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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 596x288, Screenshot 2023-04-23 030244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54696761 No.54696761 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54696836

sounds fake

>> No.54696848

I’m just too lazy to have breakfast in the morning and last night I was too drunk that I forgot to eat dinner so it’s mostly just my own fault

>> No.54696855

OMAD is based though

>> No.54696868

I assume it's just people saying yes to "did you ever choose to not go with a friend to eat to afford housing payments" so a restaurant meal. I sincerely doubt 39% of americans regularly skip eating for a whole day.

Extremely, doesn't work too well for physical workers though, they gotta eat to last the day.

>> No.54696880

The government is literally in charge of everything how the fuck is this capitalism lmfao

>> No.54696890

skipping meals means they skip one of the meals not all, fat fucks are actually going to lose weight, this is a nightmare scenario for USA

>> No.54696918

capitalism never existed, it's a communist psyop to control people

>> No.54697141
File: 13 KB, 906x290, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK , payments to Ukraine for destroying ruzzia are pennies comparing to the cost of IRAQ or Afghanistan , get a life Sasha , this is the cheapest war America can have XDDD

>> No.54697157

How would skipping meals make up for the difference. To save 50 dollars?

>> No.54697162

>send old equipment to Ukraine
>polcel believe this somehow affects the average American

>> No.54697176

I skip lunch because I don't need to calories on a cut. Which also saves me money.

>> No.54697257


Yeah I started skipping meals. Maybe I can lose some weight now.

I'm partially inspired by David Sinclair but also partially poor as fuck.

>> No.54697266

I started doing this years ago because I knew this was coming

>> No.54697267

Just stop paying taxes already ffs. America is founded on not paying taxes so you can't even say it's an un-American thing to do

>> No.54697308

>America is founded on not paying taxes
to other countries. of course the irony is not lost when they demand taxes even if you are a citizen abroad unless you pay an extortion fee to get rid of your american citizenship.

>> No.54698036
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1659845104782573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.54698306

>costs raised on mortgage havers to pay for niggers
no refunds

>> No.54698766

>everything i dont like is fake

>> No.54698782

>skipped meals
yeah sure bro, amerisharts went from 5 meals a day to 4

>> No.54698910

people got too greedy so now based fed is culling them
>everything that suits my agenda is true

>> No.54699060

You know you can repeat it? It adds up

>> No.54699125

This can mean anything from just not going to Starbucks in the morning for your morning coffee. But yes, I agree that capitalism is dead, and America is dying. We've got this strange form of corrupt crony corporate socialism going on that just making things worse and worse throughout the entire world.

>> No.54699133

Haven't eaten in3 days, can confirm