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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54631519 No.54631519 [Reply] [Original]

Why are young people broke? Inflation and rising cost of living or poor financial decisions?

>> No.54631803

for any anons in their 20s or even early 30s how well off is your friend group?

>> No.54631816

What friend group?

>> No.54631838
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>> No.54631853


>> No.54631869

where do you think you are?

>> No.54631875

yeah this, wtf is a friend group?

>> No.54631876

Both. Higher taxes, stagnate wages, inflation mixed with ordering too much garbage from amazon and grubhub.
I blame the bad spending on the feeling of helplessness. No amount of self improvement coping will change the fact that most zoomers won't be able to buy a house or have a "normal" career like their parents and grandparents did.

>> No.54631894

Oh no..

>> No.54632060

>implying i have actual friends

>> No.54632205

Generally pretty good. They were all high-achievers though and did basically everything right (worked hard, went to a good school, got a good job, were attractive, weren't unattractive, married a good girl at a young age and started a family, etc.) The kids 4-5 years younger than myself though all seem hopeless.
>t. 36

>> No.54632306

>spend 2/3rds of my paycheck every week
Weed is cheap in Canada. $65-80 oz lasts me a month. Cheaper than a night of drinking out.

>> No.54632705

I'm 32 and virtually nobody in my cohort even has a job.

>> No.54632721

They all decided to go NEET or mcd even though they all got STEM degrees
Also I fucking hate hiroshima nagasaki's spam filters. No idea which part is triggering at all.

>> No.54632735

(usually all the way to MSc). Only one that "succeeded" is an accountant, then there's me (software).
It looks like the word barrel or bottom (in the right sequence) is triggering the spam filter, literally what the fuck you dumb nip.

>> No.54632737

low paying jobs, everything is expensive nowadays. you may sit there and think "they are just bad with money and make poor financial decisions!" but the mindset is more "welp, even putting this tiny amount into savings won't do jack shit may as well buy my favourite expensive coffee daily because it's at least one little luxury i can afford". Nobody putting away a mere $50 / month or even a couple hundred a month is going to be able to buy a house.

>> No.54633169

Is this actually how most people here live?

>> No.54633225

It's not our fault if people have been actively hostile and self-centered since the day we were born.

>> No.54633280

how do you not know this site is for the socially misbegotten?

>> No.54634544

/Biz/ has a lot of normies

>> No.54634667

have no friends any longer

>regarding former peers
-married ones often have a home or a townhome (the dual income really assists in getting a place as housing is unaffordable in this area)
-most have jobs - ranging in salaries from ~50k to 200k
-non-married ones either rent a place (many roommates) or live at home with their parents still, even at 30+
-many of the non-married ones are living with their parents, even if they make over 100k. they can't even think to buy a house (now), unless they want to commute over an hour
-it's mostly the guys who aren't married, and a couple still have never been in a relationship in their lives despite being successful financially and not awkward/bad looking.
-most are struggling despite decent wages. their only solution to get a higher wage is to jump jobs
-ones without degrees are largely doing poorly but making-do making around 50-100k/year welding or other work. Not that different than the teachers. It's enough to live, but not enough to save meaningfully unless on a dual income.

None are living beyond their means. Many are struggling as they can't get a foot in the door housing-wise. The ones that do have homes have mortgages over 500k. They were lucky to get in prior to interest rate shit. These were mostly the smartest kids of our high school. Most are professional types (engineers, doctors, architects, teachers).

>> No.54634784

>have no friends any longer
Damn. Sorry anon

>> No.54634823

for you

>> No.54634834
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I laughed, then felt deep concern.

>> No.54634843

>Also I fucking hate hiroshima nagasaki's spam filters. No idea which part is triggering at all.
Fucking hell, this. It's draconian as fuck. Literally the entire point of this site is to post freely, and instead we get these fucking hoops to jump through that they won't even tell you how to avoid. Major cooling effect.

>> No.54634849

I'm 22. I don't know anyone around my age that lives by themselves.

>> No.54634891

My cryptobros are killing it even after getting raped by ftx. Kek one of them deposited 3 btc onto ftx while all the shit was going down. He doesn't like to talk about it. My tradebros are all still in wintermode and just snowboarding. My gymbros are dating white girls with rich families. Conclusion is don't be a loser.
t. Closet btc maxi jew

>> No.54634921
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Houses used to be $7300 70 years ago, median income was $2.9k/year a price to income ratio of 2.5. Price to income ratios are almost at 8 now. Housing is the single biggest expense in a persons lifetime and it's basically relatively 4x more expensive than it was back then.

>> No.54634928

It's joever

>> No.54634932

I’m in my late 20’s, and everyone I know that’s single either lives with their parents or has roommates. Even the ones with good jobs that are well off don’t have a place of their own unless they have a wife or long term gf.
It’s a mixed bag. I have some friends that are successful and have great careers, and others that are getting by just barely. My situation would be considered pretty bad in /biz/ land because my income is shit tier, but I’m doing well compared to most of my friends.

>> No.54634941

My childhood friend is an Aerospace Engineer at Lockheed ($100,000+). My other friend does coding for a small company ($60,000+). My last closest friend is a mechanic. I make a barely livable wage working in a warehouse cause I thought college would be a waste of time and now I don't have the time to go back or learn anything useful to get me out. I'm planning on ending it on my 30th birthday if I don't get rich.

>> No.54634970

>coding for a small company ($60,000+)
programmers make that little? also I've worked at Lockheed too, shoutout to your childhood friend

>> No.54635035

For those shitty ass track houses.

>> No.54635038

2.5 is an aberration if even true. In the past ~75 years it's been an average closer to 4-5. During the runup to the 08 bubble it exceeded 6, and we've blown past that now.
But yes, high demand low inventory has blown our shit apart. When you can't save enough to meaningfully get ahead, when you aren't within striving distance of the basic means to have a family, money just becomes funnypapers. Why not blow it on stupid shit and cheap thrills if acting responsibly doesn't get you anywhere anyway.
Sad state of affairs, but not quite irrational.

>> No.54635054

I'm doing fine so who cares? I got mine fuck you!

>> No.54635080


i buy 1 oz of good shit for probably $200 and that lasts me half the year with a vape. i do it at the end of every work day and I have a good STEM career. i have no idea where this "2/3rds of my paycheck every week" shit comes from. hell if it were really that expensive, i'd just grow my own and have it for free and maybe even make some money off of it, because we can do that now legally where i live. but that's really not necessary. so even in the extreme case it's bullshit.

but whatever, kill your liver and your lungs with alcohol and tobacco i guess. much better alternatives to be sure.

>> No.54635096

nobody is talking about weed but you newfag

>> No.54635108

I haven't talked to them since high school.

>> No.54635110

my "friends" are all gamers who browse /v/ all day, play games in discord, talk about games 24/7, and all work jobs for a month before quitting and job hopping to the same, shitty, no skill, min wage job. One of them is even delusional enough to believe that he'll be able to move to Portland with his whore gf LMAOOOOOO like dude you can't afford to live in an inexpensive part of CA on your own and you expect to move to portland? KEK. >Tldr, they're all poor and stupid.
Half of them couldn't pass 3rd year of high school math. They barely graduated high school lol. The saddest part is that half of them are "going to school" which consists of taking one to two classes per semester and "majoring" in something like film studies. Nigger, you're barely holding down a fucking job and you're telling me you're 23 years old and haven't even managed to finish COMMUNITY COLLEGE? AFTER 5 YEARS? GET A GRIP. Meanwhile I'm a 120 6'2 gigachad comp sci major and will be graduating in a year and a half. I have $3k in CS:GO skins and about $18k in BTC

>> No.54635125

>talk about games 24/7
Yeah a lot of my friends are just talking about MLB the show and opening packs

>> No.54635154

Mix of both. Boomers got away with being financially retarded because their dollar was worth 10x ours, so even though they were making 25% of the current wage, it was still worth considerably more. Kids today can work all week for the equivalent of what it costs to feed themselves so their poor financial decisions are fewer but far more impactful. one overpriced car and they’re wage slaving for half a decade. The smart kids that have middle class parents realize it’s not worth the shitty pay, so they just don’t work and live off their parents. This further reinforces the idea that you don’t have to move out of your parents house. It’s become very socially acceptable into a persons mid or even late 20s. Then they just piss away what little they make because, let’s be honest, what the fuck are you going to do with like $800/month to better your life anyway? Housing prices are rising faster than they can save up for one and it’ll take you decades to invest enough in stocks to meaningfully supplement their income. So they do nothing except buy a car they really shouldn’t or spend most of it on food and concert tickets.

>> No.54635170

There were times when it was even less. In 1970 the average income was $10k and the average house was $20k

>> No.54635214

i have a 500k approx. Networth and just spent 350$ on a half oz weed. feelsbadman. sad thing is i can smoke this in a week or less

>> No.54635634

26 here. my friends are doing nice, every single one but the former stoner of the group, which got psychosis from taking a high dose of shrooms and weed at the same time. I'm the one who's doing the best financially speaking, i'm a huge loser in everything else (i live with my parents, even if i'm somehow rich, because no GF)

>> No.54635650

What did the psychosis do to him

>> No.54635680

They seem like they are doing good, but actually debt slaves. They all refuse to save or invest money, live paycheck to paycheck, some bought houses, have new iphones, have like 6 streaming services, but also have credit card debt, mortgage takes up like 60% of their take home pay, and don't know what to do once student loan repayments start up again.

I personally invest like 70% or more of my paycheck (mostly in SCHD)

>> No.54635731
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I'm early 30's. Feels like just now friends are starting to accumulate some money. I think 2/5 of my high school friend group own homes, 1/5 have kids, 3/5 are married.

Of ~10 friends from high school and 5 college friends, I'd guess 2/3rds have over $50K in savings and minimal debt. The remaining third are rentoids with less than $30K in savings and various amounts of debt

>> No.54636728

That’s me bro. 29. Last year of med school. No debt. 100k saved. Can’t afford a house cuz Massachusetts prices are insane. Still live in our family house which is nice but I’m getting old. Fucking sucks stuff is so god damn expensive. Good take.

>> No.54636767
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This guy knows. 100k in the banks and i blow $1k a month on weed. It’s so wasteful but what else do i have to do? Can’t afford a house and i already have a paid off new car. Anons making good points in this thread

>> No.54636814

i stay home all day smoking weed and playing vidya and not spending a cent doing normie things.

Im happy but sometimes it gets lonely. but ya this is how u build some wealth fast when u grow up broke from poverty. weed and fancy food are the two luxuries i splurge in once ina while, which isnt that bad in the grand scheme

30yo just quit my job with 500k and taking a year off

>> No.54636834

>go to private college
>do pretty well, not great
>get a BA in economics with a minor in Chinese
>same degree as my sister who was then on her way up the corporate ladder and now works as an analyst for Disney
>assume this is my fate as well
>graduate and apply for jobs
>dead end wagie shit at companies owned by the corp I'm trying to get into, hoping to transfer after showing my worth
>nope sorry your degree isnt even enough to sweep up chips at our casino
>some black girl gets the job instead ofc, without a college degree
>after a year become an english teacher in vietnam
>invest the proceeds in /biz/ shit
>now trading, teaching, etc
>married with land
>fluent in the language
>children coming soon
>working on a novel
>love my life, only regret is the time i wasted in college

You can make it in the west if you're a genius level student (like my analyst sister and doctor brother), but if you're just good like I was, you're just another white boy weighing down their quotas.

Any American without a very specific and realistic plan should do early what I did late. There's nothing for us in America.

>> No.54636966

Why are boomers so stupid? You know how fucking cheap weed is?
Also I'm not broke, I have 5k on crypto.
Zero education.
Meanwhile the two boomers that live in the apartment I live in can't do shit on the weekends because they're both broke.

>> No.54636975

Gay as fuck, kys.

>> No.54636981

>blame the bad spending on the feeling of helplessness. No amount of self improvement coping will change the fact that most zoomers won't be able to buy a house or have a "normal" career like their parents and grandparents did.
25 year old zoomer here.
I'm not buying a house in the US, fuck this country.

>> No.54637001
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And drinking booze makes your stomach feel like shit for the next day.
I dunno, it's some fat zoomer or some fat boomers who don't like weed.
Pathetic how much anti stoners won't shut the fuck up about dude weed.
Pure fox and the sour grapes.

>> No.54637007

Also, weed doesn't work like booze, you can't keep smoking weed on the regular and getting mega high.
Most of the weed I smoke isn't hard-core THC %, it's homegrown.

>> No.54637015

Most normies and Americans in general are egotistical and self centered.
Even the beta male nerds on this shithole will rather hold a nose up to you, case in point, smuggies like OP posted.

>> No.54637030

Please kill yourself.
Worse people ever, mass faggoys ruined new England and that's a fact!

>> No.54637038

>Houses used to be $7300 70 years ago
And? 80 year ago we had ww2, ww1 and a world wide great depression.
Of course housing was cheap after two world wars back to back.
Stupid fuck wit.

>> No.54637066
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>I’m in my late 20’s, and everyone I know that’s single
25 years old, single, zero education, Canadian raised.
I can easily make 500 to 600 a week and can easily pay my rent by my self.
You suck that's all, move out of the major cities and work 40 hours a week.
Oh yeah? Don't get a car either, walk around.

>> No.54637070

>i buy
Grow your own weed my guys.
100 bucks worth of seeds and LEDs and you can grow a pound in your closet.

>> No.54637082
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>but whatever, kill your liver and your lungs with alcohol and tobacco i guess.
I mean I drink booze, smoke tobacco and weed, do some cocaine whenever some offers it and pound energy drinks all day.
Everyone is doing terrific terrible shit to their bodies all day.

>> No.54637096

>nobody is talking about weed but you newfag
>Op posts a smuggie making assumptions about pot smokers.
Lmao, fat fucker Americans are so dumb, everything your retards do is cringe.

>> No.54637108

>120 6'2 gigachad
Americans are cringe as fuck.
You're lanky and the size of a normal, average man.
>I have money.
So does everyone else at varying degrees you fucking spergy fucks.

>> No.54637112

is it really that easy?

>> No.54637128
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Oh yeah and before I go and spend more time off this site.

>> No.54637129

Bot thread

>> No.54637776

all my friends are low class wageslaves
i'm a khv neet with 10k of debt with the bank and no way to pay it. Lost all in the bear market. Tbh i really don't wanna find a regular wagecuck job like my friends, looking for alternative ways to make money online

>> No.54637798

I'm chronically depressed and unable to find work. I've got some LINK staking which is gonna help me but what's the point if I'm unable to find an unvaccinated pure blooded European descent traditional Catholic virgin

>> No.54638402

My fiance and I are doing fine.
I convinced her to buy some BTC at 16/15k so she's happy atm.

Our friends though, I can see the desperation begining to creep in. Lots of them asking questions about why things are so expensive, and can you help me get a better job etc etc.

My HS friends who all move to the west coast look like they are maybe a step away from suicide with how expensive it's gotten there rn.

>> No.54638418

Why the fuck did you spend an hour bumping this stupid faggot bagelkike spamthread?

>> No.54638496

your dealer is ripping you off bro

>> No.54638564
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>Everyone who doesn't smoke weed must be an alcoholic tabaco enjoyer
You have to be 18 to post here son

>> No.54638565

>UK (North)
>£40k base salary Dev job
>Own 70% of a £260k home (30% left on mortgage)
>£7.5k rental income
>£20k left in crypto, I cashed out 2021 to buy a house
>£7k in normie stocks left that I was too choice paralysed to withdraw when they started upping int rates
Apparently I'm in the top 5-10% for my age, but still barely feel like I save anything each month.
All my friends are poor, and the ones on £80k+ live in London and just spend all their salary on coke and pints

>> No.54638574

Narcissistic parents.

>> No.54638610
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I work in public housing, and housing prices have risen so high (and our wages haven't) that I'm eligible to apply for our apartments

>> No.54638847

Damn, thats a take i was not expecting in this thread. The damage they do is insane, not just to their children.

>> No.54638864

>all my friends went to college
>I dropped out for the cannabis industry
>They're still living with parents or shitty apartments after graduation
>I'm making well above median income and a home owner+ wife + ratio

>> No.54638901

rising cost of living. my rent increased from $1k/mo to $1.5k/mo over the past 3 years.
>oy vey inflation was 20% so we gotta raise rents by 50% thanks goy i knew you'd understand

>> No.54638910

There's a clear cutoff somewhere in the late 80s and early 90s where more millennials that you can detect a massive decline in overall happiness, where the millennials of that era show the initial signs that would later define the zoomers. I think this is because late millenials were in school and impressionable just as the iphone was arriving, back in 2007 (I would have graduated in 2010 had I not dropped out in 08)

>> No.54639149

You didn't realize that your sister was playing on easy mode?

>> No.54639211


>> No.54639288

Because of the internet there are actually a lot of zoomies who are smart with their money. These are the ones who tend to get screwed by low-wages and high cost-of-living.

In the majority of cases, however, it's bad decisions. I just don't understand a lot of these people. They put zero thought into their career or livelihood when choosing a college degree, yet expect to be making six-figures on graduation. And they throw away their money like they're allergic to it. This is the most confusing part. They complain about not having money, about student loans, low-pay, etc, and then they spend $1,000 a month on doordash, buy stupid games at $60 a pop, buy Twitch and Patreon subscriptions. It's like they're so defeated that they actually want to be poor, that they look at the money in their wallet and don't even see it as theirs. I have no idea what's going on in the minds of all these people who don't care about their career, don't want a family, don't have any hobbies, and don't have any interests.

Can anyone explain why so many zoomlennials sabotage themselves like this?

>> No.54639316

>he doesn't know that "friends" convert to "familiar neighbors" after passing the boomer cutoff of 27yo
>"oh you want to hang out? I don't have time, too busy working"
>"oh well I'm not working that day but I'm planning on doing something with the wife"
>"just finished cutting the grass, about to have a beer wbu?"
there are no friends round these parts

>> No.54639340

Better than ever
2 years ago I had no friends and major depression, plus I'm racist
We're all gonna make it you guys

>> No.54639351
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They want to escape fucked up problems. Which leads to a lot of hedonistic behavior.

>> No.54639365

Only lazy suburban faggots choose this life
And they do it because they get fat and addicted to the tv & phone
Friends are all about reciprocity, you must choose to be a fren

>> No.54639428

They have no substantial hope for the future. It's that simple IMHO

>> No.54639806

he started doing weird stuff like... sleeping on the street nude. Intruding into neighbor houses and doing a "picnic" there, well... schizo stuff. He's stable now, but he will never be the same after that, the psychotic episode basically ruined his social life.

>> No.54639961

>Can anyone explain why so many zoomlennials sabotage themselves like this?
I save $1,000 in a normal month and I'm lucky enough to not have student debt, which is doing pretty damn good compared to most people in my demographic. It will take me roughly 8 years of perfect saving to purchase a 100k (((fixer-upper))) that may or may not be livable, or a few years of saving for the down-payment and however much it costs to fix the place which of course chains me to that house for the foreseeable future. And of course all of that is assuming that the housing market doesn't go fuller retard, I don't lose my job, I don't have ANY kind of emergency that seriously drains my funds (Of which I've already had several), and that we don't have any more of these """once-in-a-lifetime""" global/economic crises.

Even for me, the only reason I can really justify trying to save money in these conditions is because I save enough to be able to re-invest my money. If I wasn't making enough for that then I would seriously be considering giving up and getting on welfare, especially if I had major debts. It's no fucking wonder people living paycheck-to-paycheck are blowing money on creature comforts, because that's damn near all it's good for at this point.

>> No.54639976

The average person has like 90 IQ and bases their life decisions on TikTok memes. It's to be expected.

>> No.54640493

If you save in your Roth IRA you'll have your retirement covered at least. Knowing that you can coast through life and retire a millionaire is pretty comfy.

>> No.54640511

I’m in tech and everyone I know from college makes 250k+ including me

>> No.54640533

no you don't and no they don't.

>> No.54640551

This. I have no idea why people LARP this much about their careers. Either they make a half million a year doing 6 hours of work remotely or they're in a labor-camp smuggling out posts to /r/antiwork. What's the motivation behind it?

>> No.54640979

Demoralization. Less competition means more to be gained. Same reason you see those "Im 25 with 300k in the bank and 100k in crypto, it's fucking over" threads

>> No.54641067

kek, you look like OPs pic.

>> No.54641174
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if he's past entry level in tech he probably makes $120-160k/year which is good money but is the definition of six figure hell. enough money to be comfortable with savings/investments/retirement contributions, nice middle class house and so on -- but not much beyond this. the "next level" is solidly out of reach for a poorfag techwagie who makes $120-160k/year and has to work for a living: exotic vacations multiple times a year, 5000+ square foot house in an exclusive area, an italian sports car, women lusting after him because of his wealth, etc.

the end product is a socially maladjusted techniggerfaggot coping with his barely upper middle class existence because he can no longer rationalize spending 16 hours a day in front of a computer from ages 7 to 27, never once touching a real female pussy, because the end product was only six figure hell.

>> No.54641296

I a 22 year old zoomer and most people I know don't care about saving money because they see no point in it. Pretty much everybody knows the country is going down the shitter and inflation is eating savings anyways so people my age prioritize youth and experiences over saving for the long term, because that is mostly pointless if you're below the age of 25 in the West. Personally I'm just hoarding gold and dried beans right now, that way I can stop on top of things.

>> No.54641302

I'm in my mid 20s. My friends that went to university and got in-demand degrees are doing well. The few that went into trades are doing pretty good. Everyone else is barely keeping their head above water.

>> No.54641370

I'm studying CS to maybe earn 2k EUR after 5 years, while my friend found a company to build simple shit around Europe and earns 2k EUR a piece. He can earn up to 8k EUR on a busy week which is 8000/600 ~ 13,3 average salaries per month.

I'm happy for him. I just need to get invited to an interview for C++ and I'll be set as well.

>> No.54641402

Mid $1xx annual is great. The trick is knowing your place.

>> No.54641484

I'm 29. My best friend is now a millionaire after buying a distressed go-kart/put-put facility, turning it around, and getting $200k in forgiven PPP loans in a LCOL area. Meanwhile I have a net worth of 120k as a wage slave in a HCOL area. PPP was the greatest looting in the history of this country.

>> No.54642652

That's wild