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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54432318 No.54432318 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here actually optimistic about the future. Everywhere I go it’s nothing but
>USD collapse imminent
>You will own nothing
>Housing will never be affordable
>Hyperinflation incoming

Please I’m in desperate need of some hopeium.

>> No.54432334

If you live to 2050 there's like a 2% chance the Singularity happens.
Then it's either utopia or it kills us all no in betweens.

>> No.54432336
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>> No.54432371

Green ID is all you need to know.
Aside from that you should really consider your beliefs. If you really believe that the USD will collapse/hyperinflation you should buy a weapon and start exercising so you have the means to assert your will when the police and military fall apart.
If USD collapses housing market also will collapse. We won't have one without the other.

>> No.54432378

Nope. I just hope to have a good life before the machines who can be here more economically than we can drown us all out.

Good advice. Many anons know things ahead of time, think that they don't, and don't put info to good use until much later than they should. How it's always been, however.

>> No.54432394

Okay when I used 4chan in my teens there was no colored IDs, can you tell me wtf the colors represent

>> No.54432420


>> No.54432455

It's okay to admit your a newfag, OP.
Green is the color of amazonite, which brings calm and healing to the mind.
We try to mix a lot of new age spirituality along with our investing here on /biz/ as you'll soon find out.
So whenever you see someone start a thread with something like
>Green IDs will make it
That OP is referring to anons with green IDs achieving a new sense of calm and cool.

>> No.54432501

No. I spent 2010-2013 wasting thousands of hours on /sp/ instead of going to prom or chasing pussy. But thanks for the explanation.

>> No.54432536

this place is literally nothing but chink and russnigger bots

>> No.54432551
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>> No.54432592
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>> No.54432614
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Russnigger bot here. Poutine is my hero, you will shit brics at our new currency. It's not Ukraine it's Mykraine. Your drugs are inferior to my alligator variety.

>> No.54432641

It doesn’t matter, really, except in what your response is
Better hurry up. You missed out on the legendary ‘21 bull run where lots of us made it. There’ll probably be another one, hard to say if bigger or smaller. But even harder to say if you’ll have another chance after that
If you’re serious, put away your distractions that you know are distractions and spend your free time studying, thinking, and considering your path forward

>> No.54432648

Nvm ignore me, red id LOOOL

>> No.54432660

You'll find what you look for. Scroll doomer content get doomer content.
Back in real life no one cares, they're all unaware and I think, happy.

>> No.54432788

Mike Green (@profplum99 on twitter) is good if you want a reasoned, non-doomer perspective. Louis-Vincent Gave is good too.

>> No.54432813

This may come as a shock to you OP but as society begins to become dysfunctional the lives of individuals within it will become worse. I know it's high treason to say this here but economic climate is a much more important determining factor of success than individual decisions for 90% of people

>> No.54432831

Optimism about the future requires a non zero sum mentality. The impending global population collapse plus colonizing Mars will provide plenty of new opportunities, so I'm excited.

>> No.54432856
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>USD collapse imminent
nothing ever happens
>You will own nothing
overexaggerated Q-Anon bullshit (we're never going full commie)
>Housing will never be affordable
In already densely populated areas which have always been expensive
just rent an affordable apartment or buy a house in a cheaper urban/sub-urban area.
>Hyperinflation incoming
again, nothing ever happens

>> No.54432997

even worse than cancer, let alone a newfag

>> No.54433178

Individual decisions matter the most logically but environment puts you in the headspace in which you make those decisions
Most people let emotions overrule logic and their laziness overrule proper research

>> No.54433187

Make America Great Again

>> No.54433198

Nothing will happen you dumb retard, tech is deflationary, money printing doesnt matter when the velocity of money is about to 1000x in the next decade due to cbdc crypto adoption. Chances are a new bretton woods will be formed and usd domination will be allowed to slowly wane, americans qol will suffer but that is unavoidable. The alternative is a hotwar which no one wants

>> No.54433202

You won't live to see any of that shit dude.

>> No.54433271

>he believes in memelarity
kek. nerd rapture garbage.

Basically, I think we will see stagnation or a modest to extreme decline in living standards in most of the world. Western demography is inherently inflationary. Boomers retiring will dry up capital which will cause another dot com collapse and also suffocate a lot of speculative developing world investments. A lot of the developing world will see pretty extreme regression to the mean. China in particular is a spent force that will never achieve parity to the USA (they themselves have pushed their 'target' out to 2060, by which point they will be losing tens of millions of people a year in an economy built on an endless supply of cheap bodies). But to address your specific concerns:

>USD collapse imminent
fiat value is more or less relative to other fiat. the insane amount of printing done in the past few years definitely exacerbated inflation but every major currency was doing it to some degree. Just look at the fucking insane shit they did with yuan. The USD will retain value fine relative to other fiat systems.
>you vill own nothing/housing will never be affordable
when boomers age out of their homes there will be a shitload of surplus housing stock. Wait 10-15 years. McMansions will ironically be selling below basic bitch ramblers as boomers lose the ability to climb stairs. This is already starting to happen. Inflation will increase though, we will not get back to 2% inflation for at least a decade, probably longer. But I'm talking a 'new normal' in the 4-7% range if we don't print like mad.
in some countries sure. probably not here. your pic basically summarizes the 4chan mentality that amplifies every minor to mid level disturbance or problem into impending doom. Every problem the USA has, basically every other country has and it's usually even worse. Just know that when people are trying to shill turdie shitholes as the next big thing here.

>> No.54433279
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>Please I’m in desperate need of some hopeium.

>> No.54433285

I'm optimistic that I'll get to watch you all fucking die. Maybe I'll die too but it'll be worth it.

>> No.54433289

no im not

>> No.54433316
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I am indifferent.
Things are not that bad at the moment, they will get worse very slowly but they can get better.
The amount of time, resources and foresight you are given is many times more than you need to be reasonably prepared for any scenario that might appear. It is not like they are not warning us.
The fact that we have the spare time to fuck around here or anywhere else just shows that there is no real reason to be so demoralized.

>> No.54433345

In the past year I have
>killed 10k of credit card debt
>saved 15k emergency fund
>grew brokerage account to over 20k
>paid off 5k signature loan

I moved back in with my parents to do all this. I am beyond hopeful, now that rent is so low and I’m debt free I’m still living frugal but I’m stacking money so incredibly fast

>> No.54433917
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I'm optimistic because younger people support trans rights and I wish the best for the young trannies

>> No.54433972

Optimism is great but it's not a plan. Acknowledging the problem is the first step in identifying a solution.

>> No.54433997

Only thing that matters is white demographics going down that will eventually reaches a tipping point but we're not there yet. Everything else like muh economy is a meme. Kikes control it from top to bottom and they aren't going to crash it with no survivors.

>> No.54433998

If only covid was as deadly as they made it out to be.

>> No.54434108

Any sauce to claim. West seems like it wants to lose.
How is China done for now besides its birth rate crisid

>> No.54434145

God promised there would always be iraelites (white pipo) in the world

>> No.54434161

>coming to 4channel.org for hope
Nah nigger this is just the financial planning wing of a prepper board.
If the USD collapses everything valued in dollars just goes up even more, it doesn't go down.
The value of those things in other currencies might go lower as those currencies gain a relative strength increase to the prolapsed USD.
He's retarded. You id color is just cope

>> No.54434268
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Why be optimistic about the future when the present is so goddamn amazing?
>flights to almost anywhere for like $500
>hostels/airbnb/cheap hotel deals like mad
>museums to see the worlds finest art are either free(!) or charge a pittance, far less than the value gained
>all the best hiking/nature spots in the world are easy to look up, but not yet totally ruined by tourists
>food is stupidly cheap and abundant, no chance of starving to death
>water is clean almost everywhere in the world, and filters are also cheap and abundant
>electronics stupidly cheap and abundant
>easy to pirate anything you want online, we're at peak availability and still no global anti-piracy efforts that actually matter
>all the worlds' greatest literature can fit on a $40 kindle 3

You guys don't really understand. The silent generation grew up shitting in outhouses and sewing their own clothes. They can (barely) remember a time without electricity being ubiquitous. The present is fucking amazing and if you're not taking advantage of it as much as possible, I don't know what to say.

>> No.54434417

It is difficult to be optimistic when it seems like the world does not want my continued existence based off of bullshit propaganda and people trusting multi-billion dollar companies more than their neighbors.

>> No.54434542

Ampleforth is the solution to fiat. A perfect coin pegged to 2019 CPI. It’ll be the standard currency used in the network state economy

>> No.54434669

Btw a collapse of the globohomo Jewish empire is the most optimistic scenario possible.

>> No.54434684

it won't collapse. screencap this.

>> No.54434714

>Everywhere I go it’s nothing but
that's because you're spending all of your time on the internet.

>> No.54434722

Every prepper faggot I ever met has never bothered to buy land and learn to farm.
It's a larp for losers.
You really think society will collapse? Go buy land, drill a well, learn to farm and live in a tent.
That picture is 125% accurate.

>> No.54434731

>Basically, I think we will see stagnation or a modest to extreme decline in living standards in most of the world.
Most of the world is improving not getting worse.
Read a book and stop watching television.

>> No.54434748
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>turdie shitholes
So the USA?

>> No.54434777

>The fact that we have the spare time to fuck around here or anywhere else just shows that there is no real reason to be so demoralized.
I mean homeless people in LA are doing alright.

>> No.54434787

Mother fucker most of this planet doesn't have white people on it.
We don't need white people, you're stupid if you think white people are at all needed.
>There's more than just you on the map.

>> No.54434798

>of a prepper board.
This is a website to talk about anime, go to /out/ or /k/ if you wanna talk live action role playing.

>> No.54434829
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>You guys don't really understand. The silent generation grew up shitting in outhouses and sewing their own clothes.
I'm 25 and from Canada I used to shit outside and sew, I was terrible at sowing but my grandmother showed me how.
You're right that the older generations can't fathom tech.

>> No.54434851

>the world does not want my continued existence
No one cares about you fucking boomer.
I'd shoot my fucking downstairs neighbor if he pounded on my door late at night.
I don't know you, I don't want to know you, fuck off.
No one likes white people because of their attitude.
No one likes niggers because of their attitude.
You're not special.
Muh neighbors! Blow your brains out, retard.

>> No.54434875
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>Btw a collapse of the globohomo Jewish empire is the most optimistic scenario possible.
109 countries and you faggots STILL could not kill off the Jews.
At this point, you're worse then the Jews, if antisemitism never existed Jews wouldn't have a quarter of the power they do.
Don't you have some niggers foot ball players to be worshipping?
This, just talked to a hood nigga who made a mill off a tik tok video.

>> No.54434923
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>No one likes white people
Yet everyone wants to live in white countries.

>> No.54434988
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Fixed it for you

>> No.54435133
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The funny part is that being hopeful and optimistic is what's counterculture these days. Be hopeful/optimistic and you'll either get laughed at or called crazy, be hopeless/pessimistic and you'll get relatable pats on the back and endless acknowledgement.

Even the last normalfag is a blackpilled demoralized end of the world doomer these days.

>> No.54435320

Buy hex, stake 6+ years. Theres your golden ticket and hope. You won't get a serious answer like this ever again. Good luck

>> No.54435358

>my life sucks
Yes when 50% of young able bodied men feel the same way that's what leads to societal collpase. Only neckbeards and women don't understand this

>> No.54435430

The Russians and the Chinese spend millions and millions of dollars trying to reach the farthest darkest corners of the internet and convince people that the USA is dog shit, life sucks. End the dollar, don’t trust your neighbors, racewarTM etc etc etc. it’s just Murica FUD but people slurp it up.

>> No.54435534

When enough people have “lives that suck” society does collapse as nobody wants to contribute anymore

>> No.54435709
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the only difference between useless doomer retards today and the useless doomer retards of yesteryear is that with enough time of being proven wrong, the nu-doomers will go and shoot up a soft target
>the Mayan calendar is ending
>the ozone layer is disintegrating
>the nuclear exchange with the soviet union is imminent
>helter skelter is happening two weeks from now
>population growth is going to consume all available grain
>the battle of the end times will take place in Megido

>> No.54435829

>MAGAT normalfaggots slurp up anti-US propaganda from Russia, China and Fox News
I'm absolutely shocked!

>> No.54435852

posts tranime photo, ya I can tell your are retarded, and everything you typed is bullshit.

>> No.54435903

>Is anyone here actually optimistic about the future. Everywhere I go it’s nothing but

Yes, turn off the politics news and any other outlets. They're sick people trying to sell you a fake worldview and only care about clicks, views and purchases by putting you into a constant state of anger and promising to sell the solution.

At the end of the day a lot of these top political people rub elbows after the grift is done, they're not good people.

>> No.54436029

>we're never going full commie
We already are.

>> No.54436085

>museums to see the worlds finest art are either free(!) or charge a pittance, far less than the value gained

So I can see what culture we used to have, before we declined.

>all the best hiking/nature spots in the world are easy to look up, but not yet totally ruined by tourists

But they'll all be gone in a few decades

>food is stupidly cheap and abundant, no chance of starving to death

Our "food" is full of plastic and metal. Getting food that isn't poison is extremely expensive.

>water is clean almost everywhere in the world, and filters are also cheap and abundant

That's a lie you retarded faggot.

>all the worlds' greatest literature can fit on a $40 kindle 3

And yet it's all from the 70s and earlier. No country has any literary culture anymore unless you like trashy romance novels.

>> No.54436124

>if antisemitism never existed Jews wouldn't have a quarter of the power they do

That's like saying "If you didn't talk back I wouldn't have to hit you."

>> No.54436137
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I'm optimistic because of AI

If it doesn't kill us all it's gonna be amazing

Hope you learned a trade

>> No.54436181
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Why learn a trade? If AI truly gets as good as they say it will, I can hire the AI to be all the labor I need for a $500/month electricity bill.
WAGMI trade or not!

>> No.54436197

Technodystopianism is cringe millennial talk. They literally spend all of their time spreading fear because they are terrified of getting old.

>> No.54436198

>I'm optimistic because of AI

AI will hurt the economy, the same way outsourcing American jobs to China and Mexico hurt our economy.

>> No.54436247

2 weeks of green BIZ already huffy on the hopium kek.

>> No.54436249

This. Full communism for corporations, the wealthy and elite. Feudalism for the rest

>> No.54436250

Actually I'm terrified of the government oppressing my rights to speech, privacy and self-defense, but same difference really.

>> No.54436294

Don't worry old man, the young and strong will take care of it for you. Not every generation just sits back and let's shit happen to them like yours did

>> No.54436331

Said every young generation before the system broke them down, but good luck I am rooting for you.

>> No.54436346
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I'm optimistic.
>USD collapse imminent
If only.. They will never give us that pleasure. They got the whole world by the balls.
Billions of people waking up in the morning, to go to their jobs, working for mr. Shlomo. You really think they will let you live free?
It might lose its place as the 'reserve currency'
But so was the pound. And britcucks are still around. I remember one pound being like 2 euro and 16 cents kek.
Euro, Pound and USD are now all worth around the same.
>You will own nothing
It takes 30 year to indoctrinate a new generation.
You will still own things except it will be a circulair economy.
Mostly subscriptions services.
This Ted talk from 3 years ago explained it very well. And it's worded better.
>Have everything, own nothing
You can see the younger generations talking about saving the climate. When they will rule this place and have children of their own, than the agenda will start working.
Not now. So expect it in 2060.
We will be old or dead by then. Don't worry about that.
>Housing will never be affordable
Eventually the state will own everything, yes.This is a concern. Slowly we are getting outpriced.
Inb4 property taxes. Guess we never owned it anyway huh.
>Hyperinflation incoming
Opposite. Always do the opposite from the general sentiment and what the glowies want you to believe. Save cash.

Real hopium is the Bible. This all has be predicted. Eventually you won't be able to buy or sell without a mark from the (((beast))). Just dab on those satanists and worship Jesus.
Imagine really being panicked because some antifa faggots are telling you, that you will own nothing and be happy about it.

Also let me tell you something fun. People on the right are right. Stalin would approve them over any purple haired dyke and they will be sent to the gulags for subverting and weaking the family unit. See you later niggers. I'm going to eat some chicken.

>> No.54436508

I'm optimistic about the future because of AI.

>> No.54436543

Yes. Most of the world has been improving, to this point, for a historically brief period of about thirty to fifty years when global demography looked a lot different from what it is going to look like for the next thirty to fifty years.

not that i'm not antisemitic, but kike hate in and of itself isnt a valid argument, its just a state of being you enter once you understand the world.

It wouldn't have fixed much, yeah it would have reduced the consumption effect of boomers but it wouldn't have made new working age people. the decline of working age people is what is going to cause the decline in living standards. people wrung their hands over muh overpopulation without realizing that humans who participate in specialized trades in a labor market produce more resources than they consume on net which is why trade is a thing.

China got rich on its demographic dividend. It is losing that demographic dividend. It has very little else going for it. It has a lot of capital stock in country but a lot of that was gained and is contingent on western international corporations eating shit for access to that massive labor and consumer market. China imports over two thirds of its energy and most of its food aside from a few strategic foodstuffs. China needs the money it acquired through international trade to sustain the living standards it currently has because this stuff is all purchased from global markets. With a falling labor pool, it makes less money and will not be able to afford that standard of living for most of the people who enjoy it. China is more than any other country a creature of globalism and the international system, absent that I can't see it surviving as it is. Maybe we'll see managed reversion to a more insular socialist society, maybe there will be a famine and revolution. I don't claim to know. I just know China cannot continue functioning as it currently does.

>> No.54436593
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>an optimised google search bar will replace my job
Besides it all just being hype and the tech not being as far, if AI could replace most jobs, it would only work with a very docile population that is heavily monitored. Like they would have to live in a smart city, chipped with a biometric chip and face monitoring everywhere.
Unless Robocop will chase me if I run out of the store with that AI shopkeeper bot.
Automation of many things have been happening for years, and its not really AI. More like just a script that the bot will always follow.

>> No.54436669

>muh white people
White people deserve to go extinct because of feminism, and will go extinct because of it.
t. demoralized white mutt

>> No.54436723
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>From the beginning I foretell the outcome, And from long ago the things that have not yet been done. I say, ‘My decision will stand, And I will do whatever I please.’ (Isaiah 46:10)

The Truth is that the Earth will return to being the paradise that it was meant to be.
Conditions will get worse, yes, but then become better than they've ever been before.

>> No.54436865

In some way I used to love to hate AI but at the same time it has given me freedom, the biggest issue of our times in the XXI century is how to preserve your free will in a world that will try to take that away from you, charles hoskinson gave a pretty good speech about this about how will the world look like in 2100 and the most important technologys of this century, genetic engineering, quantum computers, nano technology and Ai, he included blockchains as well but i don't really know if they are that important maybe having a base money that its outside of the state control will be one of the key ways to fight the WEFs goals.

Basically the world in 2100 will so much diferent from today that it would be so horrible for us, imagine trannys everywhere but more common and fuck we will have realistic transpecies, with nanotechnology you can use smart dust and infiltrate the human mind of someone, with genetic engineering you can make your population stupid, with quantum computers and AI advancing you will have an omnicient ai surveiling the entire world and even the entire internet.

with those new physics paper it might be possible to transfer information via quantum holes and we could have things like the quantum internet, also negative energy has been discovered they claim we might be able to leave this shithole and actually explore space for once. I mean i love this planet but fuck i wouldn't want to live in a world with eternal surveilance.

>> No.54436872
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You're only allowed to disregard my points IF:
>you've already seen all the worlds great art in person
>you've already been to all the best nature spots in the world and intend to basically camp there the rest of your life, seriously if it's gone after you die that's a shame but not as much as if you never went in the first place
>if you don't currently have clean water or access to the internet to order water filters
>if the ONLY food you have access to is goyslop: rice doesn't have microplastics, neither does organic chicken
Are things getting worse? Not really, things have continued to get better and better year after year. WHAT YOU'RE TOLD BY SCREENS seems to be getting worse and worse, but that's because of AI/bots running social media feeds and the news trying to keep you from voting republican. That's literally it. Go outside, touch grass, go enrich yourself. THEN you may come back to this thread and tell me you're done with all the good stuff and now everything is hopeless. (and you'll be wrong then, too, because anime is still a thing).

>> No.54436876

Also now that we have early scifi ai basically the question is how automation can help you, i could only come with this conclusions because ai is smart as fuck all people say we will find a way or use some obscure argument that we will stop working but they are all fucking retarded this is what will happen.

>ai automizes all the jobs
>people are left without their wages, either the goverment is forced to do a minimum ubi or the goverment uses drones and ai weapons to kill a large part of the population that revolts
>you have become a serf for the state, be a bad goy once and lose your access to money.

The solution and i thank chatgpt is that with ai and robots you could automize your own farm, solar and a good battery to avoid the state, more robots to clean and recolect your own water from rain, the same ai could be used as better doctors and well make your own lab in your home to study your own diseases to avoid data recollection from globohomo hospitals, i don't know about the internet i suppose satelite will get better, hydrophonics, vertical farming and robots to grow your own food, basically the same technology that will used to enslave us is also the same technology that becomes exponentially more powerfull for the individual so in a way it lets you escape the grapes of globohomo and the wef agenda.

You would still need money to buy the robots to become self sufficient but i am sure they are becoming cheaper, i am sure in the long run you will be able to avoid the chip but maybe not smart dust or train derailments like that vinil poisoning that causes you cancer and your child to become a tranny because vynil chloride causes you endocrine changes, people will still need to fight globohomos agenda and not just recluse themselves.

>> No.54436915

The reason people eat it up is because most people's lives have been getting noticeably worse in recent years, at least financially. It's not hard to convince someone that the USA sucks when they've personally experienced a decline. If life in America was actually getting better, then a little bit of chink propaganda wouldn't be enough to override that. The results speak for themselves. It doesn't help that our own media shows us nothing but bad news and divisive political narratives.

>> No.54436917

>the young and strong will take care of it for you
Muslims? Western "men" are obese abd ignorant.

>> No.54437783

How can I be optimistic about the future considering the state of the world and the trend it's headed towards? I just thank God I'm over 40 and had a good childhood in the 80s, I pity children born today.

>> No.54437817

>50%+ of young men hate their lives
>50%+ of young men can't get women
>What could have caused this?

>> No.54437952


>> No.54438272

>reserve currency
>the pound
you're using meme words you don't understand, but at least you're right about the Bible

>> No.54438293

honestly, nothing ever happens, I wish it did, because like the guy in your pic, my life also sucks ass, except I realize that society collapsing would be too good to be true, I hate this shit so much and whenever I'm shown good it looks genuinely insufferable, like "bro just get a job, bro just get friends, bro just get a girlfriend" and every single one of those people don't understand that from my pov those things are shit, they suck, people suck, jobs are always work in favor of things that I don't care about and even if it's something good, it's still automated or I have absolutely nothing directly to do with it, the only solace I'm offered from my peers is working out, which is also nothing, it's the most depressingly artificial way to improve yourself and despite me still working out as there doesn't seem to exist anything else to do for someone like me I still get called a fat lazy idiot because of simply having the opinion that working out is actually kinda sad and depressing I wish shit would just move the fuck on, actually change for once, forcefully if it has to, because over all the only real way for anything to truly change for me in relevance to my life would be committing suicide and that's just bullshit and unfair, like you get to win, me the guy who hates this gets nothing and even escaping from this is "up to me", but everyone else who seems to be content enough with their lives just gets to move on and not even do me the favor of actually getting rid of me on their own, they're such useless faggots to me specifically that even when it comes to getting rid of a problem in their life, like me, they still just expect the problem to kill itself instead of actually doing something about it

>> No.54438483

>wah my life sucks everyone else has to fix my life but me
yawn. get some new material dude

>> No.54438615

I see that everyone becoming catgirl
Resistence is futile

>> No.54438719

see this is exactly it, how is me dying fixing my life? This isn't about me specifically right now. Think about it like this, let's say I'm a worthless neet, and it's getting really bad, like REALLY bad, it's getting to the point that if you don't do something about these utter parasites to society, things are only gonna get worse, would you rather actually get off your ass, since you're so much fucking better than someone like me, and do something even if that thing is drastic, or are you just gonna sit on your fat, pathetic worthless ass, and keep repeating "do it yourself you lazy asshole". Let me answer for you, you'll do nothing, you'll keep telling people that "it's up to them" while things get worse, because however bad things get. NOTHING. EVER. HAPPENS. This fact influencing us all to do absolutely nothing about our situation. So yeah either you "fix" my life or I'm gonna take a page from your book, and do nothing other than maybe talk shit on the internet while waiting for nothing to happen. All this assuming you even have a problem with people like me, maybe you don't and are just tired of hearing the same old shit being thrown around, in that case then yeah I'm also tired of hearing "do it yourself" about literally every single fucking thing in my life, it's not exactly helpful.

>> No.54438724


>> No.54438798

>I'm not the lazy one for doing absolutely nothing to fix my shitty life, you're the lazy one for not fixing it for me!
And a reminder that this is on /biz/ lmao

>> No.54438824
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Idk man, Im just in autopilot most of the time because I can't handle it anymore.

>> No.54438888

That's why most of the planet is a shithole.
>There's more than just you on the map.
And why don't you do something with the 90+% of the map you're the majority of? Because you can't, you're a swarm of locusts.

>> No.54438954

I swear to you, this isn't meant to be some low hanging fruit kind of insult, but you're probably a woman, considering the rest of your posts in this thread, or at least one of those chud obsessed losers who must "own the poltards" or whatever, either way let's assume you're being sincere in any of this, then I don't think you're lazy, but I know you're useless, and I don't care to partake in any of that, if that makes me lazy it's really nothing to be ashamed of then.

>> No.54438958

Nah, Jesus returns in the early 2030s and defeats the Beast and anyone whos still alive will be immortal.

>> No.54439005

>you're probably a woman
>one of those chud obsessed losers who must "own the poltards"
>the rest of your posts in this thread
I had a hunch, but this all but confirms everything. For a guy who allegedly has nothing to lose, you sure are spending a lot of time crying into the void. There are many professionals that can be of assistance to you.

>> No.54439514

Are you trans?

>> No.54439632

I'm optimistic about my personal future

I am not optimistic about the future of my country or the vast majority of people in it

>> No.54440275

Yes economic conditions only affect you insofar as they make you sad. Genius macroecon understander

>> No.54440355

i'm not super doomer, i think US will be globally dominant for the rest of my life and my children's life, and probably their children too. I do think that the world probably wont be as good as it ever was from 90's to 2000's however. Probably the peak for our lifetimes

>> No.54440383
File: 54 KB, 600x500, 1395456354420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just enjoy the ride.

>> No.54440473

>doesn't even understand greentext
you need to go back

>> No.54440534
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1654498707792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think things need to get worse before they can get better

>> No.54440754

I am certain you’re some sort of monkey/ spic.

>> No.54440792

>Is anyone here actually optimistic about the future
I'm optimistic in the sense that a dark age now means more of a future 300 years from now, and if I play my cards right I could even thrive for the rest of my life and ensure my descendants live through the next dark ages and get to enjoy Spenglerian Spring.

Beyond that, lol no
Also I expect Singularitarism to be one of the millenarian cults of our time once things reach a certain level of suck, as it goes really

>> No.54440829

If you can cope with a life of renting and NPC like mindset the best years are ahead and I'm not even kidding. AI, green cities will make live easier for everyone and it might make a sense of your wage slavery.

>> No.54440858

Societal collapse is the best hopium right now.

>> No.54440962

Hello Brother in Christ. Have a great day.

>> No.54442321

>End the dollar
And use what biztard?

>> No.54442410

Bitcoin fag, stop living in an archaic age and live at the moment fag.

>> No.54442624

Still too early for that sort of bold move, I believe the US would do everything within their power to keep the dollar relevant for forthcoming years instead of moving straight into bitcoin i would rather focus on stablecoin we have good innovations there like the inflation-pegged stablecoins Coinbase is working on, with this you will get to access amazing yields just like you with USDT and USDC on several protocols like Beefy, Radiant and SpoolFi.

>> No.54442638
File: 109 KB, 828x782, 2C77128F-D662-4B7C-969F-3B5E05A7F522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a good person and I think you’re awesome.

>> No.54442725

American imperalist retard who think his neolib world is natural and the standard.

>> No.54442783

Based life pilled anon

>> No.54443062

This. If the USD collapses then life will only get harder if you’re a burger. Why exactly would house prices go down? Are all the people in the US just going to disappear? Unless we have some way of thinning out the population by an enormous amount then housing will not get cheaper. But even then, if the USD collapses then I think buying a house will be the least of our concerns.

>> No.54443336

my life sucks BECAUSE things are collapsing for everyone but the 5% of the top richfags

>> No.54443344

You should have some level of peace knowing that the truth of reality will punish everything that goes against it on a long enough timeline. That’s actually what faith is.