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File: 453 KB, 3000x1689, new-mercedes-a-class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54435489 No.54435489 [Reply] [Original]

Met a wagie who bought a mercedes with 10% interest.
Just to go from moms home to his minimum wage job.

>> No.54435532

You have to be aware that social status is everything to a normalfag.
He'd rather buy a Mercedes with 99% of his networth and basically starve at home than to drive a shitbox and eat decently. Social status is everything.

>> No.54435700

Watching tradie coworkers buy ice castles, snowmobiles, atvs, jet skis, 75k trucks, boats, covered trailers to haul everything, 140k campers. On top of that 50% of them pay child support/alimony.

The consumerism is almost biblical, Literal slaves to their possessions

>> No.54435703

personally bought my car on a 0.9% interest loan feb last year before the crisis. Free money with the inflation %'s kek

>> No.54435725

This is a good thing, though.
Just launch a product with a ridiculously high markup that normies can show off,
and you're set for life.

Supreme did it as a joke and now they're worth billions.

>> No.54435735

>yes i will save money until im 80 then my real life starts ;)

enjoy being a good slave to dinkleberg without nothing to show for it

>> No.54435737

Didn’t even mention motorcycles, and “projects” throughout the year that always end up draining 4 figs worth of money. H patios, Smokers, grills, home improvement helocs for renovations

>> No.54435741

so nfts?

>> No.54435779

Something tangible. The brand logo is the real value but you need it to be stamped on something to be able to show it off.
Start with a t-shirt and go from there.

>> No.54435792

>inflation at 20%
>interest only 10%
you the one who is retarded

>> No.54435799

social status is everything to everyone. pussy is the only stable coin there is, and that'll never change
the mistake up and comers make with cars is thinking a nice one will change anything. it won't. the only kind of car that'll change your life is an exuberant exotic... lamborghini, mclaren. you can park those anywhere in the world and women and men will come to meet you and try to befriend you and fuck you. that's a direct purchase of status and power, but you either have 300k+ for one, or you don't, there's no middleground, no one gives a fuck about a gt 63s or a 911 or any garbage that you see multiple of every single day even in smaller cities
then again unless you're on a path to make millions, it doesn't really matter, you're dying poor anyway. if he enjoys his shitty mercedes good for him

>> No.54435802

Any anon with half a brain and a drop of discipline knows that you can retire in 10-15 years of being in the workforce. 5-7 if you get creative and speed run accreditation status

>> No.54435842

t. demoralized cattle

>> No.54436004

well now he'll be doing it in style and has a better chance to secure a more attractive girl than you could ever try and score.

>> No.54436062

My coworker just told me last month that he has 35k in credit card debt. His wife just got laid off Friday at GEICO. I really wonder wtf he is going to do. What's funny is he was still planning a trip to New Zealand a couple weeks ago crying about flight prices. Maybe that's cancelled now.

>> No.54436077

>social status
>for driving a mercedes

are you trying to impress 16 year old latino drug dealers?

>> No.54436078

Yeah, a lot of these 20 somethings who drive newer cars tend to live with mommy

>> No.54436089

Good shit man. Interest rates are fucked right now. I was looking to replace my car but the payment+insurance would be over 1k a month so I think I'll just keep my car for now. It's a 2014 Highlander with 110k miles on it.

>> No.54436104

I have never once met someone where the type of car I drove really mattered

as long as it isnt a total shitbox it doesnt matter if you drive a mercedes or a fucking hyundai lmao

>> No.54436112
File: 1011 KB, 3217x2271, 46CD090F-0122-42B5-A866-EF0AEE4492EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pussy is the only stable coin there is
it's highly inflationary faggot
and every day there is some young girl becoming 18y old, constant fresh supply, cheap warzone slav girls, cheap asian pussy, cheap latina pussy
pussy is incredibly easy to obtain, it was never so easy

>> No.54436127

if it ain't broke don't fix it right now I'd say, I was sitting on a 400k miles yaris so I had to change, timing was just great I guess.

>> No.54436274

that's exactly what i said. the type of car you drive doesn't matter unless you have an exotic, then you're in a different world
if i had to start over again id buy a used civic and never buy another car until i could afford a huracan

>> No.54436321
File: 350 KB, 500x300, 1565115472441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek and that thing in your picture is like "the official replica" that wagies can drive around in with 150 HP.
The A45 AMG is the only real A class, the one in your picture is a cope mobile.

t. A45 owner.

>> No.54436339

none of what you're saying changes what i said. despite more 18 year old pussy available, the bottom 95% of men are suffering more and more. the systems funnel young pussy to the top 1% of men more efficienctly than ever before

>> No.54436378

>a huracan
fucking cringe

>> No.54436399
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, AECABF9E-8927-4AA4-97D0-1337989139EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy my cars used and in cash only

>> No.54436400

>doesn't matter unless you have an exotic,
also a cope

>> No.54436412

>The A45 AMG is the only real A class, the one in your picture is a cope mobile.
Yes, but you're forgetting
>get passed by a 40k EV

>> No.54436414

That’s what I’m doing kek been sitting on a 2015 civic for 6 years now
I don’t want a huracan though, have you ever seen an AMG GT? Normies don’t know what it is, car enthusiasts seethe over it and it’s just elegant and aggressive
I’d probably upgrade to a 2020 accord to daily by the time I could afford it though. Maybe this next bullrun

>> No.54436419

yep, you wouldn't believe the number of gigantic pickup trucks at the factory i work at. none of them are used for hauling materials, even though several have rhino linings in the truck bed.

>> No.54436455

>bragging about an A45
Congratulations on your overpriced Mercedes Benz Golf GTI

>> No.54436585
File: 1.21 MB, 1040x1040, 1680364282189093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek seething tesla owner. Every cuck in his Tesla has this fantasy that you wrote here, I always help them out of that fantasy at every light.

Golf GTI +/- 180HP, A45s 421HP, Cope, Seethe and Dilate.

>> No.54436965

>seethe and dilate
>said the hatchback owner

>> No.54436981

My coworker complains about not having enough money and cost of living CONSTANTLY. He makes like 100K. He bought a corvette. Dude has 5 years of student debt.
Dude is also disgustingly skinny fat and refuses to exercise. Absolutely ngmi

>> No.54436994
File: 43 KB, 593x452, 13366D9E-1657-4D86-B52F-B5E1B4A06EBC-2833-0000060F0F684517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more money than you.
AND i'm white.

>> No.54436995
File: 28 KB, 258x360, 45235BEC-E5F4-4819-862B-16C33D9C374E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey hey, it’s called a hot hatch

>> No.54437022
File: 118 KB, 378x357, 1581269821312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how everyone on this board pretends to be a succesfull investor, yet the moment someone shows up that actually has any money there is only coping, seething and dilating.

I guess there really are only seething shitkins here kek.

Imagine the cope when you learn that I also have a 458 Spyder. LOLOLOL ITS ONLY A 2 SEATER KEK. WHAT A PLEB

>> No.54437085

why do you have such a need for validation from complete strangers? just enjoy your cars with your boyfriend buddy

>> No.54437127
File: 60 KB, 603x602, _gif__toilet_frog_by_archgibbous_det192j-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jewish friend has a +$20m house with land and a bit of private lake, yet he drives a 2005 chevy and wears one pair of shoes for 10 years kek

>> No.54437150

And the other jew that i know has 10 apartaments 3 houses and drives a pt cruiser and some 15year old minivan

Why goyim never learn

>> No.54437175

>cope and s-seethe and dilate
>proceeds to seethe
>medically incapable of dilating
>used Ferrari for the epic cope

Nigger you can seethe and cope all you want, an A45 isn’t impressive in any developed country. C63/M3 is where it begins to be impressive (for enthusiasts, normalfags don’t care)

>> No.54437359

That’s probably only true in big cities. If you roll up to a lake or beach in a lifted Duramax you’ll get more ladies. If you showed up in a Bentley they’d call you a Jew or a faggot

>> No.54437373

>you roll up to a lake or beach in a lifted Duramax you’ll get more ladies. If

T. Guy who tells people to toner their tone because they don't work 100 hr weeks