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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 743x404, I Tried To Save You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54749974 No.54749974 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to ordinal release bros? Where's my bing bing wahoo? Where's the CEX release? What happened? Is this bullish?

>> No.54750406

If /biz/ misses the easiest play in crypto they deserve it. They've had ample time and spoonfeeding.

>> No.54751043


>> No.54751061

Brainlet here, what makes it the easiest play? I haven't paid any attention to DBI and thought it was just another PND shitcoin.

>> No.54751081

Wait until end of year or next year, the price is still being suppressed due to whale sell orders.

>> No.54751109

you dbi baggies are the worst subhumans on this board, can't even imagine still think dbi is anything but a garbage scam

>> No.54751122

they'll tell you to think bigger and ban you on TG kek

Think BIGGER BRO, just wait 10 years bro, you'll see, the crackhead is BTC's dev lmfao such a funny joke lelol

>> No.54751128

DBI and the ordinals will have utilities connected to other popular chains. Likely to use as currency for the upcoming game/casino. Think bigger means that there's gonna be a lot of companies involved with an "honor" system. If DBI wins, everyone wins because crypto makers support each other to make it work.

So far the price predictions are correct. Plan accordingly. It's beyond a meme coin now.

>> No.54751147

What's a suicide stack?

>> No.54751196

>It's beyond a meme coin now.
>with 0 to back it up
ok Craig.

>> No.54751255

collabs+retweeted repeatedly with the Winklevoss twins, Jesse Powell, CZ, and now Bitcoin Magazine endorsing The Dev Fest as the official after party of Bitcoin Conference 2023.

Yea, 0 to back it up bro.
This is getting boring and tiresome. Your fud fucking suuuuucks for real. At least put some effort into it.

Anon got dumped on by Craig because he took profits after getting in on the ground floor, and now he cant handle it that he was outsmarted by a Jamaican goofball. Bitter and salty.

>> No.54751347

This is not DBI general. This is DBIFUD general. DBIG here.....


>> No.54751491

1 million or 2 devs. When the utility is announced, there's gonna be some advertising involved. And some wash trades on the Dev floor price to keep the jeets out.

As for "backing it up", watch the buys carefully. If you haven't realized by now, they aren't backing down on the promotions, collabs, or the movement. This anon knows >>54751255 . The Dev wants this to be like a story for an "underdog" coin. The price today is part of it. So the first to sell are the losers. The ones who hold are winners. But this time, the collaborators are strategically buying low or holding their gifted DBI waiting out the scam sellers who sell for 2 cent prices.

Craig isn't rich enough to control the price like you think. That's all you need to know.

>> No.54751609
File: 1.11 MB, 1756x2430, TFW Sold Early March.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding DEX coins for longer than a month
Lmfao at your life

>> No.54751763

Enjoy continuously doing -10% while whole market pumps.

>> No.54753320
File: 98 KB, 498x739, FATS BIG MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fats fucking MAD

>> No.54753924
File: 126 KB, 1080x667, 2 more weeks DEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, some of you guys are pretty cool. Don't go to devfest tomorrow

>> No.54753975

He is The DEV. He made bitcoin and then dbi when got bored. He will bring back the honor. Once BTC magazine bid gets some attention hype will follow. Do not let the weak fud and shite cloud your vision, anon.

1MIL = make it
100k = sui

1 nice non regular NFT = lambo
1 ordinal = generational wealth

>> No.54754033
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 00010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding DEXT since 3 months ago and I already had a 2X, not selling tho shit's bullish af

>> No.54754100

Jesus get ur fkn face off this forum you ugly, autistic retard. Why the fuck do you insist on posting ur fkn face all over the place?? Its like the 10th time im seeing ur retarded ass posting multiple pictures in a thread. You lookin for a boyfriend? You lonely? Fuck is wrong with you? Change boards faggot - im sure theres one where people just post pictures of themselves. Honestly you look mentally ill and poor. Its sad. Pls stop posting ur pictures here.

>> No.54754151

Report his dumb ass posts for avatar fagging, every time you see his ugly face. Jannies love banning this schizo. Thank you based Jannies.

>> No.54754201

u have the most punchable face i've ever seen in my life frfr i bet u hide out in the woods like a bitch cuz ur always bein punched in the fuckin face chud

>> No.54754208
File: 187 KB, 1041x720, Chud Sacrifice .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey stop posting selfie I'm trying to control the narrative

>> No.54754230

A burger sticking up for a non white forest dwelling wetback larping as a white man. Do you see how easy it is to tell that you're American?

>> No.54754255

I'm the same poster, my ID keeps rerolling constantly because I went deep woods and service keeps jumping from 4g to 5g

>> No.54754571

i am a holder but that sounds like insane copium tier hopium anon

>> No.54754733
File: 25 KB, 627x369, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so insane about it? The collabs mentioned already happened, so it's not hard to verify those. The dev fest is obviously going to be an after party and not some random get together with 10 randos who have an NFT. It would be retarded to believe otherwise at this point given all the info we have (bitcoin event, crypto themed hotel down the road, etc). The dev isn't hard shilling dbi until more content gets pushed out, which makes sense.

>> No.54754769

You must be a newfag lmao
Is this your first shitcoin?

This is dead and those "collabs" were the exit scam.

You are a dumb fucking faggot

You'd get scammed by Pregnant Butt, Statera, Ronald McDonald Coin, Brapper, or some other /biz/ PND in 2019, 2020, or 2021

Holy fucking shit I hope they're paying you in ETH to write this shit, kys

>> No.54754799

>I bought the top and sold the bottom

>> No.54755119

Kek Craig thanks you for your service, you seething faggot

>> No.54756657

Morning! Time to check the chart

>> No.54757064

He's 50 years old and works at a gas station because he makes bad decisions. Like spending all his time fudding the easiest play crypto has ever seen instead of pulling double shifts to stack. Some people were just destined not to make it. It's ok though they get what they deserve.

>> No.54757381
File: 777 KB, 1873x1721, The Hoboken Chad Vs the DBI pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get what they deserve
Like selling at ATH?

>> No.54757434

Anyways off to eat some based mcdonalds 2 for $6 40g protein breakfast and then day trade at the library before work. I'll be sure to pop in this thread to remind you guys to check the chart. Xoxo - gossiphobo

>> No.54758381
File: 166 KB, 599x599, DIONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easiest play in crypto, right now, is picrel. DBI is cringe as fuck and not funny.