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54724791 No.54724791 [Reply] [Original]

>what cryptos do you buy?
>oh I don't buy any, I literally get an index fund of the entire industry paid to me for free and I don't have to even pay attention to it

Chainlink token price is literally meaningless when you're never selling. Chainlink is an entitlement to hundreds and eventually thousands of free aidrops. The next 50 GMX/AAVE/UNI will be given to LINK stakers for free.
You don't sell LINK at $0.01 and you don't sell LINK at $1000. You just stake it and get a completely free index fund of every single meaningful project to be built in Web3 in the next 20 years.
LINK literally just sits at the back of your folio and goes airdrop shopping for you, for absolutely free. It is never sold or even looked at. You never have to put another penny into crypto as you get everything given to you.

>> No.54724802

I just want to stake more

>> No.54724805

Early stakers will all make it

>> No.54724839

b-bbut the token wasn't n-needed r-right??

>> No.54724847

I have 20. How many needed for staking?

>> No.54724890

7000 but the staking pool is full lol so no staking anymore

>> No.54725470

(not sorry actually)

>> No.54725485


Technically you can stake any amount the 7000 was the maximum per wallet during this last staking round.

>> No.54725511

>Needs 49,000 dollars to participate
>This is changing the world

>> No.54725551
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In 2 years it'll be 490k dollars and the Build drops will be worth millions.
Chainlink staking is life on easy mode. /biz/ and CT are going to be the world's deepest salt mines when everyone realises this.
Smug levels: Dangerous.

>> No.54725567

eth is ~5% maybe closer to ~7% during bull markets with mev and ~4% in bear markets

chainlink is going to have to conclusively outperform that APY for anyone to give a single fuck about staking link given the smaller market, higher risks, and worse token distribution/economics/outlook.
eth is already not particularly attractive to most people looking for decent yield

>> No.54725579

OP is very specifically and clearly not talking about the 4.75% Link rewards, anon.

>> No.54725586

It's yet another "staking" game they want people to play.

>> No.54725590

I have no idea what that means.

>> No.54725609

doesnt that second tweet mean that you need to stake directly at the still to be built or at least initialized gmx don in order to get gmx fess to you
the prepool right now is just a test and doesnt provide any security
do you really think the original pool is gonna get everything and sergay isnt going to realize his vision of a effective don

as hypothesized here back in 19, the future prospects will be don hunting and getting in through their compliance to get the best deals
deco cant come out fast enough

>> No.54725613

>doesnt that second tweet mean that you need to stake directly at the still to be built or at least initialized gmx don
You or (more likely) your staking pool, yes.

>> No.54725630

The first community pool will be grandfathered in and get a free fast track into every further iteration of staking all the way to v1 at which point I guess we'll get to choose to stay in the Eth price feed node or do whatever else, fuck knows.

>> No.54725638

I only staked 1700 Linkies, is it enough for the airdrops?

>> No.54725657

if GMX generates 100mill in fees every day
1.2mill sent to link
If all 1.2mill goes to stakers then each link gets 4.8 cents per day == 250%APY

from just one project
now imagine across all of Defi.

>> No.54725694

>if GMX generates 100mill in fees every day

>> No.54725700
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It isn't needed though

>> No.54725716

I can't believe I only staked 14k, I should have staked the lot.

>> No.54725777

I can't believe your mommy didn't abort you
Oh well, you're a genetic dead end cuckold anyway =)

>> No.54725788
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>> No.54725806

So when do I get another chance at staking, I missed the boat the last time

>> No.54725807

>hypothesized 4 years ago
>deco can't come out fast enough
>real staking can't come out fast enough
the common pattern in chainlink bagholding, everything is just 2 more weeks away!

>> No.54725821
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another day, another airdrop

it's that easy

>> No.54725823

I only have 500 Chainlink and I wasn't able to steak. I'm just holding and it feels like I'm getting fucking jipped big time by that fat fucking cunt cocksucking betrayer again.

>> No.54725834

I see this goalpost is also moving steadily, can't wait for the bullrun to happen in 2028 just around the corner

>> No.54725837

All this fucking team does is rip off everyone else. This sounds like MEV

>> No.54725843

you get grandfathered in kyc wise yes, but that staking pool isnt getting a part of the fees of every independent node to ever be build, you will still need to go hunting yourself

>> No.54725851

i dont see any air drops in my wallet

>> No.54725860

Starting to think I might be a cuckold for holding this shit

>> No.54725868
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got the MEV trannies covered as well

>> No.54725880

>token prices remain static
eth only has the gas fees to generate eps or ept, its growth potential is limited and its already starting out with a large MC
link on the other hand has a small starting MC and can generate yield from every project to be build ontop of its suite, much larger potential
so it isnt a question of 4.75% apy on link or 5% on eth staking
the question is what apy do i get 2 years later on 100 investable dollars in both projects right now, in usd terms those numbers might be quite shocking
after all the speculation we are finally turning some projects into fundamentally earning assets akin to conventional stocks, fun times all around

>> No.54725886
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incel manifesto alert

>> No.54725911

oh i def am, i should have sold last cycle. i def will this run up. The fat piece of shit lied through his teeth about staking and now about CCIP. Thats two separate times of him doing the same shit.

>> No.54725913

its here apparently
the numbers are hypothetical but the rewards are here now, so even if its 1/100th of that one project gives 2.5% apy. luckily i only bought this year so im not in perma-despair like the 2019 boys

>> No.54725931

its not here or we would have something to actually talk about instead of carrots on a stick

>> No.54725933

Yeah, you're right.

>> No.54725950

>in perma-despair like the 2019 boys
they are still up 20-30x if they didnt even swing
its the summer of 2020 boys that are seething to no end

>> No.54725952

>not an argument.

>> No.54725966

shut up cuckold

>> No.54725973

>not an argument.

>> No.54725983

okay cuckold

>> No.54725985

pay up really sends the bulgarios into a seething fit

>> No.54726013
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hey cuckold boy, your token has been trading at single digits for more than a year.

When is it going to pump?

>> No.54726029
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im getting paid EVERY MINUTE

>> No.54726163

When do we actually start receiving the build airdrops though?

>> No.54726186

wow you made $700 in 5 months with your staking rewards

You might be able to have a couple of fun nights in Mumbai with that amount of newfound wealth

>> No.54726221

I just want to stake some.
I missed getting into v0.1 by an hour because I didn't think it would fill up that fast.
It really sucks being retarded sometimes

>> No.54726268

more than likely when staking v0.1 is over, to minimize LINK sell presure

>> No.54726380

2018 fall boyo here
the pa is absolutely horrendous and anybody who says they're satisfied with 25k sats and 0.003 gwei is coping

>> No.54726452

Checked but what will you do if there is no “run up”?

>> No.54726473

This. Here since 2017. 6 fucking years holding 40k LINK. $50 was a gift and I turned my back to it like a retard.

And now a lot of us who held are ready to sell, which is going to make a pump that much harder.


>> No.54726578

what bullshit was it that sergey stung us along on purpose with announcing staking in the start of the year only for him to release the last day. All while dumping on us. I hate that fat faggot so much its unreal

>> No.54726654

you didnt take profits on a 200x in the worst market/cycle to date, thats on you
but you are still sitting on handsome gains, i never implied to be happy with the pa but you arent in utter despair now are you?

this however was bullshit of the highest order and sergay deserves to be reminded of his willing betrayal for years to come

>> No.54726736

I did, that's why I can be objective when stating that whoever claims he's content with this pa is coping

>> No.54726866

remember that the entire financial world collapsed in on itself the very first market opening day after Sergey announced staking.
Nearly every business in the world had to put things on hold.

>> No.54726900
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>remember that the entire financial world collapsed in on itself the very first market opening day after Sergey announced staking
lmaoing at the cucks believing there is a global nefarious conspiracy to suppress their rank 23 premined shitcoin bags, this will always be funny

>> No.54726932

you are literally retarded
post more cope

>> No.54726951

Who said anything about a conspiracy?
I'm just saying what quite literally happened.

lmao, the entire tech world underwent a metamorphosis during 2022.
Read the news sometime.

>> No.54726963

Staking MAXIMUM was 7k per wallet. Minimum was 1 LINK. You literally only needed $8 to participate and secure a spot as an early staker, yet you didn't do it. Why?

>> No.54727003

Barcelona hmm

>> No.54727007

Checked. You are especially mad today, aren't you. Want to talk about it? =}

>> No.54728016
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wow it's his money why do you niggers care so much about it?

>> No.54728794

yah and iso2000 was specifically for link. That turned out to be a lie too. That fat pig lets us hang our selfs with our own rope and doesn't say anything to correct

>> No.54728807

you cucks really just eat up everything from him dont you? He specifically gave us no time lines so we wouldnt sell for that very reason. Then uses it as an excuse on why the price is bad. The last one i heard was "we are creating new tech"

>> No.54729070

>more than likely

What is this bullshit attorney esque double speak? Look at you, parroting like a good little cuck. Youre the type of guy that believes her when she saysb shes not like that anymore. Actions are all that matters in this world.

>> No.54729124

Dont be disingenuous bro. Your first comment insinuated that the whole financial world crashed because Link released a test version of something they said was almost finished in 2019.

And to clarify…no the entire financial system did not “collapse”. What a joke to say something like that.

>> No.54729182

If I make millions of dollars next bullrun then I'm probably going to spend 100k of it on a link stack in the deepest part of the next bear. I'm going to go heavy in projects with staking and btc if my shitcoins pay out in the next couple of years.

>> No.54729238

any staking rewards paid in link first need to offset link's long-term decline against eth just like eth's need to offset it's long-term decline to btc.

the further down the shitcoin chute you go the larger the rewards need to be.

>> No.54730014

>just like eth's need to offset it's long-term decline to btc
this is the most retarded argument that gets thrown around here, just because an alt loses in sats compared to its ath doesnt make it a bad investment
eth never reclaimed its ath in sats, but eth outperformed btc in gains in dollar terms last cycle, counting both holding throughout and swinging it
so you dont get sats back, but you do end up with more dollar value, whatever should i worry about more anon

>> No.54730060

why two more years? I thought Link was the bear market coin

>> No.54730064
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The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.54730878

it's a good investment if you ride the wave and swing back to BTC, based midwit
0.12 sats are still worth more than 0.06 sats

>> No.54731290

Neither do I.. nor do I see the Link rewards. How when do we actually get access?

>> No.54731301

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined erc-20 token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags getting outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you. The cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality.

As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.54731349

>that the whole financial world crashed because Link released a test version of something
I said the financial world crashed immediately after Link announced staking.
Not because.

>> No.54731476

it didnt though. Like that anon said they said the had been working on it since 19. Stop making excuses for these retards and call them out. After people started voicing their opinions they changed there tunes and started to work on having the token be valuable

>> No.54731514

If it wasn't for them I would have probably sold years ago for some nice profit. I thought all the FUD means it's going to pump. Joke's on me I guess.

>> No.54731756

Congratulations on generational wealth, fren. I couldn't sleep an hour the night before staking because I knew what it meant.

>> No.54731857

Anon I...

>> No.54731884

No pajeets or chinks on the team for a change. I'm thinking this project could be quite successful.

>> No.54732434
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>it didnt though

>started to work on having the token be valuable
Even without staking, Chainlink did more than enough for the token to be valuable.
Chainlink did a million times more than ADA, XRP, Solana, Doge, ... for its token value, and none of it mattered.
For instance: simply announcing staking in January 2022 made Link pump against the entire market; but then Bitcoin dumped and then the stock market dumped.

>> No.54732913
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>you didn't do that
>it was so obvious
>how you couldn't see it
ah, another day, they still seethe at us for buyin at 0.20
Never gets old.

>> No.54733673

We joked that this would happen when it was announced. My expectations were so low by that point I didn't even care. The strategy is that Sergey is basically holding the potential gains of staking hostage. By saying "this year" at the very start of the year, it gives him a full year of linkies too afraid to sell. This is obviously important because the project is bootstrapped. The biggest criticism I have of Chainlink is the lack of transparency. They feel absolutely no obligation to keep their investors in the loop whatsoever.

>> No.54733977

Dumped my LINK for UTK, QANX and ORE.

>> No.54734314

if you don't sell some at 1,000 you're kind of retarded