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File: 391 KB, 750x375, cryptopreiv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54721829 No.54721829 [Reply] [Original]

Which one makes more sense to hold? Let's see who's retarded and ngmi.

>> No.54721843

crypto for increasing your wealth
pms for storing it

>> No.54721854

What's the point of buying gold when Bitcoin exists?

>> No.54721948

hey look im just some guy but I have a feeling the days of getting richer thanks to the federal reserve magic beanstalk crypto coins dogs are gone.

>> No.54722010

When gold is referred to as physical bitcoin then it will be the inferior. With blood on the streets it will outperform. Past results will not occur in the coming collapse.

>> No.54722023

gold doesn't disappear if the mines close

>> No.54722045
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>crypto coins dogs
You're right, it's all about PLEB this season. Elon will tweet at it soon.

>> No.54722059

>holding BTC
>spending BTC

>> No.54722061

the only time you should hold physical gold is if you think something catastrophic will happen like WW3, debt default, bank collapse, etc.. I'd rather jst hold cash.

>> No.54722107

Cash is being slowly but surely phased out. I've heard other anons saying that the stores on their college campus don't even accept cash anymore. All transactions are electronic

>> No.54722129

so what? bitcoin is safer

>> No.54722172
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>bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin
I didn't specifically mean bitcoin when I said crypto. I'm talking about alt-coins as well.

>> No.54722184
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It's romance of the past vs the future. That's it.

Gold makes sense if you just assume shit is gonna go down in your area, but doesn't make sense in in that commotion, people will just take what you have. You'd be better off investing in ammo, food, solar panels, and just enjoying life. The only way otherwise gold is an investment is if somehow the government needs to buy it back to increase the value of it's dollar. It doesn't.

Crypto has a different problem. Crypto has less emotional backing metals do, you can't melt crypto down for jewlery, you have a harder time scamming people, really the big hope of crypto is you chose the right one that'll become trendy. When people are buying groceries with bitcoin instead of dollars, the man who spend his savings on bitcoin will be king. That's assuming you picked the right crypto and everyone else picked wrong.

Crypto does have an ad advantage over gold in people are actually using it as currency in this moment. Granted mostly dark web shit, but in theory anyone could buy or sell using crypto but ironically it's the least reason people get into it.

>> No.54722198
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>The only reason gold would be valuable is if the government gave you a lot of paper in exchange for your gold, because their paper was worthless, in which case your money would be worth more
>gold goes up

>> No.54722899

I just buy Bitcoin for several reasons. One it's effortless to store, even if someone breaks into my house and steals my hardware wallet it's password protected. What are the chances that he will find the piece of paper that I've written down my seed phrase and recover my wallet? Even if such technically savvy person breaks into my house I have used a 25th word passphrase that I memorized so my bitcoins are still safe. Compare that to a guy finding where you stashed your gold, your wealth is at risk of getting erased effortlessly. I couldn't live with that, I feel safer with cryptocurrencies.

Secondly my chances of getting counterfeit currency is zero with Bitcoin. With gold you cannot be sure if you don't measure it with tools. I don't even know how and honestly don't care to do it everytime I buy gold. Imagine it's fake, now you have a problem and someone to argue with.

Lastly I'm a believer of the Bitcoin will become a black hole of money theory after the bubbles start bursting. It's going to go up a fuckload if this scenario plays out and everything will be a joke compared to the Mars mission it sets on.

>> No.54722923

Crypto. I own gold and silver, but it’s more of an insurance policy, a hedge against the information age and modern civilization. Crypto is a bet that the status quo will continue and markets will keep pumping perpetually. Which they will.

>> No.54722944

Bitcoin can't be printed by banks to manipulate the price. That's the single reason I like it over pms.

>> No.54723154

This. Crypto is the investment. PMs are the insurance

>> No.54723218

Crypto can go to zero instantly with a bug or strong enough number cruncher

>> No.54723316

Both have uses as a trackless currency, theoretically.
One needs physical contact or trusted mail systems, the other is potentially global but depends on cyber security; plus the postal system again for physical goods.

The problem is, PM is trusted. Harder to counterfeit. Crypto is new, untested and the market is flooded with scam coins.

I'm sure a free market will have both in the future. But PM is the more reliable at the moment.

>> No.54723330


>> No.54723341

Crypto has a use case but gold is the superior investment. You should have much more of your money in gold than crypto.

If you don't understand this, you are literally a moron. You have failed the basic test of human jntelligence, based on several categories.

You are a retard.

>> No.54723365

Power and an internet connection are not guaranteed. Holding both is prudent, picking one over the other is obtuse.

>> No.54723414

Good luck using crypto when either quantum computers, govt owned internet, or solar flares happen. (Gold chads up when this happens)

>> No.54723469

I live in a college town. All the sporting events are card-only, nowhere to spend cash. University is Tier 1 and D1 sports too so it's not minor.

Kek, everything you just said is more likely than ever right now

>> No.54723685

Clownworld hedge.

>> No.54723697

Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that matters just like gold is the only precious metal that matters.

>> No.54723704

Slow down there bucko, SHIB and silver are just as good.

>> No.54723714

>Buy an inert rock at a premium. Generates no return beyond resale value of the rock.
>Buy an imaginary e-token with no inherent value and no privacy
>Buy equity in a business with good finances and a solid future

Seems kinda of obvious to me

>> No.54723715

Gold was seized from the American people in 1933 when the world had no internet and was significantly less vulnerable to solar flares.

>> No.54723721

How is Bitcoin imaginary?

>> No.54723743

So? You have to hide your seed phrase and/or hardware wallet too? Hide your gold like a smart person would. Don't you think that some people were just cucke and gave up their gold? It'll be like seizing guns. In which case, gold chads win again.

>> No.54723750

It's meaningless. It's a transfer protocol. "1btc" does not mean anything it's just that I want to send you value over the internet and the tokens for the most popular protocols are valuable

>> No.54723760

Most people didn't cuck out and turn in their gold. The amount of pre-1933 gold that is sold today showed most people just didn't give a fuck what the government said

>> No.54723789

Couldn't use it, couldn't buy it, couldn't sell it for forty years and it still does not back any monetary standard anymore. What good is the gold at that point?

>> No.54723794

Is everything digital imaginary to you?

>> No.54723895

You know black markets aren’t exclusive to Tor Browser right anon? They’ve been around as long as rules of what you can/can’t sell have been established.

>> No.54724198

ntayrt, but.
Digital is even less real than printed fiat.
I can all just disappear.

>> No.54724239

>flips your breaker
Heh, nothin personnel.

>> No.54724344
File: 230 KB, 603x354, QDOQWfd0A3Gr1ju8U6yahPw1TU4y8cnkwbrcjL-chu4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital has an entire infrastructure to it. People don't understand that yes, while there is resilience to the system, once it goes down, it's down for the forseeable future until you can get repairs to it which does take time. Fishermen have literally cut these cables and a country's access to the outside world. For a worldwide event, that can happen in a theoretical world war, for example, or a solar flare. The infrastructure would literally degrade back to unreliable local networks basically splitting the internet into regional chunks. While you can use cryptocurrencies with that in mind, about no one is going to do so for national or international trading without everything coming back up to the current reliability of internet infrastructure everywhere. Gold would reign supreme here in that span of time given in these situations, fiat would be abused and lose a bunch of purchasing power if not go to zero without the fancy monetary controls we have today.

>> No.54724585


>> No.54724710

because bitcoin is fundamentally doomed long term

meaning it could possibly not be further from "digital gold"

>> No.54724733

No one would trade any gold during the two weeks it would take to get power back on, niggers might steal some gold jewelry from stores but that's about it

>> No.54724832

Precious Metals are currencies created by God.
Bitcoin created by Craig Wright.
Crypto has it usecases though.
But Bitcoin is not as safe as many would think and it was never meant to be a store of value.

>> No.54724856

Gold is not dependent on the Internet, is not vulnerably to 51%-attacks and chainalysis. On the other hand, it can be physically seized and is somewhat illiquid.
They simply have different use-profiles that are suited to different risk-scenarios, so I'd say it makes sense to hold both if your aim is to have money. In terms of price appreciation, they somewhat move together, with the negative correlation factor between them being memetic (I mean, that's true for everything, but what I mean is that gold is seen as more "traditional", whereas Bitcoin is seen seen as "tech" in some ill-defined way, so if people schizo out about "tech failing" and want to "go back to the roots", then gold appreciates more, and if they schizo out about inflation and want to buy any hedge quickly, then BTC will appreciate more).

>> No.54724866

God created the metal, not the currency. We use it as currency.

>> No.54724894

Gold Pros:
-Zero counterparty risk
-Not reliant on internet connection / miners
-Thousands of years history, central banks still slurping
-Stable price

BTC Pros
-Can be transported across borders very easily
-Can't be confiscated
-More chance of capital appreciation

>> No.54725035

Physical objects > Digital
Precious metals are universal money and the only thing holding them back is downward manipulation by big banks. Silver demand for industrial use will rise as more nations become more technological. Silver may technically be everywhere but it is in use as solder and even recycling will not satisfy future demands.
Grab silver while you can as well as palladium. Silver can also help purify milk.

>> No.54725078
File: 126 KB, 707x927, buy bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54725372
File: 33 KB, 1200x810, gold14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me...

>> No.54725423

Crypto is for making money, precious metals for keeping it. Cash for spending.
The perfect portfolio: 80% crypto, 20% metals, 1 years worth of expenses in the bank and 3 months in cash.
Sleeping like a baby while outperforming normie investors with minimal counterparty risk

>> No.54725424
File: 481 KB, 1224x1440, gold4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Zero counterparty risk

>> No.54725529

>Whatever you do, don't invest in a successful business

>> No.54725539

Crypto is a scam, 80% bitcoin is fine tho

>> No.54725546
File: 67 KB, 1000x701, thom york.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]