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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 412 KB, 512x512, monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54647310 No.54647310 [Reply] [Original]

token for sam's show, marketing tax is being spent on torturing the contestants (and preserving josie)

>> No.54647328

sam hyde the faggot would do anything for 40 thousand dollars

>> No.54647345

Delicious child belly

Very erotic!!!

>> No.54647359

This is a creamer

>> No.54647364

What’s the token contract? What chain? Dumb faggot op gives zero details

>> No.54647393

Who is that chick
Holy shit I need to nut from this picture

>> No.54647396

scam dont waste your money

>> No.54647437
File: 308 KB, 611x626, 1681313673851613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

letty - boner bait
The true sleeper is Josie
*takes cock out*
I'm excited to see her in her smelly autistic girl panties

>> No.54647465

Where to watch for free?

>> No.54647490

Sam Hyde actually retweeted the token wtf

>> No.54647512
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who these people are and the fact we're on 4chan and not some eceleb platform (YES I KNOW >implying) you shouldn't either. Time to go back

>> No.54647516

Locked liq and a week long event to shill with? I’m in you filthy pajeets

>> No.54647533

Go back to the gas station, trailer trash fuck

>> No.54647546

is that a man?

>> No.54647576
File: 316 KB, 1577x2418, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit and start a job at a semi truck moving company next Tuesday. I'm going to get so fucking jacked and youll get new shirtless pics (summer time is coming). You Fats will inevitably kill yourself when the Based jannies give me a firm handshake

>> No.54647590

Oh look at that, thank you jannies. I don't even know what I'll do this

>> No.54647593

This coin is literally using 100% of tax to punish autistic retards on live cam. The most bullish pitch I’ve ever heard

>> No.54647606

Just search fish on dexscreener it’s on ETH. This is a multi million dollar play

>> No.54647669

Jet stop shilling your guys stupid shit her. Mondo mega bits is a scam and so is this you stupid faggot

>> No.54647746

There is no token contract. The tokens for fishtank are sold on their website in a closed system. It's like trying to buy an Amazon giftcard by buying Amazon Gift Card Token on Dexscreener. Don't be a fucking retard, anon. You can only buy the real actual tokens through the fishtank website, and they're not on a chain.

>> No.54647749

Seethe an cope tranny

>> No.54647754

So I am paying you to pay Sam Hyde?

>> No.54647758

The token tax goes to buying punishments for the contestants CHUD. This is the community DAO for the entire fish tank event

>> No.54647767

Based jet kek

>> No.54647768


Hopped in the Twitter spaces, dev confirmed normal white sam hyde fan. He actually talks like one of sam hydes gang members. This token will moon if they follow thru and have votes on pranks. I like this token because the purpose is not to enrich a jeet but to inflict cruelty on the attention seeking contestants in the house who are competing for a measly ten thousand dollars, which is about how much money I wipe my ass with daily.

>> No.54647772

What the fuck. I didn't get an email.

>> No.54647784

Post stack size and fav girl

>> No.54647787


Let's punish that fat pig Sylvia, the bitch didn't even take her shoes off

>> No.54647801
File: 256 KB, 1348x742, tokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54647812

Sylvia will be out first once I can punish her disgusting fat ass. Josie will never leave and will always be safe under my watchful eyes

>> No.54647847

Swr I like Sammy very much I was give him 15 dollars for him to read bed times to me

>> No.54647851

I wanna see her asshole, desu

>> No.54647866

Fuck no. We will watch Violeta get tag teamed by these autists before Sylvia shows her stink hole to the world

>> No.54647868

Josie will be raped by Vance

>> No.54647869


You're a grifting loser sam we're not all going to pay you $100 a piece we are going to make crowdsourced decisions and pay you $100 each then make money off the token mooning cope and seethe :^)

>> No.54647888

Ser I'm also horny now that I see such yummy tummy what's this babe number? I pay for phone number 15 dollars

>> No.54647889

I'm not sam, just trying to protect people from jeet nigger scams. I havent bought a single one of sams stupid ass coins and I wont because I cant watch this shit for longer than 5 seconds. Just hate jeets is all.

>> No.54647902

>no response
Fats on suicide watch

>> No.54647924

she gives off big 'girl smegma' energy, and it's off-putting.
sylvia has a tight (because of the fat pushing it closed) pussy, and its likely hairy af.

>> No.54647960

It’s not Sam. It’s his stupid faggot intern jet who browses /biz/. He was the one who spammed mondo here as well. Only way to make thme stop is to fuck with their stream on youtube

>> No.54647989
File: 283 KB, 1151x1424, 1666459866695417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you were wondering, this is all about Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS), among other silver miners, which will be mooning in the coming days.

>> No.54648006

well, he put 40k into Pulsechain.

>> No.54648013
File: 294 KB, 897x563, 1681755757759039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to make them stop is to ENGAGE WITH THEM. You niggers are retarded. I'm just a guy who has seen jeet scams for a lot of years here and I take great pleasure in thumping my huge beef and cheese cock ontop of them. I hope your goats die of aids and your children get finger blasted on their school bus tomorrow morning.

Don't buy official tokens, don't buy fake tokens. Don't even watch the show. It's boring as fuck. Just a bunch of retards sitting around without a phone. There is no value anywhere here at all. (Other than running a fucking scam like youre trying now)

>> No.54648194


Thank you for caring so much about my net worth ;)

>> No.54648214

i spent literally 3 minutes trying to find this shit and it was not worth it. pic is deceiving but still made me go full coomer mode

>> No.54648262

Wait so everyone here watches ecelebs now?

>> No.54648302

Vance the balding guy is going to have a threesome with the asian and the thot

>> No.54648525

I turned the stream off because nothing was happening. Most of my friends are autistic along with me anyway, so it's not like I'm seeing anything new in this thing.

>> No.54648684

Vance terrifies me. He just stares at the wall half the time. He will rape/murder someone

>> No.54648731

The high iq will be watching the carefully compiled clip videos created from the actual funny moments. I can’t imagine watching this live

>> No.54648774

Is this even legal? kek what is this shit

>> No.54648783

When the punishment starts the entertainment won’t end. Prepare to watch autistic people freak out and lose their minds while begging for mercy

>> No.54648786

>Thank you for caring so much about my net worth ;)
>Scam Hyde's adult swim bux are going to 10000x

>> No.54648804
File: 762 KB, 956x1422, 8CE23D93-6054-4758-825E-DD8CEB2C7DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy Vance knows how to conceal a chub

>> No.54648835
File: 147 KB, 880x611, 1680785221095008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing sam become a normalfag streamer-grifter makes me feel old and sad.

>> No.54648840

the women all look like shit, a slampig and a washboard pagean slut

>> No.54648846

>I can’t imagine watching this live
I can imagine it because I watched Window To Life live when that was still going on, which had a somewhat similar setup. It's basically as you said, if you watch the clips online of it you basically see 90% of what there was to see in between long periods of nothing happening.

>> No.54648860

I see a tum tum

>> No.54648882

Josie is the key to all of this

>> No.54648889


>> No.54648893

This, jeets can’t comprehend why anyone would buy this token but it’s obvious

>> No.54648902

I can’t stop jerking off to this shit

>> No.54648913

how do I watch this for free

>> No.54648939

fishtank.live sign up w/ 10 minute email

>> No.54648957

>autistic people freak out and lose their minds while begging for mercy
I do this daily

>> No.54649000

Window to life was awesome though. It was a crack dealer alley stream in niggerland. I haven't looked this up but based on OP's screenshot and the conversation going on here it sounds like some Big Brother faggotry

>> No.54649011

Plus this requires a registration which is a big fuck no from me

>> No.54649058

>it sounds like some Big Brother faggotry
It's basically Big Brother but everyone's autistic

>> No.54649079

That's lame. Window to life had superchats shouting NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER and playing johnny rebel's reparations, anons dropping in scene to claim the alley.

If this is all closed set shit with no outside interaction then it's fake and gay. Doesn't help that sam is jewish either

>> No.54649096

The TTS will begin soon and then the torture begins

>> No.54649239

sort of, but you make money along the way. The marketing wallet already has nearly 15 grand. Much more can be done with this amount than what 9/10 individuals will be able to or even be willing to on their own.
The show runs for 6 weeks, and in that time the group will begin to get more comfortable and start expressing themselves in ways that reveal how we can more effectively influence them and the other participants.