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File: 691 KB, 1086x549, berkshire short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54578622 No.54578622 [Reply] [Original]


He's dying, short BRK NOW

>> No.54578828
File: 97 KB, 1023x1280, coke way too white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short Coke. No seriously I drink a 2 liter a day of this nigger piss that is pop and I actually stopped buying Coke or anything owned by Coke when the Be Less White shit came out. I pay 30% more for Pepsi because Coke specifically changed its pricing to undermine Pepsi, probably because White people stopped buying Coke.

Again, even at a cheaper price I wont buy it. Ill pay more for essentially the same thing, and owned by an annoying Pajeet woman when zognald was in office because at least shes not saying Whites shouldnt exist.

>> No.54578853
File: 96 KB, 635x960, pepsi ceo cringeworthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the lesser of two evils and so Coke is a short and Pepsi is a long.

>> No.54578902

Also yes the best investment advice you will get is self reflective.You buy the products in said market, you already decided which one to buy because its the one you like best. It gives you special knowledge into the customer base because you are one. Its from this position that I tell you Coke is a short, but Pepsi will do just fine.

>> No.54578903

>no one is going to lose money on deposits
except they already have lost it lol

>> No.54578929
File: 30 KB, 615x512, pepsi all time high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never seen this chart before, but here it is. All time high right as Im writing this.
Now lets get the Coke one, which I have seen before.

>> No.54578940
File: 34 KB, 630x586, coke ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepsi has a brief dip too but not this bad.I sense camouflaged fear among Coke holders.

>> No.54578962

Actually look at at the 2, Coke has barely recovered from the dip to be about the same it was before the crash. Pepsi has made significant gains beyond the peak top pre crash. Pepsi is clearly performing better than Coke since the Be Less White story came out. Its a short.

>> No.54579009

i actually switched from coke to pespi

must be the aryan in me
shorting KO

>> No.54579063

man, I'm sorry, but I cannot listen guy uhh uhhh uhh and I uhh uh uhhhh.
can you give me the synopsis?

>> No.54579122
File: 58 KB, 640x640, based natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54579177

Israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.54579221
File: 3.82 MB, 3748x4466, Israel Is Chinas Greatest Ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is Chinas greatest ally.

>> No.54579301

I've seen that infographic before, but it's misleading.
>e.g. 'Israel accused of selling us secrets to china'
they sold them bad 'secrets'.
classic pysop/information warfare.
just they actually got paid for it, which is hilarious.

>> No.54579338
File: 219 KB, 351x445, trust-a-kike-and-pay-the-price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54579410

>picture of squidward covertly putting money in another man's pocket

>> No.54579666
File: 806 KB, 982x980, slavs laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54579709
File: 13 KB, 207x244, 1671139289125178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I switched from that goy juice to this goy juice.

>> No.54579749

Yes we should all quit drinking 1$ per liter drinks and switch to 3$ per liter healthy juices but some of us are undermining the system and use that cancer as a crutch because were not perfect but at least were trying harder than the next man.

>> No.54579772

Drink water you fucking retard.
>but muh sugars
>but muh caffeine
>but the taste

The state of Burgers. kek

>> No.54579835

Ive been drinking a flavored drink with food since I could form memories and water just doesnt do it. Makes me feel miserable, like I have nothing.

>> No.54579853

ngmi unfortunately, anon.

>> No.54579864

Also I think its more the carbonation honestly not any of that stuff. Like I can drink gatorade or something, I get cases of that when its cheap but its still not the same. I guess caffeine plays a part, and yea thats cancer and lowers sperm count and is actually used against us.

>> No.54579875

Well I spent a few years eating only potatoes and crackers and peanut butter, bread and cheese, the odd pork chop with hot sauce to save money back in 2018/19 and Im not a materialist, plan to give it all away before I die soon so yea depends what making it means to you.

>> No.54579959

You have to drink non poisoned water. That means filter your tap water / rain water, and add the minerals that are missing. Or just buy mineral water that works for you.
You will be able to taste differences and nuances you didn't know existed if you just stop bombarding your taste buds and digestive system with toxic garbage every day. The shit you drink now will literally taste horrible after about a month of a clean diet.

>> No.54579966
File: 70 KB, 640x480, filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54579985

There's a limited amount of shit in the world, and if you give a bunch of loans to people and they buy shit with it, then never pay you back, it doesn't matter if the government comes in an makes your digits go back up. A bunch of people got a bunch of shit for free, your shit, because there is less shit left for you to buy with your fake digits. Maybe you didn't lose "money" but you lost.

>> No.54580013
File: 42 KB, 470x469, 1661980330838301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54580242

Remove Buffett and break up his investment firm. He supports monopolies, mercantilism, and centralized banking.

>> No.54580458

Coke receives tax payer funded support to ensure that the black death in a can survives because the goal of governments are to create diabetic population that are dependant on the insulin.

They create the disease and sell the cure to the debt slaves.
Coke and Pepsi have parent companies who all have controlling interests in pharmaceutical companies that produce insulin.
The Politicians who are all Jewish and changed their last names to hide, are also have their investments managed by the same parasites that create this structure and so they write laws that fund coke with that payer money.

What a wonderful system you've got there Satan, tell me again why Bitcoin isa scam, no one can print a bitcoin out of thin air and use it to maximise the production of coke which causes disease.

>> No.54580493

Based debtmaxxer

>> No.54581046

Im dying anyways of unrelated stuff so yea its a wash in the end.

>> No.54581359

> Im dying anyways
We all are dying and death will strip all of our material wealth from us and leave us as we were before we were born.

A poem for you fren:

And have you ever tried LSD? You should try it before your time is over:

>> No.54581533

I know a guy that you can pay him quite a bit of money but he makes you food for a whole month, that could solve the junk food problem? if you only have to basically pay a subscription for food, it doesn't sound so bad, I was thinking of doing something similar when my HAMI bags hit a peak

>> No.54581646

I will always drink caffeine, sugar though is something I actively remove. I love tea and coffee.

My morning ritual involves drinking it with my girl, waking up to the aromas is one of the small things in life that makes it worth living.

But refined sugar (glucose/fructose) though, that stuff is unironically poison. In nature the amount of Sugar that exists was minimal. But now with cultivation and genetic engineering we have created crops that are so loaded with the stuff it has become an addiction.

It maximises profits and has created a people so disgustingly obese and cancer loves sugar, once we lose that P53 genes that regulates the growth of tumours, our cells consume the sugar to maximise its growth.

Vide related.