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54624239 No.54624239 [Reply] [Original]

Does sex without condom feel better than sex with condom?

>> No.54624253

Incomparably better

>> No.54624252

havent had sex without condom but sex with condom sucks and feels nothing

>> No.54624255

Yes, much better

>> No.54624261
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obviously better
you've literally numbed your dick by jacking off so much, sex with a condom still feels great to normal people

>> No.54624281

As a man who never pulls out, I can unequivocally say yes
getting a rubber on makes me lose wood after my first cummy and makes my performance time drop dramatically
w/o a rubber I can go for a good hour or so on avg and get like 3 cums; this is a user testimonial and not business advice

>> No.54624340

Nutting with a condom feels like someone actively blocking my pee hole. Gives me blue balls every time. Is this normal?

>> No.54624360

Financially speaking without condom feels better short term but getting a woman pregnant will 100% fuck all your future financial goals. Get the snip and freeze your jizz

>> No.54624367

Having sex with a condom doesn't really feel like having sex. Its a completely different feeling.

>> No.54624433

you're supposed to pinch the top so there's extra room
yes, neuter yourself so it feels better. unironically going raw is a better idea, retard

>> No.54624448

Spoken like a true virgin. Ever had a girl lie to you about being on the pill when they find out how much you're worth? I have and no bad result. $30 to keep your jizz frozen a month. Either you are a virgin, brainlet or broke. I'm going with Al of the above

>> No.54624457

Sex with a condom is shit but is better than no sex. I'm married so I never wear a condom or pull out.

>> No.54624464

Ouch, spoken like a true degenerate coombrain.
Sex outside the sacrament of marriage is degenerate and a grave sin. Repent and turn from your wicked ways, anon. I will pray for you.

>> No.54624482

>sex with a condom still feels great to normal people

Nah. Condoms are fucking terrible, and most people I know dislike them. I've tried condoms multiple times and the end result is always me pulling off the rubber to stay hard, or just not nutting if I keep it on.

>> No.54624488
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>Ever had a girl lie to you about being on the pill when they find out how much you're worth
no because i never ask, i just bring my own condom when i pipe randoms
>paying someone $30/mo to keep your jizz frozen
kek you won't even be able to inseminate your own wife, god forbid the power goes out at that store. i bet you won't even get back your own jizz. are you going to do a taste test or something to be sure?

>> No.54624493

>the end result is always me pulling off the rubber to stay hard, or just not nutting if I keep it on
you have iron grip, stop jacking off
nobody says its as good as raw, but to the part of the population that doesn't beat their dick every day with a vice grip, pounding vag with a nanometer of latex on your dick still feels great

>> No.54624499

>that virgin who married the first girl who would give him the time of day

>> No.54624539

I'm literally about to beat dick right now then have sex later today. Nofap is a meme, and so is vice gripping. Condoms are so shit that there are entire medical fields and consumer industries dedicated to avoiding their use.

Sex w/condon "feels good" because touching a woman feels good, but the actual sensation is terrible. It's like if someone served you a Fish filet from McDonald's and told it's as good as salmon from a 5 star restaurant because both are fish.

>> No.54624575
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The best part is when women need an explanation as to why I don't like a suffocating plastic sleeve squeezing and desensitizing my cock prior to sex

>> No.54624601

I think you mean
>that father of 4 beautiful white children

>> No.54624630

Condoms are trash and you’re trash. kys

>> No.54624642

You’re not having either so why bother asking?

>> No.54624652

Shutup nerd, go take your pseudo-moralism elsewheren

>> No.54624734

>you will never be a father
>you have no progeny
>when you die your bloodline will end
>your ancestors despise you
>you have no honor

>> No.54624832
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It's kept in liquid nitrogen dipshit. No power source it's in dewars. Wouldn't expect a room temp IQ to figure cryogenic science out.
Now I assume you can deduce why I got snipped. A sound investment and security.
Bought all my bitcoin before KYC m80 so no way anyone I don't want getting their hands on it.
Truly hope you make it off this next bullrun so you can progress in life.

>> No.54624884


>> No.54624992

just try not beating your meat for a week lil bro, you'll feel it through the condom again. this has nothing to do with nofap ideology, if you don't have sex regularily you can jerk off all you want, but i'm saying your dick is being numb from jerking off which makes sex worse

>> No.54625264

I cum too fast without one. Hell i have a box of the Skyn ones and I'm still cumming too fast

>> No.54625316
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>with a condom
>sex with a condom

>> No.54625435

I've never had sex with a condom

>> No.54625484
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Tbh, and this will be an unpopular opinion I've never much noticed the difference.

>> No.54625525

>you never made it, you're larping
>you did get a vasectomy, so you will never be able to impregnate your own wife.
>your child will call a turkey baster "daddy"

>> No.54625533

Hotter than the Earth's molten core

>> No.54625535

It's better to jerk off that have sex with a condom

>> No.54625572

how is this finance related you nigger?
where is this unpaid retard thats supposed to clean the board?

>> No.54625685
File: 666 KB, 720x719, Screenshot_20221004-170800-882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have gf
>she makes me wear condoms all the time when we fuck
>one day we both start fooling around
>for some reason be extra rough this time
>blow load inside her
>as I pull out notice condom is completely broken off
>she's literally oozing out my jizz
>hottest thing I've ever seen
>she freaks out and gets plan b

Was this the universe telling me something?

>> No.54625731

Based, same
>fucking a woman that skeeves you out enough to think you need a rubber
Just don't fuck her lmao. There is a literally unlimited supply of single moms on birth control that will let you blow huge loads in them if you're nice and buy them dinner first and/or smoke a blunt with them, just don't do it 5x a month and you're literally fine. Fuck a vasectomy, fuck rubbers.

>> No.54625789

A lot better. Gf is on the pill since she hates kids, but recently we had to use the rubber as she was on antibiotics... Best thing is that she hates condoms too.
Only downside is that sometimes I cum too quick because pussy is too good. But that is a skill issue.

You definitely want a reasonable and reliable girl on the pill if you want to be a complete male.

>> No.54626469

>he doesn't know

>> No.54626485

haven't had sex without condom so can't tell
but i'm so paranoid over std's that i probably won't have sex without one unless she's my wife

>> No.54626550

>STD prevention is the only reason to wear a condom

>> No.54626566

with rubber I have to squeeze my kegel sho hard just to bust a nut I have sweat on my forehead, without it I can nut any time I want effortlessly
condoms are shit, especially the cookie cutter ones that are tight as hell for no reason that don't want to unroll themselves properly, so by the time you're done putting it on half of the boner is soft, buy larger ones like 60mm diameter, feels much better

>> No.54626567

Never had sex with a condom.
I always fuck raw.

>> No.54626630

How reliably do sperm cells reanimate when thawed? There are women that freeze their ovaries and when the ovaries are thawed they often are defective

>> No.54626655

I hate the smell of condoms

>> No.54628149

Lol jannies are refusing to do their jobs they need a paycut but 200 dollar per month

>> No.54628310

Yes. Substantially.