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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54605819 No.54605819 [Reply] [Original]

What caused this?

>> No.54605838

Rich people not paying taxes.
Gonna trickle down any minute now

>> No.54605841

chinese immigration

>> No.54605845

I don’t know man, 2009 was like a recession or something, maybe a tech bubble? I forget

>> No.54605846

Zelenskyy trickles down my anus

>> No.54605849
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One last boomer hurrah price gouge fist fuck before cashing out for good and finally checking out while the country descends into chaos due to the irreparable damage they caused.

>> No.54605854

>posts Alabamas minimum wage
>posts some hyper left apartment format, where minimum wage is usually $15+
I agree with the sentiment but your meme is retarded. Tornado land will never have brick apartments

>> No.54605859

low interest rates


>> No.54605860

Free market capitalism

>> No.54605864

Boomer hubris

>> No.54605868

jews /thread

>> No.54605880

less than 1% of people are on federal minimum wage

>> No.54605889

Of course it's not building regulations and horrid city planing mixed with income taxation

>> No.54605919

serious answer?
its just booming in population

>> No.54605947
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>building regulations
It's the same building you tard
>horrid city planing
It's in the same place you tard
>mixed with income taxation
More pressure on incomes would lower prices not increase them you tard
haha oh wow you guys are fucking stupid. this could all be fixed by just capping prices on rents and mortgages but nope. just keep believing its MUH REGULATIONS holy kek

>> No.54605955

>building regulations forced Republicans to stop raising the minimum wage

>> No.54605959

our minimum wage went up like 50% i dnno
I forget
Never worked for min wage either

>> No.54605966
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>price controls
This has never worked well. Humanity has tried it.

>> No.54605985

Stop being poor

>> No.54605990

You clearly don't know how fucking building regulations can effect the price of an already built building. You're a dumb socialist gorilla that, like the pleb he is, can't comprehend abstract principles or cause and consequence. Materialism is a disease. Learn to fetch the nuances in these things. But price camping your strangling and making predetermined transactions and fixing values in future, defined by current paradigms. What could go wrong?

>> No.54605999

The minimum wage shouldn't even exist.

>> No.54606011
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Except in every 1st world country that has had price caps on medication for the last 70 years. And oh! What do you know? Their societies haven't collapsed, their economies haven't imploded, and they still have small businesses. Who'da thought?

>> No.54606020
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Link me one study that shows that building regulations account for the inflation seen in rent prices. It's okay. I'll wait.

>> No.54606026


>> No.54606031

Wtf was 700 per month in 09? Gary Indiana?

>> No.54606071
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Except, Cohen, it worked perfectly in Nationalsocialist Germany and that was even DURING extreme wartime conditions where everything was being bombed to shit.

>muh "(((humanity))) has tried it"
jewy language

>> No.54606074

>being this retarded

>> No.54606105
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The solution is the same as it always has been. The sad truth is that as all developed countries go the way of Brazil, only those individuals who strive to overcome will have the possibility of living in a gated community surrounded by rampant poverty. Eventually poverty will lead to a renewed interest in piety, rinse and repeat. Just as mosquitoes thive in a swamp, we must drain the swamp in our souls to expel the jew.

>> No.54606126

my rent has increased literally 60% over the past 3 years. considering moving back in with my parents at 34.

>> No.54606136
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good replies:

shit replies:

Read Mein Kampf, the Stalag Edition. Educate yourselves on the basics.

>> No.54606138

worked out well for my parents who pay $400 for their apartment and know people who pay 200

>> No.54606141


>> No.54606159
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...which is pronounced: jews-ury
Why not just say jews?

>> No.54606166

/po/ is that way --------------->

>> No.54606167

my bad you right

>> No.54606180

>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.

>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries

>> No.54606188
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>> No.54606201


>> No.54606233

Why do all elite establishments and individuals are for higher taxes then if taxation is good?

>> No.54606246


>> No.54606268

The establishment emasculated the left with tranny and race politics. All the energy of the left is wasted on stupid causes. On the other hand, the right (of all kinds) don't care about minimum wage.
In any case, minimum wage is retarded because cost of living is different not only from state to state, but also from city to city. Say New York state passes $20 minimum wage into law. Businesses in NYC won't feel this too bad, while businesses in Albany or Buffalo will have a hard time paying based on that rate. Instead of minimum wage, the government should provide food, water, and shelter to anyone who asks it, even millionaires. This will mean making public housing skyscrapers that have massive kitchens to feed all residents.

>> No.54606294

>the population with the least political capital, wealth, and population density
>is a demand stressor for housing

Holy shit I fucking hate you Gen x faggots beyond comprehension. I hope someone an heros with a suicide vest at a pearl jam concert

>> No.54606296

Worsening of American competitive advantage in the international markets.

>> No.54606334

robber barons

>> No.54606336

Immigrants taking jobs and suppressing wages. Also, they increase demand for apartments and increase rent.

>> No.54606353
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>I hope someone an heros with a suicide vest at a pearl jam concert
Uhh based?!?!

>> No.54606369

>it's not the jews

>> No.54606384

He probably meant zoning regulations. NIMBY boomers don't want large skyscrapers to provide affordable housing.

>> No.54606411

Yeah because that money will definitely trickle down to you through the gov and definitely won't go to rich politicians and bureaucrats first right? Redistribution is a lie

>> No.54606428

this pic makes me feel kind of bad for always fighting minimum wage increases, but desu, I was breaking my back in the medical field with a degree for like 25 an hour, while during covid restaurants were paying like 19 an hour to run a cash register.

No one actually pays 7.25/hr unless it's a bumfuck redneck seed and feed store in mississippi

>> No.54606444

cool it with the anti semetic remarks

>> No.54606457

Then why is it in countries like Denmark and Sweden that McDonalds workers make the equivalent of 21$/hr in starting pay? Immigrants arent the problem, clearly. It's lack of union representation in the US. Those countries have 95-99% union participation in all economic sectors. Unions force millionaires/billionaires to pay fair wages regardless of the amount of immigration. A minimum wage would work too.

>> No.54606465

2009: $8.3 trillion dollars in circulation
2023: $21.1 trillion dollars in circulation

>> No.54606468

Rent seeking and house hoarding to be used as ponzi retirement vehicles by individuals and corporations. Reminder: Adam Smith hated landlords.

>> No.54606509

Taxation is the biggest form of theft and reduces the purchasing power of the middle and lower class greater than anything else. With fractional reserve banking, central banking, and federal government, there is no need for taxation. A dumbass liberal econ 101 major will tell you that state governments depend on tax revenue to operate, but what is the point of that when the federal government can just print and give out unlimited money and allocate it wherever it wants? Ukriane has been given over 400 billion so far. That would have completely fixed so many other systems in the US.

The rich don't pay taxes in the same capacity as normal people. Elon and Bezos have all of their wealth in their corporations and stock. All of their travel, food, housing, etc, are paid for by the corporation and used as a tax write off. They don't care about taxes because they don't need an income. Liberals think taxing a neurosurgeon 300k that is making 1.2 million is taxing the rich. They lick the billionaire boots though.

Taxes are what prevent generational wealth from being created. You are essentially taxed 75% in the US and 90% as a Canadian/Australian

>> No.54606523

Checked and why would you want to keep raising the minimum wage? What are you trying to do, cause inflation? Not everyone can be rich or money wouldn't even be a thing, and it's always going to be a thing. You're never going to get rich working at McDonald's, unless you're talking about the corporate office.

>> No.54606530

Inflation is only a tax if you hold a lot of dollars or have your wages denominated in dollars. Hold bitcoin and demand that your wages be denominated in bitcoin and you avoid the tax entirely.

>> No.54606539

Nobody makes minimum wage now. It used to actually be the floor, now lowest job you can find is $12+ maybe $15 around me.

>> No.54606540

Inflation is healthy and has been about 2% in good years. Minimum wage has not kept up. If you want to stop inflation, stopping the money printing is way more effective than stomping on minimum wage.

>> No.54606549

I live in a brick apartment in Alabama no cap. old buildings though, probably built in the 70s

>> No.54606560

tech industry

>> No.54606601

This, what do the experts say about this!

>> No.54606602
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End the thread right here, it’s over, can’t we all just get along, coexist, etc

>> No.54606616


>> No.54606634

>Inflation is healthy
>stopping the money printing is way more effective
They should do that too.

>> No.54606638

This is why it's a smart idea to get a house. That loan is locked in so the payment is fixed the life of the loan. v.s renting where your subject to the whims of your landlord. Rent this year; 1000 a month. Rent next year; cough up 3000. Don't like it? Tough shit, cough it up or move out. Also fuck no about jacking up the min wage at mcd's,etc. Do you really want to fork out 20 for a damn quarter pounder burger?.

>> No.54606710

Come to Canada were we have to renew at current rates every 5 years. We have a worse bubble than even you guys with your 30 year fixed.

>> No.54606734
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>Inflation is healthy

>> No.54606752

>Can't cross link boards
Go back you fucking faggot tranny newfag cunt

>> No.54606753

inflation is theft. With all the innovations of Just in time Inventory, robotics, microchips and communications real prices should go down. They aren't just stealing that 2% per year, they are stealing that 2% plus any gains in productivity per year.

>> No.54606758

Taxes and the federal reserve.
Increased taxes mean property taxes are higher, income tax is higher, sales tax is higher. The property may be “worth more” just because things got more expensive. Think of it this way, the government((())) want more money, you are now making less so you charge more rent to make the same amount you were making.
>Federal reserve
They want more money so they increase their rates, banks now must pay more to federal reserve, in return they increase the apr on a loan because it may not be a fixed rate. Now you are paying more for the loan you used to buy the property, so you raise rent to make the payments and to earn a living.

Jews the elite ones

>> No.54606776
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These people did

>*Robs you of your savings*
>"Heh, nothing personal kid"
>"Just kidding, fuck you tax cattle"

>> No.54606785

>What caused this?


>> No.54606864

this image is literally false

minimum wage has increased, and of course prices went up - development around the area increased. Yeah the apartment is no longer in the field but in a bussling downtown center. Dont like it? Literally fucking move.

tldr - stop being poor

>> No.54606869

definitely not jews.

>> No.54606889

Well said.

>> No.54606931


This, housing has still outpaced inflation and wages, but the average hourly wage was also like $18/hr in 2009 compared to $28/hr currently.

People having more money to spend on stuff means all else being equal the demand for and price of stuff goes up. Basically what everyone said would happen when the whole fight for $15/hr min wage thing began.

>> No.54607000

I'm older than that and will be doing that shortly. New company bought out the complex I'm in and and trying to Jew me with market rate increase. I'll spend extra in gas, be able to help my parents, and still come out ahead. Out jewed the landlord.

>> No.54607002

Minimum wages laws and other social safety net protections are the only things distinguishing civilized societies from third world shitholes.

>> No.54607017

Inflation and tax-funded megahedgefunds like Blackrock using taxpayer bailouts to buy up empty properties to use as rentals, cornering the market.

It's actually because of dipshits like you.

>> No.54607037

>average hourly
Every place near me still lists for like 20/hr if it's a 'good' job that doesn't require 10 years of experience.

In fact it's weird, if you have 2-5 years of experience the 'best they can do' is like 22 dollars and they want you to use your own car and suck the boss's dick, but if 10-15 years of experience suddenly they're making 175k.

We live in a weird society where people with limited experience are expected to just starve and suck, but boomer boomer who can't use it anyway gets everything for free.

>> No.54607159

Relative rising value of housing vs relative falling value of labor due to importing shitskins.

>> No.54607176
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>> No.54607386

Kill yourself you retarded faggot

>> No.54607396

>earn half a dollar over minimum wage
>Congratulations you now earn more than minimum wage

>> No.54607406

Denmark doesn’t have immigrants retard

>> No.54607407

The minimum wage stagnation is caused by increases in labor supply without any increased in bargaining power for low skill employees.

If you'd like to see an increase in minimum wages, stop permitting immigrants into you workforce.

>> No.54607413

Also good luck getting unions going when you ha e unlimited immigration from the third world as scan workers.

>> No.54607722

This plus inflation compounds over time, making the real mortgage payments fall in value exponentially to the point where you are paying pennies on the dollar in 15-20yrs time.

>> No.54607757

Noticed how fake and gay the “tech worker shortage” is once the layoffs started?
The low-end labor “shortage” you are having now is the same fake shit to import illegals who is willing to work for pennies on the dollar

>> No.54607783
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>What caused this?

>> No.54607792

Leave /po/ out of this you faggot

>> No.54607878


It’s supply and demand stupid.

>> No.54608044

We don't need to tax the ultra wealthy because they do a ton for everyone as is.

>> No.54608107

Maybe to the corrupt owners of their host tax havens scalping some pennies from the shell companies.

>> No.54608122

mass immigration
tax transfers to females and non whites

nothing is bieng built
flooded by not you
made up jobs

>> No.54608143

>not immediately saying jews
this place is a disgrace

>> No.54608148
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>> No.54608161
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Almost none do that tf

>> No.54608235

airbnb, upper middle class using houses as investment vehicles. that's literally it.

>> No.54608257

>More pressure on incomes would lower prices not increase them you tard
You might have a point if the government hadn't printed 13 trillion dollars over the last decade.

>> No.54608286 [DELETED] 

So what will happen to the housing market after a bunch of banks collapse next week?

>> No.54608311

no, it's not

>> No.54608322
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How the fuck does any one who isn't bill gates or jeff bezos survive in America?

>no health care
>no welfare
>high taxes
>no unions
>minimum wage so low you need tips (charity) to not starve
>out of this world student loans so you can't even educate yourself to escape poverty
>all the problems of high rents/house prices the rest of the western world faces

I have to assume many of the Americans who post here are doing so from the public library or something.

>> No.54608346

Then he should have brought up the money printing, don't try to act like pressure on incomes is what's somehow "drivin up the rent"

>> No.54608362

>high taxes
Americans have some of the lowest taxes in the Western world (unless you live in Commiefornia or somewhere similar)

>> No.54608401

also retards thinking if only we taxed the rich more.. what? then things would just cost more? you think schlomo shekelberg who owns everything is just going to pay more and not pass that cost onto goyim?

>> No.54608517

>i am poor because rich people don't give me money
What stupid reasoning.

>> No.54608612

Fed post

>> No.54608958


>> No.54609135

There are still alot of areas in the US where the faggotry hasn't completely taken hold yet. NC and SC are two states that are slowly getting poisoned by the liberal locusts, but you can easily make 100k in both of those states and the cost of living is still low relative to the rest of the country. Lots of other red states are still liveable too. Texas is basically California Jr. at this point. The cancer is mostly still confined to large cities and blue states. You just don't get le hustle and bustle, but why do you want to be around crime, niggers, and homeless people, just to drink overpriced draft beer at barcades

>> No.54609152

obama then biden

>> No.54609170

Who the hell is still making $7 an hour though? I seen a hiring sign for some gas station in Middle of Nowhere, Idaho that paid $10/ hour

>> No.54609241

Your question can be rephrased as: What causes inflation?

Low interest rates
High government spending - especially stimulus spending
Population growth
Anything that causes demand to outpace supply.

Asset prices went up, this means real estate prices too. People who rent out condos pass as much of the fees onto the renter as possible. If they had to pay a higher cost for the condo, the interest on the loan is higher, and all the monthly expenses like heating/energy have increased, rent will naturally go up too. Otherwise, why would anyone bother renting out their place?

>> No.54609289

>trickle down strawman

>> No.54609373

Zoning laws don't help either

>> No.54609423

Min has indeed gone up, but it's more like $11-$14, where an apartment usually starts at $1400. So, actually, it's still pretty bad.

>> No.54609482

Businesses can hire immigrants, outsource, automate. They have a few ways to keep wages low.

You don't have as many options to keep apartment demand low. You can be homeless, live in a tent, live with your parents, not great options.

So, there's more pressure to keep rent high than wages, unfortunately. A healthy society would accommodate for this, and its government would improve the situation. We are not a healthy society though and our government will likely make things worse.

>> No.54610171

>advocate higher taxes 'on the rich'
>create 10,000 new loopholes and tax credits
>flood in H1b visa workers to work for 1/10th of what you will
Holy shit man how fucking new are you, like not just to /biz/ but to life

>> No.54610179


>> No.54610379


>> No.54611336

poorfags having too much money
half the minimum wage and abolish taxes and it will go down

>> No.54611409
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>biz retards think capitalism is the problem and not the government actively destroying the value of its currency while wages remain stagnant

>> No.54611415

Capitalism is the problem kike

>> No.54611422
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>their economies haven't imploded
Glad I'm hedged against you retards

>> No.54611435

Explain, otherwise grow up lmao

>> No.54611471

>t. literal retard

>> No.54611474


>> No.54611546


>> No.54611558

The planets anon, study astrology

>> No.54611569
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No idea anon. Must just be completely an accident

>> No.54612333

j and n associates

>> No.54612377
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its true tho