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File: 103 KB, 720x631, Amount-of-work-required-to-look-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54637256 No.54637256 [Reply] [Original]

>8.5$ breached

Whats next?

>> No.54637269


>> No.54637274

Women don't like men being this muscly. They rather like ottermode.
A small pump on the ETH ratio is next and then further 2 years of sliding down again.

>> No.54637311

Giga cope

>> No.54637324

solid break through 10, then 12.65, then 18 (breakout above 2020 top, last 2022 local top) and then we are off to the races once more.

>> No.54637325

>Women don't like men being this muscly.
they do they just don't like men so lean. it looks unhealthy and unnatural like he is strong and weak at the same time.
starving male who cant catch a prey who still hold unnatural amount of muscle that his fat % is not naturally able to maintain.
Its only natural for women to spot the fraudster.

>> No.54637327

$12.65 then $77.77777

>> No.54637329

A man doesnt have to be that muscly. As far as which one is easier...its much harder to starve yourself than drink protein shakes at the gym.

>> No.54637339

Bro just eat chicken, rice and broccoli for rest of your life

>> No.54637345

>starving male who cant catch a prey
>muh low iq evopsy
meanwhile, short skinny asian males have been reproducing for millenias

>> No.54637360
File: 688 KB, 2000x1333, adults-overweight-obese-world-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why Arabs are the new lardlords btw? WTF happened?

>> No.54637368

This is the biggest cope ever and i say it as a 12 year natty lifter who never took a break but has accepted the disappointing reality if what you can get to natty.
There is not a woman on earth who prefers otter mode to op. Any bigger than OP is a turn off more often however.

Its the same as geeky/ugly/average men who simp or “prefer” plain ass/boring looking asian women or women in general. It is some fantasy they they have a chance and other men will overlook them so they feel secure. Thats the same shit when women say “they prefer more fat” or “less muscle” unless we are talking bodybuilder freak status

>> No.54637373

Fat perma bulking flyover state male typed this

>> No.54637394
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Daily reminder that people who look like right in OPs picture are homosexuals looking to attract other homosexuals.

>> No.54637403

>starved and juiced up to the point that our heart may fail at any heartbeat
>look good
pick one :D

>> No.54637465

i am at a bmi of hovering around the 25 mark with a body fat percentage of less than 15%
maybe the metric is retarded

op you made the critical mistake of posting a picture more interesting than your question so now your thread is derailed
but to answer your question once it breaches 9 expect another black swan to send all markets in a tailspin
either cz getting arrested/binance halting withdrawals to a major western bank going lehman to something getting nuked is where we are at right now

>> No.54637493

men can start from 0 and become something though. if women lose the genetic lottery it's over

>> No.54637531

their food is extremely sugary they put honey in everything and they drink soda all the time

>> No.54637568

The MONICA Project, sponsored by the World Health Organization, found that 30% of the population in the Arab World is overweight or obese, including adolescents and adults.[7] This percentage is smaller for North African countries than oil-producing countries, but is still a prevalent trend.[4] The spread of the Western lifestyle, defined as "the intake of attractive energy dense food with undesirable composition, increased consumption of animal fats and sugars and reduced consumption of dietary fiber, along with a lack of sufficient physical activity", is one of the leading causes.[7] Specifically in the Arabian Peninsula, "physical activity of the population has significantly diminished with the availability of housemaids, private cars, television, and sophisticated household appliances. In addition, the types of food and fat intake have changed...".[5]

Other common factors, besides a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food choices, across the Arab world include urbanization,[2] technology,[4] and a cultural appreciation of female plumpness[8] and the practice of leblouh ("fattening").

>> No.54637602
File: 1.36 MB, 3798x2310, 1681782592087682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is what women want.

>> No.54637679

equine and canine chads mogging the competition i see
you just know

>> No.54637696

My life would have been easier if I had been homo seeing as every friend I had becomes gay...
Am I turning people gay?

>> No.54637708

I think women are. And maybe anime boards.

>> No.54637709

>he doesnt know that there are men who are genetically gifted and have ripped ottermode bodies even though they just eat icecream and chips

Spending hours of ur life at the gym just to get a good body is cope

>> No.54637719
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>medical horror

>> No.54637724
File: 8 KB, 240x360, D7F1D83F-289D-4A71-ADC2-433BFC70F6AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks pic related is otter mode and “good genetics”.

No its called being a stay at home geek and barely eating.

>> No.54637783

One of them sent my a chain email a long time ago advertising eating insects.
I think he may be under their control...

I won't do anything now, but I wonder if making him eat the horse de-wormer would end his marriage abruptly.

>> No.54637800

>Babies aren't 100 taboo
Sickening but respect that the data wasn't distorted.

>> No.54637804

Surprisingly you find that not all women like the same look. Some women like big muscles others like stickmen and all types in between.

>> No.54637834

I believe that chart was generated by surveying sexual degenerates on twitter. Its applicability for the general population is therefore questionable, but the feet data point at least is almost identical to what’s been found in conventional research (slightly above 10% have a foot fetish; 2-3x more common in men)

>> No.54637840

Why a btc dump of course

>> No.54637946 [DELETED] 
File: 2.52 MB, 2793x4200, 23231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women like being sexually worshipped

>> No.54638016

>men's most preferred fetish is eating out
that's very weird, wonder if this study is accurate at all

>> No.54638267

>being penetrated by animals is more female preferred
>being penetrated by dogs or horses is more male preferred
Wait.. what do these chicks want to be penetrated by exactly?

>> No.54638350
File: 19 KB, 800x800, 1674402954651995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wound fucking
What the fuck is wrong with women?

>> No.54638385

Cope, when women say they don't like overly muscular men they're referring to roiders

>> No.54639547

the problem is, every man could achieve muscles which are good enough (obviously nothing like in this pic) but it wont fix my potato face and balding head

>> No.54639570

why are you here, roastie?

>> No.54639628
File: 1.26 MB, 1728x1252, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54639649

>cuddling and romance are more taboo than doggy style

>> No.54639660

>#7 masterrace

>> No.54639692

Go on...

>> No.54639696
File: 3 KB, 200x116, 092978525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis right down to the bottom with Cartoon Pony fags and vomit. Male preferred, Chuds are undesirable to women.

>> No.54639727

1 chad reporting in

>> No.54639756

14-22 year old girls prefer ottermode and that's all that matters.

>> No.54639867

if by ottermode you mean prime brad pitt from Fight club, i agree

>> No.54639911

> sex with your own dead body
Alivebros, did we get to cocky?

>> No.54639951

No teenage girl is schlicking to Brad Pitt from Fight Club bro, sorry, that's a male ideal. Timothee chalamet, BTS, prime Lachowski, Tiktok eboys, etc. That's what the tightest most fertile pussies want.

>> No.54640021

>Woman falls in love with a slim man
>"I like a man with some meat on his bones"
>Fattens him up over time
>Your blood pressure is too high
>Your cholesterol is too high
>Your snoring is keeping me awake
>Your cpap machine is too loud at night
>Your diabetes is getting out of control
>Your heart isn't acting right...
Fuck it all. Smoke weed and lose all the weight. Healthier than I've ever been
>"Anon, you are too skinny. You know I like a man with a little meat on his bones..."

>> No.54640035

>Timothee chalamet
LMAO you must be that one obsessed homosexual from /tv/, take away his money and movie celebrity status and no girl would even look in direction of that rat faced fag

>> No.54640079

Love steak
Simple as

>> No.54640080

You sound jealous of him. Maybe your crush is a fan of his?

>> No.54640119

timothy is jewish just looked him up
gonna have to say no

>> No.54640130

you seem to be delusional fanoboy here considering you think hes even in the same universe as the other guys you listed lol

>> No.54640149

That dude is a roider. You can't even retain that much muscle mass natty while having having bodyfat that low. Your hormonal balance would be complete shit

>> No.54640154

I want to watch these two people have sex.

>> No.54640208
File: 63 KB, 453x920, crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teens under 18
yeah, right......

>> No.54640550
File: 100 KB, 640x614, 1667253341796496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more male preferred

>> No.54640598

To advantage men have in looking good though is we can look good for a longer amount of years. Women are only in their prime for 14-22

>> No.54640619
File: 32 KB, 720x561, ACD2368F-5F02-4E1E-B206-40BEB8483534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking HELL, you're such a beta retard. FUCK I hate copers. Post body and face, twink faggot. I can tell you look ugly as shit and just want to cope instead of accept reality

>> No.54640639

that’s because they were the only males around.. look at them now

>> No.54640657

Do you weigh 100lbs? A decent natty with a pump, oil, the right lighting and some slight prep could look like that easy. His abs are the only minuscule indicator that he might be on something. He has a poor physique if he is on roids, way more potential to be had and you hardly have to put in the work contrary to what roiders say

>> No.54640664

Just be 'fit', cool, and have money. Don't worry about being totally chiseled it's overkill, and very try hard which is a turn off.

>> No.54640666

Most men prefer teens under 18, it’s been this way for thousands of years. Modern day time is an anomaly and inversion of what’s natural but deep down men want teens under 18 even if they don’t admit it to themselves

>> No.54640671

>Most men prefer teens under 18
No they don't. I'm over 30, and I'm highly annoyed by females even in their early 20s.

>> No.54640677
File: 316 KB, 659x900, 2622E135-A750-4BC5-AC5A-371311ACBEFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literally seen as the bottom of the barrel due to their short height

>> No.54640711

These charts are so pathetic. If you're a 5 foot male find a girl whose 4'11, and chart doesn't apply.

>> No.54640751

Female attractiveness peaks between 21-23. You can't change my mind.

Earlier is under-ripe and older is over-ripe.

>> No.54640762
File: 595 KB, 768x3738, 81C836A4-466D-47C2-813A-D00E3A8F67A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping, tard

>> No.54640835

just get noise cancelling headphones, problem solved.

>> No.54640858

Checked but no, nobody really likes teenage girls unless you're a sandnigger coping because elites have whole harems

>> No.54640985

>look good
There is no look good faggot, that guy's body is just media brainwashing, the peak male performance through history was always someone like sean connery in his prime: skinny enough to walk long distances and hunt, etc. Humans used swords and spears to fight so it didn't really matter how big you were unless you were big enough to weare full plate and carry a greatsword or some shit.

>> No.54641029

>little fats and sugars
all lies all lies eat rice with every meal to lose weight

>> No.54641033

>Most men prefer teens under 18
Really not the case with me, and I wouldn't give a fuck if it was.
I live in Dubai, grew up in a place with age of consent of 14 so I'm not bullied by society or anything, but I've always been into milfs.
I might be the anomaly but figured I should share.

>> No.54641095

This dude is ottermode with great chest genetics

>> No.54641205
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like it or not, something between #5 and #7 is peak male performance

>> No.54641233

I want my girl to have a bubbly butt and definition on the lower stomach area, also nice slender legs. This all requires gym and diet

>> No.54641256

its more interest to men you retard soiboi

>> No.54641272

That klinefelter on #13, add a pair of boobs and you got the best trap you could ever dream for

>> No.54641609

lol where my methhead porns at?

>> No.54641717

Traditionally teen girls were properly groomed by their husband to be pleasant house wives.the fact they are annoying now is mostly because globohomo culture and isn’t the norm. Any man that wouldn’t want a teen girl servant that they can groom is low testosterone

>> No.54641825

Probably a majority of 12 fags think they are 7 or 1.
>t. myself when I was fat

>> No.54641866
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 796FC4C6-B006-432B-9977-A1F8CD2C80E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His chart is so retarded
>obese person more attractive than a body builder of the same weight

>> No.54641989

True I don't have a chance with muscley types but both types are desirable so who cares unless you care about killing yourself for social status

>> No.54642004

>living anywhere except cozy flyover states

>> No.54642416


Statistics: On average, European men are taller than Asian men.
You: I know a tall Asian guy, so you are wrong.

and >>54641717 is absolutely right: Modern teenage girls are annoying BECAUSE OF globohomo culture.

>> No.54642452

get a load of this idiot lol
I eat honey or syrup daily, very healthy bmi. STOP EATING PROCESSED FOOD

>> No.54642588

No I'm 6'2 and weight 220lbs, 13% bodyfat (multiple water/electronic measures). I have been training for over 20 years and I know a roider when I see one, even tho it could be "light" roids like oxandrolone in this case

>> No.54642756
File: 1.12 MB, 1428x2560, __texas_lappland_and_texas_the_omertosa_arknights_drawn_by_lingear__a27133d5d09815169684eea67857a940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White men fuck dogs

>> No.54644356

men put weight on in their face very easily. bulk or jawline, your choice.

>> No.54644776

This is somewhat true, different girls have different attractions but it's also cope.

>> No.54644805

teenage girls lust after mature handsome men with gray hair

>> No.54644834

>a natty could look like that easy
Tell me you’ve never touched a weight in your entire life without telling me, lmao

>> No.54644845

Eat less fatty

>> No.54645610

Pic related is only because men play rat race.
If woman did play rat race the requirements would be way higher.
Like it was in the past.
It still is far from this pic

>> No.54647170

in the last 20% in tabooness are trannies, faggots and white women.

>> No.54647193

>What the fuck is wrong with women?
Trans men aren't women, Anon.

>> No.54647208

I unironically have the #1 physique. Still single and virgin because i'm a fucking autistic doomer.

>> No.54647251

Man on the right is merely a show horse, not fit for the rigors of real life. He would not fare well in a survival situation, to put it mildly.

>> No.54647991

The guy in the pic is otter mode

>> No.54649883
File: 200 KB, 605x326, 1663150194247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fact that being under 5'10" is considered small, I just wish I didn't have to worry about my physique, I have enough with investments, I have CHEQD but I am still undecided, it is too much money and I want to make the right choice