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54652519 No.54652519 [Reply] [Original]

With US's constant attacks on Cryptocurrency exchanges, the UK is set to become the hub for cryptocurrency.

UK Minister Andrew Griffith has estimated a regulation rollout for Crypto within a year
Coinbase is about to go to court with the US SEC. Brian Armstrong stated that they might be moving to the UK

Will other CEXs ditch the US for the UK? How will this regulation benefit Defi and Defi users?

>> No.54652569

Ireland if it's made more crypto friendly. It's already a tax haven for companies.

>> No.54652674

The US can go to hell. I wonder why a set of people are so intentional about killing an entire dream and innovation.

>> No.54652682

I don't mind relocating there trust me. I have a nuclear family and moving them won't be a problem.

>> No.54652796

this makes too much sense for the retards running the UK to actually do it

>> No.54652832

as someone who actually lives in the uk (unfortunately), at the tail end of the last bull run all the banks started getting really anal about crypto. most won't let you put money into binance now.

>> No.54652943

Just check under your car every morning If you're a protestant

Uppa Ra

>> No.54653304

The US keeps crashing its own economy

>> No.54653695
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The UK is only retarded on the stuff that doesn't matter to the inner circle- i.e. absolutely fucking everything that isn't City of London finance. Mothing else is important. Nothing else makes any difference to them whatsoever.

NHS and infrastructure falling apart? Not a problem. Education system worse than useless? Absolutely fine. Wogs demographically replaced the malformed Celtic underclass in every town and city? Not a problem. UK military no longer competent? Who actually cares, lmfao. Only thing that matters is propagating the City of London into the future.

This is no different to Saudi Arabia with oil, Taiwan with semiconductors, Canada with real estate, etc. All those countries are retarded with everything that isn't the only thing that actually matters to their continued survival in their current form (for the respective elites). That's how Saudi somehow manages to find diligent family members to staff Aramco and related security/diplomacy functions (yes, I know they import masses of their workforce and management), Trudeau will fuck with everything but the big city property market, etc. The problem most English have is thinking of this country as anything other than the Saudi of finance, as if we're gonna start paying our way with Land Rovers, wool, and fish.

Coinmetro as GBP on/off ramp is untouched, and won't be rugged by US/UK government. Twin with building society/challenger bank to minimise friction still further.

>> No.54653795

It's no surprise that countries like the UK are jumping at the opportunity to become crypto hubs given the regulatory uncertainty and hostility towards crypto in the US. It'll be interesting to see how these regulatory rollouts in the UK will shape the future of crypto and its users.

>> No.54653842

>tail end of the last bull run all the banks started getting really anal about crypto. most won't let you put money into binance now.
Indeed, that's "informal government advice", that they should either block it altogether or only allow incoming transactions. What a surprise.

It made me glad a pomped a lil extra in to begin with as you obviously need money in the exchanges to do anything with it.

Not a problem for
In the big ciddy tho. Pard and parzel.

>> No.54653916

Moving to the UK might seem like a tempting option for CEXs like Coinbase, but it's important to note that regulatory clarity doesn't necessarily mean a more crypto-friendly environment. We'll have to wait and see how things play out.

>> No.54653958


I would disagree about the NHS tho having worked there. They definitely aren't short of money.

Diversity there works in an interesting way. All the cooks and cleaners at the hospital I was at, 100% white, British, female. All the porters and building service guys, white, male.

The pharmacists and Dr's, diversity central.

Ironically, you can actually code a lot of their job out of existence since they basically use a little a to b to c drug prescribing book that can be condensed into code with precisely zero, i repeat, zero AI involved.

I've even written code to look for the mistakes that aren't in those books. It's very doable.

But ya knar.... they need an 8th audi for their cousins 14 year old grandson.

They're just massively lazy desu. That's why stacks of nurses are fat as fuck.

>> No.54653965

DeFi users could benefit greatly from a more regulated crypto environment, as it could help legitimize the industry and encourage more mainstream adoption. However, it's important that these regulations don't stifle innovation and creativity in the space.

>> No.54654394

how about the development of ZKP and solutions based on them for compliance?

>> No.54654558

Would the government recognise this compliance solutions?

>> No.54654647

UK seems so obvious all along. It already has AIM, where you can buy penny shares in companies exploring Greenland for gas and such bollocks, they inevitably end up mooning violently or rugging you. Crypto is more of the same shit. Some people just want to throw money at speculative plays, the US fails to see this.

>> No.54654857

It does meet and satisfy the criteria needed to be compliant. I saw DuaWallet talking about using it and MEXC also talked about using it.

>> No.54655071


empowering the city of london to exploit crypto is unlikely to benefit retail plebs like us though

>> No.54655250

Oh! I was thinking the Nexera ID smart wallet would be more suited to handle compliance issues.

>> No.54655451
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>> No.54655493

>But ya knar
Wakefield at WYAS by any chance?

>> No.54655696

I think so too because the projects that are showing interest so far are CeFi although the aim is for both custodial and non-custodial projects.

>> No.54655735

Indeed regulation would amount to a win. Imagine TradFI and DeFi coming together to work together?

>> No.54655782

Yes. The NexeraID is for both and it offers privacy, security and self-custody which a plus to everyone.

>> No.54655800

attempting to become a crypto hub is an act of pure desperation. they will allow crypto to infect our already awful tradfi and crypto crashes will have systemic effects.

>> No.54655824

UK is the hub of absolute shit.

yet another zogged out shithole run by jews. they will bait in crypto companies and then (((regulate))) the fuck out of them with glownigger tricks just like the US.

crypto hubs would be neutral countries with low tax like Singapore, Switzerland or UAE not zombie leftist walking dead dinosaur countries like the uk

>> No.54655863

The UK regaining influence is probably the worst that could happen to the world right now

>> No.54655884

I think this one uses NFTs as ID so what about PolygonID do you think they provide equal opportunities?

>> No.54655889

this. there should just be a total information blackout imposed on britain. do not consume british media, ignore british people online. kick them off platforms and if you see one walking around in your country visciously beat him

>> No.54655950

WTF is Polygon ID? I don't think you know what the Nexera ID offers?

>> No.54656250

Both are for compliance and they also work with ZKP infrastructure. I know more about Nexera

>> No.54656359

Nexera ID is a product of Allianceblock right?

>> No.54656442

It takes nothing to do a research on it you dumbass skunk. It's one of its products as there are many others like the Fundrs, data tunnel, DeFi terminal etc.

>> No.54656458


>> No.54656499

The TIDV would play a significant role here

>> No.54656531

God damn are baggies retarded. US doesn't need (((crypto))), (((crypto))) needs the US, a.k.a the access to the deepest pools of capital in the world.

>> No.54656573

Trustless Identity verification is a fine concept maybe it will be a legal ground on which the UK will build its regulation.

>> No.54656603

article posted 2 hours ago
XRP for real time gross settlement in the event of a liquidity crisis

>> No.54656739
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UK is already a better place financially speaking kek, US is banning literally everything that doesn't seem right to them, I despise every single thing they stand for, I hope things like POND improve decentralized apps and web3 just to watch them seethe

>> No.54656807


all well and good until the US commands the 51st state on bongistan to implement the same crypto regs. Oh you want a trade deal UK? Be our bitch and do as we say like usual or you aint having it.

>> No.54656850

Fucking kek you chuds need to find a better way to cope

>> No.54656868

Layer 0 has no place on this earth and you're a retard

>> No.54656874

fuck off not even england wants anything to do with your goddamn stinky shit

>> No.54656955

What the heck is Layer 0?

>> No.54657020

UK is on a one way road to stagnation and irrelevancy

>> No.54657610

I believe that they should, since majorly KYC is what they are talking about at the moment, and solutions like TIDV might come in handy for DeFi

>> No.54657751

These two projects only claimed to have adopted NexeraID, but we haven't even seen it being used yet

>> No.54657950
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>Just check under your car every morning If you're a protestant
>Uppa Ra
Show no mercy. Lar.
>this post is neither an endorsement of either the real or unreal ira, because I bet neither of you have got a horse

>> No.54658122

From what I've read about it, it's built to be regulatory compliant and also can be integrated into crypto project out there

>> No.54658159

With this and the development of the NexeraID, regulatory bodies will erase the stress and also not face a decline in DeFi users.

>> No.54658164

Uk can't bear the weight of the global cryptocurrency market. Euro is not as liquid as Dollar. The US can't even let that happen

>> No.54658173

The UK is the 51st US state, and nothing more.

>> No.54658224

>Will other CEXs ditch the US for the UK?
The Congress is about to approve the Dollar bipartisan bill to protect USD and then approve the firing on Genslar to stabilize the dollar economy.

>> No.54658248

>They're just massively lazy desu. That's why stacks of nurses are fat as fuck.
Fuck you Ranjeet. You were molded out of a fat ass. Why publicly proclaim against ass that gave us life?

>> No.54658255

The government has no choice than to do so except they are hell-bent on driving innovations off their shores.

>> No.54658306

DeFi regulations isn't a news to scare crypto degenerates.
BoobsID are all here to wage war against those senile SEC brains .

>> No.54658321

So much respect for the country that colonized your dumb asses.

>> No.54658510

This is what Allianceblock and some other projects bridging TradFi and DeFi plan to achieve

>> No.54658546

This sorts of innovations open the DeFi door to traditional institutions as the playing ground now becomes levelled and we can have an influx of traditional institutions into the DeFi space.

>> No.54658611


On the way? Its halfway down the highway already.

The UK is basically Japan 2.0 at this point, but without the homogeneous society and culture and fulls of wogs.

Anyone with any useful skills is desparate to get out.

>> No.54658615
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Has this gone live yet, because I can't seem to see any project that uses it?

>> No.54658629

This sorts of innovations open the DeFi door to traditional institutions as the playing ground now becomes levelled and we can have an influx of traditional institutions into the DeFi space.

>> No.54658752

Traditional institutions will appreciate this innovation and the UK if they successfully create a good ground for cryptocurrency, will next structures like this.

>> No.54658797

MEXC and DUA already adopted it, so try to stay updated faggot

>> No.54659032

Dua Wallet has not been launched yet. It is still in development. MEXC also has not fully integrated this. They decleared their intentions buyt haven't started using it.

>> No.54659078

Who wouldn't like to have encrypted KYC data, i believe this should help protect our data from bad players in the crypto market

>> No.54659744

The Chinese are taking over not even London

>> No.54659785

I believe that we are about to see its mass adoption because already some projects are talking about it.

>> No.54659799

France is already the leader in Europe.

>> No.54659963

It will be a BRIC country. It wouldn't shock me at all if it ends up being Russia by the decade's end. They'll have the right combination of desperation, lawlessness, and resource capital looking for a home.

The UK will lock itself in the IMF chastity cage and throw away the key.

>> No.54660056


are you a doctor

>> No.54661212
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Finally, the UK getting the recognition it deserves, there are now several merchants accepting crypto payment in the UK, like Kingapparel, I do buy my outfits there most time

>> No.54661446
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But quantum-resistant layer 1 does

>> No.54661676

Fuck the US, they are nothing but a pain in the ass

>> No.54661864
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Nice time visit, I must try paying with crypto, the US can suck my dick all they want

>> No.54662058
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>> No.54662080

They are the real faggots

>> No.54662227

It's either them or we get fucked really bad when QCT happens, I solely appreciate chains like QANplatform working on quantum resistance

>> No.54662588

Are really fantasizing on double boobs. You think a solution can serve individuals as well as institutions very well. DeFi is never ready for regulations. You'll are at the mercy of the Fed.

>> No.54662646

Based faggot blarbing shit under this board daily. No two president has ever existed in capitol at thesame time, one rules at a time. It's either Trump or Biden. It's either DeFi or TradFi rules and not Allianceblock or the likes.

>> No.54662746

Does that guarantee self regulation? That's what DeFi needs atm to hasten compliance.

>> No.54662768

>Fuck the US
Dick licking maggot hiding under the tank. Prepare to go behind bars from the street.

>> No.54663925
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after everything that happened I think I would stay in more legalized things like CHEQD at least I can be sure that I am not going to be the one who is going to screw it up

>> No.54665324

Fascism is always about destroying the competition so that you're forced to live under their system, their rules.

They destroy everything and feed on the misery and anguish of billions and then act shocked when no one wants to play their game.