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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54710746 No.54710746 [Reply] [Original]

Crpyto is finished. /Ourguy/ just exposed it.


>> No.54710747

I know. I was already awoken to things with this video

>> No.54710752

Uncanny valley kike
If I came across that thing in the darkness I would shoot it without hesitation

>> No.54710763
File: 59 KB, 490x754, 1628897477449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.54710840

That was 95 percent dog shit fud crying about crypto scams that happened and no one cares anymore.

>> No.54710862

considering what happened after his first crypto hitpiece: unironically extremely bullish

>> No.54710909

nobody cares what mr chud has to say, sweety

>> No.54710912

shiet we are back arnt we

>> No.54710913

>video not available in your country
oh well no big loss, i can just guess what happens

>tells a half truth about a crypto hack which roughly segues into a pop culture reference i can't relate to
>props up a strawman, calls it a "crypto bro" and then insults it using another pop culture reference
>i mean it's 2023 people come on
>audience claps

>> No.54710929

seething lmaour magical internet money is worthless, its only a matter of time before the market truly realises this and we see 10K BTC

>> No.54710945

Ok the first video from this faggot was understandable, everyone had an opinion on crypto back then so you couldn't blame him for tacking his shitty jokes all over the topic for one episode
But again? Really? The fuck is his problem?

>> No.54710952

And I bet he really enunciates “crypto bro” and says it like “cryp-toe broh” *cue audience laughter*

>> No.54710954
File: 60 KB, 331x395, john oliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's the original chud, he doesn't need a reason to be angry, he just is

>> No.54710987

its fun to piss on the grave

>> No.54711014

>crypto only has value because people think it has value
As opposed to colored pieces of paper that have intrinsic value. I suppose if we started printing signed BTC transaction on paper, they'd have intrinsic value too, because it's on paper™, after all.

>> No.54711078
File: 61 KB, 1166x708, Cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54711086

>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country

>> No.54711282
File: 469 KB, 723x768, E1C6E128-AD23-48FB-8985-34CE4CB54443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday I ponder what kind of subhuman watches this guy or any of these “comedians” for that matter

>> No.54711566

> his

>> No.54714070

To be honest, this one was pretty funny and he didn't say anything blatantly wrong.

>> No.54714116

I remember their video during the last crypto bear market literally marked the bottom.
Brb, going to buy back in right now.