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54488188 No.54488188 [Reply] [Original]

Just look at the flags. Nobody will trust a communist currency LOOOOOOL

>> No.54488198

>These guys creating a currency is best case scenario for the US
Holy mother of cope
seethe more mutt

>> No.54488205

you mean nobody except more than half the world population represented on the picture plus another half of the remaining half doing business with the previous half?

>> No.54488213
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this is a seething muttoid thread, just ignore it fren

>> No.54488220

Who here's going to buy this premined shitcoin?

>> No.54488232

>you mean nobody except more than half the world population represented on the picture plus another half of the remaining half doing business with the previous half?
It's going to be a Bolivar tier currency and everybody knows it.

>> No.54488244
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Holy fucking shit, imagine being this retarded. Seethe more muttoid.

>> No.54488250

Is there solid news on this? Like is it going to work like the euro? Or is it going to be an interbanking only note of exchange? Because this is guaranteed to be a dumpster fire if they're going to genuinely attempt to link their economies together with a single currency. Just imagine Greece infecting the eurozone but every country is a Greece. Ticking timebomb.

>> No.54488260

You do know they create it so they can use it for themselves.

>> No.54488273

>Is there solid news on this? Like is it going to work like the euro? Or is it going to be an interbanking only note of exchange? Because this is guaranteed to be a dumpster fire if they're going to genuinely attempt to link their economies together with a single currency. Just imagine Greece infecting the eurozone but every country is a Greece. Ticking timebomb.

Exactly. Only we Europeans know how this communist currency will end, because we know how the Euro has stressed the economies of the countries in the Eurozone, with the rich subsidizing the poor. But Europe is the civilized world.

Imagine if this happens to India, China, Russia and Brazil LOL. They just can't survive to a currency union for more than a year. They'll probably end up nuking each other.

>> No.54488296

>more than half the world population
Why the fuck do I care about a bunch of bugmen, slavshits, poos and niggers? Have you seen how these faggots run their own countries and their swarms of subhuman scum that populate them?

>> No.54488299

as opposed to what? you do realise the only thing keeping the USD from becoming a venezuelan tier toilet paper currency was the incessant international demand for global trade balances settlement. This is now over and the chickens are coming home to roost, cowboy, and no amount of your coping and seething online is going to stop that happening.

>> No.54488311

What are you blabbering about? Currently trade between the countries is done through USD, now it will be done through YUAN or whatever the orc will come up with. They will still maintain all their currencies.
The USD is over, Gaddafi's dream will soon become reality. In fact, in 2 more weeks.

>> No.54488334
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>absurd amount of mutt cope

>> No.54488336

>now it will be done through YUAN or whatever the orc will come up with
Nobody will do trades in a coin that loses half of its value overnight and these countries will soon realize that it was a bad idea to share a currency between shitholes.

Besides, the US will go back to the gold standard sooner than you imagine.

>> No.54488344
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>except more than half the world population represented on the picture
would be great if those people actually had any money.

>> No.54488353

What is exactly the point of these threads? No, I mean - exactly - what is the goal? If something is so good it doesn't need to defend itself.

>> No.54488354

>Brandon bringing back the gold standard
LMAO, you are adorable

>> No.54488363

Funny, coming from a faggot who's money isn't going to be worth the paper it is printed on sooner than he thinks

>> No.54488380
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The point is 2 more weeks.

>> No.54488392

To all the BRICSlets in here, ask yourself why didn’t the EURO dethrone the US as the world reserve currency, when Europe ad a geographical advantage, trade advantage, including the central entity of the European Union backing it while the BRICS countries have no equivalent.

>> No.54488409

The EURO will dethrone the USD as well and Europeans know it

>> No.54488420

Because the trade was still done with USD, the world is pegged to the USD, when countries try to change that..war happens. In fact, WWIII is on the way.

>> No.54488423

It's the worst case because burgerland has huge numbers of chinks and poos and canada is swarming with them. All they'd have to do is ply the mexicans with tequila and then the chinese gain control of california. The spics can't even be properly deported without building factories and moving jobs from china to mootxico or from michigan to mootxico because the spics otherwise won't leave. No border control, no real immigration policy, just internal sabotage under the assumption the chinks will let them have money if they do.

>> No.54488453

And this is before we get into the "labor" issue. If they hadn't inflated housing 10x what it should be and had prioritized boomers/genxers having kids from 1970-2005 and the millennials having kids from 2005-present you'd have another 100 million people to kick around. The USA is run by retards goaded by jews to simultaneously fear people having too many kids causing overpopulation, while also telling women to have 0-1 kids or prioritize their career instead of having 3 kids and increasing the population. If you wanted to be a faggot you could simultaneously do immigration and encourage births by constructing twice as much housing, pushing the population to 500 million by 2030, but policy is literally ruined and psychotic because it's driven by insanely selfish deranged boomer 70yos trying to use their house as a chip to cash out and move to Cancun to retire.

The USA unironically can't compete with china for the same reason it allied with china because the Warsaw Pact had twice as many people as the USA. The USSR lost the cold war because their industrial capacity was reliant on a large growing population, but they crippled their growth to pursue american-style living standards when they'd have been better off with 300 million Russians, 600 million Soviets and 1 billion people in the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

>> No.54488464

Exactly kts laughable at best

>> No.54488478

Kek at the third worlders ITT who don't even understand they are a meme.

>> No.54488494

No white nation on this planet trusts any one of these countries. Their currency is worth less than the toilet paper they don't have.
The world is, predominantly, run by white companies in white nations. Good luck convinced them to deal in third world dollars.

>> No.54488499


>> No.54488504

Nah not worth it at this point. Not until new war tech comes out

>> No.54488526

The thing you don't understand is not all white ethnic groups like each other, it's literally gang warfare within the white race.

>prioritized boomers/genxers having kids from 1970-2005 and the millennials having kids from 2005-present

How would this be achieved? Would you force people to have child? People with kids already get a "tax break." What solution would convince people to have more kids?

>while also telling women to have 0-1 kids or prioritize their career instead of having 3 kids and increasing the population

I agree with this, moving women into the workforce was a contribution factor to population decline.

>> No.54488548

It doesn't matter retard, the US outsourced its industry to undercut the USSR and the US is now fucked.

No one cares about retarded shit like "muh currency" when white populations have been deliberately undermined by their governments and all the brown people in white countries either work at mcdonalds or are overpaid diversity consultants.

>> No.54488561

The British enslaved the Irish, Hitler conquered a majority of Europe, killing whites while doing it. White people not liking other white people has been common since the beginning of time, complaining about it isn't a solution.

>> No.54488565

>How would this be achieved? Would you force people to have child? People with kids already get a "tax break." What solution would convince people to have more kids?
You stupid fuck, instead of being a pretentious little dipshit maybe actually look at tax laws

1) people get a tax break that's only like 4,100. Even in 2008 when this was 3,800 people in the 1950s were paid 5,717 for having a kid in 2008 dollars. And this is before the bailouts in 2008 and 2020 were accounted for. People get fucking 4,100 dollars when their great-grandparents were probably getting 10,000 USD in 2023 dollars per kid. Do you understand that? Do you understand why people can't afford kids?

In the 1970s they would literally refuse to give mortgages to young families if the wife had any kind of job or education, demanding the woman be sterilized- this is why birthrates for whites collapsed and marriage rates collapsed in the 1970s.

Dumb fucks like you think "oh people just chose not to". It is OBJECTIVELY more expensive and harder to get a mortgage and have kids in the 1970s and the 2020s than it was in the 1950s during the baby boom.

>> No.54488575

It always amazes me how americans think they are first worlders, no you are not only first worlders are europeans and anglo islands + canada, at most you are second tier.
What differentiates the first world from the second or even third is not only money but security.
>Be american.
>Get shot.

>> No.54488583

That had literally nothing to do with my post. Congrats you're officially too stupid to be in a conversation about the 'reserve army of capital' and how the USA combined its population with the population of the PRC in the 1970s to out-produce the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, which is what actually won the Cold War for "Capitalism" and why the USA has always been losing- because the USA undercut the British with the Germans and enabled Germany to become a power, so Britain and the US teamed up with the Russians to crush the Germans, which made the Russians the new threat, then the USA, UK and Germany teamed up with China to destroy Russia.


>> No.54488631
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>> No.54488642

The USA is literally first world because first world means the US and its allies, besides the fact that the average american pays less in rent and earns more than the average european while getting taxed less so even at its worst the USA is still better off than euroniggerland.
You mean like all those fucking riots in london and paris or what kind of security are we talking about here?

>> No.54488672

canada is just america but gayer, what are you even on about

>> No.54488688

Literally doesn't matter. There is a spectrum to this. Put two white people who are from waring factions in a room with a black person and see who allies. You can see this every day on small scale via any nation. If I go to Africa, I'll befriend the white traveller i meet naturally. Regardless of where he is from.
No one can compete with the five eyes. No one can compete with their black budget. It's a fools errand.

>> No.54488700

Hitler mostly killed Mongloid Russians, so you are wrong.

>> No.54488725

Check murder statistics on the eurozone and then check your country again lmfao, giga lol even.
You are done for and thats the best thing that could happen to the world.
While your country was destroying the middle east and fearmongering the whole world destroying countless of lifes and futures china was actually building relationships with all those your country was leaving on ruins.
You reap what you sow, its over and demographics say so, the US is already a beaner country. Its over and the whole is glad of so, cope harder this is delicious.

>> No.54491389

>Wake up
>America has a new international policy
>You live in some nowhere country
>Kick and scream
>Still impacted by the whims of the American people
>Don't even speak English as your first language
>Forced to learn English and browse an American website to tell Americans you've been thinking about them
>Americans don't care
My favorite part is these niggers love talking about how much they hate America but would never say what third world shit hole they're from. Ask any of them and they'll always refuse to answer out of shame.

>> No.54491405

We hold roughly 65% of our own debt domestically. We bailed out the entire fucking rest of the world with dozens of trillions in USD via secret loans that couldn't be disclosed for two fucking years after the quarter they occurred in and asspulled a fake flu to hide it all for everyone elses benefit. The singular only country on earth that has any sort of a claim to "bailing out the US" is China and even then they only hold about three trillion worth of our debt last time I checked which is about 10%, although credit where it's due they were a huge help during the financial crisis. Uncle Fuckin' Sam bails everybody the fuck else out when they shit the bed, we're literally doing it right now with Europe and other countries. Hate us all that you like, but the fact that you can do trade with the rest of the world and appreciate any real sort of standard of living is off the back of our taxbase. We'd actually LOVE it if other countries stopped being welfare seeking assholes and strengthened their own fucking currencies and had real militaries, yet here we are with Russia acting like it's the goddamned 1800's and trying to annex more land and resources when they're sitting on the most resource rich section of the fucking planet and yet only have barely 140 million people because they would rather kill themselves to send more dollars to oligarchs in a shameless display of lawless capitalistic excess that is frankly enlightening as to why they pursued socialism as an alternative for as long as they did. Even China isn't that fucking dumb dude, nor India for that matter, and the whole idea of a BRIC's currency wouldn't be so fucking laughable if every country involved in it wasn't actively competing against each other because they can't balance their own fucking books.

Talk as much shit as you need to to feel better about yourself, it's not our problem you wasted the last century of prosperity and depend on our military and our currency and funding to exist.