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54556977 No.54556977 [Reply] [Original]

Why are houses so expensive? If there's a high demand and low supply, wouldn't someone increase the supply like construction companies?

>> No.54556987 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54556994
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>Why are houses so expensive?
The really aren't though

>> No.54557003

Supply chains are slowly recovering and labor shortages are a bitch. Inflation is through the roof so skilled labor is expensive. It’s a problem slowly correcting but it’s going to take awhile.

>> No.54557007
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It's not just houses. Why are economy cars starting at 30k? They're built by robots and the materials really do not cost that much. Then you have all the cars that go near 100k.
Houses are just that but exponentially worse. The materials, time, labor, put into it is not worth nearly as much as they sell it for. They just know you're not gonna build your own. They know you won't make your own car. So they can charge whatever the hell they want.

>> No.54557014

shithole in pennsylvania with knob and tube wiring and no central air

>> No.54557048
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The government and boomers dont want more houses built so their properties appreciate instead, get fucked.

>> No.54557050

So why aren't there people starting companies to lower the cost of the products to beat the competition? Or does it take too much initial investment?

>> No.54557051

I've been looking at this
supply is way lower than you think. it's pretty much a historical low.
available homes in the US was at 1-1.3 million homes for all the 2000s, until 2020, when it plummeted to about 700k or lower
even now it's getting lower, helping to keep prices up.
the reason for this lack of supply is 2008. it wrecked the housing industry. independent homebuilders nearly vanished. corporate home builders continued but at about half the rate.
it will take years for the supply to get back to "normal" if it ever does.
so I expect prices to remain about the same for the next few years. a little up, a little down.
buy now? I don't know. play it by ear.

>> No.54557063

The financial crisis in 08-9 was centered in overdevelopment of real estate, which in the years after made a lot of builders/developers gun shy to create a lot of supply and get stuck with it if the economy turned down again. So we've had over a decade now of underdevelopment except in the usual places like Las Vegas, Phoenix and parts of Florida.

>> No.54557069

Because je- the government is making it hard to get land and start building projects. And even when it gets built, a certain kind of folk that have a lot of money will buy it up and sit on it to raise prices
The lack of supply is artificial

>> No.54557076

Why is housing so cheap elsewhere in the world compared to the anglosphere? If not house prices the rent prices. You can rent in Tokyo for under $1000, you can barely do that here in bumfuck nowhere usa.

>> No.54557090

that has more to do with exchange rates
the yen is shit right now
and for all the talk of de-dollarization the dollar is still strong

>> No.54557114

Municipal (i.e. city or town) governments generally are the gatekeepers for any kind of residential development. This level of government is almost always dominated by leftists who get elected because of their anti-development promises. These municipal councillors/aldermen then stuff their municipal planning departments with blue-haired septum-ring city planners etc. who only recommend allowing development to proceed if the builders concede huge portions of their profit for "green parkland funds" and promise in writing to build in "renewable" manner, all of which reduces any possible profit that developers can gain from building. Therefore building is slow. That's the answer.

>> No.54557130

That makes no sense. Yen can be shit, and they can raise prices.

>> No.54557148

but what if I want to live somewhere where I won't be murdered for being white?

>> No.54557170

lol is that supposed to not look outrageously overpriced?

>> No.54557189

what a piece of dog shit lmfao

>> No.54557198

It's because of low interest rates. It wasn't like this before the federal reserve started trying to do too much.

Some places like NY city just don't have enough land. Other places like CA ban high density construction in many places with zoning laws.

>> No.54557241

The auto industry is just banking wearing a skin.

>> No.54557249

rising interest rates have had very little effect on prices or supply
zero interest rates probably fueled the rise of crypto, but is not related to the current scarcity of houses

>> No.54557254

only the pods are cheap to live in if you want to actually buy a house in tokyo there are lots of taxes to pay

>> No.54557293

Here’s one aspect.

My dad was a builder in the late 1980’s. He said at that point in time you could own some land, and with some work and some paperwork approval from the city you could start building within 30 days. And it wasn’t too bad.

He said the red tape now is insane. All the regulations and approvals etc. he said after you buy the land it’s at least 6 months till you can start building. He said he would never try to be a builder now it’s ridiculous.

>> No.54557360

How the fuck are there trailer homes near Seattle (desireable place, in a desirable state) cheaper than the bumfuck meth areas of Missouri?
I don't get it.
Why shouldn't I leave my shithole for one of these?

>> No.54557406

Yes, this is how it is in NY and god forbid you don't get all the proper permits you get fined into the 10's of thousands. Happened to my uncle on Long Island for just finishing his basement with another bathroom and kitchen without getting all the work permits. I hear Texas is a little less red tape with development but that is probably headed that way to.

>> No.54557420

How did they figure it out? too many contractors moving through a HOA neighborhood or something?

>> No.54557433

Seattle is NOT a desirable place. WA has good tax laws and the PNW has some excellent nature, but Seattle is an absolute shit heap.

>> No.54557445

Trailers deprecate in value while homes appreciate.

>> No.54557456

I'm single and likely will be my entire life.
Also, I love mountains and it looks like even shitty mobiles homes tend to get stuck up near mountains since there's so damn many of them there.
Is it a desirable place compared to St. Louis though?

>> No.54557458

When he went to sell the house and get it inspected the blueprints on file with the county didn't match what they had done. Insane.

>> No.54557640

>Why are houses so expensive?

These ones: >>54557048 >>54557114 >>54557293

Homes at the moment (especially in Canada) are bought, held onto, and then sold like how you would gold, silver, or bitcoin. Housing has become an insanely profitable speculative market and the regulations, paperwork, municipalities, more or less work to protect that money. There's obvious solutions to this problem: flood the market with houses, demand old houses be constantly sold, rented, and/or demolished and rebuilt, significantly lower and simplify housing regulations to ease up the entire process, but the powers-at-be frankly aren't financially incentivized to do that.

Which is why shit like this exists: >>54556994

>> No.54557741

Stop with the white nationalism goy.

>> No.54558129
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New house are more expensive than old normally

>> No.54558133

So you become a long term debt slave and keep funding the Jewish banking system.

>> No.54558144

Like all the different permits

>> No.54558172

Homes depreciate and there's tons of new and old houses entering the market

>> No.54559262

youre not allowed to do anything that gets around the system they designed

>> No.54559276

in america the pods are still going to be $2000/m

>> No.54559284

it's part of their plan. they don't build new houses on purpose, so you have to spend more money to get one, and what they gain is that you're even more enslaved, and you can't waste your time doing anything wrong. just be good cattle

>> No.54559387

Because of financing

Situation without financing:
>average car costs $5k (for example), average person can afford to buy it with cash

Introduction of financing:
>same number of cars
>same number of buyers but they have 5x as much cash
>same car now costs $25k + interest
>financing company gets paid interest without providing any value, just solving a problem they caused by introducing loans

>> No.54559470

It's not a simple answer but the biggest issue is not enough skilled people and having to meet multiple government standards and what not. If all you had to do was buy bricks and whatever then everyone would have a house easily.

>> No.54559485

welcome to inflation, all assets will go up in price including stocks and crypto so even if you do make it, everything will be too expensive to offset your gains you made.

>> No.54559493
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truly a mystery

>> No.54559584


>> No.54559632

also in addition to fining you, they'll oftentimes make you restore the property to its condition before the unapproved work occurred. this means you have to tear down that unapproved patio deck, or remove that finished basement, and they will check to be sure you actually did it.

>> No.54559650
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Land is finite, location value isn't created by the owner ergo land value tax for the win.

>> No.54559659

Japan doesn't have mass immigration

>> No.54559686
File: 16 KB, 526x466, Canada-house-price-CREA-2022-12-16-Canada-total.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is on the way down now money isn't free

>> No.54559725

First you create scarcity deliberately. You can use building permits and mass immigration.
Second you exclude housing from inflation statistics so you can claim inflation is still low, no need to raise rates.
Third you pump fiat credit like confetti.
This only works if you have boomer filth who will sell their own kids future.

>> No.54560051

Have you ever priced out a house build? Unless you're building with absolute shit tier materials, new home build prices are spot on.

>> No.54561303

Well said. It's best to go to a reputed firm like Your Place in Dubai where they build quality homes and they accept crypto as payments.

>> No.54561426

>boomers built a bunch of suburban houses
>zoomers grow up hating suburbia
>want to move to cities
>housing in cities is overregulated so its not possible to build enough to meet demand
>and even when new ones are built they're built for the ultra-rich
>towns on the other hand are under-developed, hard to find any property that isn't falling apart from century old infastructure

Not to mention the fact that more and more people aren't starting families and so don't want to buy one of the millions of "family homes" on the market.

>> No.54561547

Hey cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.54561644

The federal reserve is the reason home prices are so high:

>> No.54562598

671 sq ft, no land, common walls

previous one in lifetime low 3% interest rates was rocket fuel, and who knows how long it will take to unwind

>> No.54563292

Low supply because of constant immigration and foreign buyers

>> No.54563347

>wouldn't someone increase the supply like construction companies?
Why dont you? Right now you just told me theres a bucket of money to be made. Why dont you personally grab it?

The reasons you can come up with are the reasons its not happening