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54500206 No.54500206 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an incel NEET with almost 6 figures to my name, thanks to crypto. Haven't worked in almost 8 years now. I live in Europe, still with my parents. It has come to my attention that it's apparently possible to live in apartments like this and enjoy a comfy lifestyle for "cheap", compared to the absolute shitheap apartment my parents are currently renting:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hUUN7bVAa0 ($700 per month)

https://youtu.be/H9j1mK5YIXA ($570 per month)

Cost of living seems affordable if you work from home or are a NEET. Few problems I can picture are language, culture, crime rates too? I have 0 knowledge about thailand, even about the world at large for that matter actually. How easy would it be to blend in their society especially if you're a foreigner, and more importantly not white? Are those prices even real are those people shills who got lucky deals?

>> No.54500241

I lived in Bangkok for three months last year. It's cheap as fuck compared to Europa and I had a decent time with the ladies, but I came back to the states because nobody realizes its literally 98 degrees every single day and never gets below 75 degrees. That sounds nice, but the moment you walk one block, you're sweating and I'm fit as fuck. You can smell the tourists from a hundred yards away. Go there for two months and try it out...some like it, I didn't.

>> No.54500265
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>That sounds nice, but the moment you walk one block, you're sweating
I don't plan on going out a lot but this does seem to be tough. How much did you have to spend in those three months? Was finding your apartment difficult?

The more I think about this idea the more it makes me realize how little I've lived or know about the world and I'm 27. I legitimately have 0 idea on how these things work. I'm a failure

>> No.54500291

I'm moving to Thailand at the end of the month. I've been there a few times before. I like it a lot, I'll stay in Bangkok for a month or two, fly out, and come back to maybe Rayong.

When it comes to money, you have to understand something. You can live in the most expensive city in the world but save money and be cheap.
You can live in the cheapest city in the world and blow through all your savings in a week. Sometimes I go to Thailand and blow 80,000 baht in 3 days. 80,000 Baht 5 months of rent in a very nice apartment.
It's completely up to you - I'm moving to Thailand cause I make money remotely, I love the islands, and there is a girl there I like.
But be careful trusting the women, they have a lot of men sending them money and they are prone to lying. There are certainly good girls - but I promise you, hookers are cheaper than falling in love with a Thai girl.
The other anon is right, it is very hot there. You will get scammed a lot, but it's not a big deal it's still cheap. The culture is very nice, respectful, and fun. They love to party, they're usually always happy, but most Thai people are bad at english. Filipino's are great english speakers, but I don't like Filipino cooking/food at all.
Thai food is the best food I have ever had in my life, both street food and restaurants. Bangkok is pretty cool, kind of like NYC. The islands are incredibly beautiful.
There are millions of expats and tourists, and you will be treated like one. A lot of the older white men are just drinking beer and smoking by 9am, but honestly there is a lot they have to teach you about life there are a foreigner.
You will be shocked at how good Thai women are at manipulating - they will feel no remorse. You are a tourist, and they have seen literally millions of tourists come and go. They don't trust you unless if you give them a reason to.
But they will all be nice to you.
You might really lose yourself if you do not have a strong will.

>> No.54500292

>not even 6 figures
>thinks he's rich

You're poor as fuck without an income and a retard

>> No.54500314

Take the Latina pill and date some South American women

>> No.54500327

Finding an apartment is incredibly easy. Just download renthub.
You can get a decent apartment for 5,000 baht a month, but since you don't speak thai and are a foreigner, you will probably pay 10,000-15,000 baht a month for a very nice apartment.
Street food is very cheap, restaurants are cheap, alcohol is very cheap.
Definitely go out and party every now and then at khaosan road. Go to SoiCowboy once or twice just to see what it's like - but do not trust any women at Soi Cowboy and go with 5,000-10,000 baht and be prepared to spend it all in one night.
The best thing you can do is find some other tourists or foreigners to make friends with. I really do love Thailand, that's why I'm going back. The food at any restaurant you go to is fantastic, but that's because I am not a picky eater.
The food is spicy as fuck, and a lot of seafood and flavor, and I love that. The traffic in Bangkok is fucking terrible - try to take a motorbike everywhere you go or get an apartment near BTS. The subway is nice, the hospitals are good and decently cheap if you get in trouble.
Everytime I go to bangkok I end up spending a lot of money, but that's my own issue. I know people who work as teachers there and they make 30,000 baht a month. That's like $800 a month. When I went for vacation I spent 150,000 baht in 2 weeks. It's only cheap if you make it cheap, but it's really, really easy to spend 1,000 baht or less a day. I just have bad spending habits and a tendency to be generous - so far it's worked out for me well.
The temples are really nice. If you want to go somewhere, look it up online and then use the app Bolt to book a taxi or motorbike. Only get a taxi from the street if it is an emergency situation or you're really drunk and impatient, but they'll usually charge you double unless you speak Thai.
You can read a lot from Thailandredcat com
You are a foreigners. Most foreigners go there for sex tourism - and that's how you'll be seen by strangers.

>> No.54500345
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Thank you for sharing your personal experience anon
>But be careful trusting the women, they have a lot of men sending them money and they are prone to lying. There are certainly good girls - but I promise you, hookers are cheaper than falling in love with a Thai girl.
I'm not planning to go there for the women, literally couldn't care.
I made this thread mainly out of midling curiosity for what appears to be an "affordable" lifestyle at first glance, and maybe an opportunity for me to leave the nest and start living alone, even if it's in another country
I didn't even imply that I was rich. Read the OP again, I'm just asking questions
Thank you for your input as well
>Definitely go out and party every now and then at khaosan road. Go to SoiCowboy once or twice just to see what it's like
I'm more of a shy person, I can't really see myself trying to experiment going to parties and stuff like that. You and that other anon seem to love the food there so this is something I'm definitely looking forward to

>> No.54500365

The worst thing about Thailand and other SEAmonkey countries is the other foreigners. It attracts thousands of men just like you, abject ugly failures who couldn’t make it in a 1st world country so they leave their lives behind and LARP as millionaires amongst disgusting SEAmonkey asians. They all have massive complexes and get into routine pissing contests amongst each other at bars. They all have gross 4/10 SEAmonkey golddigging gfs/wives attached to their arms and all think they’re hot shit for it. Too bad they didn’t get the memo that “qt Asian gf” is exclusively referring to Nips/Koreans and that no one in their right mind would put their dick near one of those disease ridden cappuccino mommies (willingly)
Really, that’s the worst thing about Thailand. You’re surrounded by literal subhuman monkies and a bunch of LARPING beta mega-copers with god complexs.

>> No.54500374

Women are an important part of life anon. Just don't let them take your money, but friends and sex is pretty good.
Really, the food is great. Thailand is renowned for their Cuisine.
It's okay that you're shy, but really, go out of your comfort zone. It's important to meet new people. The Khaosan Road is crazy loud and wild, and you will feel uncomfortable at first. But just sit at some bar, have a drink or two, then go to a club.
The parties there are pretty wild, but everyone is just there to have a goodtime. Sing Sing Theatre is also really nice. You can meet a lot of women are dating apps too, but I don't typically trust those women.
You will see things you never thought were possible if you go to a pingpong show.
But anyway - living there is very easy, especially if you're cheap and want to stay inside most of the time.
I would suggest starting in bangkok and taking trips out of places like Phuket and Rayong and see where you like the most. The city lifestyle is very different from the island lifestyle.
Also, I hope you like coconut. You can easily survive off 30,000baht a month. I think my goal is to spend 50,000baht a month but like I said, the last time I was there for 3 days I spent 80,000 baht...

>> No.54500381

Yeah the foreigners are really bad. And some of the southeastern asian people really are monkeys and they view foreigners as an endless supply of money.
But, idk man it's kinda nice. It's a lot more fun and free than a lot of the places I've been to, but I'm also 24 so it's fun having that crazy lifestyle.

>> No.54500396

The brutal truth

>> No.54500410
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I just want to be comfy in a relatively good looking environment. I hope that I won't have to meet with those other dudebros
Thanks for the advices my nignog. You are really hyping me up

>> No.54500431

More power to you. 24 is a good age for this kind of stuff, but make sure you have an exit plan so you don’t end up like the pathetic external sexpat tourists trapped teaching English with their 4/10 monkey gf for the rest of their life

>> No.54500448

With the 80k you have you won't last there for 10 years let alone retirement.
You'll come back penny less with a huge gap in your resume and 0 skills apart from banging ladyboys

>> No.54500466

I have a remote job that will be paying me like 90,000 baht a month. I already have my education and work for a great company and have plenty of savings in fiat and crypto. Writing a book at the moment just for fun. Not exactly an exit plan but at any time I can go home back to the US and work in the office for more.
Funny that you call SEAmonkey ugly, I think a lot of them are sexy. Some are gross tho, but same everywhere

>> No.54500490
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>having to walk around sweating and shit its hot all day
>weird chinkoid "people" everywhere having to navigate their shitty culture that I dont give a shit about
>flat faced monkey looking slant eyed brown chinps everywhere
>primitive infrastructure
>all of that doesnt matter because I never go outside anyway
>dont care about sex with ugly woman or drinking shit alcohol or "socializing" with vaxxoid retard NPC fuckers

how do you leave the basement?

>> No.54500504

Also I’m going to shit on you with some brutal honesty but know that I’m doing it out of brotherly love.

You come off to me like a very sheltered NEET. I wouldn’t be surprised if you still live at home or have your mom take care of your appointments and shit. Do not underestimate how difficult and life altering it is to uproot yourself and move entirely to a foreign country. You will have literally ZERO support system in the new country and the majority of everything you’ll be doing will be in a foreign language. Opening a bank account, signing contracts for housing, setting up internet etc. Shit that you don’t even think about in your daily life will suddenly become a massive hurdle you have to learn to navigate entirely by yourself.
I would recommend you do an extended trip there for a couple of months before deciding, but even then you won’t get the “true experience” until you’re well settled in and the novelty of banging ladyboys has worn off and you realize you have no fucking idea how to file for local pension/healthcare and you also realize that you have 0 friends because most of the people you meet are transient drifters who will inevitably disappear from your life just as quick as they entered it.

I’m not saying don’t do it, I’m just saying I get the feeling that you are severely underestimating the impact this may have on your life and that it may mentally break you. I’ve seen many cases like it.

>> No.54500507
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Did you ever consider that your lack of experience is what's causing your hatred and not your hatred causing your lack of experience?

>> No.54500519

Thanks, this is exactly the kind of reality check I actually needed to be aware of. I have like an "idea" of how tough it will be, but not to the extent you've just described

>> No.54500523

Bangkok infrastructure is pretty good.
The culture in Thailand is really nice, and why does everyone say the women are ugly? A lot of the women at SoiCowboy are ugly, but i've been to some countries where all the women are ugly..
What kind of women do you like? Some greek and argentinian women are sexy but there's plenty of ugly women there too

>> No.54500542

You're completely right.
There are plenty of foreigners there studying abroad - you can make friends with them. They'll be there for a while. A lot of germans, and the germans speak great english. Also a lot of tourists from the UK and australia.
But most people are coming and going - and also realize - you too are coming and going. You are not Thai. You are not becoming a citizen. At the end of the day - you are going there because you want to live cheaply and nicely.
You said it yourself - live like a king cheaply, and there are literally millions of white foreigners (like me) who go there to do that.

Don't bang any ladyboys... I went there thinking I was gonna bang a ladyboy or two, and listen, they are actually incredibly beautiful, but once I was in that situation, I just let her suck my dick then paid him to leave. 1500 baht in total.
But yeah, recognize your a tourist and you are alone, and people will take advantage of you. But there are good people too.
I can not wait to get back to thailand, 3 more weeks boys.
Also, I hold link.

>> No.54500588

Like I said I’m not trying to entirely dissuade you, just give it the consideration it deserves. Next time you have to ask anybody for help or even search some shit up online just imagine how you would handle it in a foreign country with no friends/family readily available and you can kind of get an idea as well.
Conversely, if you manage to handle everything you’ll become incredibly self dependent, likely far more than your peers. You’ll really lack a sense of a support system though because like >>54500542 said everyone is constantly coming and going. If you stay there long-term it starts getting even worse because your own family grows apart from you and one day you’ll Skype your mom and see she’s aged 10 years “overnight” (because it’s actually been 10 years) and you’ll realize that you have no strong connection to your family/friends at home other than memories you share together from decades ago.

That being said, I moved countries 10 years ago and would say I’m relatively happy with my decision. I’ve had unique experiences and benefits to my career that many of my peers will never come close to experiencing. But it comes at a price.

I’m planning on moving back to America in the near future because I have kids now and I want them to have a relationship with my family, which is something you should also keep in the back of your mind. “What is my long term goal, what is my exit strategy?”

>> No.54500639

Honestly it sounds like it could do him some good if it helps him get out more. A change in scenery can do wonders for a guy.

But I’d recommend you at least visit for maybe a month and see if it’s somewhere you think you can blend in. And don’t just go there to be a tot NEET. Even if it’s a low risk restaurant job, contribute at least a little. It will at least help you network with the people there so you can find a group of people you can call friends. If you go there the way you are now loneliness can likely set in 10x because you’re somewhere completely foreign. See how easy it would be to become an English teacher, because from what I’ve read even if you don’t have a degree you can still make a respectable amount of money as an ESL understudy there, enough to even live in the trendiest parts. Only drawback I could personally see is I don’t understand what kind of gun laws they have. That’s about the only thing in burgerland I think I’d miss.

>> No.54500716

Dude why? You should be working still to build a resume. When the currency reset happens you will need cashflow in the new currency. Most of the memecoins and shit will not survive that event. You need to hedge your life with a resume at least.

>> No.54500791

You’re telling me I can basically live with 350$ in Thailand

>> No.54500824

>You should be working still to build a resume.
What a retarded wageslave. All he needs is gold or some propriety when your worthless fiat becomes even more worthless.

>> No.54500865
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Did you ever consider that your lack of experience is what's causing your tolerance and not your tolerance causing your lack of hatred?

>> No.54500919

No, 30,000 baht a month is about $1000. $350 is like 10,000 baht - you will be able to get a really shitty apartment or stay in a hostel, and maybe eat 1-2 times a day of street food with $350 for one month.
I said people with English as a first language can go and teach and get paid $800 a month and scrape together a living.
With $350 a month i don't think you'll be doing that well. If you got a job as a teacher and had $3000 in savings you could make it work, but it doesn't sound fun and it doesn't sound like you're building to a better future.
If you already have a lot of savings, and a remote job with forward mobility, you will have time to focus on side projects and have a lot of fun in Thailand. If you're looking to build a solid foundation, i don't think Thailand is a great place.
It is a great place to go, waste all your money and have the time of your life, then hit rock bottom and go back home and work a real job and turn that into a real career.

>> No.54500937

He should be focusing on socializes skills. All my success and good stories have come from knowing people, meeting people, making friends, and keeping my word.
I have gotten into some shitty situations, but now they're just great stories and I have everything I need in life and more.
But you're right, working on a resume is a great way to be a nobody with a bullshit job. Working on your life and how you treat people is a great way to have an interesting life.
Money comes and goes - anyone who has been in crypto, or has taken risks, knows that is the case. It's the dude who picks the most safest option who is miserable and doesn't even taste the good life.

>> No.54500942

Are Thai girls worth it ? (No troon)

>> No.54500959

Social skills can't be learned. You either have them or you don't.

>> No.54500991

Honestly as a white guy from a place with an actual winter I just can't fucking cope with jungleasia weather. I'm never going to understand the obsession with tropical weather, it's fucking awful unless you just sit in air conditioning all day and laze by a pool or on the beach otherwise.

Actually that sounds perfect for retired people and Instagram roasties, makes sense.

>> No.54501280

>570/mo to live in thailand
STOP falling for retarded memes. Watch this video to get an idea of what you need
tldr you need around $1200/mo to live ok-ish (NOT comfortably).

>> No.54501347

So it's just like everywhere else. Thanks

>> No.54501359

listen to the actual video. There is lots of stuff you need to take into account that many won't tell you about in clickbait videos. Stuff like visa, medical for emergencies, medicine etc.