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54729425 No.54729425 [Reply] [Original]

crypto is literally the easiest way in the entire world to get rich but 95% of you are too lazy or retarded or refuse to put in the minimal effort required

>> No.54729447

>minimal effort required
what is that

>> No.54729455

An overwhelming majority of crypto wallets (85%+) are underwater. Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.54729467

>source: my ass

>> No.54729474

brownoids aren't allowed to post here, fuck off

>> No.54729480

It's also the easiest way to lose money. I've mastered that.

>> No.54729499
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There is no effort required. You just buy and wait, lmao. That's why I love it
Almost made it last run. I'll do it in the next

>> No.54729500

sane question

>> No.54729516

That's literally a buy signal, retard. Would you rather buy and hold when 95% are in profit?

>> No.54729632

He unironically would. Reddit niggers like him rely on group consensus for their decisions.

>> No.54729816


Man nobody has beaten their head against this brick wall harder than I have so if you have some great wisdom to drop on us then I’m all ears. But here’s the problem- you’re never gonna make life changing gains with BTC/ETH. At this point those will do like a 3x next bull run. Which is great if you’ve already got a few million and want to safely 3x that. But most of us don’t. So for those of us that need BIG multipliers to really make it, we have to fuck around with alts. And guess what? 95% of those go to zero over a long enough timeline. And generally, the stuff that mooned and crashed after one cycle never moons again. It’s new stuff that you haven’t even heard of yet that is going to moon on this run. FunFair is a great example, stacking a shitton of FunFair last bear cycle would not have helped you out last July cycle. Ambrosius is another example. The list goes on and on. So you have to be damn lucky to pick the good NEW moon missions at the start of a big bull run. Example, buying Hex, Shib, Safemoon etc at the start of the last bull run and then being smart enough to sell out at the top or at least once you’ve made life changing gains.

The only other option I see is trading shitcoins but again, 99% of those are either straight rugpulls or they are a quick moon mission and then rocket ship to zero. And I don’t know how on earth you would sort the wheat from the chaff and get in early enough on the good ones. Even if you just live on crypto Twitter all the time it’s 1000 scams per one moon mission.

So if you have figured out some really to really consistently beat the system as I’ve outlined it here, please drop some wisdom on us. I’m all ears.

>> No.54729817

The reason you "almost made it" but didn't is the same reason almost everyone loses. You think you're smarter than everyone but you're going to get fucked in the ass...

>> No.54729851

No, nigger. It's because I got greedy and ignored TA. Also there's this thing called "experience", newfag. There's a learning curve and I learned from all my previous errors. Namely to stay away from high leverage

>> No.54729874

Also only a dumb monkey would refuse to accumulate during bear markets. Buy during bear. Take profits during bull. You'd rather buy when the bull is almost over though, huh? Lol

>> No.54729915

It would be if bitcoin had any intrinsic value but it's unsustainable at scale and requires price to rise continuously or else the entire network collapses. Once the last btc are mined, miners are expected to sustain themselves on transaction fees fucking kek. Here goy keep mining and you better tell your friends to buy bitcoin or else you won't be able to cover your own expenses

>> No.54730344

That's not how price action works, tard. You're going to seethe next bull market due to your ignorance

>> No.54730367

let me put it this way, dumbass. If what you said were true or even relevant, btc wouldn't have bounced to 30k. It would have just died and been under a dollar. Price action doesn't care about some low IQ fud

>> No.54730371

Crypto will literally usher in the one world government and sub 130 iq brainlets like you can’t see it.

>> No.54730396

Learn to read properly, Mongolian. Fact of the matter is bull markets are where the money is at. No one can change the system. Smart money (people who buy now) simply follow the flow of money. People who overcomplicate the simple are low IQ

>> No.54730456

Just keep putting all of your extra money in and you'll be rich in 10 years or less. It's literally that simple. If you can't appreciate retiring in your 30s then you're an idiot.

>> No.54730483

that is blatantly false, this isnt 2013 anymore there are plenty of old perma profit wallets now
in the depths of the bear the % in loss was 55%
right now we are at 75% in profit or thereabouts, which is about neutral territory

>> No.54730551

If 95% of the world is rich, no one is rich.

>> No.54730649
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>one anon autistically tries to yell at another anons to get into the Ponzi scheme

>> No.54730739

I'll unironically help you guys out.
Go to this site. Will take 2 minutes to read and will advertise itself. You're welcome.

>> No.54730765

I'm already in my thirties thogh

>> No.54730773

it's over

>> No.54730802

Here is a (you) out of respect.

Hey OP, care to lay your wisdom?

>> No.54731018

>when all btc are mined
Ok I'll worry about that when I'm 170 years old and not miss out on 10+ years worth of insane life changing gains in the meantime.

>> No.54731075
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Indeed. also i don't understand why they always have to sell when they see a red candle... i blocked all my cryptos and won't sell until it makes at least x10. I know my eth, avax, link and xmr bags are going to the moon

>> No.54731864
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Some of us here are pretty woke already, anon. I guess that 5% already understood the assignment well.

>> No.54732061
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I invested all my money into AVAX. I'm gonna be rich soon

>> No.54732125

The entire world literally can't get rich from crypto since they all can't sell the top lmao. By the time the top 10% have sold the top the price has already dumped to shit.

>> No.54732149

kys OP

>> No.54732333
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>> No.54732820
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Not me though OP, im doing it right on 0X0

>> No.54732874


keep gambling anon you're gonna get it

>> No.54732904

if only we had the balls to ape into the defi casino we would've all made it by now

>> No.54733236

Ad hominems with zero arguments. Whether I bought at $0.01 or $69k is irrelevant. Most people are in losses with crypto. You can kick and scream and shout all you want at this, doesn't change the facts

Niggers use emotion over logic and reason, which appears to be your standard of living.

>> No.54733561
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Most people don't even know how to kek, and let's be honest, it's not easy, it's quick, but basically only for memecoins and shit like that, cuz tech stuff like pond is not as appreciated as it should kek

>> No.54733574

tech is worthless kek, and layer 0 is way worse you idiot

>> No.54733578

Ah, sure Rajesh, of course

>> No.54733600

Literally everyone is losing money with crypto, or has lost money, it's pretty common nowadays

>> No.54733661
File: 290 KB, 714x607, 26394E5F-D15E-4A2D-8D9C-E132D35E82DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m with this guy. We’re all listening.

>> No.54733693

Much appreciated if you killed yourself faggot, kek, memecoins will keep ruling the market

>> No.54733722

Bagging trendy narratives is smart move, don't snooze on AI, DiD, Privacy, ARB and ZKS.

>> No.54733765

I'm on AVAX, ENS and ORE, nothing to worry about.

>> No.54733770

Not even a old whale, only got in 2017 latest, with 2020 - 2023 being when most my trades came in because I only had some capital recently. I've been at +30% worst profitability in the last year because I've been buying low.

>> No.54733937

Then why are retards so poor

>> No.54734043

I got justed on futures so much I can't even look at the charts without raging anymore. It's such a fucking scam that I think a bigger turnover will be from a meme casino in Las Vegas.

>> No.54735961

Stacking is better than holding anon.

>> No.54736042

>He believes in technical analysis and has the audacity to call other people stupid

Jesus christ

>> No.54736172

Will my EcoTerra be worth shit one day?

>> No.54736185

WOJAK to the Moon

>> No.54737431
File: 6 KB, 274x184, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GenZs are lazy af, but that's their problem. Focusing on trends with working products is my strategy. All eyes are currently on RWA tokenisation. Something is cooking there.

>> No.54737449

The retard needs to learn. Don't care tho. Following the developments on MNICorp makes sense to me. They bring value to real users. That's what every project should be doing.

>> No.54737473

I put $7.5k in a year ago and now it’s worth $1.5k. I don’t even want to make it anymore, I just want my money back.t

>> No.54737555

Nah, crypto is the new beanie babies. It has no actual value and few people actually understand it. But people buy it because they’re hoping to get lucky and get rich. Some people surely will same as they did with beanie babies or better on individual stocks.

But it’s gambling. That’s all it is. People are just guessing what the next big coin is going to be. They’re just guessing when to sell. Sensible people use passive total market index funds.

>> No.54737594

Probably the most sensible post here. People are just guessing for the “next” BTC.

>> No.54737602

Lol this is what retards claim about individual stock picking too. Reality is the vast and overwhelming majority of people, even professionals that do it for a living, cannot beat the market and fuck up all the then. In a bull run everyone thinks they’re a genius.

>> No.54737610
File: 49 KB, 669x1024, D09BCEDE-29BD-4737-BE15-5B7B3E657B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedomcoins at home.
New era of cryptotards will only chase tokens, coins at home is not safe enough?

>> No.54737712

only VC's really get paid. 97% of people who own crypto dont understand that and most dont know what the fuck a VC is

>> No.54737896

>At this point those will do like a 3x next bull run.
That's just not true. Bitcoin needs more than a 25x in today's purchasing power to match gold, and even today it would still be underbought. But price is only one part of a bigger equation. Let's say it's only 3x in a year (that is, from 20k to 60k). So buying and holding bitcoin through a halving is, at the very least, twice as profitable as actively managing a rental property, with none of the risks. This is the greatest invention of all human history. Learn to be happy. Focus less on price (which you're predicting wrong anyway) and ask how you can invest your money in a way that hurts the government the most. Bitcoin is the only answer and it's a damn good one. When exchanges switch to SATS you're going to witness some serious incarnation of the logos.

>> No.54737905

I have crypto and I am not rich... why?

>> No.54738101

I’m alright with 3x or even 2x really. I’m sick of the 6% gains then 25% dumps.

>> No.54739043

simply put, you're not doing it right or probably panic selling.

>> No.54739089

No one that holds btc or ethereum 5years or more is underwater

>> No.54739091

>blocked all my cryptos
This is crucial if you're in for the long run, not selling any of mine either, unless there's a strong sell on tokenmetrics.
panic selling is the move of the newbies desu

>> No.54739099


>> No.54739931

Yeah but you also have to quantify risks. x3 is not as good as x100 obviously, but you'd have to be a retard to realise that unless you get lucky with shitcoins the x100 comes with the unspoken losses you've had on every other shitcoin that you bet and lost on.

>> No.54739951

It's not going to match gold next bullrun though retard. Maybe it'd 1/5 gold at best, so a 5x

>> No.54740037

the rich won't sell, they'll take loan against their bitcoin

>> No.54740189
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>95% of you are too lazy or retarded or refuse to put in the minimal effort required
heh, thats me alright

>> No.54740394

nice, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.54740401
File: 25 KB, 480x640, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking you mean bobo, learn to speak english.
I get decent yield staking VRA and RIDE
No better feeling than staking your long term bags

>> No.54740709

I just buy a subscription and let someone else do it for me

>> No.54741106

Some of them think crypto is a scam and they want it to fail bad

>> No.54741138

Staking only makes sense if it's a solid project that's actually doing something
I once staked a coin, earned up to 30% apy and I was still down 50% after unstaking rewards plus initial bag kek

>> No.54741171

a month old 700 bux 24h volume this one is a winner i can feel it

>> No.54741395
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There is a warm orange light in this gray expanse anon. Embrace it, embrace it and all the noise will be gone.

>> No.54741414

>wait for bitcoin too crash
>buy some
>wait for it too get pumped
>don't wait for it too peak just sell so that you will have enough too buy more bitcoin when it crashed again
it's as shrimple as that

>> No.54741518

Real pain..
I've got my reasons with those two, particularly holoride which has a very exciting product as it's main selling

>> No.54741829

Saying this with the hopes that bitcoin keeps crashing and pumping

>> No.54741850

Do even understand how crypto work anon?

>> No.54741862

Not sure anyone would buy 5 years ago, and not sell part of it at the peak in 2021. I stand to be corrected
A cool way to generate profit, haven't tried this in all my years in the space, but I've been able to earn on staking my assets like kava, dot, sylo and cro.

>> No.54741869

Saw they recently entered Austria with another country set to be added in weeks

>> No.54741918

>do research
>learn about web3, blockchain shit
>read whitepapers
>invest in something that actually makes sense and has a team of Ivy League nerds
>PEPE does a 16000x

>> No.54742004


>> No.54742461
File: 9 KB, 233x217, yiaeha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon that's if you got the wrong pussy faggot, as this is time to get ass spank on SYLO as price is yet to breakout from the penant don't be a sleepy dick anon

>> No.54742499

this is true, I've been in crypto since 2017 and old alts that had crashed bigly and have a large amount of desperate seething bagholders almost never moon again because those poor fucks are desperate for a way out, you need to find the new shitcoin and the fresh blood that will decide to pump it.

It's even more depressing when you finally realize after many years of crypto/blockchain that all the altsand blockchain utility are vaporware/scams and we're tradig a hot potatoe or playing musical chairs, except there is like 100 players and 1 chair left

if you're starting from basicly 0 you may as well gamble because you have very little to lose but many of us are stuck in the 5/6 figure hell limbo, too much money to gamle it on shitcoins but not enough to make it by just holding bitcoin and hoping for a 3x in 5 years and even that isn't 100% ceratin while life is passing by and you're getting older day by day missing out on life waiting

>> No.54742517

So your still thinking when is clear that crypto is dead leaving some bicthes retard you all should go get some nice pussy investment.

>> No.54742523

It’s also the easiest way to lose everything

>> No.54742580

so I'd buy this just like ****(tax token also on bcs) eh? I'm mentally disabled and retarded

>> No.54742587

There's an altseason going on right now. Everyone who's ever browsed this board should be taking their 2-3xs while the getting is good. This is the shit everyone has wished for the past 2 years and it's 4chan fuckin memecoins driving the rally. Fuckin hell boys, look for new shitcoins and start scalping already.

>> No.54742632

It could match gold tomorrow. If you understand how the banking system works, and you understand how bitcoin works, then you know bitcoin is the safest way to store money. How long is it really going to take for other people to figure this out? You can't bet against public information. And how are you going to keep your money safe from seizure if you do?

>> No.54742693
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Crypto is just for some realfags not some pices of retard dick, as SYLO is gaining popularity in the NFT space, with the seekers_xyz, creating community participation and node operation.

>> No.54742699
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it depends in what chain you're trading in. if you're into some ruggy jeety chain you're gonna lose your money like it's nothing.
the cheaper the TX the cheaper the pockets that buy it.

I've made so much money off of ERC20. it's crazy easy. just stop following trends like pepe. pure shitcoins that will rekt your pockets before you know.
allow me to tell you about my most recent bag too anon. it's called blackswan, the utility is crazy good. chatgpt based bot that reads news and trades accordingly. see you guys at millions!

>> No.54742879
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>> No.54742925

Give me the run down in 5 easy steps.
>how do I buy?
>how do I store?
>how do I sell?
>how do taxes work?
>can I do it all from my phone?

>> No.54743225
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There's gonna be wars fought over who can and cannot mine bitcoin.

>> No.54743592

I was talking more about the future, when bitcoin is more adopted and financial institutions view it as a more legitimate asset than they do nowadays.

Then you could take a loan against it like you could nowadays take an investment loan against a house or a bond (so maybe 80-90% of the value could be financed and the rate would be for example 20yr real estate mortgage + 5 units)

>> No.54744186

Sounds good anon, am still waiting for bullish season, as SYLO is making pussy wet, as it offers P2P and e2e. While, my data & privacy is secured, the thought of loosing it to third party socks fags

>> No.54744306
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>pump my bags, fund my ponzi

How about you sell and fuck off, token not needed and BANNED by the feds.

>> No.54744359
File: 343 KB, 631x433, F91322C7-8AAF-4C28-B143-CBAF1F15AC17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up fucking up my taxes and claiming I made no money with crypto when I maybe made under $1k last year. I only have 3-4k LINK now but i’m just a midwit who used turbo tax and they were saying with my transactions that it all didn’t add up and I needed to pay 4 grand so I was like fuck it.

What do I do bros? I just want my LINK stack to be all square where big brother knows it came from my own money…can I just fix my taxes next year or just hit up an accountant to fix my shit?

>> No.54744535

Nah, not all of them. There were some that are long-term and still haven't surfaced much yet like Holoride they have known advisors who can bridge their in-car entertainment to their platform.

>> No.54745956

You just redo (amend) last year's tax return so that it shows what you actually bought and sold, then do the same thing for this year's return. Mistakes happen all the time and it's okay to correct them. There might be a penalty last year but it's better than showing your current transactions has having zero cost basis. Turbo Tax offers amending tax returns. Shouldn't need an accountant.