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54624753 No.54624753 [Reply] [Original]

Why is flexing culture so rampant among zoomers?

>> No.54624800

>implying Millenials didn't start this trend.

Do you not remember Flava Flav? Or how about Pimp My Ride, Cribs, fucking inventing the slang "Bling"? Zoomers if anything seem to be less materialistic than Millenials.

>> No.54624824

To attract potential mates.

>> No.54624848

Why is American culture so focused on niggers?

>> No.54624856

It isn't, the apps and media and "influencers" pushing this narrative are a fake-out to keep you numb, scrolling and clicking through a sedentary life. Just get on a bicycle, plant something outside, pick up trash, unironically pick up trash off the side walk. With each positive action you tale, these types lose their hold over you and, if enough people liberate themselves, over society. We can slay the demiurge, but only by changing ourselves for the better first. God bless.

>> No.54624863

Because they're spiritual homosexuals and very unimpressive specimens of "Men". We know how you got it, awful things including giving up your ass to the "OGs", and you have to convince yourself as much as us that people would agree it was worth it.


>> No.54624865

Because they built USA.

>> No.54624873

Because we relied on hordes of them to actually build the country back in the day. And then we gave them freedom, of course this is the outcome. We can't stop thinking about them because when we're not using them for free labor, we end up with a guilt complex over doing that very thing. And so the culture ends up having them rent free in the minds of every American.

>> No.54624896

the emptiness of modern life allows for people to find purpose in the dumbest, most harmful shit, simply because it's easy and convenient. whether it's justifying or partaking in drug abuse, enabling sexual perversions by painting it as some civil rights issue, or patronizing violent negroes as if they're noble savages, it's all the same root cause -- a loss of meaning and purpose in life.

>> No.54624898

'Flexing' (aka obnoxiously displaying your personal wealth) is not a new phenomenon, and has been part of the cultural fabric of humanity ever since the dawn of civilization.

>> No.54624901

Wrong, they didn't build anything, they were farm equipment that made 1% of Southerners who owned multiple slaves rich. Chinese built the railroads in the west. Irish, Polish and Italians built the Northeastern cities.

>> No.54624916

>Why is flexing culture so rampant among zoomers?
It's the same reason that every generation flaunts shit like this.
They're broke and they're trying desperately to make it look like they're not.

>> No.54624931

Because jews promote them.

>> No.54624988

Flavor Flav is literally a baby boomer you dumbshit.

>> No.54625151

They're poor

>> No.54625348
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This isn't a direct facet of zoomers, however it is a facet of the culture that zoomers have most widely adopted: Southwestern English cavalier culture. In order to explain, we'll have to go back in time:

1. 1066: Normans invade the British Isles. By 1071, they completely rule England.
2. They import with them a very traditionally feudalistic cavalier culture. The peoples of this culture are incredibly aristocratic and noble-blood-hegemonic. They felt it was their god-given duty and right to leisurely rule, and they exercised this belief routinely in a variety of rituals and customs that one may describe as "flexing on the plebs". They engaged in a variety of "blood sports", hosted lavish feasts, and forced lower-ranking men to pay reverence when in their presence. This class of men are known as gentlemen, planters, or cavaliers.
4. 1708 - 1744: A Virginia-born gentleman named William Byrd II, after being educated in London, transforms the state of Virginia. Virginia becomes the domain of gentlemen, a land of aristocratic planters and the servants who enable their way of life.
4. The cavaliers of Virginia increasingly turned to African race slavery as a means to support their hegemonic ideals and sense of liberty.
5. Over generations, the slaves' own culture was transformed by and diffused with the culture of their masters. Again, the central tenets of this cavalier culture.
6. Ultimately, race slavery was ended, but the culture of freed slaves did not change much - they were still quite cavalier in their ways.
7. This African-American freedman culture eventually becomes the prevailing popular culture of the day, where, in 2023, it finds wider adoption and appreciation than ever, particularly among zoomers.

So here we are: "flexing" culture is a trait of zoomer culture because zoomers have adopted African-American freedman culture, who in turn adopted the culture of Mercian and Wessexian noblemen.

>> No.54626061
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Ugh... check your facts, racist

>> No.54626104

>Because we relied on hordes of them to actually build the country back in the day
They were used as antique tractors. They weren't allowed to build anything nor were or currently able to build anything.

>> No.54626125

>relied on hordes of them to actually build the country
imagine believing this shit
they are literally dependent pigeon populations, eating whatever you gibs dem, making a mess and shitting everywhere all the while

>> No.54626134

Everything is made out of cotton

>> No.54626135

We were born into misery, all of us so we all are trynna make it big and show off. When you are born with nothing you feel a necessity to be flashy once you make it
Thats why it is so rampant amongst niggers too, being born on hard mode makes flexing once you make it a must
Also we do it for the hoes and bitches

>> No.54626145

that's not a zoomer. thats some kind of monkey gorilla thing.

>> No.54626147


>> No.54626190

That dumb nigger is only worth $3 million, so most of that jewelry has to be fake.
He was in an argument with his goon bitch girlfriend and showed how he lives in a shitty house with dirty clothes and trash everywhere.
So he spends all his money on fake gaudy jewelry, but doesn’t even have a housekeeper clean and do laundry once a week.
This is how a famous nog lives, so imagine the vile existence of the average black.

>> No.54626283


>> No.54626326
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That's the kind of person who will shit on you if you're wearing a Casio/Timex or if you're a green bubble. Remember that.

>> No.54626338

This tbqf

>> No.54627218
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When you travel via train and a black man sits next to you, next time have a humility to thank his people for the hard work his ancestors did for your lazy white ass.

>> No.54627240

It was almost entirely built by irish whites and chinese, try again black kang.

>> No.54627409

imagine being this ignorant

>> No.54627428

>flexing culture
Because without God, all they have is themselves.

>> No.54627447

It's easy to troll people by being deliberately retarded

>> No.54627505

Now post your sources.

>> No.54627515

It's rampant among zoomers because they worship nigger culture where it's been rampant and pervasive for generations.

>> No.54627518
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>> No.54627536

Being a fat cat is hot

>> No.54627665

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.54627714

Niggas will always be cooler then you incel ass nerds

>> No.54627719

negroized society that (((they))) promote and run/produce

>> No.54627763

Based history knower

>> No.54627810

imagine reading this, niggers swapped other niggers they captured in tribal warfare for mirrors and haircombs to europeans

>> No.54627829
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this. I am white as can be, but am unapologetic. I grew up in a council house (bong version of the projects for burgers) to druggy parents. when I make it I cant wait to buy a big mercedez, big gold chain, big gucci gear, and do drifts in front of the middle class rich assholes who bullied me when I was a little kid. ive been off social media for over a year now, but when I make it, im going to go back on instagram and facebook and follow all the people who used to look down on me. then im gonna post pics of cash, mercedez, rich holidays abroad, etc. people are obviously gonna seethe and be like 'ahhh hes flexing because hes got small dick energy' or other middle class cope, but it wont be cope, because those same bitches that looked down on me will have my 6.65" dick in their mouth. FCKTHEM. if you grow up broke, u get a different view on life.

>> No.54627833
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I think it's mostly an emergent phenomenon from the internet and social media, kind of in the same vein of the 20th century celebrity voyeurism being an emergent phenonmenon from movies and TV.

>> No.54627890
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They do all that probably because they feel ashamed for their ancestors who enslaved them.

>> No.54627969

Black chads: wear vibrant extravagant jewelry and clothing, celebrating their success and displaying their wealth and power, celebrates life, a rags to riches and struggle archetype full of motivation for the lower class. Peak masculinity

White fags: dress conspicuously, afraid to wear expensive jewelry because they know theyre too weak to protect it, wears metrosexual preppy clothes or slobcore stained jeans with walmart t shirts. Conformist monkey or low status peasant.
Saves all his money because hes scared of life, gets his 401k rugged anyway.

What antisocial incels fail to understand is that a flashy chain or watch is not just a gaudy trinket, its a powerful symbol of power.
When you wear a $50,000 chain in public, you are openly challenging everyone in the room, you are signaling to everyone that you are wealthy, brave, and powerful to display and protect it. It comes with thr implication that you have the physical force and will to protect it, its pure masculine confidence.
All women subconciously feel gravitated towards this, and all men are subconciously challenged. The man with the expensive jewelry is openly taunting you and challenging you to try to take it, and everyone who doesnt try to steal it has submitted to the alpha jewelry wearers authority.

>> No.54628035


>> No.54628044

these companies basically pay out as advertising to these idols. 1 watch sells 1000, that's why

>> No.54628048

Horses built America by that logic.

>> No.54628057

End times

>> No.54628090
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The only actually powerful people who think and act like this are dune coons, pajeets, and jewish wiggers.

>> No.54628093
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>Because we relied on hordes of them to actually build the country back in the day.

What exactly did niggers build?

>> No.54628224

Social Media. Small dick energy.

>> No.54628249

"Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can: you have destroyed so much — what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not."

>> No.54628269

It’s natural and healthy to show superiority over others and is best way to get women. Women love alpha chads who dab on plebs

>> No.54628298

This is the post

>> No.54628330
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>> No.54628474

It's incredible how this uncomplicated moment in history resulted in the chaos we have today. Someone should make a timeline focused on the repercussions of this one moment.

>> No.54628567
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This post makes me want to read "The Theory of the Leisure Class" again.

>> No.54628790

>laying a few miles of the base for the steel track (forged by whites) = building all of america

checkmate bigots

>> No.54628811

Sherman destroyed most of those lines btw.

>> No.54628854

You won't understand, until you can afford it.
>simple as

>> No.54628887

A white nigger
Get the fuck out. You won’t make it out of spite

>> No.54628908

That post is pure capitulation
>are you sure you're a Man?

>> No.54628931

most are not white.

>> No.54628985

Low IQ and High IQ understand value of shiny rocks. Low IQ flex and show so they get robbed, HI IQ stay quiet. Middle IQ has fiat and doesn't understand flexing shiny metals. Why do they show it off? Well that's cause people think rich people are better than them. lol

>> No.54629036
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Because we lack drive and we live constantly with the reality the world will go to shit before we reach any sort of future. But hey look at my pretty rolex watch i bought by gambling all my grandma's money into Pool Party and any other shitcoin casino type of deal, im so cool fr fr

>> No.54629093

> few nigger built the entire US
> somehow millions of them cannot build nuffin, just turn entire cities into wastelands
you got me , gr8b8m8

>> No.54629102
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>> No.54629202

Fucking based. Analyse other bits of nog culture.

>> No.54629458
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White's are all about inconspicuous consumption these days. That's how they flex on each other. Organic food, for example. Inconspicuous consumption is when we spend money for our own benefit, while conspicuous consumption is when we buy materialistic things to demonstrate our wealth.

>> No.54629491

Because Americunts and Euroslobs worship niggers. Surprised you faggots didn't know that.

>> No.54629668

Blacks are the modern day pirates, they are not loyal to any flag. They rob, kill, loot, steal, rape wherever they want. Because unlike the domesticated emasculated white "man" blacks still have a deep understanding of primal laws of nature, namely that might makes right. This is the ultimate law which permeates all of nature, if someone i is able to steal something and get away with it, they are fully permitted to do so under the REAL laws of nature, so its in full accordance to all laws which govern man and animal. It is the white " man" who is the affront to nature. The blacks understand that synthetic laws are merely fictitious illusions. Just because some men write words on paper, it does not have any effect on the REAL laws.
Its the whites who are the real slaves, they walk with shackles in their minds, the blacks minds are unrestrained by any unnatural notions of "civilization".
Rightfully so, blacks only respect the true authority of violence, this primal violence is what underpins all of human interaction

>> No.54629726

because they're not having sex

>> No.54629745
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>I just bought me a brand new 2023 ford f250 xxl mega SUPER truck. I got a great deal on it from mr goldstein, $150,000 at only 40% apr for 20 years. Cant wait to show off this baby to the boys. Now everyone can see what a manly man i am! Maybe ill add some BASED bumper stickers to own da libtards. Yep im gonna wash this baby every weekend outside of my apartment so all the ladies can see just how manly and trad i am!

>> No.54629787

>Why is flexing culture so rampant among zoomers?
Is it? Older zoomers, maybe but from the articles I'm reading, younger zooms have been edging towards "the soft life" thanks to all the doom and gloom pills
as a core Millennial, I want to say we didn't start the trend, it's was just the culture of the era because the 00s and early 10s was a "fake it till you make it" "hustle" culture era. As a long time soft lifer, God I hate hustle culture so much because 99% of the people who believe in hustle culture don't believe in the hustle, they just fake it without making it, slipping further into debt just to flex, it's idiotic af.

>> No.54629870

slow down there tiger, most landyacht super trugg buyers are low iq debt slaves purchasing that dumb vanity trugg on finance, you can't compare fake wealth with real wealth, the behaviors and cultures are completely different. Real wealth try hard to blend in while idiots pretend they're rich because they're not. Nothing in history has changed, only the truggs got bigger, dumber, and more useless, just like their owners.

>> No.54629991
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>Real wealth try hard to blend in while idiots pretend they're rich because they're not.
Thats not true. For all of history the rich and powerful always dressed extravagently, adorned by gold and jewels.
The inconspicuous stuff only began a couple hundred years ago after the french and russian revolutions. After the abolishment of monarchy the ruling class had to adapt and hide their wealth from plebs envious eyes. They didnt stop flexing, all the elites flex to eachother, just look at the Rothschilds manors and estates full of louis xiv furniture.
In socialist countries the elites have to hide from plebs, but you can still see that in places like saudi arabia and dubai that have monarchy the elites still flex like mad buying diamond encrusted lambos.

The elites dont just walk around in walmart jeans and take the public bus

>> No.54630033
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Debtmaxxing Rednecks vs Affluent Blue Bloods

>> No.54630135

Discretion has certainly become a privilege. Recent generations of old money blend in, according to my genealogical research, due to wealth preservation practices.

>> No.54630140

ITT: incels pretending they wouldnt blow money on stupid shit if they suddenly acquired fuck you money.
Lets face it we would all splurge on shit. If you incel faggots got 20m in guarantee you would buy shit like mansions and lambos.

Cant really blame a young black guy who came from poverty to blow money on diamond chains when he makes it. Im sure others would think the rich neckbeard is cringe for buying $30,000 anime sex robots and $1000 sealed collector video games. $10000 samurai katanas and other nerd bullshit.

>> No.54630187
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In the wild, we observe a remarkable phenomenon: creatures seeking to find a mate engage in a ritual known as "flexing". Much like a peacock displays its iridescent plumage, these zoomers showcase their prowess in hopes of attracting a suitable partner and successfully breeding.

The "flexing" ritual is a display of physical prowess and attractiveness. It often involves elaborate movements, vocalizations, and visual cues that showcase the individual's strength, agility, or beauty. Just like the peacock's flamboyant feathers, these displays are intended to captivate the attention of potential mates and signal their genetic fitness.

For some species, the "flexing" ritual is a complex and intricate dance, involving precise choreography and synchronized movements. It may also include colorful displays, such as vibrant clothing or flashy jewelery, that further enhance the animals appeal.

In addition to physical displays, the "flexing" ritual may also involve other sensory cues, such as pheromones or vocalizations, that communicate the individual's readiness to mate. These displays can be highly competitive, with multiple individuals vying for the attention of a limited number of mates.

Through the "flexing" ritual, these creatures are able to communicate their reproductive fitness and increase their chances of finding a suitable mate to breed with. It is a spectacle of nature's beauty and diversity, showcasing the lengths to which animals will go to ensure the continuation of their species. As we marvel at these displays, we gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and the intricate mechanisms that govern life's cycles.

>> No.54630239

I didn't mean to offend, btw. Just on an organic food flexing kick, at the moment. Organic egg prices right now are absurd! Makes me glad I'm not into eggs anymore.

>> No.54630352

Yea but those same blacks live in shit hole projects and steal, rob and rape and then wind up in literal slavery in a prison farm with white overseers just like in slavery days and in their they still kill, rob and rape each other lol. Being a retarded savage isn’t something to look up to. You know who has real power? International banking cartels, politicians, corporate America play makers, military etc and there are 0 ignorant niggers in any positions of power at the top of the pyramid.

OP I think part of it is the (((system))) knows using niggers to get other retarded wagies to CONSOOOM boosts profits.

>> No.54630408

So many noodles.

>> No.54630581

Because shorts and a tee shirt is gay. What are you 50?

>> No.54630759

>When you wear a $50,000 chain in public, you are openly challenging everyone in the room, you are signaling to everyone that you are wealthy, brave, and powerful to display and protect it.

Nobody wears $50k chains bro. Even the platinum record holding music monkeys wear plated jewelry and fake stones. The lambos are leased, so are the watches. It's all for promo purposes. They don't care about actually owning the shit, if they can hold it in their hand people believe they own it that's all that matters. And in some sense they are correct.

>> No.54631684


>> No.54631703

negroid blood, weakness

these people do not have what it takes to sustain a civilization

>> No.54632224

Cope theres plenty of rappers and sports players that wear real jewelry.
Whites are not immune to this consumerism either btw. Plenty of white fags wearing 50k stainless steel wrist watches. Luxury watches are an even bigger waste of money then diamond and gold jewelry which still hold objective value
>paying tens of thousands for a small piece of machined stainless steel

>> No.54632234

their personalities are their possessions