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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54445218 No.54445218 [Reply] [Original]

>*knock knock knock*
>I know you are in there anon. Its the 3rd of the month. You are two days late on rent. That's gonna cost you a $100 late fee. I don't like having to come to your door to remind you either. That's gonna cost you an extra $50 service fee. Have your check including rent plus fees in the office by the end of the day.

>> No.54445374

>open the door
>pull the trigger
>chad gets killed by a virgin incel
>his kids grow up without a father and troonsition

>> No.54445398
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>10 years later, suck his troon boys feminine penis

>> No.54445410
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>Is what chuddie imagined but he simply wouldn't have the balls to even look landchad in the eyes.
>Instead he simply ignores the knocking of landchad and plays with his inch long penis whilst reading hentai.

>> No.54445416

it triggered you didn’t it? Knowing a man can overcome nature and mold the world according to his will rather than the chaotic will of nature

>> No.54445429

>hi mr. landlord
>there's something on the other side of this door.
>and it's pointed at your chest.
>i suggest you go away before i fear for my life.

>> No.54445432

Idk man I just like feminine penis

>> No.54445445

absolutely seething chadoid

>> No.54445519
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>Landlord's online portal fuck up, says I owe only 10% normal rent
>It's the 3rd and not fixed

>> No.54446468

>y-your seething
The absoulte state of incel rentoid delusion and cope.

>> No.54446483


>> No.54446500

ok but that virgin is more in shape than 95% of Americans

>> No.54446683

Checked and truth

>> No.54446866

Unironically this rarely happens. I have nothing against landlords. Just the same with everything else, there is bad people, and good people

Good landlords keep good tenants, and graciously / professionally handles bad tenants or late payments.

Bad landlords (Like OPs post) scare away good tenants by going overboard, and end up with having niggers and deadbeats only due to scaring away the good people. Then they end up only surviving by applying to get subsidization from the government to be government housing for welfare cases (deadbeats) with infinite repairs, and whatever else for expenses when they trash the place and turn into a pseudo druggie den.

Shitty people naturally attract other shitty people.

long post short, just use common fucking sense. people situations can be different, and give them 3 opportunities to repay. My landlord gave me a chance because I was a good tenant, i lost my job, and I paid what i owed + a month early on rent when i found employment

I don't know why people can't just be decent nowadays, or at least pretend to

>> No.54446965

it's funny how so many people fail to understand this, even big jewish landlording operations. i'm going through it now, as a big jewish landlord bought the complex i live in and jacked up rents 40-50% over the past few years. most of the long term tenants are gone due to affordability concerns, yet somehow more and more niggers and puerto ricans are moving in. turnover is crazy as most people leave after their 1 year lease expires. they must be destroying the apartments because i've seen the landlord renovate these units multiple times. so not only are they eating costs on vacancy, they're also eating costs on renovation expense.

>> No.54447030

same here brother, rentoid life is unbearable when you're surrounded by loud as fuck beaners and crack addicted niggers

>> No.54447087
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>> No.54447146

Sex with Chino

>> No.54447610

>oh no not the heckin bad landlordarino, not the rent has be paid on time meanie, not the you have to pay what you owe or be evicted total jerkface
Pay your bills on time you fucking crybaby. Landlords aren't on this earth to deal with your bullshit and listen to your excuses. That is your mother's job.