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54534502 No.54534502 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a wagie?

>> No.54534531
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And they wonder why we have mass shootings

>> No.54534547

the cashier looks like a BLM supporter>>54534502

>> No.54534558

They do monkeyshines like little kids.

>> No.54534562

Is that employee guy in the back retarded? What the fuck?

>> No.54534599

He's a bagger what do you think?

>> No.54534608
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>> No.54534613
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>> No.54534627

Those don't exist here

>> No.54534643

some grocery stores will hire retards for cheap labor and tax breaks

>> No.54534650

hate niggers & hate waging
>t.waging now, though no niggers work here nor come here so it's not that bad

>> No.54534661

My publix has a couple of those. I would think it'd be better to have them stock canned and boxed goods. Instead of risking breaking your eggs or smashing your bread but I guess not. Maybe putting them in the right part of the shelves is too difficult.

>> No.54534673


I'm sorry, but this is actually funny. Just walk away from the cash register. Standing there like an idiot is just pathetic.

>> No.54534691
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nobody said this, and stop screaming hou neurotic retard

>> No.54534712

>retards don't exist here
Based eugenics operator

>> No.54534776

Have you tried writing to an eccentric rich man and asking if he'll give you a million?

>> No.54534785
File: 1.94 MB, 705x920, 23049 - angry animated arm aspie bloodshot_eyes clenched_teeth clothes crying firearm full_body glasses hair hand holding_object leg nazism open_mouth pol_(4chan) shorts soyjak swastika text tshirt variant chudjak weapon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody said this, and stop screaming hou neurotic retard

>> No.54534800
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>> No.54534901

>Just walk away from your job and be poor
>just be labeled a racist when employees hear you didn't want to serve a black customer
>just make national news as a racist when the black guy goes on social media to complain the company is racist
>just let the video of the altercation become a footnote swept under the public discourse after you're homeless and ostracized

>> No.54534926
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Just stop working

>> No.54534932



>> No.54534933

Trick is to work alone, armed, with access to camera, and call the guy a nigger while you have the gun pointed at him behind the counter

>> No.54534940

nigger logic

>> No.54534943
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also repeating the same things i said is very childish

>> No.54534957

I'm curious how you name your other files now. Do you have a strategy you follow?

>> No.54534961

Save up good money then take a risk with it. For me it was about 6 years of saving up $25k at my boring desk job and then I threw it into ETH in 2016. You gotta take a risk somewhere, it's the only way to escape.

>> No.54534962

>not baiting niggers into being able to act in self defense
Come home White Man

>> No.54535249
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>bagholders don’t exist here

>> No.54535293

He's just yawning.

>> No.54535310

The nigger is the one wasting time on childish bull shit.
The wagie is getting paid.

>> No.54535423

You've described the jewish system we are trapped in quite aptly

>> No.54535558

be wagie
have to stand in a spot for 8 hours
get paid
sometimes have to use arms
man from africa gets paid by china
to mess with you for le tik tok demoralixation
result: you get paid but don't have to use arms
you: zomg le jeckin fricken fracken wagie got le PWNED REKT PWNED HAHA wow

>> No.54536878
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Look at this chart. You see it? Cool, invest in every single fucking coin here. Every coin. Got it? Good, that's it, wait 3 months and you'll be rich

>> No.54536977


>> No.54537126

it's a bot

>> No.54537493

That cashier is paying the nigger tax.
Imagine if society as a whole didn't have to pay that tax.

>> No.54538974

Every single day I randomly stumble on another reason to fucking hate niggers. At least they're miserable.

>> No.54539060

naw the company is.
she's just paid to stand there and watch.
if she was cool, she would've gotten a candybar to 'race' him.
>in b4 they would move at the same speed
then maybe put a lawn mower engine on the candybar you sperglord.
is it really that hard for you to have a good time?

>> No.54539100

I'm tell him he's barred and to get out. I would then walk off and immediately find my manager to tell them that a customer is abusing and demeaning me and I would like him removed immediately.
If they don't do that I quit on the spot.
Dignity is priceless.

>> No.54539199

>that customer was abusing and demeaning me
>oh no. what did he say to you?
>well, he didn't say anything.
>but then how was he abusi-... did he ASSAULT you?
>no. no I mean he just kept putting the lip balm on the conveyor belt
>like he made a big lip balm mess at the register?
>no, he's just placing the unopened lip balm on the conveyor belt, at the register, repeatedly

>> No.54539216

You have never had a job, have you anon?

>> No.54539260

only white collar.

>> No.54539271

my future

>> No.54539280

Typically they don't sell lawn mowers at the grocery.

>> No.54539283

Wow that nigger is easily impressed.

>> No.54539309

bro, put whatever engine you want on it, it's a candybar.
maybe pretend it's an air-boat. tape a handheld fan on top of it and poor some water on the belt.
start taking bets from coworkers on the great lip balm + candybar race.

>> No.54539326

You quit

>> No.54539404

Let me ask you.
Are you a wagie that really might be in a position you would do something like this?

>> No.54539475

I've always fucked around at jobs.
>write software
>company tells everyone investors are visiting, don't wear jeans, only slacks
>print counterfeit business cards with company logo, values
>wear a suit to work for a couple days
>whenever investors walk by my cube, I stop them
>give them my fake business card
>tell them I'm usually in sales but I'm just helping out the engineers... for today
>fuck around for as long as possible until executive leadership eventually stops me.
so yea, if I worked retail, I definitely would.

>> No.54539527

Okay, that's fair. I have had both. I have worked plenty of retail jobs. I am and have always been a competent and friendly worker. I have always endeavored to ingratiate myself with management, not because I am servile, but because I take pride in my work, and so I do a good job and this causes me to become known as a trustworthy, competent and confident worker. It is for this reason that I feel like I could take the course of action I proposed. If I say I am being abused the matter is immediately taken seriously, because it is me saying it. I do not cause trouble and I do not say such things lightly. If I felt like I wouldn't be taken seriously I wouldn't continue to work for that employer. Retail is too fraught with stresses and bullshit because the average person is a fucking mong for me to waste my time having to placate both the customer and my employer. So as I said, I would tell the nigger to leave my store, that he is barred, and I would then go and tell my boss that this is the case. They would not argue. If they did I would quit on the spot, and that is that. If they choose a nigger over me then I choose another employer over them, and they would miss me.

>> No.54539620

Just refuse him service, what is he gonna do?
If he chimps out, just call the police and go for a ciggie outside.

>> No.54539642
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>> No.54539870

walk into a dr office, make noises, and while seeing the dr piss yourself while acting like you dont even realize your doing it, shit too if you can on command. Prob come up with some other good ideas to look as autistic as possible but at the same time not threatening or scary, you want them to feel bad for you. Do a good enough job and you will walk out with a lifetime of neet bux.

>> No.54539879

Think for yourself on how to escape the cage. Otherwise you'll end up right back in it.

>> No.54540037

He cucked out and gave up on his "prank" after feeling the power of the Aryan stare. I bet he had auditory flashbacks to the sounds of a whips cracking and his ancestors screams, carried away by the warm Alabama wind.

>> No.54540514

>t. nigger

>> No.54540760

baggers often are.

>> No.54541674

when I went to legoland, a guy with aspergers made me requeue up.
because although there were no other customers in line for the roller coaster, I incorrectly queued in the 'fast pass' lane.
you and the rollercoaster sperg are absolutely based.
but I would still have fun on the clock instead.