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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 371 KB, 902x712, 1681997389486634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54668504 No.54668504 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. Is this bullish for the housing market? What about housing related businesses?

>Homebuyers with good credit scores will soon encounter a costly surprise: a new federal rule forcing them to pay higher mortgage rates and fees to subsidize people with riskier credit ratings who are also in the market to buy houses.

>The fee changes will go into effect May 1 as part of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s push for affordable housing, and they will affect mortgages originating at private banks across the country. The federally backed home mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will enact the loan-level price adjustments, or LLPAs.

>Mortgage industry specialists say homebuyers with credit scores of 680 or higher will pay, for example, about $40 per month more on a home loan of $400,000. Homebuyers who make down payments of 15% to 20% will get socked with the largest fees.

>The new fees will apply only to Americans buying houses or refinancing after May 1.

>Lenders and real estate agents say the changes will frustrate homebuyers with high credit scores and homeowners seeking to refinance because the rule punishes them for their relatively strong financial positions.

>“The changes do not make sense. Penalizing borrowers with larger down payments and credit scores will not go over well,” Ian Wright, a senior loan officer at Bay Equity Home Loans in the San Francisco Bay Area, told The Washington Times in an email message. “It overcomplicates things for consumers during a process that can already feel overwhelming with the amount of paperwork, jargon, etc. Confusing the borrower is never a good thing.”

>He said the rule will “cause customer-service issues for lenders and individual loan officers when a consumer won’t understand why their interest rate and fees suddenly changed.”

>> No.54668551 [DELETED] 
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Pay up to subsidize housing for niggers wagie

>> No.54668562
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I wonder where they got the 680 cutoff.

>> No.54668570
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No. Lol.

>> No.54668642
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>> No.54668656

Very bullish. There's likely going to be a rush to buy and lock properties with fixed rates to get grandfathered before that shit policy kicks in.

>> No.54668668

Biden is turning a whole race of men against him. I wonder what happens when white men have been pushed over the limit.

Pure terror for all these motherfuckers when that happens.

I can feel the terror and power rise like mercury in my veins. Many, many other men quietly prepare for all out onslaught of the small hats and shabbos goys.

>> No.54668697

Oh, shut up you fucking faggot. You will never do a thing about it.

>> No.54668727

Lol what my credit score is 660. How am I worse than a nigger?

>> No.54668728
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>white men
Bunch of cucks that literally won't do shit. You'll pay up your mortgage + nigger tip and you'll smile.
>inb4 muh guns

>> No.54668751
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so new meta is just to get the highest credit score humanly possible, qualify for the most insane loan of all time, then AH JEEZ DOOD MY BACK I TAKE THESE PILLS HAHAAHAHA I'M NEVER PAYING FUCK YOU haha just kidding but seriously i can only do 5 dollars a month is that ok?? :)

>> No.54668771
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Fuck off cuck. They stole your election almost openly and you took it in the ass like a bitch.
You will pay for the homes of niggers and spics and to be replaced in your own country and will do nothing.
I look forward to many more years of angsty posts from you anon lmao!

>> No.54668774

2 more weeks

>> No.54668778

You will vote for lifelong fed and neo-con Ron DeSantis and you will do it with a smile on your face dumb goy

>> No.54668805

>faux news
Literally the right wing CNN

>> No.54668808

Gib me yo credit whyte boi, we finna get credit reperations

>> No.54668826

What the fuck
So now good jew points are bad?

>> No.54668839

I'm hispanic and have 750 goy points

>> No.54668854
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>Ayo we finna b takin dat craka ass house no cap

>> No.54668864

here's how you win if you are a good goy debt free good credit hard working contributor to society:

>liquidate all assets (retirement funds/home/investments/etc)
>put all of it into bitcoin
>put all bitcoin into cold storage
>take out as many loans as you can, new car, new mortgage, credit cards, student loan, etc while you still have high credit score
>declare no assets
>NEET and live off your new loans until either societal collapse, or new bull market begins
>if societal collapse, declare bankruptcy and use your bitcoin in cold storage to buy a bunch of cheap foreclosed houses
>if bull market begins, sell your new loans and keep the profit

>> No.54668868

This is unironically very bullish on the economy.
Long term consequences be damned, but then that's always the case

>> No.54668895

10 days left you retards.

>> No.54668908

>new meta
My sweet summer child

>> No.54668918

"inequality" in lending is poorfags complaining they can't get debt. Its like complaining you can buy cigs or play the lotto. Things you are better off without. so now you have people more able to get mortgages they aren't qualified for, that doesn't benefit them when they are house poor, crushed by a huge debt burden, or get forclosed on and lose everything...

>> No.54669487

The reason why Biden and ensemble pushed this through, is presumably because banks don't have enough liquidity. Investment banking is down as well as general economic activity, the big banks probably feel that they have to find a way to squeeze more loans long term risks be damned or they are looking at a grim financial quarter.

>> No.54669852

Is this subprime lending with extra steps? What happens to the mortgage payer when someone else defaults?

>> No.54669884

you burgers deserve this and there is nothing you can do about it hahah :))))))

>> No.54670013

i guess the game theory optimal move if you have good credit is to leverage as much as you can in personal loans business loans mortgages and credit cards, buy cryptocurrency, and then leave the country forever

alernatively you could just try to get a worse credit score in order to get a cheaper mortgage, but that seems a little riskier

>> No.54670033

Lmfao you're an idiot. It's gonna do the exact opposite and accelerate the decline of housing prices.
Those who were waiting on the sidelines (to buy) will be a lot more hesitant to buy in now.
And those who are waiting to sell, will be pressured to sell now and quicker before the inevitable slowdown of housing sales.
Anyone who bought a home within the last 2-3 years is gonna be holding the biggest bag of shit in decades.
Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.

>> No.54670126

I'm not American. But no, very much "lol no." What will actually happen is that there will be now even less people buying houses, and those who are clever will start to emigrate out of the US. Your average guy will never even try to buy a home or apartment, but will stay with his parents. And that will be the new normal, married or not, people will stop buying houses because as this law sets the precedent the government can and will arbitrarily change the rules so you support black and brown deadweight. In the future this will mean more and more taxes and bullshit, so if you end up buying a home it's entirely possible that say five years down the line the gov absolutely destroys you financially with some new form of tax. It's far more prudent to legitimately wait for your parents to die so you can inherit.

The situation is inverse in all of the West. The more you try, the better you are, more capble and hardworking, the more penalized you are for it. The only logical conclusion is to not try at all, or if you're a skilled professional to emigrate to a country where success is rewarded. Mid to long term this is yet another disasterful decision by the US gov, which further makes it clear how absolutely fucked it is on a very basic level.

>> No.54670167
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so all i have to do is tell my credit card company i won't pay them back and then a few months later I get better mortgage terms?

>> No.54670277

I'm Hispanic and have a score over 800
Get fucked gringos y negritos

>> No.54670412

Damn, I'm whit, and I have a better score than the average asian!!!!

>> No.54670579

Whites have already been replaced with spics.

>> No.54670683
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it's short term bullish or sideways, long term bearish.

Housing this year is in the "return to normal" part of the meme chart. March 2022 was "new paradigm", and the decline last year was "denial". "media attention" was summer 2020. "bear trap" was march 2020.

>> No.54670705

Anons responding to this post dont realize this but youre on a mongolian shrimp farming forum, there's a reason you're well above average, well some of you

>> No.54670733

The banks dont want to miss out on that sweet sweet subprime loan money, but they also dont want to risk another 2008, so they are offloading the cost of that risk to the good goyim so they can continue to be usurious greedy Jews.

>> No.54670735

>TFW I have a credit score over 900 but am not even close to ever being able to afford a house in the first place. Sooooo I should max out my credit card, buy a boat and not pay it off???

>> No.54670737

Pretty much this. Why play by their rules of paying responsibly when the others that dont pay are now having their laziness put on our shoulders to pay for. Well this really puts it into perspective, I need to get rich, and buy citizenship in some other country like Japan (cause no way Id be a wagie there but its a lot better than it is here outside thst)

>> No.54670760

This. Most people will not realize until it is too late. Funny how quick this policy is being put into place. But fixing actual problems? Nah kick that can down 30 years and then another 30...

>> No.54670790

>Those who were waiting on the sidelines (to buy) will be a lot more hesitant to buy in now.
This. Im turned off by it. Why even try now? Id rather bide my time and see if they back off on this. If not, continue living with mommy and daddy and try to get rich. Not like I have a wife so Im in no rush.

>> No.54670831

>The situation is inverse in all of the West. The more you try, the better you are, more capble and hardworking, the more penalized you are for it. The only logical conclusion is to not try at all, or if you're a skilled professional to emigrate to a country where success is rewarded. Mid to long term this is yet another disasterful decision by the US gov, which further makes it clear how absolutely fucked it is on a very basic level.
This. Country has some nice nature areas but seeing how downhill it is going and how they keep kicking down responsible people in favor of the irresponsible Im inclined to move away. Already have a few countries in mind via economic visa if I get rich.

>> No.54670862

This has been the meta since 2008 at the very latest with 0% rates and globalism making immigration so easy to anyone with money

>> No.54670916

I heard about this shit weeks ago from some boomer housing crash blog. /biz/ is late as usual. Also this has been pushed back to August.

>> No.54671039

You might not like it, but dont be surprised when these subsidies lock in a higher floor.

>> No.54671098

I propose a class action lawsuit against credit boosting commercials for false advertising

>> No.54671131

Yea, i can't see this ending well. They're effectively reversing the entire 'credit' system so it works backwards? You have trouble holding down a job and don't pay your bills??? GREAT! Heres a 500k mortgage. You have a steady stream of income for the past 3 decades, with high savings and no debt, cough it up there wagie, Tyrone and Biggums need a new condo.

You're effectively incentivizing people to no longer pay their debts. The funny thing is in theory if you just stop paying your mortgage, the payments will go down.

>> No.54671177

>Yea, i can't see this ending well
The left does not improve anything. Everything they touch turns to shit. The left is a weapon created by the tribe to destroy western civilization.

>> No.54671561

>most goyim not paying their mortgages
>decide to increase payments for the people who do pay on time to help this banker masters (don't worry all Presidents since Jackson are owned by banks)

The best analogy I've heard is youtube increasing the ad count to 2 to compensate for most people using adblocker.

>> No.54671670

It essentially punishes people for being responsible while making home ownership easier for the irresponsible. It is similar to the policies that created the 2008 financial crisis as it makes home ownership easier for people who are most likely to encounter difficulties paying their mortgage. It may increases the price of housing in the short to medium term at the risk of creating a long term housing bubble.

>> No.54671725

> The best analogy I've heard is youtube increasing the ad count to 2+ for paying customers. whilst non paying users get no ads.

>> No.54671822

Biden is out of it. He's being directed by his subordinates, and they tend to be more ideologues.
Democrats gotta stop slicing/dicing America into victim groups.

>> No.54671908
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Actually it will boost prices after it takes effect. Saying this is to make housing more affordable is just a LARP.
>Bonus: we get to bail out more banks

>> No.54671955

Kek, the facts say otherwise

>> No.54672003
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Been waiting since the patriot act for somebody else to do something. Meanwhile your only means of defense is slowly being stripped away and all you do is bitch, moan, and comply. You will be eating bug sandwiches and scraming "OUR DAY WILL COME" while you and the rest pay taxes towards their own oppressors.

>> No.54672006

Why did the French use Guillotines I wonder

>> No.54672268

What this means is that the banking system is reliant on the continued issuance of risky mortgages. The Biden administration is desperately trying to increase the rate of continued shitty mortgage issuance by offloading the costs onto actual human beings who are not niggers. They probably hope that measures like this will cause the next housing collapse (which is guaranteed) to be delayed until after Biden dies or leaves office. They probably will not succeed.

>> No.54672340

Conversely, all the niggers paying a lower monthly payment are enticed into the market.

>> No.54672367
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>Meanwhile im cashing all the money I want on dextools

>> No.54672380

You think that America has 30 years of can kicking left?

>> No.54672409

holy fuck americans are so cucked

>> No.54672561

This old faggot could come round to your house, throat fuck your kids, shoot your dog and anal rape your wives and white Americans would still say "two more weeks".
What a defeated shithole of a nation, what weak and pathetic "men" you are.

>> No.54672597

sit this is America

>> No.54672620

>what is Utah.

>> No.54672728

You can't just take out the funds directly. They have to be put towards a purchase.

>> No.54672826

checkito y basado

>> No.54672859
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>Prime rates and subprime rates don't fall in line with relative risk of default
>Prime rates are much more attractive than risk profiles would show, to compete in a crowded market
>Therefore, subprime borrowers have been subsidizing prime borrowers
>This just corrects for actual borrower risk
>This will mostly hit middle-class borrowers who would be going after attractive average SFHs and condos
>Corporate owners can now snap these up and rent them out to the temporarily-embarrassed middle-classers
Votes and donations. You now understand why this is happening.

>> No.54672949

oh ok he can talk trash on utah all he wants
this is fine

>> No.54673805

>Homebuyers who make down payments of 15% to 20% will get socked with the largest fees.

Why wouldn't you just make a 10% down payment, then make a 10% principle payment a month after closing?

>> No.54674121


Wrong. This is bullish for the housing market. Housing market goes up forever and will never crash again. This is the new paradigm.

>> No.54674176

This is clown world so I agree, it will never crash

>> No.54674301
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>well...what do you know!...new law coming mandating 20% down minimum on 'certain' loans that only YOU qualify for!

>> No.54674388

This is quite possibly the most retarded shit I've ever read.

>> No.54674876

>that woman
Bro don't tell me you're that guy

>> No.54675521

Black score is surprisingly good for how retarded they all are.

>> No.54675534
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good start. now give 1M to every black and soon USA is wakanda. Video related has a wakanda tank at the end

>> No.54675537

>I wonder what happens when white men have been pushed over the limit.

>> No.54675568

>Anyone who bought a home within the last 2-3 years is gonna be holding the biggest bag of shit in decades.
Anyone who owns their own land and doesn't move every 5 minutes is well off. Grow food, start a family, and you'll have lost nothing. Problem is everyone is fucktard looking for a quick buck. Land and housing should not be an investment any more than a place to live or start a local business in an investment. Financial "investors" and big corps need chased out or their skulls bashed in by the community.

>> No.54675617

kek'd check'd

>> No.54675629

good goys are getting fucked as usual.

>> No.54675647

White men willingly put kikes in charge and insulted their own women by breaking their "one man, one woman" covenant sleeping with negresses. You deserve to lose everything.

>> No.54675697

>make a 10% principle payment a month after closing?
This is very anti-semitic, anon.

>> No.54675739

I'm saving up to build my house. All cash btw.

>> No.54675765
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let me re-send you the memo

>> No.54675771

>have great credit
>make shit money
>just got prequalified for a mortgage
First my $10000 for my student loan I already paid off now this shit, thanks Biden.

>> No.54675796
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>paid off
smart fren. paying a loan under free money policies. genius move. why not send your BTC to satoshi wallet too if you hate money that much ?

>> No.54675818

Will she make a good waifu?

>> No.54675829

I knew a nigger that had a nigress mother who worked at a credit repair company. Got bad credit? No problem, that negro would repair your credit in a month or two and make your debt disappear. Shit is fucked, bros.

>> No.54675833
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yes. after few years of reality check women become better. At least she will be better than her

>> No.54675835

I paid it off in 2017 after years of it shitting on my credit.

>> No.54675849

That pays your loan off sooner with a higher monthly minimum payment as opposed to a lower monthly payment for the full loan term

>> No.54675886

>I wonder what happens when white men have been pushed over the limit.
Literally nothing. White rednecks own all the guns in the US and have done nothing about any of their perceived political, social and economic losses the past 40 years. Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. So fuck back to /pol/ and jerk off to a natsoc general chudcel.

>> No.54675897

How does that work??

>> No.54675916
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nothing. burgers will suffer and take 6 job to pay their rent to blackrock.

>> No.54675939

many mortgages penalize you for paying too much, too soon
yes, it's one of the most jewish things out there

>> No.54676351
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That seems to be what they are going for but it doesnt matter to me because I froze my credit score with the big 3 years ago.
Good luck to the banks calculating anything about my credit score to try and punish me with.

Pic related for any US Anons who wish to freeze their credit score as well. Don't bother using any of their websites AND DONT CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Just freeze your credit over the phone with them, or should that fail, go on their website and print out the paper credit freeze form you can mail in like a boomer. DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT WITH THESE PEOPLE THEY WILL JUST LOSE YOUR INFO IN A DATA BREACH SOMEDAY.

Freezing your credit is a great way to thwart both banks and identity thieves, but bear in mind that you will have to unfreeze your credit in the future to apply for loans or get a new credit card so maybe apply for those things and have them available before you freeze your credit score.

The main benefit of freezing your credit score is that it blocks banks from checking your score, which by extension blocks identity thieves or crazy family members from taking out loans in your name with said banks.

Freezing your credit score is also a defacto way to opt out of the fractional reserve banking system as well because if banks can't see your credit score then they wont let you take out more of their worthless debt.

>> No.54676376

Debt stops counting against credit score after 7 years, average American prison sentence is 12 years.

>> No.54676470

>tfw shit tier credit score, no property, no assets
could always be worse though, i could be middle class

>> No.54676594

kek, thanks for playing

>> No.54677140

lmao, are they seriously only doing this for blacks only? The best part is that no news outlet would ever DARE post a pic like that.

>> No.54677801

Boomers deserve to get their mortgages rekt

>> No.54677834

No. They want to give out mortgages and then repossess the house when they fail to pay the debt. It will cause deflation when there's foreclosures

>> No.54677839

>emigrate to a country where success is rewarded

Which country?

>> No.54677849

The United States of America, the country with the most money in the world

>> No.54677867

>a new federal rule
sooo what is it? an executive order? it's obviously not a law. The president can just arbitrarily make "rules" now and we have to follow them? that sounds illegal

>> No.54677878

>negro can't pay debt
>(you) will

>> No.54677892

I mean if you want the "where success is rewarded" part

>> No.54677894
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>A scamdemic, WW3, bankruns and we're still waiting for a 2008 Rerun to pop-off

>> No.54677911

They harass creditors by asking them to find and send paperwork that they are legally required to provide. They do this 10+ times a month. They basically DDOS the credit card companies into submission.

>> No.54677934

If it was non binding like you say how could it be illegal? How do you low iq subhumans even find a keyboard when you are this retarded?

>> No.54677944

Isn't this exactly what caused the 2008 crisis? Excessive risky lending to subprime borrowers? It's like they're TRYING to force another recession.

>> No.54677969

Is it theoretically possible for you burgers to take a big ass loan and just go to another country? Fuck Shlomo gon do? Send you letters?

>> No.54678021
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And not a single one of you idle fat yank fucks will protest this proposal

>> No.54678109

They already stole an election, faggot

>> No.54678141

Because you’d increase your monthly payment for the next 15/30/40(lol) years if you don’t put the extra 10% down, thereby reducing your monthly net income. Unless you refinance eventually it would be a lose lose

>> No.54678197
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A lot of brown rage was triggered from this post. They're honestly right though
>Cuckservatives think anyone who resists is a fed
This factor alone puts the final nail in. Our fate was sealed with boomers, bro. They enjoyed the greatest economy the planet has ever seen, then gave their own nations stage 4 cancer on their way out. They sold out our future for a couple of vacations and an extra cottage.

All you can do is watch.

>> No.54678256

That's not true. Anytime I use YouTube on a browser that has no adblocker I get ads before and at the end of the video. Non paying account

>> No.54678275

>The institutions who shifted portfolio assets into real estate to avoid inflation crush now need to extract the investment appreciation. They need buyers. Biden's 'affordable housing' program is designed with that in mind. Watch the unseen hand.


>> No.54678330
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Ah, so this is what they meant by reparations.

>> No.54678445

>pump housing 10x over a decade and make insane riches
>"ahh shit the goyim are priced out and are therfore not feeding demand anymore"
>"let's force the ones with money to keep buying housing anyways, while we sell our bags"
It's funny how "housing affordability" bills are just a deceitful attempt to inorganiclly prevent the bubble from popping. It really isn't an exaggeration to say that the government does the exact opposite of the names they put on bills.
>affordability bill
>pump prices up
>patriot act
>annihilate the constitution
>war on drugs
>import endless billions in fentanyl

>> No.54678482

We sure love our heckin niggerinos

>> No.54678497


When the fuck does this bullshit get activated??

>10 days left
No fucking way

>> No.54678586
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>A lot of brown rage was triggered from this post.
it's an obsession rooted in jealousy. they think they've finally found the white man's "nigger," a chink in the armor, and they're prodding at it enviously. it's pathetic, because it's ineffective and all they have.

>> No.54678689 [DELETED] 
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Criminally underrated post

>> No.54678742
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Criminally underrated post

>> No.54678772

Thats actually pretty based

>> No.54679645

good goy

>> No.54679661

Preemptive bailout

>> No.54679667

This is literal communism. How is this even legal to pass? Are republicans even commenting on it or doing anything about it?

>> No.54679681

I need to ask a real question.
The president can do this by decree?
Don't you need legislation?

>> No.54679721

no such country exists

>> No.54679745

This is why democracies are fated to ruin. They eventually exist to serve the cancerous bottom 50% while the top 50% remain divided and demoralized. The dumb vote is infinitely more valuable than the smart vote.

>> No.54679759
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>not even being a good goy helps
Top kek

>> No.54679874

>they're looking for bagholders
who would've guessed

>> No.54680043
File: 227 KB, 1440x1101, Screenshot_20230421-082455_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I never checked my goy score until now. I only have credit card denbt I am paying off from when I got a DUI like a retard and then got fired after using my emergency fund to buy a furnace. Did paying down my cc debt raise my goy score?

>> No.54680320

damn "bro" i see a bit of cia in your glow

>> No.54680383

>The new fees will apply only to Americans buying houses or refinancing after May 1.

>> No.54680897

my thoughts exactly.
what in the actual fuck

>> No.54681022

or you could just live debt free

crazy concept I know

>> No.54681117

>Biden is turning a whole race of men against him.
Yea Biden is doing it retard. When they kill RFK Jr for the dead Kennedy trifecta you faggots will still do nothing. You will eat CIA cock and you will do nothing.

>> No.54681223
File: 62 KB, 845x925, fattymcfatfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too obvious
I think you are probably a Federal Agent

>> No.54681250

w-whats the reason?

>> No.54681471

I thought one could be punished if they pay off a home loan too quickly.

>> No.54681518

the 100 iq cuck approach

>> No.54681549

>biz complains that houses are too expensive
>Biden makes houses cheaper for poor people
Nooooooo not like that

>> No.54682032

This only applies for FHA loans which are gay anyway. It does show (((the left)))'s agenda and the direction they will take for all homes loans at some point once they have secured absolute power through demographic shift to 80 IQ spics who vote blue in lock step. They are coming for your 401ks too. There will be fees placed on them to redistribute your wealth to 65 year old mexicans that never saved a dime for retirement of they dont outright nationalize your 401k by then.

>> No.54682075

Most closed mortgages, at least the one I have, allow in the contract for up to a 15% lump sum payment of the principal without penalty every anniversary year of the mortgage. Any more than that and they'll assess penalties

>> No.54682147

Yeah, you probably have a low credit utilization ratio and little debt. That counts for a lot.

>> No.54682155

but then you wont have nice shit.

>> No.54682173

Having isn't owning. You should own your shit and be happy.

>> No.54682188

nigger ive done the no debt way and every time i have to pay for something my bank gets drained. If you dont take on debt you are a brokie

>> No.54682713
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>or you could just live debt free
ok but this is America tho

>> No.54682763

>the rule punishes them for their relatively responsible financial positions

>> No.54682853

>having money means you are broke
Dumb mutt. You can buy a thing with your money and be done with it or buy a thing with someone else's money then pay them back with your money and give them extra of your money for the privilege of being used.

>> No.54682914

I've been doing that. It sucks.
Every time I get a little ahead something fucks me over. I caved a bit & financed my phone.

>> No.54683335

i cant stand talking with you idiots on here.

>> No.54683981

>Willfully leaps feet first into a hot tub full of poo
>Has a bad time
>Why is this happening to me~~~?

>> No.54684864
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Pffft they'll vote republican thinking it's going to mean something. Protip: you won't do shit

>> No.54685243

Loans only get so big. You can't retire on a 50,000k loan.
Though now that you mention it, it couod work as start up capital for some under-the-table restaurant in some foreign country, and then you could just live off the profit

>> No.54685365

agreed, brotha. Trump 2024, two more years! #voteRed

>> No.54686757

Yeah no, people in power don't have ideologies.

>> No.54686805

i literally do not see the reason to not use a credit card. For one, it's the bank's money, so customer support is way snappier and gives a shit if something bad happens like fraud. Debit they don't care, go fuck yourself. Second you aren't giving them any extra money if you pay your dues on time, so basically you are building up credit for free by paying for literally everything with credit, and yes it does allow you to spend beyond your means at the cost of interest, which actually can be a life saver sometimes, as long as you don't let your debt get out of control.

>> No.54686835

What can i get with a score of 422?

>> No.54686919
File: 696 KB, 815x1087, Straw-man3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can buy a thing with your money and be done with it or buy a thing with someone else's money then pay them back with your money and give them extra of your money for the privilege of being used.
I get 6% cashback on groceries from my AMEX card and I haven't paid a cent of interest on it.

>> No.54686931

Start defaulting on credit card debt

>> No.54687150

give me a name pls

>> No.54687210

I protest it by committing tax-evasion and hiding money offshore.

>> No.54687430

No one can understand it. It’s completely idiotic. I really hope this guy doesn’t get re-elected. He’s way too fucking old. Anyone over 70 shouldn’t be allowed to run for president.

>> No.54687661

the chick was made by an ai

>> No.54688630

They really want subprimes to own houses near white people

>> No.54688923

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.54688931

nah, they don't want sub-primes buying anything. this is a new tax.

>> No.54689147

Unironically the thing to do, if you have the support of either parents or other family for an extended period of time. Just stack as much cash as humanly possible and if you’re good at gambling on option or crypto buy one outright and forego this retarded policy.

Another option: if you have obscenely rich family or friends then ‘borrow’ the necessary amount of money from them and get something in writing from a lawyer binding you to pay them back. But that’s a long shot for most people.

>> No.54689177

Yes. Once I stopped paying it monthly and transferred those balances to 0% cards where I will pay minimums, my score went down almost 200 points.

>> No.54689265

> they dont outright nationalize your 401k by then

That’s essentially what social security is

>> No.54689280


the headline is a lie. the people who are getting their rates hiked do not have good credit.

people with great credit are paying less after May 1. people with poor credit are paying less after May 1. people with mediocre credit will pay more, but still less than people with poor credit.

What is really happening is that people with great credit are no longer being lumped in with the so-so credit folks and having to subsidize them.

>> No.54689334

It doesn't matter how old I am because *falls asleep*

>> No.54689353
File: 164 KB, 949x838, 1662839854500653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White men already voted for Biden and he's said pic related. If you don't believe he said it, just search the quote in the pic and you'll find the video of him saying it.

>> No.54690398
File: 1.31 MB, 640x352, Biden sunak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he likes nonwhite people so much why did he do this to sunak?

>> No.54690417

I drive those trains kek, that is barcelona and its a S9000.

>> No.54690452

more than you poltards

>> No.54690454
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>he thinks they're going to work for him

>> No.54690491
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>> No.54690683

based, have a good relationship with your parents and work overtime from 16-25 then buy a starter home cash
this is what should be taught instead of student loan debt

>> No.54690973

I can't believe the amount of junk food the average american eats.

>> No.54691143

LOL nothing will happen

>> No.54691494
File: 212 KB, 1170x870, 1FC5689A-C8F3-4AD7-9AF3-1CA8E807A467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so glad I debtmaxxed 5 years ago. Not only did I get free money from credit cards, but now bidum is paying me to buy a house?!
Next he’s going to EO all bad credit to be wiped for everyone but those with student loans and good goys that paid this whole time and I’ll be even more ahead!
Used the free cash to start a few businesses too. Make 5-6 figures a year since year two without working a day. Get fucking rekt savers!

>> No.54691744

it wont be long before more of this is put in place and it is what it is, essentially a "White tax"
a tax penalty for being hard working responsible, tax paying, country building, law abiding white American.
an extortion of your hard earned money to be seized form you by any and all means, and given away for free to irresponsible, lazy violent criminally minded gib me dat apes

plain and simple

>> No.54691811


This is kind of where I am too. It feels like a policy that could be reversed in 2024 when Trump is back in office. Feeling like Biden my time,

>> No.54691844


It’s really a case of playing with snakes. Since you and I are good at it, we can do this and get a nice $100-200 extra a year in those silly 1-2% cash back cards. You also get perks like “Purchase Security” and additional year warranties on things you buy with them. Not too shabby. Of course, you need to pay them off a few days before they’re due and then keep them at $0 until the statement resets.

>> No.54691863

Have you not been paying attention to the thread pablo? Youre the one getting fucked with having a good score

>> No.54691959


here's truth. if this change to rates hurt you. you don't have great credit. you should be happy. now people with very good and exceptional credit aren't being taxed to pay for you.

>> No.54692359

I'd rather take myself out to dinner and a movie or throw the ~$40/month in the market then subsidize some fuck who lives beyond their means. The point is it's MY money.

>> No.54692401

>great credit
>needing credit
not great

>> No.54692414
File: 160 KB, 1079x843, 168135179172233524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the market for a house right now with a 811 credit score . Look at picrel. This can be gamified.

If you initiate the mortgage with 15% down at high credit, you can avoid any increase in LLPA. After closing, immediately pay the 5% required to bring LVR to 80% in order to kill PMI.

>> No.54692433

In reality unless you can close before May 1, even if you rate lock, you're stuck with the new changes.

>> No.54692452

Or pay 30% down and you have a cheaper mortgage than before l.

>> No.54692472

it's just a new scam, they're raising rates on people with good scores so they just pay more
nogs with poor rates are more likely to default and the lenders get to take the property
it "looks" good for nogs but they lose in the end when they get evicted
everyone loses except for jews ofc

>> No.54692557

>Loan-Level Price Adjustment Matrix Before After May 1

>> No.54692575

Should I just freeze it at 800 and then be debt free while I brag about my goy score? This is basically the US social credit system but you have to be constantly enslaved to maintain a good score. Freezing it high would allow me to be a free man with a high goy score?

>> No.54692583

The guy who made it meant "before May 1" . It's the old schedule. What's interesting is the discrétisation is finer at higher credit scores now, so heavier penalties will be imposed on all but the highest credit scores.

>> No.54692608

incredibly based, fuck (((banks))) and (((credit scores)))

>> No.54692621

>You can't retire on a 50,000k loan.
You can live off $500/mo easily in PH, that's a solid 8 years of living. Max out your cards with cash advances and you've easily got 15 years of doing nothing but fucking pinoy poon

>> No.54692708

>not utilizing debt as a tool

>> No.54692711

>The guy who made it meant "before May 1"
so both charts are "Before May 1" ?

>> No.54692933

Nice trips

>> No.54693310

You can't "freeze" your credit score.

You elect not to make any more inquiries or go into more debt, while paying off your cards, and the score will go up.

>> No.54693360

It already exists, 40% of people didn't pay income tax last year, all the covid gibs, the welfare state, 0% down mortgages for black and brown people, now this etc

>> No.54693465

I hope you do shit.

>> No.54693472

After, whatever. Are you so retarded that you can't infer the table labels?

>> No.54693945

If you aren't carrying a balance then you aren't in debt. Debt implies you are paying interest on a loan.

>> No.54694327

I ended up putting 19.9% down because the loan officer fucked up my application and they made me pay PMI for some minimum amount of time (I think it was 1 year) even if I would have paid the difference right away. Good luck and be sure to read the fine print.

>> No.54694882

its obvious... they are trying to trap debtfuck goblins into loans to prop up the traunches, and to liquidate them when they can't pay, and milk more money from the people who might be able to weather whats coming. it's essentially shifting the risk towards a more profitable crash for the cunt banker fuckshits. honestly they should be tried in the court of law and probably sent to some fucking island at this point.

>> No.54694957
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Any borrowed money that needs to be paid back is debt. Credit card debt that gets paid in full every month is still debt.

>> No.54696311

I hope this doesn't sound too ignorant and pathetic, but will republicans help out housing affordability when they replace biden in 2 years?

>> No.54696365

No they'll conserve boomer wealth. That's what they've always done

>> No.54696382

Probably only effects FHA loans.

>> No.54696394

blackrock will buy the bags for pennies on the dollar

>> No.54697934

been a while since i’ve actually laughed at a webm

>> No.54698090

To be fair, Biden is not wrong about this.

>> No.54698471

The US government is incentivized to inflate away their debt, the sideeffect of it is it inflates away your debt over time too. Buy scarse assets with debt, its the only way to stay on top of inflation. It’s unfortunately how things are designed.

>> No.54698893

I don’t know if banking math works differently in the US, but don’t the banks already calculate the risk of someone defaulting in their general prices (=interest) before this? How does this change anything?

>> No.54699111

RE markets take 4-6 years to crash. Its not like stocks. As they say in the business, prices rise like rockets and fall like feathets.

>> No.54699563

Two more weeks, faggots

>> No.54700328

This is the reason why I believe the economy will crash. Their work is really like that. My ex has a similar job.
Everyday a "meeting" on Teams, answering some dumb e-mails, making a powerpoint and thats basically the job for the largest part.
These bitches get like 3x the amount a construction worker gets.
I'm sure that construction workers had to make a powerpoint presentation on school too.

>> No.54702330

>What happens to the mortgage payer when someone else defaults?
We're all in this together.
Whitey is going to get foreclosed on so black folks can stay in their homes.
This is equality, right? Or equity? Or idk.

>> No.54702350
File: 1.66 MB, 375x200, two more weeks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
