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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54692446 No.54692446 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54692458

lmao fuck savers fucking incel chuds

>> No.54692483

The best part about savers, even though they don't want to admit. They realize that by saving money they are harming the economy. And everyone already knows this. If for whatever reason you are some chud incel. Don't tell other people you save money unless you actually want to be apart of society.

>> No.54692493

so much this, savers are a blight on society. no wonder there's so much black inequality

>> No.54692500

kek lol dat me

>> No.54692506

everyone laughing about savers?

yup, deflation is coming

>> No.54692573
File: 3.80 MB, 185x238, 1675728763839239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you're a subhuman amerimutt and save in mutt dollars like OP.

>> No.54692589

A jew?

>> No.54692617

(((savers detected)))
don't you have a school to shoot up?

>> No.54692656
File: 72 KB, 908x680, saaavors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like saving.

>> No.54692686
File: 274 KB, 818x588, The Lower Class Individual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is literally (YOU)

>> No.54692689

wow good job bigot. that money could be used for inner city schools

i can't wait for Biden to put in a wealth tax for greedy 1%ers like you

>> No.54692705

We get it. You dream about affording to purchase a charger out right just so you can drive it through a crowd of women

>> No.54692706

>black inequality
That's a funny way to spell Black inequity. Racist much chud?

>> No.54692709

Nothing like earning 0.5% on that money. And you probably think other people take you seriously...

>> No.54692713

>mutt dollars
What's your reasoning behind saving in them?

>> No.54692723

You're confusing delaying gratification with saving money. The latter is unproductive, not the former.

>> No.54692744
File: 71 KB, 565x598, zero_point_five_percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: bankrate.com
>B-but inflation
I'm earning more money in savings than I am in stocks right now.

>> No.54692758
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>A better life is coming for me if I don't use my dollars

Two more weeks

>> No.54692770

Ok vatnick but your still not white

>> No.54692781

>>B-but inflation
That's the whole point, yet you imply it's insignificant. The 4% will soften the hit but it's still a loss.

>> No.54692793

this is me

>> No.54692800

3.8% and I like having a little safety net if shit hits the fan. Should hit 50k by 2024.

>> No.54692812

>you imply it's insignificant
Did I.

>> No.54692829
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Savers save money their whole lives. Then they die, never having lived. Many such cases!

>> No.54692835

White men will never understand why their own media, government and businesses don't cater to them. Its not some grand conspiracy to depopulate your ilk. Its just that you're not profitable. Instead of you saving your money for internet chuck e cheese tokens and precious shiny rocks you could be spending that money on traveling, a fancy car that you can barely afford, a home(no staying in with your parents) and bunch of other crap to COONSOOM. Sinple as

>> No.54692836

I hate you.

>> No.54692848

No you don't hate me. You hate everyone else. But keep praying that putting money away is going to make you rich HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54692863

post net worth

>> No.54692865

But OP, the biggest savers of all are corporations. They have huge cash to income balances

>> No.54692870

Uhhh no they d-don't...

>> No.54692874

I should also add that banks love minorities because they take in more debt. You can easily google this to satisfy your curiosity

>> No.54692883

Yes you did, retarded mutt.

>> No.54692897
File: 89 KB, 890x501, bogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start an IRA as soon as you are able.
Max out 401K.
Max out HSA.
It's never too late to start.

>> No.54692907

CRBP pajeet you need a real hobby

>> No.54692909


Cash ratios at 18%, most people in the economy couldn’t even keep 10% cash after their paycheck if they tried

>> No.54692908
File: 76 KB, 583x739, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes you did, retarded mutt.

>> No.54692916

>no argument
Fuck off and kill yourself, mutt.

>> No.54692920

What a thread.

>> No.54692923

Cash ratio is the ratio of cash to liabilities, not cash to income.

>> No.54692925

18% cash is literally higher than the banks even, banks have about only 10% of their reserves in cash right now. Your average corporation holds double the cash a bank does

>> No.54692939
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>> No.54692944

Completely different ratio. Cash ratio reflects a company's ability to service current debt. Not remotely similar to a bank's reserve ratio.

>> No.54692964

Best to save money by keeping it at home. By keeping it in a bank it still can theoretically be loaned out to joggers and scholars.

>> No.54692967

Debt to income ratio is around 90% for S&P. Seems pretty accurate to me.

Completely different how, reserves are the companies cash ability to pay against short term deposit liabilities

>> No.54692985

Crowd of fat women. Know the difference.

>> No.54693004

>Debt to income ratio is around 90% for S&P.
False, it is 60%. Also irrelevant since the topic is consumer cash savings.

>Completely different how
Reserves are physical vault cash.

>> No.54693007

Why, yes, I save money and I am also racist.

>> No.54693011

Wrong chump. I save so I can continue to live a good life. Let the unwashed masses destroy their communities and close their stores. I will continue to buy what I want and when I want it, while they seethe and go hungry. I love being white.

>> No.54693024

Is this the scholar shooter?

>> No.54693060

is this picrel ironic or am i just old as fuck and not understanding the new world meta. becase why the fuck would a grown human have that on their computer

>> No.54693067

Savers are not expecting to passively "grow" their wealth, they are content to take no risk for the 3-4% interest which does not offset inflation but admittedly does significantly reduce the blow. However, 90% of people are getting 0.01%-0.05% from their shitty brick and mortar banks because they don't know any better.

I don't save but I understand why some people do. I don't think they're idiots.

>> No.54693089

>some people are falling for this low effort bait
I say this and dont look like that

>> No.54693094

Don't care. Get on the floor and suck my cock, amerimutt.

>> No.54693105
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>> No.54693109

>old as fuck
Ah nevermind, I hope you get cancer instead. :)

>> No.54693120

it's incel meta. no need to understand, you'll never see them outside. unless they're shooting innocent POCs

>> No.54693125


you’re very wrong on reserves. FRED is king

>> No.54693128

>vile comment
>pedo anime gif
already know you're a loser from the gif, how skinny or fat are you?

>> No.54693135
File: 107 KB, 726x597, 1668011931596172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded amerimutt.
I don't understand retard.

>> No.54693142

Genuinely embarrassing.

>> No.54693144

>you’re very wrong on reserves
No, I'm not.

>> No.54693148

Okay. Thanks for the (You)s, mutt.

>> No.54693155

1. they're either very fat or very skinny
2. they grew up jerking off to Asian cartoons
3. those cartoons are made by pedos
4. they become pedos or trannies in adulthood

They basically got groomed.

>> No.54693169
File: 1.58 MB, 330x297, hitler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would!

>> No.54693188

Kek, just read from the fed itself retard.

Reserve balances are the amount of vault cash + balances maintained with a fed account. Most of that is Fed account balances actually, considering total physical vault cash makes up an incredibly small portion


>> No.54693195

what happened there did his buddy tickle his butthole? Hitler was a faggot yow know.

>> No.54693199
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, STAY POOR REDDIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay poor.

>> No.54693227

Topic was bank reserves, not reserve balances with the Fed. And your definition of the latter is incorrect.

>> No.54693228
File: 109 KB, 750x1000, 1680170347002607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats bad about that?

>> No.54693240

Attempting to humiliate yourself with your posts? Then it's working.

>> No.54693257

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.54693267

Bank reserves are reserve balances from the fed. Read this one again, maybe slower this time


This is what is used to calculate LCR for Basel.

My definition of the latter is not incorrect, I think you’re just trolling with lame intentions and I don’t think you understand how cash reserves work

>> No.54693272

go watch more japanese cartoons and leave the discussion to the adults

>> No.54693280
File: 294 KB, 1305x1485, 1652895659015575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, ignore it. It's fun baiting subhuman mutts however.
Nah, go fuck yourself mutt.

>> No.54693291
File: 84 KB, 423x524, 7c9i1i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave the discussion to the adults

>> No.54693293

>Bank reserves are reserve balances from the fed.

>My definition of the latter is not incorrect
Yes, it is. You claimed "Reserve balances are the amount of vault cash + balances maintained with a fed account." That is contradicted by your own sources.

>> No.54693303
File: 509 KB, 1242x1373, 2E7DB654-88D5-46C2-B889-EB47089BE160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you are apparently illiterate, let’s spell it out for the lurkers

>This series is a sum of total reserve balances maintained plus vault cash used to satisfy required reserves.

Huh, weird, directly from the fed itself, RESERVE REQUIREMENTS are CALCULATED using RESERVE BALANCES MAINTAINED

>> No.54693307
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x2000, 103815554_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is an anime imageboard first and foremost.

>> No.54693309
File: 40 KB, 554x554, 1682184769625201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does 2dpd make amerimutts seethe?

>> No.54693313
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>> No.54693320
File: 984 KB, 1052x888, 1662468486029922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerimutts aren't human.

>> No.54693333

By proxy, you're an idiot for associating youself with these people. You understand this right?

>> No.54693335
File: 60 KB, 750x723, bucket filling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving money in the current fiat and tax regime be like

>> No.54693350

>This series is a sum of total reserve balances maintained plus vault cash used to satisfy required reserves.
Yes, that series is called "Reserves of Depository Institutions: Total" - NOT "Reserve Balances". It is the SUM of Bank Reserves (vault cash) and Reserve Balances ("balances that an institution holds in a reserve account directly at a Federal Reserve Bank.")

Monetary Base; Reserve Balances: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGMBBM
Private Depository Institutions; Vault Cash; Asset, Level: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PDIVCA

So no, Reserve Balances do not include vault cash, as you falsely stated.

>> No.54693359
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>> No.54693375

Why don't you losers just move to Japan and be in your earthly heaven, then you can watch all the japanese cartoons you want. Just go away. Nobody like you.

>> No.54693379
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>> No.54693389

I hope she reads this bro (FAGGOT)

>> No.54693402

so many anime troons in this thread


>> No.54693409 [DELETED] 
File: 802 KB, 1200x1400, 1681069850228898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with osaka.

>> No.54693425
File: 349 KB, 1242x657, 84D3EEF8-407B-4DE2-9F62-3841461E30C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When calculating for LCR they use vault cash. Which is the required reserves. Intentional retardation isn’t a good look anon.

My point stands, corporations keep more cash on hand then banks even many times.

>> No.54693427
File: 1.26 MB, 2220x1570, 1682126710982566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2016 tourist learns 4chan was always an anime site

>> No.54693433

This thread is full of actual demoralization shills Kek

>> No.54693447

saving in the current system is stupid, but it shouldn't be, you should not be forced to (((consoom))) or (((gamble))), that way it makes sure you stay poor and own nothing, defending such system makes yourself guilty