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54565825 No.54565825 [Reply] [Original]

This win rate % is nearly impossible. An elite win rate is probably around 70% due to variance. I’ve figured out how to subdue variance almost completely since almost all my wins are 180$ to 500$ in 1/2NL 300 cap live poker. Out of all these wins I only have like 3 wins over 500$ which is kind of insane and ZERO wins over $1,000 profit. And the way I’m doing this is basically the opposite of what you are supposed to do in poker. If any interest I’ll explain further. But 46 out of 50 wins is essentially impossible

>in b4 lol sample size.

It doesn’t matter because all my wins are entirely manufactured with all small-ish to medium-ish wins.

>> No.54565884

>332 hours
>8 work weeks playing poker
>6+ hrs/day.
>not even $50/hr
I hope you only have a high school diploma.
otherwise this is too sad.

>> No.54565900

bad data in. bad data out.

>> No.54565901

please elaborate

>> No.54565916

I would fucking stab a baby for this.
Op, please, explain.

>> No.54565926

what do you mean doing the opposite of what you are supposed to do?

>> No.54565948

youre fucking retarded shut up

92% win rate is pretty outstanding. How many hands/hour is this?

I would say youre running hot. I know absolute pros who sit in the 60 to 70% range, a few in the 56% range but they usually have huge pay days with a bunch of smaller losses.

>> No.54565954

you guys really don't want to know.
I'm warning you.

>> No.54565992

it's possible, like markets games people play with each other aren't efficient, so you can profit off from that, don't give out your secret OP otherwise it'll be unprofitable.

>> No.54566006

Also, live poker hands average like 20 hands/hour so you need to play a lot. If you can, make a trip to vegas and play during weekends in the summer and you can get the morons. also the rake isn't as crazy.

I used to play at a casino that took $5 per hand rake, which came out to $100 per hour...sit at a table for 5 hours and they took an entire buy in basically. Fucking Jews.

>> No.54566026

I want to know.

>> No.54566038


The literal point of poker is to bet your hand when you have an equity advantage. Problem is… when someone is coming with you on the flop and turn they usually have enough equity to draw out on you, and when they hit 25-40% of the time you are ahead you are often getting stacked or taking a big blow.

I’ve learned that when we bet our hands for value we are often losing value.

Here is a simple basic hand from yesterday…

I raise to 15 with KQo and I get 1 caller… good Asian player… flop comes K53 rainbow… almost everyone is betting here….

But why?

I check… he checks…

Turn is a another blank 8.

I check… now he bets 15 and I call.

River is another blank….

I check he checks and basically signals I’m good.

I just gained 15$ of value that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. He’s often folding to a flop bet of mine…and I lose value cuz I got all the AK’s, KK’s KQ’s and KJ’s here.

Now the times he does hit some weird two pair or 2 outs a set on me…. I lose the 15 on the turn… and maybe 45 in the river…. Big deal. Small pot. I’m controlling the variance

>> No.54566070

I’m guessing 7,000 hands roughly give or take 1,000. So no where near enough hands typically, but like I said… these are all controlled wins.

I’m folding AQo’s to 3 bets… I’m calling 3 bets with AK…. If I call a 3 bet you 50 with AQ where am I??? I’m likely only 50% at best… and when the ace does come for me against JJ…. They are slowing down anyway. Take my 15$ and I’ll move onto the next hand.

>> No.54566093

this is some anime level shit.

>> No.54566108

Here is another hand….

This is from 1/3….

I raise to 20 UTG with AJss 5 callers….

J107 rainbow….

I HAVE to bet here…. So I bet 60… only the guy to my left calls….

Turn 4s…. Giving me a nut spade draw now….

I now check…. (Was going to check raise)

He checks behind tho….

River a blank 5 no spade….

Now most if not all players would bet here. I know I have the best hand….

I check….

He shoots out 210 and I snap it….

He flips over Q9 for a busted open ender.

If I bet the river he folds. I gains 210$ playing it deceptively weak..

>> No.54566144

based strat, I'll try it out.

>> No.54566167

So ur saying to only play the good hands and dont bet too much?

Nice OP thanks for the advice

>> No.54566176

Here is another hand…. I limp QQ…. another limper…. Button raises it to 15… I call….the other limper calls…. J52 rainbow…. I check… check, raiser now checks…. Turn another blank…. 7

I check… check…. Button now bets 10…. I bump it to 80…. Fold…. Now the better goes all in for 200 more on top of the 80… I call….

He’s got J10 and bricks out the river….

>> No.54566182

I do this to a friend of mine. He's the best player I know, and everyone else we play with is usually intimidated by him. He beats everyone except me and I leach off him like this. Almost always grab second, and he sometimes goes out on a bad beat and I take first.
One of the guys we play with thinks he's an expert, has read all the books etc, and he's constantly chastising me for my bets.
Glad someone else pointed out that he never wins.

>> No.54566195

it's basically just 'check-raise post flop'.

>> No.54566234

No…. I’m playing pretty semi lag pre…. But I’m playing defense post flop…..mixing in bluffs and what not and betting my range advantage when I miss on a good board…

Here’s a hand from a week ago against a good player that I haven’t gotten a penny from in months…

I raise with AQ to 15…. Good player calls on the button…. SB and BB call too….

QJ7 rainbow flop….

SB and BB check, I check…. And the good player checks…. Turn is a blank 5…. Checks to me…. I check again with top top…. Now the button bets 35…. Just the small blind calls and I call…. River is a. Blank 3….. check, I check….. now the good player bets 65…. SB folds…. And I snap…. He flips over Q10

At first I was thinking what a bad river bet by him with top pair meh kicker… take your showdown value… but then I thought about it and it was a professional thin value bet…. Cuz my hand is face up as KJ or AJ trying to get to showdown cheaply with the Q overcard out there….

I just got 100$ from a guy I never get it from if I bet the flop… which he probably calls… but definitely folds to a turn bet….

>> No.54566308

But it’s working against everyone… I’m basically I’m looking to not get it in and play for stacks…. Where all poker players would see it to be a disaster if it checks around when you have a set…. Im not minding at all…. Because it’s killing variance…. And the hand is often going to play out how it’s going to play out anyway.

Here’s a hand….

I raise 77 two callers….568 two hearts….

BB now donk leads for 25…. This is a mandatory raise…. NOPE…. I just call… and the other guy calls…. Turn is a blank Q…. Now he checks…. I check…. Other guy checks…. Disaster right? Nope…..

River another blank 2 no heart….

Check… I bet 65… button calls and BB folds…. I pick up an OK pot where I lost probably a lot of value… but I don’t care…. Because if we went with it on the flop…. Then 1 or 2 of them has plenty of equity to go with it. Pair plus flush draw or open ender or whatever…. And when we get it in…. We are going to lose a decent chunk… which is what causes the variance….

>> No.54566358

This doesn’t count taking out time as well…. So the $/hour is still 10$ less than shown…but it’s still 19/bb hour… when 15/bb hour is top sustainable…

So I’m essentially playing at above world class…. And at least so far it’s sustainment. I didn’t think my win rate would be as high… cuz I don’t have any big wins… at all…. I mean 46 wins out of 50… typically you’d have at LEAST 5-7 wins $1,000+ profit. I have zero.

>> No.54566370

I ran hot for a year in 2021…. Ran like god… was playing really well too…. I BARELY cracked 70% win rate at my peak. Now I think that’s a joke. No variance.

>> No.54566385

If you want more hand examples let me know….

>> No.54566417

Sometimes yes… but I’m mostly just calling down… fringing weakness…. And if they have me already or bink… the pot is controlled. But often times they are betting with nothing where I’m gaining value

>> No.54566433

Pro gamer tip: Just play when the Chinese come online to play. They suck at poker.

>> No.54566457

Instead of posting examples can you turn what you do into an algorithm?

Or at least distill the concrete fundamentals of what you're doing so it's not an autistic spaghetti mess?

>> No.54566477

I am the algorithm :p

>> No.54566500
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>> No.54566627


so simple said, you play defensive and humble?

>> No.54566748

I’ll dumb it done for you… I’m not trying to get it all in when I’m at the top-ish of my range… and I’m often not betting when I’m at the top-ish of my range. Because I’m learning that we are actually losing a good deal of value when we are betting at the top of our range at a high frequency. Don’t get me wrong… I’m not doing this 1,000% if the time. But if I have a 70% plus equity advantage I’m not particularly interested in getting them off their hand.

If I raise AK and I got 1-2 callers…. And the flop comes K62…why am I betting?? What am I scared of? Feign weakness and check call…. If they got KQ or KJ they are going to bet anyway on the turn and river… keeping the pot manageable where if they do 3 out you…. You don’t get stacked.

>> No.54566791

used to play like that but got bullied and thought it was wrong cause people have access to solvers and shit so i started to play more degen lost everything and quit. Bros.... redditors made me lose my poker career. Had the same strategy trying to control pot to not get too big and just win like that

>> No.54566845

I’m not talking online. Just live.

>> No.54566903

are you playing absolute retards? lmao. you'll start losing everything soon enough.

>> No.54566946

How? If I’m controlling the pot. I’m still betting my range advantage of missed or 2nd or 3rd pairs that I flop…. I’m not playing old man coffee… and I’m playing very exploitatively….while not bloating plots

>> No.54566954

And I’m still also betting flops when I’m at top of my range but almost always checking back turns no matter what…. Cuz then they might bluff river…. Or if they have it… I lose a small pot

>> No.54567751

you think you are some kind of genius while you play like an 100 IQ brainfart. there's nothing special about "pretending to beweak" when you have the strong hand lmao. also the reason people try to push people out of thepot is to avoid getting fucked over later. You might have the best pair with your AK and KA7 offsuitf flop. but your oponent has 88 in his hand. and you check and he gets to see the next card for free. it drops an 8 and you are screwed.

what you told me is absolute noob tier poker. you'll soon lose everything. >> muh i've beaten the game by playing absolutely low lever tier even a pleb who has played only for a few weeks does what you are talking about.

your best bet is to quit now that you are ahead. or waste another 5 years on playing poker everyday like a retard. 12 hours a day. and ending up with nothing or if you do manage to make profit, notmore than some fag working part time at burgerking

>> No.54567874

I mean I’m not a genius. It’s just kinda backwards poker but it’s just kinda basic logic. I mean I’m throwing in other things to balance myself out. But maybe 65-70% of it is just this very defensive strat post flop while being semi lag pre. I’m not looking to get it in with premiums… I’m playing them very scared.

And I wouldn’t be posting this if it wasn’t for the win rate. I’ve had nothing even approaching this win rate even when I was running like the sun. It’s like 90% manufactured.

>> No.54567893


>> No.54567909

>and you check and he gets to see the next card for free. it drops an 8 and you are screwed.

I’m not screwed… because if the 8 hits… on the turn he can only get 2 streets of valie… 30$ and 60$ on the river…. I lost 100$. Who cares?

>> No.54567960

what actually happens is you go all in with your 2 pairs AK and he takes your entire stack with a 3x8.

>> No.54568011

This is a kratom-fueled schizo poster. The house always wins.

>> No.54568045

>the house always wins
>in poker

>> No.54568216

>what is the rake

>> No.54568271

after people see that u play post flop so conservatively theyre gonna adjust their play accordingly

>> No.54568303

oh ok disregard my previous comment then

>> No.54568355

my mans thinks he's the next allan worthy jr after discovering the most basic rainbow trout strategy feeding off the pot.

>> No.54568563

Nice job OP your strat seems to be working for you for now. Your play style is decent for 1/2 games but when you get to higher stakes the players will be able to read you like a book this way. You are eventually going to have to embrace variance one way or another because you're running pretty hot currently. Regression to the mean always happens and your win rate is at the point where over a large sample you couldn't even get good enough hands to sustain it because of the statistical density of possible hands dealt. Where are you playing that this game is so soft?

>> No.54568583

The game I play in you lose that hand because you’re running head first into a guy that either flopped it with 89, or runner runner bullshit with 69 or 63… you’re just running on a heater OP… enjoy it while it lasts because no matter how well you play you cannot defeat variance and that high a win rate is not possible long term

>> No.54568960

It isn’t a heater at all otherwise I’d have big wins. I have no big wins. I’ve been on mega beaters before… I was on one for a year… my win rate was 68%.

To the hand tho… I HAVE to bet that flop tho… because it’s 5 way… I can’t be worried about monsters under the bed with 89… and I can slow down or get away from it with 2-3 callers…but I went to defense after I narrowed down the field to 1 opponent… then got the 210 extra value playing it weak…

>> No.54568971

Then I counterbalance that when I know certain opponents are picking up on it

>> No.54568996

I’m doing a lot of stop and go to… and small bets….

Here’s a hand….

3-4 handed I call a raise with J10cc K85cc….

I check raiser bets 45… I call…. Then comes a 2c…. I now lead for 45 he calls…river ace no club… I got the effective kits basically… I check… he bets 65 I call…. He’s got AK. Obv here I should have check raised… but he probably gets away from it cuz he knows what I’m doing

>> No.54569354

>It isn’t a heater at all otherwise I’d have big wins. I have no big wins.
What the fuck is this nonsense? The hand you described is a fucking $430 pot at 1/2 and you called a pot size bet on the river oop with a wet board and just top pair ... he could have anything there... 55, 44, 77, TT, 75 or any other garbage two pair... you act like playing it weak gains you $210 but the reality is your check call only worked once because the next time that guy plays you he's going to check air on the river and bet hard on two pair or better because he knows you're going to try hero calling with a single pair

>> No.54569429

>7000 hands
There are pros with losing streaks (+EV all in) many multiple times that hand amount. Good work, but it doesn't mean a whole lot right now

>> No.54569507

That was a game I’m not playing. It was 1 random session.

And I’m talking finished score wins… for nearly 40 sessions it was 180 to 350 wins… A few 50-150 wins sprinkled in… and a handful of 350-500 wins sprinkled in.

Last 10 sessions I’ve had 3-4 bigger wins like 550 to 900…. But still not 1 win over $1,000 profit.

>> No.54569517

I think it does because the win rate is unconscionable.

>> No.54569583

so lets say i have pretty much the most powerful computer sitting next to this every day rider. how would i set up a poker system that could leverage that or is it not possible? unironically

>> No.54569642

Fuck off

>> No.54569744

So your strategy is to just play extremely tight? Won't anyone good just notice this and start betting heavily against you with trash to make you fold? Particularly since your strategy involves having to show that you underbet strong hands?

>> No.54569897

I’m actually playing LAG pre… but I’m also often checking and giving up at a decent clip where the board doesn’t favor my range… so I think that’s where my strategy is getting balanced. I have plenty of give ups… but the hands where I’m at top-ish of my range and nutted…. I’m letting the hand just play out…

Here’s a hand from earlier….

I limp 33… next guy makes it 10… another player calls… button makes it 35. I cold call and the others call….

Flop 389dd… I check… it checks around…turn 4d putting flush out there…. I check… checks around again….

River 9… giving me a boat…. I check…check, check… now the original raiser bets 25…. I make it 200…. A guy behind now calls…. Bettor folds… and he had a naked 9 and I scoop…

It was obvious no one had anything on the flop…. Flush comes in on turn… if I bet and someone has a flush I’m getting raised… if no one has anything they are folding anyway.

And if it gets checked around on river again…. It’s still a 140 dollar pot…. I’m not complaining

>> No.54569925

The hands where I’m making my money are the 75 suiteds, 810 suiteds, of the world when they connect… my big hands I’m just playing scared… cuz if you got aces and someone’s coming with you on the turn after you bet the flop and get called there’s a decent chance we are fucked

>> No.54570030

Wtf try to do this in an IRL casino with the money you got from online casinos. If it works you get rich or stabbed

>> No.54570451

Variance comes for us all sweet summer child.

>Folding AQ to 3 bet
>limp QQ
>Open limping ever

These are all losing plays. Also, Idk what the rake is where you are playing 1/3, but it cannot be "beat" at these blinds.

Minimum "beatable" is a $5 blind game. I once thought as you did. My hourly was $40 approximately. I was about ready to pick up sticks and head for Vegas. You haven't solved NLHE. No one has. Take my advice and move up in stakes so the rake doesn't eat you alive and abandon this strategy that invites people to stack you because you can't put them on the shitty hands they play.

>> No.54570494

holdem is dead
live plo is king

i'm making bank

>> No.54570499

I’m suppressing variance greatly. Winning at a 92% clip… through 50 games is crazy. I’m not new to the game.

>> No.54570512

I’m playing 1/2 NL 300 cap…

>> No.54570559

Either you are lying, or on an impressive sun run. But rest assured, variance will come for you which is why you need to change your style not to win bigger, but rather to mitigate losses.

If you aren't new to the game, why are you still playing 1/3? Plenty of bad players all the way up to 5/10. Also fuck captcha

>> No.54570651

Cuz I played fixed limit for years and never touched NL till about 2 years ago

>> No.54570683

It isn’t a Sun run… I’m purposely avoiding getting it all in in situations where I know my opponent has decent equity.

Just had a hand…

Raiser 3-4 callers. I call in SB with 75 suited…

Flop K75… I check it checks around…. Turn 6…. I check checks to a guy in the middle who bets 30… I call…. Another player calls…. River K…. Checks around… one player had a K…. Had I started raising I get called and I get rivered…. I lost 40 bucks… no sweat

>> No.54570703

>which is why you need to change your style not to win bigger, but rather to mitigate losses.

That’s literally my strategy you moron. I’m mitigating my losses first and foremost… then the winning hands naturally come granted I’m not getting mad value ona decent portion of them

>> No.54570904

>calls me a moron
>open limping
>limping queens
555 come on now

But go ahead. You have solved poker.

>> No.54571907

Not at all

>> No.54571918

I hear you texas