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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 305 KB, 960x539, HOA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54656539 No.54656539 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54656550

Imagine having any neighbors at all, poorfag.

>> No.54656561

Yea I do unfortunately they haven’t been able to keep out the knee grows entirely.

>> No.54656614

>perfecly landscaped yards
You mean getting a HOA ordinance passive-aggressively taped to your door when your grass in half an inch over the allowed limit?

>> No.54656627

>paying some fat boomers thousands of dollars of years to tell you what you can't do with your own property
ultimate cuckery

>> No.54656641

My HOA is an embezzlement scheme that keeps raising fees and making deals with contractors for kickbacks

>> No.54656650

HOA is literally communism

>> No.54656652

looks like we found some poorfags

>> No.54656667

HOAs are a scam.

>> No.54656693

Only fools would spend more money than they have to.
>spend like you're poor and invest

>> No.54656704

based sounds like you should get in on that
whats the matter? cutting into your funko pop budget?

>> No.54656995
File: 111 KB, 700x700, ding-ding-i-have-an-announcement-to-make-jannies-1fudej4kmr-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live on the corner lot of an HOA but my driveway is on the main road. I park most of my vehicles in the lawn and leave the hedges overgrown so they have trouble turning out of the neighborhood. I also burn piles of brush 3-4 times a week year round and there's NOTHING they can do about it. I love taking walks through the development and waving at everyone with a shit eating grin on my face while they shoot me daggers. My neighbors (also on the main road) ride their dirt bikes up and down the street all day in the summertime and snowmobile through the development in the winter to get to the trails. Fuck your cardboard McMansion and Porsche SUV.

>> No.54657017

Beyond based.

>> No.54657033

This, the real question is, do you have neighbors or are you poor

>> No.54657046

Do you let the HOA fuck your wife as well?

>> No.54657091

lower your tone. You're talking to the president
how do you think I'm going to afford my new porsche? With those delicious fees

>> No.54657099

I don't have an hoa but I've had random neighbors cut my grass when it gets too long. And I'm too socially awkward to do anything about it.

>> No.54657110

No. I like going out for a run in my neighborhood and not being surrounded by cookie-cutter McMansions. I also enjoy buying fresh bread from a bakery 3 blocks away from my home. Imagine not eating bread while it's still warm lmao.

>> No.54657199

Based, you should fuck the HOA milfs while their cuck husband's are at work

>> No.54657759

Man I love the government and paying taxes. I wish there were more governments to tell me what to do and take my money.

>> No.54657922
File: 7 KB, 194x259, moneypit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes he does! He want to be a slave!