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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 1015x1024, 14255802-A1E2-4343-A56A-9E13D3C2F823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54661974 No.54661974 [Reply] [Original]

What if you hack yourself onto a payroll?

>> No.54662012

wow, she really hit the wall.

>> No.54662065
File: 273 KB, 300x400, 80B434E1-EFCF-477E-9709-88710B136AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He turned into heihachi? Holy shit!

>> No.54662076

Based and mogs OP

>> No.54662124

an absolutely fuming 32 year old woman made this image

>> No.54662188
File: 1.78 MB, 498x278, heihachi_mishima.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54662194

I was on the payroll for a random company i interviewed for for 2 months. I think what happened was that there were 2 candidates including me in the last round of interviews and they actually hired the other guy, so probably some roasty data entry clerk added my info to the payroll instead of theirs and I got 2 months salary (and the other guy didn't I assume). Never heard from them, I expected someone to call and demand it back but nope, nothing.

>> No.54662317

And to think all she had to do was get married before she got pathetic.

>> No.54662374
File: 44 KB, 853x480, 1646366299304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she probably went through several iterations of the meme before settling on this one, because no matter how much she fucked up the man's face he still kept looking eccentric and wise. Finally she gave up and cheated by reducing the eye size by 80% because fuck the patriarchy or something.

>> No.54662378

Where are thr pepes and wojaks

>> No.54663068
File: 463 KB, 1015x1024, womanages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original unedited image

>> No.54663100

a late 20s roastie made this right after she got lip injections and a jowl lift

>> No.54663172
File: 488 KB, 1015x1024, trannyages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54663182

OP already obliterated in the second comment

>> No.54663282

Kek, he's literally me. I got my first wrinkle at the age of 35.

>> No.54663380

Me too, pretty much every man who lifts/exercises at least three times a week and have a healthy diet could be that guy

>> No.54663386
File: 474 KB, 1015x1024, milkages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54663895

You got off easy, they are usually legally allowed and sometimes justified to demand backpay

>> No.54664232

Foid cope
>Hehehehhe, you see, I AM THE MANIPULATOR NOW, I am a woman and THAT makes it okay!
Least stupid femfoid

>> No.54664242

uhhh... no they're not. If a company hands you money due to an error on their end, then you never have to pay it back.

>> No.54664340

>young, eyes untrianed, unfocused, potential victim, indeterminate
>older, always alert, understanding, wizened, discerning

>> No.54664556


>> No.54664571

I've never seen a single non-rockstar male that managed to pull off youthful long hair look into their mid 30s. Not one. Men can look good bald if they have the right cranial structure and physique, but trying to pull a Terminator 2 Edward Furlong at age 36 is just cringe.

>> No.54664612

This is pretty much me.
>Men can look good bald
Massive baldlet cope lmao!

>> No.54664635


When a hated species makes something to counter anons you guys can't take it and call it cope. but to anons, it only makes sense when you do it. How is your behavior any different from women?

>> No.54664914


>> No.54664929

>quite literally "if you point out she's retarded, you're mean and coping!"
Learn what words mean, faggo.

>> No.54665110

Imagine being a cuck like OP

>> No.54665761

a haircel wrote this

>> No.54665776

Yes women age far better than men, biz is just full of incels that can't come to terms with this

>> No.54665797


>> No.54665830

Foid cope

>> No.54665860

you have jowls, don't you
that sucks anon lol

>> No.54665874
File: 75 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is the biggest cope I've seen today

>> No.54665890

Roasties become increasingly infertile after 25

Men can have kids in 50-60 no problem

>> No.54665954

Stop coping anon, women peak (sexually and incomewise) in their early 40s, tons of studies have proved this time and time again

>> No.54665997

Based as fuck
You never heard of 'bank error in your favor'?

>> No.54666054

fucking lost

>> No.54666080


Women literally peak in late teens

>> No.54666091

>no income
>not interested in anything or having a real personality
lmao, people are basically children in their teens

>> No.54666131

Bro we are talking about fertility, everything else is irrelevant

>> No.54666154

Imagine if the other guy worked two months for free lmao

>> No.54666420

thanks bros, just wanted to make some anons kek a bit

>> No.54666796

/pol/ chuds and rightwing nazis base their claims on simple observation and statistics
lefties w*men and trannies can only cope and project doing "NO U" without any proofs for their claims

>> No.54667237


>> No.54667640

>hated species
A woman did not make that picture
It was obviously made by a tranny. The uniform line thickness, the pastel colour pallet that clashes used to indicate male and female without consideration for the pieces overall harmony, the obvious idealization of the feminine. A tranny has a fantasy of being a woman, a woman knows the reality of being a woman.

>> No.54667810
File: 86 KB, 585x868, IMG_0162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me the Down syndrome statistics for women birthing over 35 lmao

>> No.54667851

Rekt and kekt

>> No.54667887

Woman: valued for beauty, youth, fertility
these rapidly depreciate with age

Man: valued for capability, wealth, confidence
these tend to slowly appreciate with age

We all understand this on some level. The man was never prized for immaculate looks in his youth, therefore he has much less to lose with time and actually something to gain.

>> No.54667975
File: 987 KB, 720x1280, what i like most about being in my 30's.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying women dont become more kino with age

>> No.54668039

All women have to do in their 20s to look great is to not eat, but then they start looking flabby as fuck as they age. Men who look good in their 20s know how to exercise and maintain their body, know good nutrition, and can maintain it better. If you don't eat good or lift, you are going to look like shit eventually its just a matter of time, depending on good your genetics are.

>> No.54668192

>She's kino because she likes videogames and swords like me!
Men who are mesmerized by this have no real experience with women; only fantasies. This chick is probably drastically unstable and would break your shit if she got into an argument with you.

>> No.54668200

this is not gonna end well

>> No.54668285
File: 810 KB, 1080x1090, sketch-1682001806324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54668295


Performative bullshit is so annoying. Like that's really how you are day to day.... lol

>> No.54668350

Men objectively peak in aesthetics in their 30s, Women in their 20s. Couple that with the fact that male youth isn't nearly as valuable as women youth, And you get a very asymmetric gap of prime performances between males and females, A 43 years old male is as aesthetic relative to his peak as 29 years old woman relative to her own peak.

>> No.54668444
File: 49 KB, 800x530, 1349048622130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54668470


>> No.54668481
File: 675 KB, 675x685, 1670615882889077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((studies))) show

>> No.54668506


shit not a single man has ever uttered in his whole life. It isn't our fault the majority of women have daddy/sugar daddy/wealth fetishes.

>> No.54668516

>17 years old to 17 years and a half
>18 years old to 80 years old

>> No.54668577
File: 338 KB, 918x1280, IMG_20230415_214638_334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women age like bad milk, men age like a fine milk

Tom Cruise is a young looking old man. Most milkmen age like women, Tom Cruise ages like a postman, who delivers wine

Most women age like specialist postmen who deliver milk, also known as milkmen. Tom Cruise ages like a postman who delivers wine, a wineman

It's real. Tom Cruise aged like a fine wine. The lady aged like a milk

Fine wine ages like a 56 year old cheese. Milk ages like a Tom

Tom Cruise looks 35 but is 56. When Tom was 32, he looked older than he does now, even when he played a man of 24. Now that he's 56, he could play a man of 68 who looks not a day over 44

Some cheeses get better with age. A 56 year old fine cheese ages better than a 2 year old regular cheese

28 regular cheeses ageing for 2 years will just about equal the amount of ageing of a fine cheese ageing for 56 years

Tom Cruise is 56 and has aged like a fine wine. Bela Lugosi stopped ageing in 1956, because he died

Tom aged like a fine wine, Cruise aged like a fine cheese

Tom Cruise died, but looks like he hasn't aged a cheese over 56. Milkmen age like woman wine

If a Tom Cruise opens a cheese, he's a master milk. If a woman's lock is opened by wine, she's a shitty cheese.

If Tom Cruise ages like cheese and leaves the station on a train travelling 56 mph, and at the same time Bela Lugosi leaves a milk station travelling in the opposite direction at 44 mph, and both stations are 56 years apart, how long before both trains age like a woman?

Tom Cheese was 56 years old when he first went on a cruise

When Tom Cruise received his first paycheck, the first thing he bought was a 56 year old hot cheese

When Tom was a 56 year old Cheese he aged like a cruise

The quantity of wine divided by how long the cheese takes to age like a fine Tom Cruise equals 56.

Tom Cheese goes cruising to look for milk

And the cheese goes to: Oscar Cruise

>> No.54670022
