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54772048 No.54772048 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every bank failing?

>> No.54772072

anti semitism has risen.

>> No.54772092

devs rugged USD by abusing the mint function

>> No.54772099
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Because the American/Western system doesn't work.

>> No.54772100


>> No.54772113

with the jews you lose, theyll still make it out alive though

>> No.54773124

because all banks participate in fractional reserve banking which qualifies as a ponzi scheme.

>> No.54773151

>a couple of literal shitcoin crypto ponzi banks ran by white women and niggers explode
>every bank is dying its all over

>> No.54773356

All regional banks are insolvent. Hint, bonds and interest rates...

>> No.54773367
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you know why....

>> No.54773411

Bond bear market = bad for bank collateral
Yields rising = depositors withdrawing to chase yields

>> No.54773786

It's in the code I guess, idk, not panicking tho, I have zero money in US banking, only thing I give some fucks is Rebase launch, I hope that happens soon enough

>> No.54773844

I've worked in stress testing and now in corporate treasury for large investment banks. If you want the real answer then it's pretty simple:

>Trump removes requirement from medium sized banks from partaking in the Dodd Frank Stress Test (DFAST for short)
>Banks hold onto treasuries as hedges/to earn low interest rates
>Bonds are either held in an HTM (Held to Maturity) portfolio, or an AFS (Available for Sale)
>Anything in the HTM portfolio is immune from interest rate risk because the bank will never sell it, as such can never lose money
>Anything in the AFS portfolio is subject to interest rate risk as the bank has bought it with the express intention to resell at a later date
>SVB and other banks are holding tons of low rate treasuries in their AFS portfolio
>Fed hikes rates at an unprecedented rate
>Banks did not realize how exposed to interest rate risk they were and suddenly the value of their assets plummets
>people begin to lose faith and start pulling money out
>this creates a self fulfilling prophecy where as more people lose faith and pull their money out, the more trouble the bank is in

>> No.54774024

Kek, you said that like if it was exactly like crypto

>> No.54774029

kek kys faggot, Crypto will never outlast banking, we're probably gonna die before banking collapses

>> No.54774056
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>He doesn't know about ((((them))))

>> No.54774075

Fpbp. End Jewish Hate

>> No.54774282
File: 94 KB, 1820x664, dedb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pretty much sums up FRB

>> No.54774367

I haven't heard anything about any banks "failing" except random tweets from literal whos posted on 4chan. Are you sure this is actually occurring?

>> No.54776238
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it's because they're getting ready to come back and screw us all, I'll hold on to my HAMI bags as I watch the hell come closer

>> No.54776466

Because the Fed are fucking retards who don't understand that the economy as it exists today stops functioning when they stop printing money. Their idea of a "soft landing" is complete bullshit because there's nowhere to land, we have to just keep flying. The sooner those chucklefucks realize this, the sooner we can get back to QE and resume the growth we've had for the last 15 years.

>> No.54776576

They aren't. Only a handful of banks have been put into receivership due to poor management of interest rate risk.

>> No.54776595

>t. zoomer

>> No.54776872
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, E81F6211-797F-45B6-8A92-F3C5275454E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a feature

>> No.54777128

The idea is to drive everyone into bonds. Once that is done:
>rug it

>> No.54777140

kek bankies

>> No.54777144

you get what you vote for

>> No.54777202

contraction of money supply. entire system depends upon perpetual expansion of money supply, therefore system starts acting fucky wucky

>> No.54778290
File: 43 KB, 640x799, 1518757320173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because centralized fiat fractional reserve scamming - oops, I mean lending - has a built-in expiration date.
How nifty is that!

>> No.54778437
File: 134 KB, 720x989, 20230428_203838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SVB and Credit Suisse didnt fail within the last month.


Find something factually wrong with the article first.

>> No.54778471


>> No.54778542
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Hard to say.

>> No.54779485

people who say
are retards. zh is great, you just have to use your own brain to filter the content a bit

>> No.54781283

let's be real, traditional banking is already on the decline. With more and more businesses accepting crypto payments, it's only a matter of time before the banks are left in the dust. Payments gateways like Alchemy Pay and Utrust are revolutionizing the game with their secure crypto payment platform.

>> No.54781317

It's not though you doomer incel faggot. There's been 3 failures in america this year, for comparison, the last "crash" in 2008 had over 200. Dumbass, this is the greatest wealth transfer in history, from retarded doomer fags to people with more than 75 iq. Thanks for shorting every move up, see you at all time high

>> No.54781378

based response, thanks for posting. it's a shame that the retards are ignoring this.

>> No.54781407

Because we won

>> No.54783047
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Because the centralized systems are bound to fail. buy XMR now and selcustody.

>> No.54783365

Their instability and govt manipulation hitting hard on them imagine have the recent bank that fell stocks fucking piece of shit, just grab all the crypto payment tokens you can - Zpay, BTC, stables, you name it. And low-cap alts like RIDE can even be used for EV recharges. More of these utilities coming in the future. Different tokens making life easy.

>> No.54783377

When empires fall there's typically a looting of the treasury