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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, Burger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54737384 No.54737384 [Reply] [Original]

Like really, I bust my ass at my warehouse job 10 hours a day and it's gonna take me two of those hours just to get a fucking meal.

>> No.54737418

Why. It's shit quality garbage food. It's going to get shittier so companies can still profit. All the hands touching your food? And you wanna pay 2 hours of your life for that?


>> No.54737433

Not everyone has time to cook dude.
Between work, sleeping, and gaming I've got about 1 hour of free time a day. And I'm sure as shit not spending it cooking.
Burger King needs to lower their prices or I'm fucked.

>> No.54737440


Is this shopped??

>> No.54737462

>earning 12 per hour
Americans have it so easy and yet they complain. No wonder illegal immigrants are stealing your jobs

>> No.54737488


You're fucked even more if the prices drop. The shit isn't good for you. It isn't food. It's engineered to make you hungry and thirsty, it's addictive as fuck, it has chemical additives to stop you from puking.

Make a fucking sandwich it's embarrassing

>> No.54737502
File: 51 KB, 1311x737, areyoufucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy my ass.
It costed me $38.99 tonight to order a burger king combo from doordash. My two roommates chipped in and of fucking course they ended up with half my damn meal.
I can't do this shit anymore.

>> No.54737516

No, it's not legal for american food companies to fake the food they use besides adding shit like banners and popup text
but what they do is they just alter the recipes to look better than it really is
plus they do a lot of angle frauding those burger fillings are probably popping out one side and the burger is close to the camera so it's hard to tell how big it really is
anyways OP ought to just move to europe
if he's going to be a sad laborer he might as well get some benefits
plus I think portugal doesn't even tax your shitcoins
That's what I'm doing anyways
time tom go back to where my ancestors bled and died, this country is a fucking waste
our leader hate their natives and want to displace our disgruntlement with foreigners.
Not to say europe doesn't have a foreigner infestation, but at least I'll get some fucking benefits.

>> No.54737530

It doesn't take an hour to make a burger you knob.
Also just don't work as much if you don't need to
your freetime is more valuable than 15 and hour
so just work enough and do what you want the rest

>> No.54737557
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, Borgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude i don't even know how to do that shit.
I'll just pay for doordash with credit.
>It doesn't take an hour to make a burger you knob
How would I know that I've never cooked, dude. Besides it takes time to go grocery shopping. I haven't been to Walmart since December.
No, if it were I'd be so much happier.

>> No.54737750

I'm shocked at how many zoomers on /biz/ are addicted to getting delivery goyslop, it's honestly disgusting and they're all retards for wasting their money and destroying their health.


>> No.54737757

??? wtf does this esl shit even mean

>> No.54737759

stock your fridge, idiot

>> No.54737767

>t. literal retard

>> No.54737775


>> No.54737780
File: 272 KB, 1045x1408, Screenshot_20230425-222341_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking stupid are you? How do you survive every day without wandering into traffic or accidentally drinking poison?

>> No.54737797

>Fake being ignorant to bait outrage idiot
>20 (you)s everytime
Ez gg nerds.

>> No.54737864
File: 143 KB, 2560x1647, All-Clad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not All-Chad stainless steel
pff, ngmi, regards, /ck/

>> No.54737917

>not a non-stick teflon, grill, or enamel dutch oven
why even cook?

>> No.54737928

12 dollars an hour is a pathetic wage though

>> No.54737935

>Wow bro me and my roommate's fridge is totally gonna hold hamburger meat
I'm not being ignorant I'm being nice
Nice enough after being called the nword in this thread.
Dude I could by a burger combo for that much

>> No.54737937

Buy wholefoods that don't need to be cooked

>> No.54737956

8 buns = 99 cents
1lb of beef = 5 dollars

You can do that at home easy. Burgers take 5 minutes to cook

>> No.54737965

even with inflated food prices $38 spent at the grocery store will buy you burger ingredients for about two weeks. come on guys, be smart.

>> No.54737984

>getting iron metals into your system aka your body cannot detox iron so it just builds up in your organs and gives you cancer
KYS poison eater.

>> No.54737996
File: 65 KB, 906x799, Apu smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys quit telling me to go to the store.
Our Walmart closed down this month so it's literally a 20 minute bus ride just to get some shitty ingredients when I could just order the burgers myself.
But retarded burger king had to go and raise the prices.

>> No.54737997

Tell me this is bait, that you wasted your money doordashing Burger King. If you can't be bothered to go to the restaurant, then you deserve to be charged $40 for your shitty cold food.

>> No.54738002

>those prices stayed the same
lmao, go outside, triple those prices in some stores and it will only get more expensive as the farming white jews get greedier just like the dutch.
>sends 99.9% of their agriculture to foreign lands then complains they are being targeted

>> No.54738004

Doordash isn't cold but go off ig redneck

>> No.54738017

Well that sounds like a you problem. You want to keep eating slop that will make you feel disgusting and tired all the time (and drain your wallet too), you go right ahead. Not our fucking problem. We're just trying to give you solutions, dude.

>> No.54738034

Do europoors really?

>> No.54738040


>> No.54738050

I legit got a 6 pack once I stopped eating fast food shit. Cooking feels like discovering torrenting especially once you learn how to make their shit but better.

>> No.54738096

you can buy a few packs then freeze the meat and set it to thaw when you want

>> No.54738130


>> No.54738150

Quit gaming

>> No.54738156

>No, it's not legal for american food companies to fake the food they use besides adding shit like banners and popup text
Yes it is. Youre retarded. The burgers are made out of plastic with grill lines painted on and glossy plastic shit for shine etc. Theyre inedible. That burger is poison.

>> No.54738163
File: 61 KB, 574x475, goyslop again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some other tricks
>denture cream

>> No.54738357

Congrats on realizing what globohomo really means

>> No.54738367

By going to McDonald's.

>> No.54738396

My license is suspended and even if it wasn't I can't afford car assurance.

>> No.54738514

>put rice in pot
>put water in pot
>turn stove on
>put lid on
>go back to gaming

>> No.54738570

How the fuck can I afford to eat out anymore?
>Stay home and eat rice
F grade anon, please see me after class as I'm not sure you've understood the assignment.

Despite this, your costs have also doubled for that meagre activity.
Get rewarded you malfeasant, meagre, miserly minimalist cunt.

why dont you cut your portion of rice in half?

>> No.54738593

and some how i still got my dick stuck in a toaster

>> No.54738596
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is
>bro goyslop bad you'll be unhealthy omg
Daily 2x mcchicken eater here, occasionally I get the 20 nuggies + 2 large fries deal on the app
Maybe stop being a fat lazy sack of shit? Maybe walk inside the mcdonalds instead of sitting in your car? Maybe READ MEIN KAMPF YOU STUPID FATS

>> No.54738616

This guy is prime example of what I mean. The heaviest thing this Fats picked up is his camera. I guarantee if OP is a warehouse worker (and not some retarded forklift driver) he can eat Le Goyslop daily and be jacked

>> No.54738621

You're forgetting about the high cost of living anon.

>> No.54738634
File: 229 KB, 1200x928, 1682492507883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook your own food fatfuck.

>> No.54738658

Nevermind I read OP's replies
>oh my God whats cast iron mean
>oh my God 20 minute bus ride
Either OP is baiting or genuinely retarded

>> No.54738662

you sound like a degenerate subhuman loser. probably a shitskin too.
kill yourself

>> No.54738706

Leave me alone dude I'm autistic

>> No.54738709

Don't eat out. It's simple

>> No.54738946
File: 1.08 MB, 1612x2208, Cost zero dollars to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aspergers. No excuses faggot

>> No.54738958
File: 12 KB, 332x240, 1653953648282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walmart delivers groceries.

>> No.54739009

bro don't fucking tell people how easy it is to make rice you'll make the price of rice go way up

>> No.54739160

Cook small meals. 1 meat, 1 or 2 veggies, 1 carb. Make enough for two people. Have the second serving for lunch the next day. Eat scrambled eggs, olives, cucumber, spinach, and Greek yoghurt for breakfast in the morning. If you’re running late have weetbix, blueberries, and bananas as a backup.

>> No.54739176

cheap supermarket microwave meals are probably far better for you than burger king

>> No.54739177
File: 28 KB, 243x269, 1618457100152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally exchanging ducks on Pool Party to eat and ended up paying my rent with that, can't believe this shitty gambling project is so good, maybe god is by my side

>> No.54739190
File: 94 KB, 600x600, demeyere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry cuck, but only Demeyere is chad-tier

>> No.54739194

>$12 an hour
>eating fast food
Are you a racial minority?

>> No.54739226

Warehouse and mcdonalds are basically same pay level job. In trickle down economics, you can't afford the product you make.

>> No.54739577

really now?

>8 frozen burgers: $15
>8 burger buns: $5
>cheese: $10
you now have $8 left over and didn't even get any veggies or sauces. And the sauce you pick is what you're having for the next 8 burgers. AND if you eat one burger a day, that's one week of burgers.

>just buy ground beef and make the burgers yourself!
now you're going to need to buy several more spices and wax paper.

>> No.54739702
File: 361 KB, 1536x2048, 1675896379797300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're golem that's adamant on eating fast food, why BK? I'm sure there's a cheaper alternative.

>> No.54739733

Fast.food is utterly shit tier

>> No.54739853

I just bought two large full racks of pork ribs for 10 each. A good brand I've used often. A large spiral ham was only $10. That's good for sandwiches. A large bag of frozen chicken wings, carrots, celery and onion for soups. I paid less than $50 and have enough food for 10 days. Full calories. Supplement with beans, rice, salads, spinach.

>> No.54740416

is this bait?
buy an instant pot nigger

>> No.54740614

Lol what shithole country is this? Assuming it’s not USD cuz they don’t cost anywhere near that in America

>> No.54740638

OP is larping a Burger King sandwich isn’t $25 lmao, more like $4-8. Whole meal should be $10-12 tops even in an expensive shithole like New York

>> No.54740749

>6 day old patty made from ground beef packaged 5 days prior
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.54740866
File: 118 KB, 1024x807, 1681571098928485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink, Chainlink, Chainlink, Chainlink,

Zero, single, double digits Chainlink,
Big Mac taste with perfect hodlers,
I rule this day.

Lock your coins up, 2 years , 3 years, 4 years. It's OK if you don't get your coins back. Version 0.01 or 0.02,
Any staking your way.

You rule, you're seizing the day,
Sir Gay, have it your way.

You rule!

>> No.54740868

Whoa whoa whoa.......!
Can please start by explaining.... _wHy_ you believe you're worth a bbq whopper? I'm just a little thrown by that.

>> No.54740896

>spics and niggers shit in my food!
>im actually ok with this!

>> No.54740915

You know that's not real meat right? They're doing you a favor by pricing you out

>> No.54740919
File: 74 KB, 1200x600, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still use pans......

>> No.54741547

Get the fuck off my board normie nigger

>> No.54741859

I have a cast iron skillet i use to cook pork chops and bacon with. is stainless superior?

>> No.54741873

It's not better, just for different purposes; stainless is begger for acidic sauces aka anything with tomato.

>> No.54741895

I have a coated wok style pan I use for ground beef for tacos/spaghetti or eggs

>> No.54741931
File: 64 KB, 703x572, 1682448591247453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souvitae enjoyer

>> No.54741932

if you steak 7k LINK you can have one of these meals every day for the rest of your life.
otherwise, you could look into getting a Hamilton Beach Panini Press.
A Panini costs $4.50 all in.
A Burger King BBQ time meal costs $26.
everytime I EAT a panini, I BANK $21.50.
if I EAT a panini, every day of the year, 3 times a day, I BANK $23,542.50.

>> No.54741939

>like the dutch
fuck off we're not producing enough meat
we need to produce more so you fucks can never outcompete us and destroy our agricultural industry
we wil feed the world and you will eat it

>> No.54742049

lmao you are fucking retarded as well

>> No.54742096

I genuinely don't understand what dogshit part of the country you people live in. Who is paying 12/hr for anything in 2023? In the upper Midwest you can get warehouse jobs starting at 18 and manufacturing jobs starting at 20. Fucking taco bell is starting at 16. Is this a troll? Are you an illegal immigrant and can't get a better job?

>> No.54742106

>How the fuck can I afford to eat out anymore?

Get an education. Learn some skills. Create a business. Provide some value to the world. How is complaining abut "bootstraps" making your more financially secure?

>> No.54742540

Not yet but soon

>> No.54742589

lmao it takes an hour of work for you to afford a hamburger

>> No.54742649

This is the dumbest thread on /biz/ right now which is saying something. If you are poor, go to your asian supermarket and buy the biggest bag of rice. Steam it, and refrigerate the leftovers so you can make fried rice. Or, boil it down to make porridge. Add beans and veggies, and lean meat (like chicken) for nutrition. Anyone can afford this.

>> No.54742819
File: 258 KB, 1080x1443, Screenshot_20230424-182812-198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha wagie
You WILL make my burger for $1

>> No.54742974

>yeah bro just go buy a whole ass stove

>> No.54743932


I find it incredibly bizarre you edited this image to make the number slightly higher, that's genuine mental illness shit.

>> No.54743953
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, we all know inflation is high, but changing the numbers on advertisements to be higher and then doomposting on /biz/ makes me think you're some kind of glowy trying to demoralize.

>> No.54744016

Did you imply gaming is somehow different from free time? I'm not even mad at your baiting, I'm just impressed by your audacity.

>> No.54744185

Kek excellent thread OP. Can't this many people aren't picking up on it

>> No.54744747

Only real poster ITT rn

>> No.54745199

you've been posting attention seeking pictures of yourself on /biz/ like a desperate women for a year or more now from what I can remember. Your physique is sub par, and nothing to be that proud of. You should probably get some help because I think you're a narcissist and an autistic one at that.

>> No.54745290
File: 1.82 MB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20230426-132336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54745320

It is different. I need to put in effort into my speedruns or else I'm never gonna get followers on twitch.
That's the only way for me to escape this shitty life.

>> No.54745378
File: 13 KB, 223x226, 16533321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Befriend a local grandma/mother with time that cooks for their children/husband on a daily basis and offer to pay her if he gets you an extra plate to eat. You will have access to fully customized home-made meals that are nutritious and tasty as FUCK for half of that same price. I did that with a lady that lives in the next floor of my job and she always sends me a message when the meal is ready, i take my lunch break and i enjoy 20 minutes of relax.
I even started talking with his son while we eat. The little rascal is 16 and is already investing on PLEBS and shit like that, man's got a future

>> No.54745425

You can get a double cheeseburger chicken fry and French fry for 6 bucks at burger King. This is a McDonald's hit