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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54618255 No.54618255 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54618264

Amazon software engineers need to return to office on May 1st for atleast 3 days a week. Tik tok wagie.

>> No.54618277

Elonbros... are we losing?

>> No.54618280

Can you fuck off? At least we make money. At least we contribute to society. Imagine being a neet AND acting smug.

>> No.54618311

NEETs actually contribute to society more than wagies do because they have less of a carbon footprint to offest compared to others giving them a net positive multiplier on their contribution. Wagies are truly evil for destroying our frail and vulnerable planet, duh.

>> No.54618327

Cheer up buddy. We're just wagecucking until we can escape the wagecage by achieving financial freedom during the upcoming bullrun. The fact that you're here proves that you are on the right track compared to other normies.

>> No.54618329
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>> No.54618342

Your whole existence is worthless. Any carbon footprint you produce harms the planet 10 time more than a minimum wage worker.

And do what? Stay at home and watch TV all day? Nah, I love my job.

That's the least you could do to give back to the community, you parasite.

>> No.54618380

>t. useless society leech
You don't think thought a single thing you type before hitting Post, Sad!

>> No.54618395

kek if true

>> No.54618397
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I'm still remote

>> No.54618401

I still cannot fathom it honestly. WHY did Bezos get this plastic doll? He literally has more money than he can spend in a lifetime and he chooses THAT. He could literally host an international search for the most 10/10 feminine girl out there with natural tits and perfect genes which is still a virgin yet he decided to dump his childhood love for that plastic cumdumpster. It honestly ENRAGES me that someone with so much money does that. He has no self worth whatsoever.

>> No.54618426

How did he transform into a chad when he was such a nerd in all interviews 20 years ago? Is it testosterone shots?

>> No.54618434

>He has no self worth whatsoever.
He's bald, what did you expect?

>> No.54618471

1. confidence from being a quadrillionaire who already made it 100 times over and is playing life on easy mode and basically using a cheat code. doing almost whatever you want and having no stress must be pretty liberating.

2. becoming healthy and working out regularly, many trillionaires want to try to live forever because their lives are so great, so if you get ultra rich living for as long as possible becomes a bigger priority than ever. being healthy helps mental health and confidence

3. testosterone injections

all of these things together have made him ultra confident and more in love with himself and his life than those days.

>> No.54618485
File: 108 KB, 660x772, 28726436-DB1E-4114-92B4-EA503E94FF4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From this
To this

>> No.54618501

One of the richest men in the world is able to afford the best doctors in the world to inject you with the best juice in the world

>> No.54618521

Are you sure it’s test injections? I got to get some of that

>> No.54618524
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bezos went from looking like kevin spaceys little brother who gets beat on, to kevin spaceys bigger brother who does the beating. respect.

>> No.54618588

Hahahaha contributing to this society is evil neets are the moral ones

>> No.54618715
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rest well wagie... tomorrow your ass is mine... and i am in a bad mood... you wanted this job didn't you wagie...? why are you do ungrateful...? why don'/t you start your own amazon if you don't like it...? HAHAHA

>> No.54618718

>have a job where I can just go and go from the office as I please
>office exists for purposes outside the scope of my job
>nothing I do demands me actually being in that office
>office roastie starts demanding we put our name tags on the "out board" so people know we arent in the office
reeeeeeee fuck off just text me, why does it matter? Nobody should be seeing me without an appointment anyways thats the whole fucking point of the receptionist's job

>> No.54618748
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>> No.54618797
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>> No.54618950

test injections are good if you're old and if you work out. don't think they're healthy for people who are young though. generally the recommendation is after the age of about 35-40 you get on low dose test and ramp it up every few years as you age. most doctors consider it pretty healthy, i think in 10-20 years everyone over the age of 40 is going to be on test. unless it turns out this current cohort of billionaires doing it all get cancer or something lmao.

>> No.54618964

I'm looking forward to the day we can just 3d print a new organ that'll handle it automatically. that has to be possible at some point

>> No.54618990

literally incels if they were poor

>> No.54619499

We don't, though. Just those who live in Seattle.

Everywhere else is "delayed".

>> No.54619507

>the richest men on the planet are incels
this says a lot about incels

>> No.54619542

trt and having access to novel medical treatments we wont know about for another 20 years

>> No.54620141

>no pussy no work
>replace every worker with AI
>only need 1 man out of 8 to keep human race from going extinct
soon it'll be a competition to be that 1 man and you can be it'll be the most bootlicking beta male that'll "win"

welcome to the future you all chose.

>> No.54620211

They are making wage earners buy carbon offset credits in order to keep their qualifications in Australia now.

>> No.54620281

Put yourself in that women’s place. Could you even manage to keep one of the richest man on the world interested for just one day? You can’t win him with gifts, sex, or anything that any other woman can easily offer. You must offer something truly special, something that money can’t buy.

I can’t even begin to imagine the extent of Machiavellian machinations running inside this woman’s mind 24/7 to keep Bezos interested. She must be a natural, this stuff can’t be learned.

Unironically, she probably browses 4chan.

>> No.54620473

heavy compound lifts, the best food in the world, and possibly test cypionate

>> No.54620515
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>> No.54620536

Bringing the wage cage to your house. You have no escape from your slave master.

>> No.54620545

he makes 6 figs tho

>> No.54620581

My company did that in January this year. Guess not: no one shows up. They can’t do shit.

>> No.54620612

It could actually be worse. You could start a small business and be making no money for years like me. It's like Jesus said: the needs will inherit the earth

>> No.54620647

Why would you be enraged? Just laugh at it. Having a ton of money does not equal good taste in women. Bezos probably grew up wackin off to plastic cumpdumpsters in Playboy so it makes sense he would consider this one the ultimate prize

>> No.54620665

>bezos went from looking like kevin spaceys little brother who gets beat on, to kevin spaceys bigger brother who does the beating. respect.

fucking kek. perfect description

>> No.54620689

its time to stop propping up other peoples dreams in expense of your own

>> No.54620840

Steroids turns anybody into a chad.

>> No.54620852

itt: people humble flexing on each other while jerking off

>> No.54620868

I wonder if I tweeted him with the genuine question if he’d respond. I’m a 38 year old father of 3. I’m tired and I need help.

>> No.54620881

There is quite a lot of information online, you don't need his help anon. Most treatments I've heard of outside of what we all know are $5,000 to $20,000 per shot. So its not impossible to get one every six months, but

>> No.54621054
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why do you have to rub it in like this, i suffer enough as it is I come here on the little free time i have trying to escape this wagecuck hell and you just kick me while i'm down on the floor with some boomers boot on my neck.

>> No.54621198

kek he does look like Kevin Spacey

>> No.54621211

Judge Holden energy

>> No.54622066

Just found out that the Seattle location makes you pay for parking kek.

>> No.54622085

> my handcuffs are made of gold, how cool is that?

>> No.54622108
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electroshock therapy; threads like these will motivate you to begin moving in a direction that frees you

>> No.54622268
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Here's your inflation adjustment

>> No.54622301

Joke's on you, I'm working.

>> No.54622408
File: 72 KB, 640x431, 3E8F862E-8CBF-43BE-9F2C-DB0404AD65B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months sober after 3 years of binge drinking
>gym 3-5 times a week
>no fap, no porn
Am I gmi?
Also I’m not retardedly obese, I’m getting toned but I decided I want to bulk with no stops so I will get fat but stronk

>> No.54622479
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It's never too late to come back home wagie san.

>> No.54622494

>contribute to society
You mean THIS society? The one now? This western society? Really?
It's one thing to make money for yourself and whoever you choose, but to be proud of contributing to this shit?

>> No.54622499

/fit/ + roids + sexo

>> No.54624055

I work like twice a week and make 6 figs. It feels like perpetual vacation bros.

>> No.54624090

code monkeys are unironically making the world worse

>> No.54624099
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>> No.54624122

thank you for contributing to this shit society kek faggot

>> No.54624127

Jeff Bezos is going Sam Hyde mode.

>> No.54624130
File: 72 KB, 501x450, 1678521925318301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I have to work again. That was the shortest weekend of my life

>> No.54624148

I still can't believe this video/picture is real. Doesn't make sense.
I feel like Leo is on a platform

>> No.54624159

>He literally has more money than he can spend in a lifetime and he chooses THAT
she was a friend and he just fell in love with her. there is more to life than a perfect physique

>> No.54624164
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Wtf is this cursed pepe it's legitimately scary