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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.94 MB, 804x1080, 1682274108705007.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54707304 No.54707304 [Reply] [Original]

This dogshit only goes down in value, it's over

>> No.54707356

>when right wing men ask out left wing women.webm

>> No.54707387
File: 5 KB, 228x221, images - 2023-04-24T093921.525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54707647

Yep, and it looks like it’s forming the right shoulder of another head and shoulder pattern, so down more. But every coin is tanking- polygon- shitcoins like AVAX- the market is rigged and those that are in charge of the market are netting fish and then killing them

>> No.54707856

Average midwhite

>> No.54708004

What boards does he post on bros?
He personifies so many of them I'm having trouble deciding.

>> No.54708049
File: 331 KB, 483x539, Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 20-49-03 _biz_ - The coin formerly known as I SEE PEE is officially finished - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54708061
File: 224 KB, 406x383, Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 20-47-48 _biz_ - The coin formerly known as I SEE PEE is officially finished - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54708095

imagine going to school in 2023 where some faggot records your random behavior that day and the heckin internets filled with pexos cant get enougharinos of your humiliation because youre white enough

>> No.54708128

>raises his knee like he’s going to kick the girl recording off screen on the left
I don’t want to sound like a simp but if you’re in high school doing that you’re probably a sociopath

>> No.54708165

>letting your child drink coffee in middle school

Also I feel for the kid. You can tell he has boomer parents by the way he dresses. His dad most likely gave him the worst fucking advice possible thinking it’s still the 60s. Also you can tell he doesn’t play sports in which case he’s already at a major disadvantage.

His heart is in the right place but this boy is being led astray.

>> No.54708182

didnt read the thread, but what is hoco?

>> No.54708190

not selling haha
fuck off

>> No.54708217

Homecoming, the yearly back-to-school dance.

>> No.54708220

>boomer parents giving awful advice
my parents got me a backpack with wheels and made me put a dictionary and thesaurus in it. i knew it was a bad idea. and the VERY first minute of the first day of middle school i was painted a target for bullying. It lasted the entire year and part of the following year.

>> No.54708227

Short for hocus pocus class. It’s a class on witchcraft. Very common class in America for white women and beta males.

>> No.54708236

>that video
Literally me.

>> No.54708286

I own icp and I’m ok with that it was about all the frens I made along the way

>> No.54709293

Poor kid

>> No.54709479

When I was in high school I was dared that I wouldn't ask out this really ugly girl, so I did it and she said no and then everyone made fun of me for being rejected by the ugly girl and I cried. On the off chance this kid ever see's my post I want him to know that in 20 years time, the memory of this moment will still haunt him.

>> No.54709517
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white boy cringe lmao

>> No.54709573
File: 221 KB, 640x439, 1620068097848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wall hitting at 30 after riding the cock-carousel roastie.

>> No.54709587

>Just be confident bro

>> No.54709710

This is a very painful traumatizing experience that will either make or break this child. Godspeed to him and I hope he sees the light, starts hitting the gym and genesmaxing at an early age. Hes white and if he plays it right he will be a chad.

>> No.54709737

30? Looking like this already in high school?
Clearly this one is ngmi past 25...in the absolute best case scenario.

>> No.54709834

posting a webm or an image with a women in it should be an instant ban

>> No.54710019
File: 18 KB, 300x250, they're all taken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's hot, so yeah. duh, she already has a bf. why do they even try at this point?

>> No.54712126

why is she walking like shes has had her ass pounded by multiple dudes the night before?

don't fall for the attractive women trap bros. all attractive women are self absorbed narcs, trust me. find an average girl that is a little insecure and she will make all your dreams come true.
>text you back immediately
>ask if you're ok
>hug you when you're sad
>share her pain with you
>fuck you like a god
>chase after you if you walk too fast
its all good. don't set your standards too high, attractive girls are garbage on the inside.

>> No.54712168

he clearly has autism dude

>> No.54712222

Try downs syndrome

>> No.54712275

This is actually very good advice to take on early. All I ever dared were the hot ones, and now I’m 44 and like all the other sorry bastards that traded the same group of pretty bitches and their bs, I wasted all the years I could have been in actual relationships with good people & had a family. Avoid if you can, or sit at the bar with those of us who fucked up.

>> No.54712558

this is the best financial advise I have seen here. Always date a woman who is uglier than you, because she's going to follow you and not the other way around.

>> No.54712584

If he was a nigger should would have jumped into his arms.
No cap.
You know it and I know it.

>> No.54712661

>Hes white and if he plays it right he will be a chad.
Lmao. This delusion straight outta /pol/.

>> No.54712692

Based parents, they must have hated the shit out of you lol

>> No.54713029

KEK. The birth of an incel.

>> No.54713213

Is there anything worst than high school with smartphones and social media?
>t. Graduated in 2006

>> No.54713550

funny enough i became very attractive and the main bully was some sloppy ginger kid and he looked like a faggot when playing sports. so his reign didn't last long. unfortunately i moved to another town as i was starting to get popularity.

>> No.54713588

based and BBC pilled

>> No.54713604

Literally me.

>> No.54713846

>younger than 18 but already looks 30
This bodes ill towards her future lol

>> No.54714127

I used to watch these videos and cringe so hard and think "that's awful, what a terrible situation, how will he recover, I wish it would've gone better, I can't imagine the pain if that were me"

Now I know that life is full of mistakes, and the only path toward anything good marches right through them
Maybe this kid got traumatized, maybe, maybe he could've not had such a funny and visible reaction, perhaps, but he also did more than nothing and that's good on him, he put that experience behind him and now it's just another thing under his belt
Doubtlessly he is wiser now, wherever he is, and if he didn't let it get to him he knows that the risks one takes on when putting oneself truly out there for others to see do not portend the end of the world
:) GL guys WAGMI

>> No.54714238
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>> No.54714723

this. id take a bullet for my 4/10 wife, she is 10000000/10 on the inside

>> No.54714735

between the crack in the marble i saw god. thats the ugly girl pill

>> No.54714776

nah he could, I'm 30 and the biggest weirdo incels in HS, some of them became chad or chad adjacent (most didn't of course). Depends how tall he grows and his ambition in life

>> No.54714804

What the FUCK was he thinking?

>> No.54714817

I'm dating a 5/10 who let me take her virginity and loves me.

>> No.54714823

Kek, i bet you look exactly like him.

>> No.54714884

'white' stfu muttsoldier

>> No.54714936

She said no because she was aware she was ugly and knew you weren't sincere. I've seen it many a time, it's why I never had a girlfriend in high school or afterwards

>> No.54714943

i dont get it.. thats a dude? why are zoomers so weird

>> No.54715429

Godspeed, Anon. My gf of 2.5 years is a 5/10 (shes put on a little weight recently but normally is a 6 or 6.5/10 when she slims down). I will marry this woman. She treats me like a king and believes in traditional familiar roles. Meaning she cooks and cleans and I am the bigger bread winner.

>> No.54715460


Bro took a shot. Hrs already ahead of 99% of you incel losers. By 18, he'll have had sex.

>> No.54715543


Homecoming was gathered anyways. He'll get some poon tang at prom.

>> No.54715557



>> No.54715628

>he thinks average women are ANY different than hot women

>> No.54716252


>> No.54716362


>> No.54716397

>why is she walking like shes has had her ass pounded by multiple dudes the night before?
It's social awareness of the turbo cringe situation she's about to walk into, already knowing what's coming because people already have their phone out

>> No.54716423

>he put that experience behind him
Making some fairly large assumptions on his part I feel.

>> No.54716434

>Bro took a shot
Got to admire that

>> No.54716439

When I was in high school everybody already knew who they were going to HoCo/Prom with weeks before the dance. The whole show of “the ask” was strictly for social media likes.

>> No.54716440


>> No.54716500

not clicking your phishing link

>> No.54716512
File: 697 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230424-190242_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some of that top shelf full stack dev shit I'm seeing drop here

I mean it looks like a 90s website with sub-dreamweaver level layout but mebe it's disruptive. Or maybe paradoxically not disruptive?

>> No.54716535
File: 32 KB, 372x540, 1682025609842640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP belongs to the trashcan along the pajeets shilling it for a couple of rupees, simple as.

>> No.54716536
File: 237 KB, 1200x900, 0_diner7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one N less for a diner like the picture

>> No.54716568

how many rejections does it take to become an incel? I think it was like 3 in a row for me IRL, and obviously a massive amount when I tried online dating.
A lot of people would say 'you gave up to early' but I don't think they really know what they're saying.

>> No.54716648

>how many rejections does it take to become an incel
In ops video? Probably just the one.

>> No.54717457
File: 202 KB, 933x933, pepe-old-large-cell-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. clingy girls may get on your nerves when you're younger but you'll appreciate it more when you get older, more mature and less desirable. and unlike hot girls, they'll actually appreciate you when you return the favor. hot girls get turned off if you're too lovey dovey with them. they all grew up watching CW or Netflix shows off asshole, hot guys treating them like shit and that's all those hot numskulls think they want because it's kewl and jerks are the only things that can put a narcissist in their place. fuck a hot girl. plus there's always dudes hitting on them when you're not there. the opportunity for them to slip away from you is very high

>> No.54718282

Never stood a chance.

>> No.54718353

give it a few months and a sequel will be made, at this point I don't care anymore, I've accepted that the ridiculousness of the market will continue to exist, some will get rich with funny doggies and others with genuinely useful things like Dextools, the more you accept it, the more bearable it will be

>> No.54718393
File: 14 KB, 447x393, 20_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you say?

>> No.54718421


Exactly. I've taken shots before and failed, but I've also hooked up with plenty of women. Although I didn't react like that kid lmao. He'll get over it. Although the video taping shit is uncalled for.

Thank God smartphones were just coming in when I was in high-school and nobody really used them. All they got from me was a couple videos of me streaking down the highway, passed out drunk on a couch and flashing my ass at people at a party.

>> No.54718428

oh pajeet are you lonely

>> No.54718587

>why is she walking like shes has had her ass pounded by multiple dudes the night before?
Because she did anon.

>> No.54718720

and just like that another school shooter in Minecraft was born

>> No.54719099

Icp is a shitty chain

>> No.54719382

the fuck is this shit man, kys

>> No.54720257 [DELETED] 

Yes. Euthanize the fuck out of that piece of shit once for all.

>> No.54720258

White boys people are sad. Why do we let these things live? There should be a white boy holocaust honestly.

>> No.54720292
File: 187 KB, 754x518, 9948394594586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Euthanize the fuck out of that piece of shit once for all.

>> No.54720732

It’s because she has nothing to leverage against you. She can’t cheat on you, because you can always do better. The only double edged sword of this is that it won’t be someone you want to actually have a hot one night fuck with, someone like Cardi B, Doja Cat, Serena Williams - you won’t wanna marry them but you will want one night with them just to do whatever you can.