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54620828 No.54620828 [Reply] [Original]

Are we just going to pretend like nothing is going on?

SWIFT, DTCC, BNY, now State Street?

Even if this is all a “just a demo and internal what if use cases with link” the upside of even a .00000000001% possibility of link being used is unfathomably ridiculous in terms of ROI, looking like at 26k usd meme value from that faggot time traveler look reasonable

>> No.54620849

Shut the fuck up tranny shill

>> No.54620880

LINK is literally working with SWIFT, the only news that would amaze me is them working with a first world country government.

>> No.54620899

Lmfao XRP baggies literally nut their pants seeing bank of shitmekistan rumors of XRP token use

>> No.54621046

I have my 1000 LINK that I am willing to hold long term but you can't deny that the price action is poor.

>> No.54621256
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i remember when swift confirmed they were testing ccip. the amount of seethe that occurred that day was insane.

>> No.54621270

It wasn’t 26k, it was 80 something

>> No.54621307

XRP fags reek of
>my ps3 better than xbox 360!
i also bet the dominant shade of all of them together is a variant of brown.

fucking hell.
atleast the dominant shade of link holders is closer to white even if eastern euros make up a portion of it

>> No.54621392

Fucking kek but also now that GPT4 is a thing every one of those accounts could just be astroturfing GPT4 instances.

>> No.54621408

Swift doesn’t mean anything and link is t partnered with them. Swift means nothing outside this containment thread- go ahead, start asking friends, family, people on the street. It’s junk fucking garbage

>> No.54622830

>sheer unadulterated copium

>> No.54622842

>80 something

>> No.54622923

Yes $200 next year

>> No.54623183
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This guy also liked Kemal's latest LinkedIn post. Nothing groundbreaking. Just another indication this isn't all just imagination.

>> No.54623216

XRP holders are literally just 'schizo' Q-anon believing boomers that discovered crypto.

>> No.54623401

the xrp schizo thing isnt even organic and was copied from original link breadcrumb threads to lure people away from link

>> No.54623445
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sirgay's been talking a lot about tokenization of RWAs recently, so has blackrock and other institutions
ccip with swift will help onboard them

>> No.54623490
File: 111 KB, 1446x728, E0062503-3030-4300-9040-47D8F2658A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s so fucking frustrating that big companies want to use Link yet it’s still at 8$

>> No.54623573
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>XRP baggies literally nut their pants seeing bank of shitmekistan rumors of XRP token use
Yes, because they actually want to make it.
Linkies on the other hand are inherently self-harming betas who undermine their own chances at making it.

>> No.54623612

3 words: Cute but meh.
Same as every "read between the lines" LINK DD ever done. Price performance or stfu. I don't write the rules.

>> No.54623617

And thats a good thing retard

Chainlink will power everything without people even knowing about it

>> No.54623761

What is it I see?
An incoming BTC dump?
How do we solve the BTC whale problem?

>> No.54623815

what lines do you need to read between lmfao??? They are literally saying “we are using LINK for tokenization and RWA”

Only quant and XRP fags need to read between the lines and look to tarot cards

>> No.54623865

>start asking people on the street
lol is this the best they can come up with
people on the street never matter, almost all of them dont even know what swift is and how it dictates their lives in the backend
let alone the preposterous notion of asking them about the speculated inner workings of swift

>> No.54623924
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>no bro my token really is going to replace human blood as the preferred means of settlement because umm reptilians prefer the taste of XRP over human blood after thousands of years of subjecting humans to slavery
>STFU bro you are NOT a real SCHIZO like me and my marketing team

>> No.54623944
File: 34 KB, 1024x325, durgesh-long_103017075330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niting Gaur
>Protocol Village
Sers. Are the memes about pajeets all true?

>> No.54624308

...what lines
Hmm, maybe draw some lines on the LINKUSD chart.
Or the LINKBTC chart...
... or the LINKETH chart.,,

>> No.54624331

This is what linkies look like from outside your little bubble. Don't pretend you're any different

>> No.54624460
File: 96 KB, 642x934, IMG_0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it's a bulgarian jewish tranny!!!

>> No.54624475

That was all in your head nerd. Kind of like the delusional fantasy you have where girls finally like you if Link ever moon

>> No.54624486

And price goes nowhere, so stfu

>> No.54624787

>state street
literally who?

>> No.54624814

Does this have any impact on the token price? While memecoins pump left and right with no product, link keep being a stablecoin. SAD!

Someone please tell me when link is poomping

>> No.54625095

It's pumping right now :)

>> No.54627607

How about $30 for a start anon? When we get there we can anticipate higher prices. I can't wait for the bull run to set in so I can rake in profits on my Link bags alongside other altcoins like Mex and Ride in the metaverse.

>> No.54627785

yeah if most dont now about it, but some still have to, few important ones that now what they talk about

but thanks to link getting a complete dull edge over the years, being holistically unassuming, for some one to take a further look and consider getting some exposure it
you have some other things to worry about baggy