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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54711868 No.54711868 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.54711886
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>> No.54711895
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P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool.

P2Pool has no central server that can be shut down/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't. It's permissionless!

Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. Once P2Pool reaches & maintains 51%+ of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks.

Although many inexperienced miners think that bigger pools give better profits, this is absolutely NOT the case. Your profits in the long run depend ONLY on your hashrate, NOT on the pool's hashrate.


1. Download the *bundled* version of Gupax for your OS here: https://gupax.io/downloads/
2. Extract somewhere (Desktop, Documents, etc)
3. Launch Gupax
4. Input your Monero address in the [P2Pool] tab. USE A SEPARATE MINING-ONLY WALLET!
5. Select a Community Monero Node that you trust, although you can and should run your own node if possible.
6. Start P2Pool
7. Start XMRig

VIDEO GUIDE: https://gupax.io/guide/

You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!


OLD GUIDE FOR P2POOL MINING FROM THE MONERO GUI WALLET: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/eecbe


>> No.54711905
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*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****
>*****/XMR/ Monero General Info-Dump*****

Learn more about Monero's key features and excellent future prospects, have some common misconceptions dispelled and discover the cold hard facts about Bitcoin, Zcash and PirateChain. Also featured is a noob-friendly buying, storage and wallet guide.

>Monero: it's what new Bitcoin users think they bought. Every feature, explained

>Why Monero is so untraceable: a rundown of the powerful stealth tech Monero utilizes

>The Writing on the Wall: Monero replacing Bitcoin as the new standard

>Breaking News: no, Monero still isn't traceable

>Vaporware: why nobody is worried about CipherTrace's magic crystal ball

>Very Clever Math: how we can verify that the XMR supply isn't being inflated

>Pssst, wanna buy some Monero? Follow these simple how-to guides

>Bitcoin: The Original Non-Fungible Token

>Why Monero is Better than Zcash: the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch

>The Lowdown on PirateChain: why this Zcash clone is considered a scam


- added Proof-of-Stake update to Zcash Blackpill
- added list of available desktop/mobile wallets
- expanded all sections with more relevant info, graphics & videos
- added easily linkable headers and sub-headers (link icon to the far right)
- added a new section about traceability FUD

>> No.54711914
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Never forget what this is ultimately all about.


>Help grow the circular Monero economy: buy/sell goods & services with/for XMR!


>Live off XMR with Cake Pay (now available in 140+ countries!)

>or with CoinCards (currently US & CA only, UK, EU & AUS coming soon)

>Monero stickers for guerilla marketing

>Buy silver/gold bullion with XMR (US only)

>Monero-only VPS hosting

>Win XMR!

Say buh-bye to Bitcoin and support the growing number of Monero-only darknet markets/vendors.

# = recently launched, exercise caution

>Astra #
>Asur Market
>Chimera Market
>Cloud Market
>Dark Matter
>Gofish Market #
>Mercury Market #
>Mellow Market
>Retro Market
>Sonanza Market #
Links: https://pastebin.com/raw/icMJeHJS

>LocalMonero is now available on I2P

Anonymously exchange BTC for XMR using a reputable darknet service

>Majestic Bank
>Infinity Project

or a reputable clearnet service

https://trocador.app/en/ | I2P: http://trocador.i2p/en/

>Want to support further development? Donate to the Monero General Fund or MAGIC Monero Fund

>Have a particular set of skills? Join a Monero Workgroup and (potentially) earn XMR!!!

>Want more Monero-chan? Donate to the Community Art Fund

>> No.54711924
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>What is I2P?

I2P is an anonymized P2P overlay network akin to the Tor network but with several key advantages over it. I2P is now replacing Tor as the go-to darknet and will play a pivotal role in growing the Monerocentric economy.

>Why should I care? Why should I run a node?

Increasing shadow economy adoption and the proliferation of an XMR-only standard are what guarantee that XMR will have a floor and won't also crash to zero when the Crypto Casino finally implodes. XMR's long-term outlook is therefore *strongly* correlated with the darknet, you may have already noticed how the number of TXs begins to drop whenever the glowies attack & cripple the Tor network, which underscores just how critical it is that the darknet wins this war against the State. Make no mistake: if the darknet is allowed to die XMR will take a devastating hit as well.

So by running an I2P node you are helping to make the network Monero thrives in that much more robust while also enraging glowies in the process. Win-win!

>OK, but how difficult is it? Do I have to store GBs worth of data like when running an XMR node?

It is literally as easy as installing an Android app and no, there are no storage requirements, the node only consumes some bandwidth.

>Cool, I'm sold. What do?

If you have no interest in browsing the darknet yourself then the simplest solution is to install & run the I2Pd Android app on any compatible (Android 4.1+) device, ideally a TV box since they don't require recharging and are permanently online. But any old phone or tablet is fine too. Make sure you activate "start on boot" in the settings.


Otherwise just install the appropriate desktop client and leave it running.


The console is accessed via or the menu in Android.

>> No.54711940
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>No tail emission = Bitcoin is fucked

Right now, at the current hashrate, miners break even on energy expenses at a BTC price of $22K. Post 2024 halving, that break even point, at the current hashrate, goes up to $44K. If BTC does not go to $44K, miners will be unprofitable and hashrate will have to drop (miners going out of business) to reduce the cost of securing the network, also reducing the security.

If you know anything about the power of 2, you already know that things get very big, very fast. If we’re 3 halvings into 32 total halvings, then the estimated break even point for miners at current hashrate going into the last halving would be:

$22,000 * (2^27) = $2,952,790,016,000 per BTC

$2,952,790,016,000 per BTC * 21 Million total Bitcoin = $62,008,590,336,000,000,000 BTC Market Cap

The block rewards shrink so fast that after enough halvings Bitcoin would eventually require a $2.95 trillion price per Bitcoin and a $62 quintillion market cap to sustain the current cost of $7.15 billion/year.

Even if these numbers were somehow realistic, can you imagine securing a $62 quintillion market cap on only $7.15 billion/year of hashrate? LOL.

And that’s assuming energy costs do not increase at all over the next 120 years, which they will.

So basically BTC mining will eventually become so unprofitable the hashrate (network security) will shrivel up UNLESS it is subsidized by BTC transaction fees.


>> No.54712253
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Reporting in,
fuck Bitcoin.

>> No.54712397
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>> No.54712513

get on these bounties

>> No.54712595
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Reporting in

Swimng Pool - https://pastebin.com/raw/Mb7Dyg24
IRC - https://pastebin.com/kP1gZ1Hk
Education - https://pastebin.com/V0SFR8qU
Mining - https://pastebin.com/Rd1V8P5L
Nodes - https://pastebin.com/j6Vv2Xn6

>> No.54712634

>how do you keep the tax goons at bay
They don't even give a shit.
Large transactions are likely reported but also consider that the IRS is not omnipotent and has to prioritize. If you made $25k in monero swaps over 5 years and each transfer was for like $50-100, you are NOT the guy the IRS is after. They don't fucking care about your few hundred in unpaid taxes, they're spending their months building a case against the guy who owes $200k from a construction business that has spent the better part of a decade intentionally deceiving them.

Also to my understanding you only incur taxes when you sell back for fiat, something only bums do.

>> No.54712836
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Threadly reminder that there is now a parallel XMR General on the darknet imageboard BitChan where you can post with the absolute maximum degree of privacy possible.

Why bother? Well, remember that every time you post on 4chan the content + your IP address are being logged and that data can and will be made available to LE/glowies upon request.

So if you need to ask a very delicate question, want to make a potentially incriminating announcement or you otherwise just absolutely positively DO NOT WANT to risk being deanonymized, the BitChan thread would be the place to do it.

The slightly higher barrier to entry also serves as a badly needed retard filter so a lot of us post there simply to avoid the hordes of mouth breathers that befoul this otherwise delightful basket weaving forum.

>How do I access BitChan?

You need to have I2P configured & running on your device. Fortunately, pre-configured browser bundles are now available and make everything easy. Since most of you lazy faggots are still using Windows we'll default to that for the following guide:

1. Visit https://i2pd.website/ and click on 'Download I2PdBrowser'.
2. Download either the I2PdBrowserPortable_xxx.7z or .exe file. Extract/install it.
3. Run the StartI2PdBrowser.bat batch file to launch. Adjust firewall settings/port forward as required. Port forwarding > UPnP

A cmd window will pop up and initialize the process. A windowed Firefox instance should soon appear. DO NOT RESIZE IT! Browser fingerprinting is a thing. Once pic-related appears you are officially browsing the darknet! You can monitor yr I2P service by visiting in yr *regular* browser.

Then simply copy/paste the following link into the address bar as per usual:


You may have to complete a CAPTCHA on your first visit. Also, NEVER, EVER ENABLE JAVASCRIPT!!!!

Keep in mind that page loading takes longer on the darknet, so be patient.

>> No.54712841

>built in infinite supply
>unintended trillions of tokens likely hanging out from exploit in any one of hundreds of past and future hard forks
>cryptonote is backdoored
>a single supercomputer could be turned against the network and completely nuke it
>larpy faggot holders, only actual users pedophiles and trannies buying hormones
Oh yeah, it's monero time

>> No.54713477

3rd XMR video in 3 days. what his problem?


>> No.54713784

This is going to be fun

>> No.54713795

I don't care about a blockchain the NSA has fully cracked personally but monero chan gets me all worked up

>> No.54713978

bros I've been too lazy to set up i2p

I only check darknetlive for some news every once in a while so I haven't gotten around to it

how's the i2p ecosystem so far, it isn't really reported on

>> No.54714061
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Growing slowly. You can keep track of new eepsites here: http://notbob.i2p/cgi-bin/defcon.cgi?filter=new

>> No.54714072
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>It's war


>> No.54714079

Honestly him actually showing rebuttals from Howard and Seth was cool of him.
The part where he was using four year old tweets from that BTC maxi to counterargue XMR was hilarious though. Plus he shills lightning network, which is cringe.

>> No.54714080

Rent free

>> No.54714089
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Meme War? Who wins?

>> No.54714952
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>> No.54715039

yo yo when we finna get rich niggas?

>> No.54715096

Etherium maxis are getting drained but guy claims xmr wallets are getting drained as well


>> No.54715184

fake news, no one is getting drained

>> No.54715210

But did etherium maxis get drained i think that fact would be hilarious as fuck cause fuck etherium

>> No.54715364

is feather wallet good? and do you download it from featherwallet.org?

>> No.54715383
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Why don't Bitcoon maxis buy them?
Why won't they protect their investment and support the good cause?

>> No.54715617

how do i leave this place?

>> No.54715668
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Wasn't this dude the dude that a video bashing Monero's RandomX and then proceeded to ask people on twitter what RandomX even was?

So yes it is afraid. Or plain dishonest. Probably both.

>> No.54715773
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>> No.54715985
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Reminder that the /XMR/ bookclub is now a thing.

>What book?
The Sovereign Individual
>Where to get it?
With explanation: https://xmrbookclub.neocities.org/#books
From the tracker: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TorrentDetail&id=69603
>Which chapters and for when?
Chapters 7-9, we'll finish and discuss this Sunday (30th of April, Sunday).
>Where to discuss?
For now, keep it in /XMR/, bitchan.i2p might be a place for future reference.

>Chapter 7: Transcending locality: The emergence of the Cybereconomy
>Chapter 8: The end of egalitarian economics: The revolution in earnings capacity in a world without jobs
>Chapter 9: Nationalism, Reaction and the New Luddites

For any more info as to how, check out

Past weeks

>> No.54716197
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>finna get rich niggas?
a fortnight

>> No.54716221

its kinda true though. building a more efficient randomx mining processor is possible, they don't do it because no one would buy it.
if monero line go up a lot then someday we might see such processors.

>> No.54716358

Yo! that picture means monerochan would loose! WTF?! t. fucking kraut!

>> No.54716403

Is it possible to download a somewhat recent copy of the blockchain by torrent, move the file to ~/.bitmonero/lmdb/data.mdb, and then download the rest through monerod without a problem? After a storage upgrade, I tried getting back on the saddle and updating my chain, but it was painfully slow.

>> No.54716550

Syncing the chain normally would have more peers (and therefore be faster) than any torrent you'd find.

Drive type matters, HDDs or anything over an external bus (USB, eSATA, USBC, etc) WILL be significantly slower than a SATA SSD or NVMe drive.

>> No.54716634

This is a very, very stupid comparison image.

>> No.54716671

people are starting to see the writing on the wall and btc maxis don't like it

>> No.54716722

To elaborate a bit- In your monerod.conf, increase your default limit_down and out_peers, enable db_sync_mode=safe and sync over ethernet to an SSD. Took me all of 26 hours to sync the full chain like that from genesis to this past February.

It won't load for me right now but you can usually find everything nice a neat at monerodocs.org or over at the monerodocs github

>> No.54716841
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you can say that again

>> No.54717004
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There is a limit yet to be pushed and we should expect it to be pushed into the future. When they designed RandomX ASIC designs were tossed around quite a bit, and stuff got changed around as a result.
>https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/issues/11 (beware derailed by a trool/schizo)

From what I've seen the improvement is still a 2.5x per Joule hashrate in 2019, probably even less by now. But the thing is thatv companies that could do the would-be ASICs face the following
- hard PoW algorithm requires significant manpower and resources to develop an ASIC for, not just the usual "add more X!"
- even if you succeed, you will be able to mine for a couple of weeks/months to make your ROI assuming price won't decrease while you are at it

Also on being certain that ASICs don't exist, you can never do that unless you require an ID for mining. You can however detect ASIC mining based on its appearance. For example, nonce selection tends to be at focal points as ASICs cannot afford to select random nonce values like CPUs do (see picrel, drop is HF cutting out ASICs nonce disturbance stops). This is how previous ASIC mining on Monero got busted and I would expect it to show up again. As well as there would be the obvious doubling or more of the hashrate, which has not happened (exceptions when hackers use the cloud to mine a few $k for the costs of $mm-s).

>> No.54717014

it's going to be fun watching the cia build the hope again and then drain it for its final death

>> No.54717022
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Also because 4chan doesn't allow multiple file uploads, here is a less pretty but fuller graph showcasing the different epochs of Monero mining algorithms and their respective ASICs causing visible disturbances in the nonce value selection.

>> No.54717326
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Welcome to the second installment of the weekly opsec discussion! The aim of these weekly posts is to raise awareness to various opsec related topics.
In this session we discuss file verification. This may seem like an obvious task to some, it is largely unused in the wider scope, and is essential to protecting our data.

>Previous Weeks Discusison
PGP - pastebin.com/K5uK4vvg
File Verification - pastebin.com/64jdYSua

>What is File Verification/Hashing?

File verification is a way for end users to verify that the files we download are identical to the intended source. This process is achieved by utilizing hashing to create a very random looking, but very specific fixed length string of text. This hash, which we will later create, can be compared to the hash provided by the file's originator, if we compare the two hashes and they are an exact match, we can be certain that the file we have downloaded is authentic and has not been altered, falsified or otherwise tampered with by an outside malicious actor.

>Why Is File Verification Important?

Downloading content from the internet can be a dangerous endeavor, anyone who accidentally blew up their computer in the 2000's while trying to download free music from limewire would understands this. For a malicious actor, the most effective way into your network/home pc is to be invited in, and by invited in, I mean downloading their malware. While hash signatures may not be available to every item we download, signature verification is in increasing demand on providers to include this option so that we the end users can better protect ourselves. we will also cover a few useful tips to avoid malicious providers.
Please note: If you download a malicious file, with a malicious signature, this will not save you, always do due diligence to verify the source, pay attention to URL's and lookout for falsified providers.

>> No.54717340
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>Hashing CONOPS
In last weeks discussion, we briefly covered hashes, and how they fit into PGP verification signatures, you will notice that the two concepts are similar in the way they work. Simply put, hashes are the text output of data that has been processed by an algorithm ex:SHA/MD5. The output hash is created by taking a file or piece of data, which can be represented in binary form, and running a complex mathematical algorithm on it. By running this algorithm on the data, we can expect to always return the identical output hash or checksum, no matter how many times we run it through the algorithm, This is the key principal behind file hash verification, if the file being verified is altered, even in the smallest way, the output hash of that file will not match that of the original.

>> No.54717362
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>How To

For this post, i will use kleopatra, a GUI that makes storing, maintaining and using our various keys simple, even for new users. To show the basic steps, lets download and verify a copy of Tails OS (see picrel)
1.The first step to the process is to identify the target file(s), the verification signature(s) and download to the target system
2.open kleopatra and import the signature - this is the trusted signature we will compare against the download checksum
3.select "Decrypt/Verify" from the toolbar and open the img file
4.once the process is complete, you will be presented with the results of the verification

Either the file will run through the algorithm and the output will match that of the signature, or it wont,simple as. If you have followed along in picrel, you will see the end state is a successful verification.

>Additional Safety Measures

File hash verification is a powerful tool, however, you could still be fooled by a malicious site which pretends to be authentic. Always double check the URL of the site you are downloading from, beware of phishing, take the time to be check the spelling of the url, the context of which you arrived to that link (did you follow a link from an email to the site), and be wary of simply "googling" and choosing the first link, which can be a vector of attack via malicious advertisements.
By remaining diligent in verifying the source of our downloads, we can minimize (not eliminate) the chances of downloading malicious files.

>> No.54717390
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>Closing Words

This was a relatively short post, and some might think this is an overly basic topic, considering many sites provide a tutorial on how to verify their files, but this is an underused tool. Many people simply wont take the time to bother, they think, well, i trust (i think i trust) the source, why bother taking the extra steps? As i said in the previous weekly discussion, good opsec is about attention to detail over time. Some steps may seem trivial, but these trivial steps can often be the figurative "straw that broke the camels back".
Practice dose not make perfect, practice makes habit. Good practice makes good habits.

>Additional Reading


>> No.54717429

The best part of the three videos was when he used blockchain size as a percentage of market cap as evidence that if more people used Monero it wouldn't work. While not mentioning bulletproofs drastically slowing down the speed the Monero blockchain is growing at or the acknowledging the existence of blockchain pruning of course.

>> No.54717601

Does anyone know the state of bp++?
From logs it seems like the author gave up.

>> No.54717729

cursory search got me this, so maybe not DOA?


>> No.54717768

If I just want to buy some monero quickly, should I just:
>get cakewallet
>make btc wallet and buy directly using credit/debit card
>swap for xmr on trocador
or is there some easier way?

>> No.54717809

I was referring to this https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/829
But who knows.
Anyone remembers the improvement from bp to bp++?

>> No.54718388
File: 9 KB, 188x268, donut_wownero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have this meme in better quality?
Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.54718448

That's how I've been doing it.

>> No.54718526

"upscale image"


>> No.54719028

This is actually a really good service to the /XMR/ thread, everyone here should be OPSEC-ready, considering using Monero nowadays has become kind of an informal requirement for higher OPSEC. Do you have any ideas for next week? If no, I'd like to suggest identity/information compartmentalization, which is a bit broad and different from previous "X: this is what it is, how it works, and how to use it". I know, but it is important to know how you categorize your activities and what tools can you use for that task, because I often see people trying to be more private and then end up failing by linking all their identities together.

>> No.54719061
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Based as fuck, I love these guides.

>> No.54719080

Yes you achieve privacy by purchasing monero on a kyc app on your iPhone

>> No.54719191

Much appreciated! i've enjoyed compiling these two so far, the intent is to push a topic every Sunday, however i will probably fall off for a week or two next week for work related reasons.
>identity/info compartmentalization
i really like that suggestion, there are countless examples of people who followed good opsec practices, but failed due to exactly that.

>> No.54719202

>fall off
*later next month rather

>> No.54719468
File: 379 KB, 750x710, 1674938920367304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love to read these.
in case someone is looking for the last week ones

>> No.54719511

Why the kyc when you can use other privacy without kyc?
Crypto is decentralized, and kyc is a no no for the system

>> No.54720005

>need to take a selfie and photograph my ID card to buy btc on cakewallet in order to get xmr

>> No.54720046
File: 2.26 MB, 1400x1959, 90893099_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pixiv posting chad

>> No.54720087
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Thanks, all the posts will be linked going forward as well.
>Previous Weeks Discusison
PGP - pastebin.com/K5uK4vvg
File Verification - pastebin.com/64jdYSua
>and in the name of good opsec
public keys too long for 4chinz kek

>> No.54720128
File: 1.37 MB, 1100x1668, 107482809_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed last week's discussion, but thanks for this. Really nice read.
I quite enjoy this thread's education resources. Specially wirey's pastebin guides, I never would've found those comptia+ guides.

>> No.54720139

they're a swap service larping as a wallet. have you tried localmonero?

>> No.54720305
File: 46 KB, 1007x362, status on Keystone hardware wallet integration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is feather wallet good?
I like it better than exodus or GUI
>download it from featherwallet.org

>> No.54720385

Thanks for the tip. I just did.
Why can I first select fiat and then when I set up a trade I need to send a message specifying the crypto I want to use to pay? Really strange

>> No.54720445
File: 310 KB, 220x275, monero park.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can use a swap aggregator such a trocador.app. the monerochad that runs trocador also runs moneroj.net

>> No.54720840

amerifat detected

>> No.54720872


>> No.54720886

they probably got multiple sale posts up and cant be bothered to remember which you wanna send.
but like other anon has said, trocador is a one stop and has best privacy preserving websites.

>> No.54721309

How is the wallet, is the wallet the likes of Firo and Railway wallet, which shields token & NFTs at will?

>> No.54721315

i wanted to start mining xmr but my pc aint great, i wanted to buy in some, is it stupid at the moment?

>> No.54721464

Not stupid at all, I recently bought some bags of ZEC & RAIL, and I'm equally staking them to earn more possible

>> No.54721477

weve been stuck at 140-170 for like a year. waiting around will only save you a few dollars.

>> No.54721728

bot shill

>> No.54723420


>> No.54724287
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, 00148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54725225

I'm buying more monero soon

>> No.54725316

Anyone else notice these thread slipping more and more into /XSG/ territory?

>> No.54725321

no idea what that is and don't really care

>> No.54725342

I haven't, it's still the same old "hey that's nice, where do I buy?" "where are we getting rich lads?" "BUY ZEC INSTEAD AHAHA" "for Monerochan"

>> No.54725380

The posts:posters ratio keeps increasing and it seems every thread is 50% of the exact same posts and replies.
It's never worked out favorably when things start spiraling this way.

>> No.54725454

our enemies are dedicated, but doomed to lose and experience unbelievable pain

>> No.54725528
File: 66 KB, 577x558, 1681123877670568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact same posts and replies.

Helpful technical guides and advice? Intellectually-stimulating discourse? New Monero-chans? THE HORROR!

>> No.54725535

Monero's enemies just end up delisting it and removing on/off ramps for it. There's no pain in store for them given the volume XMR is doing these days.

>> No.54725572

>Helpful technical guides and advice?
Can be a single link to a website.
>Intellectually-stimulating discourse?
Hasn't been in these threads for months until you luck into getting a tourist that actually understands Monero's technology. Usually it just ends with all the bag holders crying FUD.

>> No.54725591
File: 870 KB, 1290x1279, NewStandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just end up delisting it and removing on/off ramps for it.

And that's a good thing, not being dependent on CEXs is critical for long-term survival, as shall become apparent once CBDCs are rolled out and gubbmermints start cracking down on crypto.

>There's no pain in store for them given the volume XMR is doing these days.

Considering how the darknet economy just consistently keeps on ditching Bitcoin for Monero (Solanza just shitcanned BTC), volumes are only going to increase with time and black market growth.

Goddamn, its so comfy.

>> No.54725634

totally impossible to achieve, you wish this were possible, but it is not

>> No.54725678
File: 887 KB, 1792x1296, BasedMcAfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can be a single link to a website.

Too easily missed or overlooked. And its so gratifying knowing every laser-eyed "muh Bitcoin-only" midwit that enters this thread will be confronted with that ever-growing list of Monero-only markets.

>Hasn't been in these threads for months until you luck into getting a tourist that actually understands Monero's technology.

Uh, scroll up. Devs post here all the time.

>> No.54725871

Thank you for clarifying.

>> No.54725893

25,000 shitcoins and monero holders decide to grift off child porn liquidity, really amazing stuff hopefully they actually put you people in prison

>> No.54725941

from darknet news reports most cp sites allegedly only ask for bitcoin indicating feds running 99 percent of them

but that's just what I've heard

>> No.54726010

Can you give some concrete examples or evidence of that? I've been on and off these threads for a couple years now and honestly, I haven't seen a general decline in the quality of discourse. I've seen new things appear, the OP expand, the artfund grow, AI art, epic wins against zcashers, and wirey appearing, the general didn't fall into stagnation and
>here is single pastebin, anything you say is FUD, cope seethe <insert-in-joke>
category yet. There is discourse and you can discuss more technical ideas. At least I'll be here to do that if not the others that hop by. Hell there was a student on MAGIC's scholarship in the last thread and it's not too uncommon to see devs or more important figures in the ecosystem hop in, whether identifiable or not.

This doesn't mean you won't be ridiculed and presented with less technical arguments, not all come here to do the above. This is just how free-speech debate works. If you want to have a heavily moderated discourse to keep up apparent "quality" you are even more likely to fall into dogmatic stagnation, like Bitcoin's discourse has.

Though I haven't been outside of this general for year now desu so I cannot judge how things might look on /biz/ at large. The only thing I could complain about is a sort of ossification of ideals in some posters, dismissal as FUD, which in maybe 5% of cases isn't justified. But that been the case since when I joined, why do you think the /XMR/ General Info-Dump has so many sections? It gets boring have to respond to the same things for the 50th time so putting up a veil of "we engage in technical conversation" while it's just refuting the same weak FUD. And maybe you can complain about the dude that has 60 posts a thread, that started since bitchan got mentioned maybe a few weeks ago. That's just one person and I personally don't mind, maybe you do, but there is 4chanX if you know how to use it.

>> No.54726015
File: 74 KB, 1125x1125, 1682355353960359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the seething is off the charts around here lately

>> No.54726051

Sauce? Or just a screenshot would be fine too. Am I missing much by not following that kind of stuff? I gave up following dark net markets when I stopped doing drugs a few years back.

>> No.54726085

anyone who asks for bitcoin for illegal activity has a high percentage chance of being a fed, so it's easy to assume this is the case

darknet is in a state of change now with the rise of i2p, and tor is basically failing

pretty exciting time, other than that I follow a lot of stories around retards using bitcoin and being caught easily

>> No.54726108

>darknet is in a state of change now with the rise of i2p, and tor is basically failing
>pretty exciting time, other than that I follow a lot of stories around retards using bitcoin and being caught easily
looks fun. Any links to start reading on that?

>> No.54726136

I read on darknetlive

also this thread has some good posts on it

>> No.54726188
File: 259 KB, 1600x1017, 16897446242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25,000 shitcoins and monero holders decide to grift off child porn liquidity, really amazing stuff hopefully they actually put you people in prison

>> No.54726462
File: 493 KB, 510x526, FRvKvu3WUAI0_ku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks fun. Any links to start reading on that?

A scathing review of Tor: https://restoreprivacy.com/tor/

>> No.54726561

The US Dollar and Monero are both backed by child rape, the difference is Monero is also backed by cocaine

>> No.54726729

Nice damage control fed boy. We all know who the worlds biggest drug dealers are

>> No.54726779
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>> No.54726784

the chinese and the cartels are heavily invested in monero

>> No.54726834

You just reminded me that I still can't explain why there is no fentanyl in Europe.

>> No.54726920
File: 1.31 MB, 1060x1205, MoneroMafia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cartels are heavily invested in monero

Specifically, the 'Ndrangheta pays for its Columbian cocaine shipments with XMR. These wops are serious players in global organized crime.

>Italy’s ’Ndrangheta Mafia has capitalized on South America’s cocaine boom to secure its role as one of the most influential drug trafficking groups in the world. Based in the southern Italian region of Calabria, this group has grown to become a multibillion-dollar enterprise with a presence that spans the globe.

>> No.54726983

based businessmen

>> No.54727022
File: 1.34 MB, 2100x1028, BusinessOrPleasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good Business is Where You Find It.

>> No.54727169
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>> No.54727809
File: 91 KB, 820x440, make_crypto_scary_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anyone who asks for bitcoin for illegal activity instead of monero has a high percentage chance of being a fed,
it used to be...
>anyone who asks for credit card for illegal activity instead of bitcoin has a high percentage chance of being a fed,

10 years can make a huge difference eh?!

>> No.54728068

we won

>> No.54728113

Are atomic swaps using nodes hosted by strangers like those on unstoppableswap bad or dangerous or making me look like some criminal in any way? I'm a bit uneasy because I don't know who runs those swaps. On the other hand, CEX has a big legit (hopefully) business behind it.
I just bought some bitcoin in an ATM for fun, I want to turn them into monero because this tech looks cooler.

>> No.54728269

Eh I wouldn't say "heavily" but it's definitely being used.
The problem is cashing out/laundering and this is difficult with XMR.

>> No.54728412

no it isn't, localmonero, moneromarket, etc

>> No.54728487

Those are not liquid enough for cartels.

>> No.54728506

prove it

>> No.54728524

also prove your original point that cartels can't cash out

make some stupid shell corp in whatever 3rd world country and cash out daily

perhaps el salvador seeing as they made it the national currency

I swear we're dealing with the lowest level diversity hire cia fud

>> No.54728645
File: 499 KB, 1620x844, BusinessMen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is cashing out/laundering and this is difficult with XMR.

Hence the desirability of a circular economy: ship cocaine in exchange for XMR. Pay for sicario hit with XMR. Buy ammo for hit with XMR. Buy cocaine with XMR.

>> No.54728708

bribe government officials in xmr

>> No.54728754

Lmao they need to cash out millions if not hundreds of millions of usd. Local monero is small time and fucking monero market? Kek
Well they could convert to Bitcoin for liquidity and then buy a lot of an item (e.g. computers) with BTC and then sell those computers for USD or whatever fiat they are using. Of course, they can stay in XMR too.

>> No.54728787

No you're just being retarded saying fucking monero market. I mean local monero is fair but they are dealing with a lot of money and it's not so easy to just cash out.
El Salvador has absolutely no wealth. They would be pissing away their money.
You are not being realistic. Saying we are fudding tells me you are thinking with your bags.
Us govt officials don't know what monero is. They would want usd.

>> No.54728850

shell corporations located in third world shitholes, trusts, by using centralized exchanges with fake ids or bribing locals

clearly they're doing it now retard, and 2

they don't need to do it because monero is taking over the market

you're living in the past

>> No.54728964
File: 276 KB, 1700x1700, 162488650076857359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well they could convert to Bitcoin for liquidity and then buy a lot of an item (e.g. computers) with BTC and then sell those computers for USD or whatever fiat they are using.

Converting to BTC defeats the purpose of using XMR in the first place. All that stealthing effort only to expose yourself on a transparent chain? lol

What is more likely is organized crime gangs assuming the role of de facto banks and using their copious cash reserves to facilitate on/off-ramping for their criminal brethren.

So they'd simply use XMR as a way to wire money to the local OC gang that's cashing them out. And then launder that cash as per usual, this has the benefit of leaving no bank wire paper trail for investigators.

>> No.54729006

>Shell corporations locacated in third world shit holes
They don't accept Xmr
They don't accept Xmr
>Centralized exchanged
True. But you have to explain where you got the Xmr from.
>Bribing locals
They don't accept Xmr, or Bitcoin for that matter
>clearly they're doing it now retard
They are at a small level but for the reasons I've already explained, it isn't on wide scale
You unironically said that cartels would launder money through monero market. Lol.
>Converting to BTC defeats the purpose of using XMR in the first place. All that stealthing effort only to expose yourself on a transparent chain? lol
They wouldn't be exposed because the origin of the funds would be obfuscated. That's the whole point. XMR is for the shadows but then when they need liquidity they convert to BTC.
>What is more likely is organized crime gangs assuming the role of de facto banks and using their copious cash reserves to facilitate on/off-ramping for their criminal brethren.
Some sort of exchange laundering scheme could work, yes. In fact, it could be a legitimate KYC exchange backstopped by Xmr that is dirty money.

>> No.54729033

you don't understand what a shell corp is, or what money laundering is

you make a corporation and pretend it is doing something else, but you launder money into it

are you fucking stupid, create fake identities, sign up for whatever exchange, cash out

you're a fucking retard

>> No.54729052

Having an exchange or a bank is much easier said than done though. It would require bypassing regulations and having a lot of bribery and demand. It could definitely happen but it obviously isn't yet because there really isn't many places to purchase XMR right now.

>> No.54729140

what do you consider, "a lot" of bribery in a third world country

>> No.54729178

don't worry, nobody's made real money with monero since 2016. this old alt has been terminally cycled.

>> No.54729212

if they don't convert to bitcoin they cant properly launder their money. there's no such thing as clean xmr, it's all tainted. laundering removes taint and isn't possible on monero. what monero offers is better than average privacy, not cleanliness.

>> No.54729279

not paid enough to fail

>> No.54729292

You need to take off the rose tinted glasses and realize that you can't just send massive amounts of XMR somewhere and immediately have it laundered. All your ideas are based on the assumption that the individual receiving the Xmr would be willing to do the exchange with the cartel for the XMR, but that is not based on reality as XMR is niche and not well known. On smaller scales this can work but we are talking huge amounts of money.
A lot more than you can think. You would also need to invest in the infrastructure to build that exchange, to main tain it, to have employment, work at a loss for years...not to mention that the demand for an XMR exchange isn't that high so really you would need to use other cryptos as well. But also you need to be able to open your exchange to other countries right? So now you deal with those regulations etc etc.

>> No.54729314
File: 21 KB, 640x1760, monero_place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just commissioned another Monero-themed ANSI piece. I should have a couple more coming in shortly as well.

>> No.54729315

yes you can, trade ogre, binance, local monero

fake ids to sign up, or locals who are bribed, money laundering works the exact same way it always has

you're just mad

>> No.54729379
File: 20 KB, 640x1600, Monero-chan ANSI MoneroPlace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ANSI posting chad

>> No.54729392
File: 9 KB, 640x1200, PSION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also had this one done. Just waiting on two more commissions and then I should have enough for a proper BBS, plus the scripts I wrote for charting crypto.

>> No.54729439
File: 217 KB, 1844x1229, BewareOfTaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They wouldn't be exposed because the origin of the funds would be obfuscated.

XMR is fungible, BTC is not so you're always taking a risk that the coins you receive in the swap are tainted. Fuck that.

Furthermore, exchanging XMR directly for cash is by far the safer option, why add an unnecessary extra step???

>XMR is for the shadows but then when they need liquidity they convert to BTC.

This assumes that:

A) BTC still has value.
B) BTC hasn't been shut out of the mainstream economy.
C) There is some *compelling* reason to convert to BTC

Remember that white market financial TXs are by definition not permissionless.

>> No.54729459
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 8937636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they don't convert to bitcoin they cant properly launder their money. there's no such thing as clean xmr, it's all tainted. laundering removes taint and isn't possible on monero. what monero offers is better than average privacy, not cleanliness.

OK, this has to be bait.

>> No.54729550

The context of the conversation was cartels laundering money and this would entail massive amounts of XMR. Converting to BTC is necessary to facilitate this (at the moment). Using localmonero is fine but slow and on a small scale.
>This assumes that Bitcoin still has value
Uhhhh yes?

>> No.54729618
File: 76 KB, 848x540, asdsad-thegem-blog-default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Converting "massive amounts" of XMR to BTC is going to get noticed on chain and attract attention, see Whale Alert on Twitter. Not ideal.

>Uhhhh yes?

Now, sure. In future?

>> No.54729657

fake ids, third worlders who are desperate, pay them 200 dollars to launder your 100k

this shit isn't exactly rocket science

>> No.54729667

Anon why would you launder all of it at once lol
You would slowly turn the Xmr into BTC over time and spread into different wallets.
>Now, sure. In future
Absolutely but that's not what we are talking about. I expect more organic growth and demand from XMR over the decade leading to more demand. Crypto is still very much in the stage where most buyers are only speculating. We need more market wide adoption.

>> No.54729753

>fake ids, third worlders who are desperate, pay them 200 dollars to launder your 100k


>> No.54729772

we're arguing with the lowest quality shills, high iq people aren't recruited for the job they have to do

>> No.54729924
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, FungibilityEnthusiasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon why would you launder all of it at once lol
>You would slowly turn the Xmr into BTC over time and spread into different wallets.

If "massive amounts" of XMR are being used and traded liquidity will grow and shouldn't be an issue by that point.

Furthermore, there's a good chance the advent of CBDCs will lead to the demise of crypto in the mainstream economy, so BTC would be rendered effectively useless.

>> No.54729928

Nice, isn't this hosted on a server that you can ssh into? I asked last thread about it, but got no response. I swear there was an address that I logged into an was greeted with commands and parts of a digital dungeon.
Anyways, nice artworks. I like them.

>> No.54730701

It was at monero.place, but is offline at the moment. I'm moving everything over to psion.sh and having the Monero room be a section within, so that I can cover other topics/command line tools as well. Been busy with other projects though, work, servers, audiobooks, etc.

>> No.54731328

we're at the point where trying to have any rational discussion around intricacies of technological trade-offs between BTC and XMR is labeled as "attacking bitcoin"
how fucking pathetic is this?
it should be US vs BANKS/"THEM", not BTC VS XMR.
reject this divide and conquer rhetoric.

>> No.54731422

Because those still left using Bitcoin side with banks and governments, it is fully co-opted now.
Cypherpunks use Monero

>> No.54731535
File: 186 KB, 1930x1146, 1621180102951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am looking for a guide to easily trade anonymously!
t. newfag to crypto


>> No.54731541
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1689763789654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're actually cheerleading Gensler's moves to declare altcoins securities, literally begging the government to neutralize their opposition.

>> No.54731835
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, 1681958258080134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drug cartels
>North Korea

The signs of Monero adoption are everywhere. Slow and steady it just gets more and more bullsih

>> No.54732748
File: 1.22 MB, 982x1264, Operation Choke Point 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reject this divide and conquer rhetoric.
They don't even see it.
>Herd the crypto wealth into blockchains they can track
>Tax them on unrealized capital gains via their newly minted tax goys and linking addresses to tax payers
>new taxes grease and lube the money printer

>> No.54732818

Shit like this is why I love being big. I just wish a nigga would so I could throw him out like trash.

>> No.54733103
File: 2.07 MB, 900x2141, 16423532534523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /xmr/ chads,

I wanted to pick your brains. I have a creative project that has to stay anon for a multitude of reasons. I love making this project and it's developed a pretty big fan base. I want to devote as much time as possible to this project and crank out as much of it as quickly as I can. However, funding continually is a problem which is really disrupting this project. I constantly have fans of this project say they want to donate to me, but I don't really have any way of receiving their funds and I feel a little weird about just taking from people who enjoy my work.

Is there any sort of XMR crowd funding platform like a Pateron or a donation platform that keeps everything anon, but allows people to donate and engage with a project?

I could put out just an XMR address I guess but the few times I've done this, it literally never gets donated to. I'm hoping to find something where people can donate, feel connected and be updated on the progress.

Thanks so much for your time. These threads have been incredibly enlightening and supportive.

>> No.54733358
File: 36 KB, 838x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Create a donation widget on Trocador and embed it into your site.


>> No.54733471
File: 525 KB, 612x612, CBBRadio10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based Blackbeard
if thats your project i would throw a few neros in for sure

>> No.54734058 [DELETED] 


<3 <3 <3, Thank ye so much, matey! Ye have no idea how much that means to me and what a crazy struggle and battle it is to get each broadcast out.

So many amazing anons and people like yerself want to keep the show going and I want to keep making it more than anything. I really feel it's a cathartic fun fuck you at the evil in the world. And a great way of communicating to so many different elements in the world, such as ye wonderful XMR chads here and everywhere all of the Dark Seas. Especially with the rise of censorship and death of humor in our world. We were the first ones to shit on the coof releasing an episode making fun of it just a few weeks after the lockdowns started in the US. And this project is really one of the only things in the world that can say and do anything.

I really want to keep it going as long as I can. I think it's one of the only counterculture things left out there. Especially with a potential world war starting up and probably going hot in the next few years.

But above all, merci! merci! merci! For yer positive energy.

>> No.54734714

>doesn't understand money laundering
monero doesn't offer you clean money, it offers you a plausibly fungible asset but every coin is tainted.

>> No.54734780

Every coin is untainted.

>> No.54734824

it is fungible, not plausibly fungible

>> No.54735188
File: 22 KB, 602x339, gamer obama laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going a bit off topic from monero here, I lurk SMG and have some stocks and one stock I own is in brittish american tobacco. Well here's the connect. I get news feed on the companies I hold in broker website and I see news about the tobacco company getting hit with US based lawsuits cause they decided to sell product to good ol' kimmy over there in north korea. Now imagine that. A western based company of pretty large marketcap selling to a country hit up with western sanctions now getting hit on their bottom line for doing business with the sanctioned no no countries. Now if you are a straight /biz/nessman wouldn't you want to avoid the lawyers coming for your profits? For me this is a potential real DD for a cryptocurrency with hard tracking features. Its a stretch but for us big thinkers thats a far bigger deal then XYZ "partnership" every sh*tcoin pushes. I don't see this happening soon but come on man, you know theres some people somewhere that want to set up off the book sales in some way through monero, or I'm just a hopeful.

>> No.54735200

hard to track*

>> No.54735938
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x2880, 7896526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54736442

you know what to do

>> No.54736971

>Now if you are a straight /biz/nessman wouldn't you want to avoid the lawyers coming for your profits?
well yeah. I mean, one of the major reasons I hold Monero is because of potential future divorce rape.

>> No.54738162

I hate BTC maximalists and their hypocrisy so much. Show me a BTC maximalist without a big ETH bag and I show you a priest without a sex offender registry entry.

>> No.54738786

>reject this divide and conquer rhetoric.
Tell that to btc fagot camp. Look at their mcap and ours. They ARE the problem. Its XMR vs BTC/Banks. Btc is a glownigger psyop. In fact public ledgers are a form cbds. Fuck them and their whole reatrded extended family.
I do what I can to damage do ill to any bitfag I know

>> No.54738788

I think it's good, it uses advanced security measures to protect user funds, and can be used with hardware wallets like Ledger, thou the sylo wallet is what i use most coz it doubles as both storage and messaging app.

>> No.54739294

>you can't prove that there isn't a hidden inflation bug
>you just can't
>yes i know what double negatives are. Am native english speaker just like you sir
Anyone else notice this latest astroturfing against xmr? Is this juat some monerochad fudding his own bags?

>> No.54739314

>fudding their own bags
Definitely appears like it, but who knows. Either way it dosent change my interests in xmr

>> No.54739363

>I hate BTC maximalists and their hypocrisy so much

>> No.54739480
File: 390 KB, 1000x818, PARTY HARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54739597


>> No.54739620

honestly if the NSA has fully cracked monero, it implies so much (quantum tech, mass incentives of the gov to crack a 3Bn coin, etc), it would be unfathomably bullish. They would have all interests in pumping the coin slowly over time to get everyone onboard.

TL;DR: if governments crack a coin, they will push the population to use it.

>> No.54739808

Hey Captain! Check out this platform for a monero crowdfunding:

>> No.54740911


>> No.54741426

Simple as.

Also art idea: Warm orange Monero-chan light in the cold gray NPC expanse.

>> No.54741753
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<3 <3 <3

Thank ye so much, mates!!! The XMR community and these threads have been some of the most helpful, enlightening and truly positive community building things I've seen online.

I'd really like to get new shows out monthly. We actually have a rather large fan base that is super positive. Unfortunately the Dark Seas are contracting and getting smaller for a number of reasons. So I'm hoping I can figure out this anon crowdfunding method so we can get ye new episodes as fast as possible and keep this project going as long as possible. xD

>> No.54742339
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Make sure to come back and drop a link to whatever solution you go with, looking forqard to the next episode

>> No.54742713
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Look who posted a new video!

After crying like a little bitch about how bad monero is for it's privacy "bloat", Matt uploads a video whining about the fact that Trezor's new coinjoin can easily blacklist censor bitcoin transactions and send all Bitcoin Transaction data directly to the IRS!

It seems the perfect tech creation that is bitcoin, is more easily censured, and controlled than literal CASH

>> No.54742878

anyone know where i can purchase hacked passwords, onlyfans, etc?

>> No.54742926

He is certified retard and hypocrite like every btc maxi.
In other news water is wet.

>> No.54743454
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>anyone know where i can purchase hacked passwords, onlyfans, etc?

Darknet markets often have them.

>> No.54743468

Don't use bitcoin

>> No.54744833
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>> No.54745430

What would a circular economy looks like i think
>Your renter
>your farmer selling you food
> buying gas with crypto

What else is necessary for a circular economy

>> No.54745459

But technically bitcoin is inmutable so how can they block old transactions

>> No.54745485


>> No.54745518

I am not renting but i am assuming the average position of your wagie

>> No.54745629

If the average person is renting the economy has already failed.

>> No.54745636

The average wagie is a gullible rube who will be using CBDCs loaded to the gills with smart contracts and who owns nothing yet is still in 7 figures of debt in New United States Digi-Dollars. Monero is for the real hot deckjockeys and fixers who burned their SINs and are living free of the system.

>> No.54746002

Something that is so underappreciated about cryptocurrency is the better security model.

Right now if you go to a gas station there is the very real threat of card skimmers and it has not been sufficiently solved. With Monero at the pump instead you aren't submitting any information that an attacker can skim / use to steal from you. All while costing everyone less in processing fees.

>> No.54746210

I think rather than a circular economy a better model is an infinity economy, two circles feeding into each other: Monero and physical metals. Having physical tokens matters for some use cases, like farmer's markets (the ones near me won't take plastic or crypto, only cash).

>> No.54746413

>Having physical tokens matters for some use cases, like farmer's markets (the ones near me won't take plastic or crypto, only cash).
Explain why I should sell XMR for shiny rocks instead of fiat in this case?

>> No.54746610

The goal is to create a system outside of fiat. Shiny rocks don't require a dozen carrier battle groups to force people to see them as valuable.

>> No.54746675

But there is a system outside fiat already with Monero. If people choose not to interact with that like at your farmers market your two logical options are trade what they want, in this case fiat or not do business with them. Replying "how about shiny rocks" to someone who doesn't want XMR is stupid. You don't even need exposure to fiat since you can only sell a months worth of XMR at a time to cover yourself at the farmers market.

>> No.54747168

Its really small and probably smaller than what bitcoin offers

>> No.54748261
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>> No.54749448
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I kind of realized that the 3 chapters listed now make up an exceptionally large chunk with respect to the previous weeks' selections. So I changed it to be only chapters 7-8 (site got updated). Sadly neoluddities will be left for next week, but I've seen people complain about catching up. Hopefully this is understandable, if you already read ahead, I guess you have more time now. And if you already read the book then this shouldn't affect you.

>> No.54750215

Just bought 100 XMR. Feeling good.

>> No.54750289

>he disclosed

>> No.54750329

What's the problem? I had 50 XMR but sold a couple of years ago. Just got back and got 100 and plan on keeping them for the long term.

>> No.54751049
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It's a privacy coin, you're being careless by un-privately disclosing how much you have. Anon was just pointing that out. You're now being more careless by saying how much you sold in the past.