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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54514317 No.54514317 [Reply] [Original]

I'm finally taking the pluge and accumulating everest. I hope to accumulate somewhere between 500k and 1M if it remains in this range and I just did my first little experimental purchase of 1k ID. I first made an Everwallet in summer of 2021 and my facial scan works if I use my phone to access the wallet, but it doesn't work if I use my computer which has a much higher quality camera. Which had me thinking that I never really was given any sort of keys that I remember saving when generating my wallet. Was I given them and I just forgot about them? Or is Everest maintaining some kind of centralized database where they have access to users' keys and biometry? I don't see anywhere in the app the view the keys for my wallet.

Also, when I try to enter my drivers license and passport in order to use the fiat on/off ramp, the UX is terrible. Is this just because I am an American? Or has anyone successfully been able to use the fiat on/off ramps with this shitty app?

>> No.54514329

Oh no the everest pajeets are back

>> No.54514340

dead scam

>> No.54514352


>> No.54514361

Incredible how you respond to my post so quickly and address nothing in it or any of the questions I asked.

Ok, let's agree it is a dead scam and a stupid project. I'm still interested in having my questions regarding this scam answered.

>> No.54514393

The everest shills are starting back up boys. Looks like they’re about to start shitting up the catalog again.

>> No.54514491

I'm not shilling the project. If you read my OP, you'd see that I'm calling out some questionable aspects of the project. I should have known better than to try to discuss something on 2023 biz.

>> No.54514985

Everest holders don't like their Sub $10 Milly mcap Gem being shilled on /biz/.
I'm not sure how to answer your question, but I hold my ID in a normal wallet

>> No.54515008

gm sers

>> No.54516581


>> No.54516626
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Lately there has been some issues signing in on browser because they're rolling out widgets that are meant to interact with their beta wallet which isn't out yet, I think this has been causing issues for the alpha build. You aren't the only one to have problems getting the browser to work in the last few days. Also, for the everwallet your keys are your pin and biometrics.

>> No.54517297
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>I never really was given any sort of keys that I remember saving when generating my wallet.
Your keys are the hash of your biometrics
>is Everest maintaining some kind of centralized database where they have access to users' keys and biometry
Your biometry data gets IPFS encrypted split into pieces with a multi part computing process and stored onchain. The only way that data is accessed is by presenting the key (your biometry) which reassembles the encrypted pieces.

>the UX is terrible
Yes the alpha is absolute dogshit and they aren't putting any resources into fixing it until beta is release.

On the other hand the Payment + Identity widgets are looking decent, and are custom embeddable in other apps:

(the buy/sell button for the payment widget, and the bottom right where it says Identity wallet for the Identity widget)

The Identity widget is especially cool given you can associate other crypto wallets with it, and then for any Everest partner app that crypto wallet has proof of Human & Unique + KYC

>> No.54517322

itt ai generated shill posts

>> No.54517346
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Everest is inherently materialistic. The transmutative meme of Bob Reid into Boob Reid is not only funny on the surface, but a critique of both Everest’s inherent materialism, and moderation by Freemasons - a group whose principal aims include the degenerative merge of man and woman; a mockery of the Duad. The longing for the Evermilk (product releases, followed by number go up) is symbolic of the supernal relationship between the sacred feminine aspect of the All-Mother, or should I say; Evermother (Boob Reid), and her child - Horus, Persephone etc. (the token holder).

>> No.54517347

Wait, so what if a black buy maims OP? He loses access?

>> No.54517353

Everest is a jeet scam. You try to hard street shitter

>> No.54517365

>Or is Everest maintaining some kind of centralized database where they have access to users' keys and biometry?

This is what is keeping me from making an account. I suspect its not really decentralized as they say and I wouldn't be owning my identity and ultimately they'd have access to my facial/eye scan.

I mean their logo is literally the all seeing pyramid which was part why I wanted to invest but also why I don't kek

>> No.54517373

Oh yes, very organic everest shills. Scam.

>> No.54517382

this thread smells of curry

>> No.54517398

>Your biometry data gets IPFS encrypted split into pieces with a multi part computing process and stored onchain.

Is this explained more in detail in their white paper? I'm actually really interested if this allows for me to own my identity or if Everest or someone else will potentially have access to it.

>> No.54517405

>Wait, so what if a black buy maims OP? He loses access?


>> No.54517414

>Oh yes, very organic everest shills. Scam.

Are you mentally retarded? I just said it was likely to be sketchy and I didn't trust that it was decentralized.

>> No.54517431

The everest pajeet shills took a week off and are trying new tactics to shill their scam on 4chan.

>> No.54517505
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>the sacred feminine aspect of the All-Mother

>> No.54517519

I was only semi joking kek, surely this is a concern?

>> No.54517527

I think they will eventually be using multiple types of biometrics like iris scan and also DNA samples potentially. One of their early white papers/PoC talked about it.

>> No.54517535

>0.02 rupees have been deposited into your account
Glad to se the everest shills doing the needful

>> No.54517538

How many times are you going to IP swap in this thread while calling other people pajeets?

>> No.54517554

>says the everest shill
lol how many times you going to shill your scam and do the needful for the village?

>> No.54517581
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I'm not shilling, half of this thread are posts bitching about their shitty alpha wallet not working very well with the new updates. I will keep posting though because it's funny to watch you have a psychotic breakdown.

>> No.54517611

lol pajeet, you don’t think everyone knows that’s your village shilling? Everyone could have predicted that.
>pajeet 1 muh UI is bad
>pajeet 2 conveniently mentions the fiverr team hired by everest finally produced a payment app after two years
Ad infinitum. You guys really need to work on shilling your scam.

>> No.54517744

I'm curious about this too. What happens if my face changes enough that their face scanning algorithm no longer matches it with my face? There is a pin that you choose also and I wonder how much the pin plays into it. Like if my face is 70% recognized and the pin is correct does it figure it must be me? Because I notice you enter your pin before your biometry is actually confirmed.

>> No.54517796

I get that most here think the general public are mouth breathing retards but do you guys really see this reality happening?

>> No.54517803
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>Which had me thinking that I never really was given any sort of keys that I remember saving when generating my wallet. Was I given them and I just forgot about them?
No. Your biometrics are your private key.
>Or is Everest maintaining some kind of centralized database where they have access to users' keys and biometry?
No. Your data is encrypted on IPFS, only you can unlock it with your biometrics.
>Or has anyone successfully been able to use the fiat on/off ramps with this shitty app?
I've seen some people say they've used it. I haven't.
Beta is coming soon so I'm expecting alot of the login issues with the wallet to be fixed.

>> No.54517816
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based evermilk releaser
I got banned for a few days for nsfw memes
fuck jannies

>> No.54517830

Why wouldn't it? It would be way easier to just take a DNA sample at birth and use that for organizational purposes than assigning a birth certificate and a social security number. It would also greatly reduce the ability for people to commit identity fraud. DNA wouldn't necessarily need to be used for every proof of self instance. Seems like it would be much easier to just have all identity information stored on chain and always accessible.

>> No.54517853
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>> No.54517866
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>> No.54517868


Is it possible for them to lock me out of my own account somehow? Lets they block the UI somehow then is there no way for me to get around that? No other way for me to put in my biometric credentials? I'm just talking hypotheticals

>> No.54517870

Everest is a scam

>> No.54517882
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Maybe, but they are a regulated custodian so I assume they'd be required to give you your assets if that happened.

>> No.54517892
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>> No.54517901
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>> No.54517902

Yes this stuff has been discussed in academia for over half a decade or more. The day is coming when you won't use ID cards for anything.

It's still annoying that the stack doesn't work with beta.

>> No.54517905

>if we spam our scam with jpgs it’s legitimate

>> No.54517913
File: 444 KB, 1488x777, 1655302030974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the login issues are cancer at the moment.
here's a meme for you

>> No.54517927

Didn’t click it pajeet. It’s a gutsy call since the mods ban everest threads, and you spamming these “memes”

>> No.54517940
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>> No.54517948
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>> No.54517957
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>> No.54517961

Literally nothing works since they launched the widgets. Staking, login etc. I hope they're launching beta this week because it's extremely unprofessional.

>> No.54517989
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I don't know about this week, but the newsletter said something about product/beta phase and moving to discord in a couple of days.

>> No.54518010

AI generated art and AI generated organic discussion. Cheap marketing tricks for a dying shitcoin

>> No.54518013
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Makes sense for them to launch then if they're migrating

>> No.54518020

lol all the everest jeets can do is spam “organic” jpegs

>> No.54518030
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It'd be nice, right before MICA.

>> No.54518039

>two more years everest shills
Lmao I can’t wait for the SEC to rape bob

>> No.54518041
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A product launch...on time?

>> No.54518044

Oh my god, who the hell cares

>> No.54518069
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>> No.54518084

How To Report Cryptocurrency Scams

Report fraud and other suspicious activity involving cryptocurrency to

>FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov

>Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at CFTC.gov/complaint

>U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at sec.gov/tcr

>Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint

>> No.54518091
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>> No.54518094

Ooo ill report him too

>> No.54518096
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>how to pay for the federal government to validate compliance

>> No.54518099
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>> No.54518128


Is this the everest shills best defense? You guys are going to jail for fraud and manipulation of securities
>manipulation of everest token

>> No.54518138

It's better to stick with what you believe can perform well than to be deluded by schizos on their subtle shill. I'm in for the long term on ID, MnI, and a few low-cap gems.

>> No.54518151

False claims doctrine also entails jail time :)

>> No.54518159
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>> No.54518183

It does not, moreover when everest has been manipulating blatantly and demonstrably on the blockchain :)

>> No.54518255

The best part is that you haven't even gotten to the civil claims that will be filed against you after the criminal charges are done :)

I hope you have 7-8 figures to litigate and an additional seven to pay damages.

>> No.54518302

you can tell when the everest pajeet shills get riled up.

>what is immunity
>what is whistle blower protection
>what is retaliation
I know in your third would country these concepts are foreign. So reporting a crime to the SEC and CFTC anonymously means no repercussions ;)

>> No.54518312
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>> No.54518323

I know you don't know how to read, but there are no whistle blower protections or immunity for making false statements to a government official ;)

Many such cases

>> No.54518356

>angry brown nosies increases
lol jeet’ try all you want to dissuade, but more people than me will report everest to the SEC and CFTC.
>pajeet still doesn’t understand U.S. laws

ooof that’s sad when a man likes besmov and is a baggie shill. I hope everest pays you well, well something other than that scam coin

>> No.54518680

Must be morning designated street shitting time in Mumbai. All the shill’s disappeared.