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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54637965 No.54637965 [Reply] [Original]

Just a few reasons why Movement chose to build their Move-based blockchain on @Avax:

- Avalanche Warp Messaging facilitates cross-chain liquidity.
- Subnet architecture enables deployment of multiple Move implementations across different blockchains while maintaining interoperability.
- Developers have the option for permissioned development, if desired.
- Multi-chain load balancing is possible with subnets
- Full control over validators, including custom gas rules and permissioned/permissionless configurations.

A subnet serves as a versatile developer's sandbox,
catering to any blockchain deployment requirement, with any virtul machine.

>> No.54639198

yes Avalanche is the best and the only Platform that will actually reach Mass Adoption.
all other L1s are failures.

>> No.54639354

Serious question, What would be the use case of any VM optimized chains (Solana/Aptos/Sui etc) when Avalanche show you can just run their VMs as subnets, borrow the primary network security/decentralization and run on Avalanche consensus on top of it?

>> No.54639794

I dare say that it has one of the best architectures in tech in recent years. The price pump is just an added value at this point

>> No.54639893

based, it's hard to see others L1s at the same level as Avalanche, but it's always helpful that others L1S improve, triggering a better performance across all the blockchains / market liquidity

>> No.54640168

They're also about to launch a C++ subnet, based af

>> No.54640278

>What would be the use case of any VM optimized chains
The usecase is stealing money from gullible people that fell for the crappy marketing shills from India. These ghostchains will die off eventually.
Subnets and custom VMs are just way better and deliver the flexibility that is actually needed. Also cheaper, faster and pretty much superior in every measurable metric.
Avalanche is so far ahead and such a game changer that there is nobody that can compete with it. Kinda like Chainlink and its Oracles, they are so far ahead of everyone there is no real competition.

>> No.54640316

Have you ever used AVAX or do you just hold it on Coinbase? Avax is literally just a website

>> No.54640885

AVAX is a L2 scam, it's not a L1 you avax roaches are all tech illiterate

>> No.54640896

Exactly this. Every new L1 that comes out is pointless. They can’t beat avalanche consensus (also keep in mind that avalanche v2 is being worked on which will leave the competition even further behind). They only offer a different VM which can just become a subnet. Once people start to realize this, AVAX will be given the recognition it deserves.

>> No.54641549
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Nice bait anon

>> No.54641930

AVAX is the best because Avalanche has its own consensus protocol completely different from the others

>> No.54643677

Explain yourself

>> No.54644562

Avax will be $1000+

>> No.54644956
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Yet another completly organic vaxx thread!

>> No.54645054

Well, at least AVAX has generated income for me, not like other shitty threads where they just shill crap coins

>> No.54645417

Reminder the AVAX thread posted over weekend when shills aren't active was 85% fud without a single one of these samefagging shills in sight. This coin is entirely astroturfed. Not the mention usable C-chain tx speed is atrociously low and no serious project outside of monkey jpg cashgrabs could be built on it.

>> No.54645793

>moves coins from a to b
>it's the BEST!

>> No.54645872

I'm still thinking about what I will do when VINU gives me all the profits possible, I don't know if I should continue investing in more projects or settle for that