever happened to me.
>date girl for 3 months
>spend time together, both have fun, kiss, hold hands
>then get told to ask her to be my gf
>get confused, we literally act like a couple
>whatever, I'll ask
>ask her to be my gf
>oh, anon! I thought you'll never ask!
>this is fucking stupid...
>meet her next week
>she's all cold
>tells me she cried all day when she found out a friend told me to ask her to be my gf
>break up because of this
Good riddance.

>> No.54779000
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>I’m a teacher
>The female students don't really get me turned on anymore...
It's all those god damn sexy kids on all those sports teams

>> No.54779002

Agree. I too have seen it first hand and it is scary. These kids are like zombie robots. Not good

>> No.54779028


LOL. Are you and that girl anime characters?

>> No.54779033
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I'd be happy with any sort of Romance. Problem with older dating (mid 20s and onwards) is that they all fill like job interviews. I just want to experience the same innocence and intensity of having a 'crush' from when you were younger.

>> No.54779067

That “intensity” is pure lust and leads to terrible life choices. Stop walking around like a dog in heat and focus on picking a woman with some morals. Marrying the wrong woman is the biggest financial blunder and life destroyer that a man can make in the current year

>> No.54779069

You can still feel an organic crush into your later years; for me it happened with a coworker because we were always around one another.

>> No.54779074

Kids are fucking retarded anymore. They have zero social skills. It's all phone this and phone that. Only reason they talk at all in school is cause they have to. They don't "hang out" anymore. So with that mindset no wonder most of them are fucking virgin pussies. Its after they graduate and the real world kicks them in the ass that they finally wake up. You know why girls go after the older dudes? Its cause the older dude's actually you know have balls. Money alone won't get you pussy. (unless the girl is very very desperate or does it for a living) You actually have to uh work for it most of the time. That means social skills.

>> No.54779126

this is the exact type of cynical mindset I was condemning modern dating for. "They all feel like job interviews" etc etc. And that intensity has been the fuel for countless civilizational defining works of art and is inseparable from the human condition. And you conflating it superficially with "walking around like a dog in heat" just further demonstrates your lack of comprehension of what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about horny fueled fling you had. I'm talking about feeling so intensely for someone that you'd do anything for them. Someone that occupies your thoughts 24/7.

Hopefully. I'll probably start praying to Eros/Cupid pretty soon. I just have to ask /x/ a few things about manifesting and other adjacent things. This isn't a shitpost btw. I genuinely don't know what else to do.

Also, happy for you bro.

>> No.54779138
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forgot pic

>> No.54779211
File: 351 KB, 500x355, bloomer cool croc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

college romance is better

>> No.54779225

Don't feel bad. Most people are ugly as fuck. When you are fantasizing about school love you are imagining Chad and Stacey two perfect specimen with parents that own small-medium sized businesses fucking like rabbits.
Majority of women are completely ugly, they are not Stacey.
There is nothing remarkable about having sex with them. Its even, almost, kind of gross. Now, next up, consider the fact that regardless of age, you have thr ability to make money by using your brain and a little bit of hard work. You can fuck the best of the best that this planet has to offer (yes it will be transactional).

>> No.54779237


>> No.54779244

Where I live some people don't have sex until 35 where they then proceed to get married, have 3 kids, and live a normal life.

>> No.54779254

this, why should I care about all this shit

>> No.54779255

I don't think he's gay OP but he'd probably do something for a couple grand.

>> No.54779275

Not true

>> No.54779299
File: 384 KB, 791x448, tears in rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

>> No.54779306

Similar instance:
>hs crush rides the same bus, so I see her every day (until we get cars)
>thin dancers body, cute face, braces (white)
>one of my buddies told her I liked her one day, but nothing ever came of it
>she never showed interest so I left her alone
>senior class trip
>see her dancing with the popular/jock guys
>don't even bother to approach her
>senior prom
>same thing
>see her having fun dancing with her friends
>don't want to make it awkward so I leave her alone
>never took a shot
Fast forward a couple years
>see on social media she got knocked up by a black dude her first year of college
>drops out
>the dad obviously not around
>gains probably 40-50lbs
>family has to house her and prop her up financially because lol illegitimate child
>becomes one of those "my son is the best thing to ever happen to me" poser women; the reality is, the kid (read "inability to keep legs shut") ruined your life
I sometimes envision some scenario where she tries to reach out and contact me with the intention of giving me a chance. 15 years ago, I would have been ecstatic. Now, I would 100% tell her to fuck off. I'm not in the business of "saving" women and she didn't give me the time of day back then.
>married taiwanese qt and have none of those problems associated with loose, disloyal white women

>> No.54779309
File: 67 KB, 828x651, FkdOR_0XwAIEYUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah good thing I made up in college what I missed in highschool haha.

>> No.54779323

True. Short women and Chad's preference for them has ruined countless of generations. We could be a space faring society now if Chad only fucked tall women.

>> No.54779337

high school love is bullshit, getting married as a teenager is the real shit, but that's taboo now

>> No.54779344

Thank you for your post, mass reply-kun. I will now dab on you.

>> No.54779347

This is one of the worst posts on biz right now and that’s saying a lot. High school love is so lame. Just find a pretty girl who’s nice to be around holy shit get it together guys

>> No.54779355
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>Euphoria on HBO
and the actress is 5'4

>> No.54779367

I had high school romance. its not better than "any age" romance. love is love. stop coping and go make your way in life. If you want a woman, and you want love, but you never leave your house or do anything to improve your situation you are a faggot and no better than a no coiner that seethes about others getting rich in crypto

>> No.54779465

>experience this
being harassed by chinks??
It's free. Just go to any touristic site