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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 592 KB, 1300x3951, 1680874134880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54501274 No.54501274 [Reply] [Original]

Pay. Me.

>> No.54501368
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>> No.54501377
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this is nice and all but basically
well basically
you're just gonna PAY ME OKAYYY? HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54501382
File: 120 KB, 1300x1390, 1666855040937871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token not needed? okay so you're just gonna give me 1% of all your earnings or 5% of all your tokens, okay????

>> No.54501392
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>> No.54501394

oy vey this thread is antisemitic

>> No.54501405
File: 53 KB, 920x1030, 1657040982180825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone flannel his suit up
I'm just gonna keep reposting this whenever a bulgarian shows up



>> No.54501418
File: 90 KB, 460x460, 1675778580823777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be a shame if your bridge got exploited and your oracles got flashloaned huh

>> No.54501464
File: 294 KB, 660x651, backup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent thread anon

>> No.54501588
File: 500 KB, 1350x2987, 1654316941663488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol
imagine being a dead ghostchain and all your devs are begging for chainlink
sirgay tells you ok but only if you give us 6 millions oy vey
all for some vague hope that aave or others will port over there instead of a shitty fork
and then your dao bagholders are seething because they'd prefer your ghostchain to stay completely dead
and then APU3 (midhav'd) themselves are trying to go undercover to ruin the deal for they can get some crumbs in the oracle market
and then it still passes at like 99% in stinky favor, KEK

this is the future of all ghostchains


>> No.54501641

Checked and my body is ready
>tfw api3 is correct about the coming era of OEV

>> No.54501678
File: 34 KB, 179x179, 1642544590117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they actually think they have ANY leverage at all. just incredible

>> No.54501696
File: 32 KB, 564x783, 1680171822264707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 millions what a tragedy

upfront. non negotiable goyim

>> No.54501726

Loo000ve the new meme chainlink labs. Hot and fresh.

>> No.54501778
File: 86 KB, 561x836, 1675820506003723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, adelyn here
i think it has potential


>> No.54501817

imagine paying chainlink for centralized oracles when you could just use onchain twaps
couldn't be me
i actually approve of chainlink doing this. want to cheap out on security and put all your funds at risk of a fat russian multisig? then pay up, motherfucker

>> No.54501884
File: 81 KB, 750x998, 1654401364441262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>onchain twaps
please do

>> No.54503296

Dangerously and exquisitely based anon. I am laughing my fucking head off at these posts. I hope you regularly come around to remind the fudders of how rich we are going to become, and rub it in their faces.

>> No.54503339

Based & Linkpilled

>> No.54503350

using TWAP means your protocol moves at the same latency of the TWAP

>> No.54503379

good to see sergey finally grow some balls. do you think this was planned all along or is it schmidt's doing?

>> No.54503424

This is quality content. Don’t tell the browncel fuddies

>> No.54503465

"Pay up" is now officially a Link meme.

Q: "pay what?"
A" "up"

>> No.54503573

wtf is celo?

>> No.54503581

Yes but the the link these projects get come from sergeys premine,
>shitcoin gives sergey 5%
>sergey adds link from his premine to shitcoins balance
>sergey sells shitcoins for usd
>shitcoin link balance pays nodes
>nodes dump the link theyre paid
>more link enter the market and inflate the supply
>0 positive price impact for the link token
its great for chainlink company, but bad for the link token.
TNN is not a meme

>> No.54503713

pay up bulgario

>> No.54504025
File: 119 KB, 1024x720, 1680890258739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not surprised Linkies are desperate for money. You got broke link OGs eating catfood waiting an infinite 2 weeks and sergey begging jeet nft projects for 100k.
He only started doing this right after he lost his treasury in SVB. Lmao what a complete dumpster fire of a project

>> No.54504058

Anons, please I implore to stop sharing this meme. This will only drive off our clients. We do not want to repeat what happened with Charles. Again, I beg you, do not barate Chainlink's client otherwise they will either flock to competitors or work on their own Oracle like DYDX.

>> No.54504078


>> No.54504119

>do you think this was planned all along?
absolutely, sergey and ari are playing the long game

>> No.54504146

I realize there's no competitor on par with Chainlink, but our crypto clients are so entitled and they're totally OK with using a centralized alternative to Chainlink if it means paying cheaper or to spite LINK holders.

>> No.54504154
File: 40 KB, 675x675, 2E87D0EB-252F-4B05-8041-9E07D011BD8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will pay, you will Ben the knee, and you will be happy

>> No.54504332

go ahead, every time a project loses tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of user funds it further solidifies the fact that any project that tries to sidestep Chainlink will fail spectacularly

it's free advertising

>> No.54504462

So unironically, when price go up?

>> No.54504485

What a squirming rat fucking shithead, demands respect while in the same sentence disrespects chainlink, as if CL doesn't have a right to profit from its service.

>> No.54506114
File: 313 KB, 1233x2070, PAY ME SANDRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54506748


>> No.54506873

Bump et

>> No.54506960

Gonna need a Richie Aprille " pay me my money" meme

>> No.54506980

I don’t even lol anymore when an arrogant project that thought it could do with an alt oracle gets rekt. It’s happened so many times. Anyway natural selection takes care of itself

>> No.54507766


>> No.54507796

So Sergey's running a protection racket. Based.

>> No.54507798

full circle

>> No.54508394
File: 331 KB, 358x561, CD64ADE6-45EF-482E-BC97-F402F318B60E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this is some military grade cope.
>Chainlink needs to show US respect

>> No.54508486
File: 607 KB, 991x999, TIMETOPAYUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the "TIME TO PAY UP" template fixed up. I'm going to make a compilation meme of all the projects paying up now.

This shit is hilarious and causes serious ass hurt among the fudders.

>> No.54508498


Where is my money? Sandra Salsano knows where it is

>> No.54508503


I'm thinking meme magick is fucking back

>> No.54508521
File: 23 KB, 434x220, irspillarspyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are just stealing memes from the IRS now?

>> No.54508528

sirgay's toilets have nothing left
the magic is gone and is never coming back

>> No.54508552

who the fuck is designing their dapps to need to shit? are they just retarded or what? AHAHHAHAHA honestly fuck it they should be made to pay as an idiot tax.

>> No.54508609

Can someone please explain what is going on? It's my first day on /biz/

>> No.54508665
File: 1.41 MB, 4649x2546, GIMMEMYMONEYIWANTMYMONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54508673

>who the fuck is designing their dapps to need to shit?

What do you mean they have virtually no other options. kek

>> No.54508675

fudders are getting rekt in real time, nigger

>> No.54508687
File: 1.85 MB, 4649x2546, GIMMEMYMONEYIWANTMYMONEY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54509897

I'm saving every single one of your pics, they're great.

>> No.54510550


Glad you like them. I didn't realize when Sergey said "Quantitative Eating", he was referring to all the dapps they have been subsidizing the past 5 years were going to have to start feeding him delicious protocol fees kek

Honestly, I can probably turn that into some meme as well.


>> No.54510619

Checked. I enjoyed reading your posts.

>> No.54510738
File: 258 KB, 750x1084, DRNSPM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54510755
File: 6 KB, 194x259, 453632D1-927D-45E0-AE1B-2E40C5EE7B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUDtards have to invent shitty new “memes” like muh cuckold to spread FUD
>LinkGODS just got a new catchie PAY ME/PAY UP funny meme

>> No.54510760

>didn't read not selling pay up
>thank you chainlinkgod based king
>buy an ad
topkek this is so based we are back
2018 /biz/ doesn't hodl (lol) a candle to based /biz/ 2023 memes

>> No.54510788

>absolutely, sergey and ari are playing the long game

Sergey has all but said verbatim their goal was going to build a monopoly. Now that they have and after 5 years its the standard with all the largest DEFI dapps using them then its basically "Fuck you, pay me".

There are no other options. Pay them or don't operate are pretty much the choices.

>> No.54510872

So are we gonna find out the answer for where the $1.3millionUSD/year figure came from when "operating costs" were like <$100kUSD/year?
I want Chainlink to succeed and think they should charge however much they need to cover their own operating expenses + make some nice profit but if they're actually runnign an insane profit margin simply because they've morphed into another jewish company then I think it will be a short-lived empire. Legitimate competitors WILL appear if they're being exorbitant with the profit margins.

>> No.54510875

I am truly having the time of my life watching dapp scammers, noname ghostchain developers and paid fudsters squirm and pull their collective hairs out at the reality of their situation.


When we said "THEY WILL ALL PAY" what did yoy think we meant? :^)

It's hilarious watching how they scream BLACKMAIL and "they should show some RESPECT" lmao
Thanks for playing. Now.....

P A Y. U P.

>> No.54510882


Someone needs to turn this guy's head into a Pepe head, change the hands to green, have him inside the Chainlink logo instead of a white circle, and remove the mobile theme.

Just Pepe pointing to the his hand inside the Chainlink logo with it saying, "Fuck you, pay me" underneath kek

Serious meme potential here.

>> No.54510886

>Legitimate competitors WILL appear if they're being exorbitant with the profit margins.
Just to expand on this. Currently there are "cheaper" oracle alternatives; these oracles are able to be cheaper than Chainlink because they've compromised on some technical / security aspects. If Chainlink goes overboard with the profit margins then a competitor can appear using similar technical / security specs that Chainlink uses, but simply run a lower profit margin. Thoughts? I'm just a simple anon with a vested interest in Chainlink's success. Glad they've flipped the switch but want them to do it correctly and in a way that doesn't subvert their dominance.

>> No.54510901

The fact some have already accepted giving millions shows its not over priced for the value they get.
It might be over priced to some pajeet though

>> No.54510912

That's because there's no alternative as secure as Chainlink atm. Any price Chainlink demands, people HAVE to pay if they want security. That's the issue I'm talking about; if Chainlink goes overboard they're inviting the arrival of a competitor that's as secure but cheaper.
Remember, all these "ETH-killers" were invented because people were dissatisfied with Ethereum. Same shit can happen with Chainlink.

>> No.54510918

The way network effects work this isn’t feasible. You increase security and decentralization by adding oracles/nodes. Aspiring node operators will be attracted to chainlink because they will be paid more. Its a positive feedback loop, the more chainlink pays node operators, the more people will want to create chainlink nodes, the more nodes there are, the greater the decentralization/security/ability to run jobs, the more chainlink can charge for their services. And this is just the beginning.

>> No.54510925

>If Chainlink goes overboard with the profit margins then a competitor can appear using similar technical / security specs that Chainlink uses, but simply run a lower profit margin. Thoughts? I'm just a simple anon with a vested interest in Chainlink's success
Chainlink is a MONOPOLY, there is no second best. If you arent a concern troll fudder you should have known this since 2018.

To expand on that. Chainlink is a monopoly because it's got the best architecture and security of them all by a large, almost incalculable lenghty mile. This begs the question, when talking about "going overboard with the profit margins" (fucking kek i really hope you are just clueless and not fudding):

How much money you would pay so that ALL of your protocol's money doesn't get drained to zero in a single instant, at any point in time?

If you can figure out that amount, and extrapolate the calculation to the TVL of major protocols that use Chainlink, and then run the numbers over years and decades, you will begin to grasp how filthy rich LINKies are going to become.

>> No.54510930

>Chainlink will have the chance to enter a very important ecosystem
>chainlink did not show us the respect we deserve
lol. lmao even. these guys are in for some surprise aren't they

>> No.54510940

Do people really think they won't lose all their money if they try and choose an alternative? Let them. Chainlink should let them go ahead. It is 100% chance of failure without Link. Every project which does not use it will fail.

>> No.54510947

To add to this, the danger isn’t (and never has been) competition. It is whether the industry they created and subsidized (DeFi) would choose to pay or just fold. That’s why they waited this long, until enough of DeFi could prove themselves profitable even in a bear market, so that when it came time they would be willing to pay to keep the lights on.

>> No.54510953
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Good answer, thanks. Both the network-effect and first-mover advantage makes it hard to create a legitimate competitor to Chainlink.
>How much money you would pay so that ALL of your protocol's money doesn't get drained to zero in a single instant, at any point in time?
>If you can figure out that amount, and extrapolate the calculation to the TVL of major protocols that use Chainlink, and then run the numbers over years and decades
This puts into perspective that it's a small price to pay, thanks. That wasn't my issue with it though. My issue was about the hypothetical creation of a similar specced oracle project that replicates Chainlink in every way except profit margins. However as the other anon pointed out, that's an unlikely occurrence.

>> No.54511587
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, 1650298507953.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54511960

Chainlink making way more money than simply covering operating costs is exactly the point and it's what is needed for the space, a rich Chainlink is very beneficial for the whole space and I bet Sergey is making sure everyone knows that. More money = a more secure and innovative oracle network = more usecases = more customers for those dapps

>> No.54511984

It really is starting to feel like we are back. I missed linkie smugness like you wouldn’t believe. Watching these shitters all squirm over % based fees because as it turns out they’re running scams (wow who would have thought) is wonderful.

>> No.54511991

There are zero competitors who have proven their worth, so it’s very high risk for anyone to go elsewhere. But the fact is, these are not high fees. If you can’t afford 1-2% of your revenue to secure your entire business model then your business model is shit to begin with.

>> No.54512002

If you actually read the proposal you would realize that the $1.3 million really isn't much at all. Chainlink will provide on-going development and support for all of GMX's oracle services. If you consider how Chainlink will need to allocate their employee capacity to supporting GMX then it's really not this crazy one-sided deal that every dumb motherfucker is making it out to be. Despite what your average mouth breather thinks about oracles JUST being a JSON parser or whatever, in reality oracles are still in a place where it requires a highly specialized skillset (i.e. Chainlink) to do properly. They are the only company that takes it seriously and that's why Chainlink has earned the right to charge whatever they want. It's not their fault that the rest of the industry has been and continues to be clinically retarded when it comes to how they bring external data into stupid shitcoin casino.

>> No.54512004

The utter state of advocates outing themselves

>> No.54512010

>If you can’t afford 1-2% of your revenue to secure your entire business model then your business model is shit to begin with
Forgive this faggot for a little concern trolling, but I think the worry is that if CL can turn around and demand more revenue fees once what's to stop them from raising it higher in the future? Would 2% be too much? How about 5? It's setting a precedent without any clear indicator of a ceiling. Does it become a hostage situation if taken to the extreme?

>> No.54512013

>t. Never had sex

>> No.54512025

Bitch better have my money

>> No.54512029

Negotiations and price hikes are business 101. Adobe products went from a flat $500 fee for life where you could steal their software easily to like $20/month per product. The whole world complained, then paid the fuck up.

I have done plenty of sales. You raise prices when you know you can. You let people negotiate who benefit you. Otherwise they can fuck right off. At the end of the day it’s all math, anon. You look at the market and assess what you can milk from it, and what the potential risks are. You usually account for some customers to drop off.

Price raises will definitely happen eventually. My guess is early adopters of this mode will get favorable contractual terms protecting them from that for a bit. The carrot for early adoption. People coming into the ecosystem next year will pay more.

>> No.54512103

This. People will bitch and moan, but then they will pay. If you look at the software industry there are some different approaches. There is the Adobe approach like you mentioned. There is also the Oracle (As in, Oracle DB) model where their pricing is comically expensive but Oracle is infamously brutal and don't give a single fuck because they know once you're locked in, you can't leave Oracle.

Personally, I think Chainlink is modelling more of an AWS approach. So far, at least. Chainlink is trying to become the synonymous name with web3 services much like AWS is *the* public cloud provider. For what it's worth, AWS also had a huge first mover advantage compared to Azure and GCP which is a big part of how they became the market leader. This isn't me saying durrr Chainlink is just like muh AWS. I'm just saying that if you want to see how Chainlink is trying to position themselves, I don't think they're being as hostile as a company like Oracle is. Chainlink does try to position themselves as a "we want to work with everyone" type of mentality and they do a lot of work reaching developers and trying to get developers on board with their services. Overall they seem to have a pretty decent customer focused mindset based on these proposals where it's explicitly mentioned that Chainlink is working closely with these other teams to come up with solutions for their oracle requirements.

Interesting times.

>> No.54512139

The fat man requires more big macs. PAY HIM NOW

>> No.54512675

Thanks for explaining this, good answer.

>> No.54513106

topkek, mind if i save this image?

>> No.54513368
File: 23 KB, 628x353, elcahvo-e1497985083530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have been enjoying link services for 14 months for free, and now it's the time to pay the due rent.

>> No.54513586
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>> No.54514656

Shit project extinction event

>> No.54514745
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 424tav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean sergey is gonna stop dumping 700k linkies everyday?

>> No.54514789
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>> No.54514805

kek baggies

>> No.54514896
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>> No.54514919

cuckold linkmarines will continue to pay up even as they laugh at everyone else for paying up

>> No.54515210

incredible that people actually think a product with zero moat like third party oracle data is going to be able to get away with charging anything over cost especially when chainlink is best described as running a "defi 1.0" stack

>> No.54515596

Kek. Add the nail salon to this too

>> No.54515976
File: 412 KB, 1984x2972, cornellos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now these guy’s got Sergey as a partner. Any problems, they go to Sergey. Trouble with DeFi, he can go to Sergey. Trouble with the oracles, price feeds, he can call Sergey. But now the guy’s gotta come up with Sergey's money every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a DeFi hack? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by regulations, huh? Fuck you, pay me.

>> No.54515998
File: 36 KB, 309x374, sergeylonghair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day, some of the DeFi fags from the neighborhood carried my Chainlink bags all the way to ATH. You know why? It was outta respect.

>> No.54516727
File: 161 KB, 1500x763, 62EA7CA4-5E05-46E1-9141-FCC7DCBF8892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get this through your head you Jew motherfucker, you. Your DeFi only exist out here because of me. That's the only reason. Without me, you, personally, every fuckin' wise guy scammer take a piece of your fuckin' Jew ass. Then where you gonna go? You're fuckin' warned. Don't ever go over my fuckin' head again. You motherfucker, you.

>> No.54516826

Can I get a QRD on how this works?
Are these users paying in LINK or USD? Does it go to Chainlink or to node operators? And how will it affect the token price?

>> No.54516835
File: 372 KB, 680x820, 1680209305857602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54516847


Go to work.

Nig. Ger.

>> No.54516878

Glad I checked out /biz/ today, this thread made it worth it.

>> No.54517933

This is on the same level of how Trump turned around the use of "fake news". Never sling shit on professional shit slingers.

>> No.54518341
File: 75 KB, 640x640, FE17D196-840C-4B03-AD24-2BB9934C9C36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s all just a coincidence goy

>> No.54518393

Ethereum is still number 2 nigga lmao

>> No.54518664

No problem my basterd.

>> No.54518708
File: 71 KB, 566x424, TVOCHCUYNZA7DAA6AG3UDD7CJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54518745

You posted an image, but I won’t open it, ugh I know I know but I just won’t


>> No.54518778

We don't know for sure. All we can do is speculate based on what Chainlink has said. One of the more recent blogposts about the future of the network and all that bullshit did say how Chainlink services can be paid for with LINK, or it can be paid with other takes at a higher rate (i.e. there'll be an extra premium if you don't pay directly in LINK). The blogpost has a vague suggestion that if you pay in other tokens, then the process involves converting the tokens into LINK so I'm not sure if that's why Chainlink charges a "service and handling" fee, so to speak.

In terms of who it goes to, well clearly it's going to Chainlink directly. From that point on I guess it'll be up to Chainlink to decide to they keep all the LINK or do they give some to node ops. This is obviously a problem and needs to be more explicit in the future. But it does seem like they're laying down the foundation (at the insanely slow pace that they tend to do everything).

Also I think I understand why paying in something other than LINK is an option. Despite the initial fud I think there is some logic behind it. That option is there for teams/projects who are just starting out and have no treasury to buy LINK with. Therefore, for teams wanting to get off the ground they can instead commit a % of their token supply to Chainlink as payment. Ultimately this is following Chainlink's strategy of being willing to work with anyone, in this case they're offering flexible payment options (not without their compromises, obviously) for any potential customer. I imagine these deals will be worked out on a case by case basis because I imagine they will have to come to an agreement on when/how Chainlink can sell the shitcoin for LINK. I'm obviously making an assumption that Chainlink will be seeking to convert these shitcoins into LINK as soon as they can so they can pay node ops and do other bullshit.

>> No.54520018
File: 819 KB, 245x140, boilermaker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger i've heard like 3 radio stations lately giving away 40k like it's leftover cia cold war funds

>> No.54520770

Fucking kek im hearing Pesci speak this out out loud. Can anyone make an AI voice replica of Joe Pesci reading this exact same statement?

>> No.54521763

buy an ad

>> No.54522291

Not to mention their threads are spam tier so you can spam them with pasta with no consequences. What are they gonna do? Report it and get their threads shut down / banned as well?
"Nice blogpost fudcuck, have another ctrl + v + sneed"