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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54571468 No.54571468 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54571483

peace is very bearish
but you can only throw so many generations into the meat grinder until one side runs out of hotdogs

>> No.54571496

Anon.... its going to be ww3 because west keeps sending weapons. We are all going to die

>> No.54571495

Very bearish on slavic women. After the war is finally over there’ll be such a mismatch of men to women in that country it’ll be incredibly easy to find a wife

>> No.54571507

There won't be a peace deal, the defense contractors will milk this war for at least another year

>> No.54571516

those weapons are deterrence. russia can't gain any ground now without even more casualties

>> No.54571589
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What casualties?
Not a single wonder whaffin has been successful so far
Ukraine cant even take back a village staffed by literal 10,000 convicts with shovels
The Russian main army hasn't moved out of Moscow since October

>> No.54571629

Russia and Ukraine are utterly fucked for the future if a peace deal gets signed. For tge rest it is slightly positive and the markets might pump like 1%

>> No.54571663

ukraine chungus is about to win the superbowl or whatever

>> No.54571668
File: 7 KB, 324x223, ruble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will russia be able to sustain pic related?
the first time they were able to survive from the gas export revenues, but now gas is at an all time low (https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas))

so unless hydrocarbons pump or russia and china pull out some "gold-backed currency" out of nowhere, russians may end up having problems related to currency devaluation (for real this time)

turkey has proven that such problems can be manageable even for years
yes the civilians will suffer, but as long as the ruling class can keep them fed and docile they can continue as if nothing was wrong
russia will have to end this by 2023 or things will get bad

>> No.54571672


>> No.54571731
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Japan just started buying oil from Russia
That means things are getting desperate if direct sanctions are being ignored

Let alone whatever amount the Chinese and Indians are buying by the truck load

You can't even trade dollars to rubles anywhere unless you're in Russia and doing a back room deal
So the exchange rate of USD/RUB is based on what?

>> No.54571759
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This war will probably last decades at this rate so don't bother thinking about a peace deal.

>> No.54571768

Yeah so I was listening to the president of the world bank a couple days ago on CNBC. He said that Natty is going to increase in price because no one did anything to resolve infastructure and also we have more trade friction than we ever have had before. The other thing he talked about off the top of my head was the need for natural gas to make hydrogen... That is used to make ammonia... That is used as feed stock in fertilizer to grow food. So it's going to be difficult going forward.

>> No.54571773

>russia and china pull out some "gold-backed currency"
Russia had a lot of gold, but most got sold last year to prop up the RUB

>> No.54571810
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>but most got sold last year to prop up the RUB

>> No.54571862

Ivan.. I...

>> No.54572152

lessons learned = war crimes are good for my penis