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54434105 No.54434105 [Reply] [Original]

BRICS bros I don’t feel so good

>> No.54434118

kys amerimutt

>> No.54434154

I was worried for a second, turns out everything will be alright

>> No.54434181

Germany put all their gold in fort knox which has never been audited and Germany cannot redeem from them when they try. Literaly SBF playbook, all that gold is gone and probably in Israel or global elites private vaults

>> No.54434234

>Germany cannot redeem
Is this part of the financial warfare the US is waging against the EU?

>> No.54434237

If you're not in the top 10 your country should not be invited to talk about economics as a part of international relations. Also the country that holds the first place is the king of the world. Fiat/paper money/digital numbers are trash. The size of the army of your country is cool. Gold is the true proof of capital are

>> No.54434243

Of course. America is God's country.

>> No.54434246

Just like their guns amerimmuts won't do shit with their gold

>> No.54434248

yes, eu should join china to defeat the usa

>> No.54434255

The gold is still in Fort Knox

>> No.54434260

Part of the terms after the USA conquered Europe in WW2. Euros dont realize they are a vassal state supported 100% by the USA

>> No.54434282

You ready for the proof of this during the coming collapse? Gold, silver, food, weapons, labor, entertainment, protection and shelter. What do you have or can provide?

>> No.54434289

eu will join china, look at ursula's statement

>> No.54434293

Lets do it, me and you. 2 right men for the job.

>> No.54434312

>eu should join china to defeat the usa
They still wouldn’t have enough gold to back their currency against the USD

>> No.54434325

eu and china united would undermine the usa

>> No.54434387

They’re already united against the USA. Covid and this great reset shit was a davos/chink collaboration. We’re now witnessing the counterattack.

>> No.54434400


>> No.54434437

Haha no. Eu is protected only by the new world. Ukraine would be dead and Russia would be steamroling into the baltic states and Poland of not for the US and Canada. The EU knows this. Ursula is discussing economic benefits from sucking Chinese dick together with appealing to their US and Canadian masters.

>> No.54434442

Yea we didn’t blow up nordstream or anything. Russia did it. Drown is a puddle of jager piss you kraut fags

>> No.54434464

it is only a matter of time until the eu frees itself from their usa masters
>canadian masters

>> No.54434465
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Your reply has nothing to do with me telling you to take meds after your schizophrenic statement.

>> No.54434466

gold is worthless

>> No.54434499

Turns out Ukraine did it.

Zelensky is the head of a free state trying to survive. He will fake an attack on London if it means more help for Ukraine. Keep your eyes open. And band together. The germans and the US have 99% the same goals. So many Germans immigrated to the US. Their mindset is in your culture. Don't let fake news divide us.

>> No.54434515

Not possible. They WILL get destroyed.

>> No.54434530

It's already happening, we are entering a multi polar world, one where the eu will no longer be an american vassal

>> No.54434579

>Eu is protected only by the new world
What the hell are you even talking about?
Keeping EU fat and satisfied is the only reason the world hasn't ended in nuclear flames... Read history.

>> No.54434590

Not going to happen. China offers no protection for the EU. The EU will fall without the defensive protection from the US and Canada. China offers trade benefits.

>> No.54434617

Yeah.. about that. I really love the part of history where Europe liberated itself during the 1940's without help from the US and Canada. That was amazing. They had been occupied but all banded together and struck back. I love how they helped themselves without outside help.

>> No.54434648

>Defensive protection

>> No.54434697

Are you talking about the time the US that sold guns, ammo, etc to both sides of the war, then chose to fight on the winning side so they could try to take all the glory.

>> No.54434706

US and India’s reserves are misleading.

>> No.54434772
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>> No.54434784

German gold isn't held in Germany but in New York.

>> No.54434799

Yeah. Untill they decided to act in a different way. The world is grey. Not black and white.

>> No.54434812

This is why I'm permabanned because I just tell it like it is. That chart is Jewish. The real chart has India and Dubai and China on top. There is more gold privately held in those countries by the citizens than America and it's govt reserves. Push comes to shove and it will be out in the open. American gold in private hands is not that big.

>> No.54434823

How do you know that?
Are you jewish?

>> No.54434841

Great insight. How can we change that? How can we promote owning money in the US? How can we show the paper dollar is manipulated out of its ass?

>> No.54434865

you are retarded

>> No.54434888

I mean quickest way unironically would be for rappers and Kim Kardashian and those types of people to brainwash their npc followers to covet gold as much as they currently do with diamonds and luxury cars etc. Legit Kanye could have become the black peter Schiff if he wanted and nobody could stop him

>> No.54434905

Lol cope harder. Literal fat retards in Florida who owned a fencing company now are richer than some of Europe's "dynastic" family's.
But also yes look at the history of Fort Knox holding all of Europe's gold and requests to re-nationalize it get ignored

>> No.54434941

Thanks to Gordon Brown the UK sold their gold at a knock off price. Luckily I have my own personal stash of physical!

>> No.54435120

ok but sweaty china and russia are the biggest producers and china are buying 5x more gold than the US

>> No.54435241

Meanwhile, in Canada
>0 because Trudeau sold it all

>> No.54435327

checked but im not sure American gold would be best kept in these people’s care

>> No.54435330

we have some again, but we mine lots so it’s whatever. the problem is trudeau, not gold. we don’t really need much of anything from anyone. just frivolous novelties. canada is a glorious white mans nation. it’s just sad that it was never more than a british piggy bank that’s now being eaten by china and india

>> No.54435349

>tfw leaf
at least we have fresh water, the world’s actual most valuable resource. you can’t drink gold (no, gold schnapps doesn’t count)

>> No.54435393

Oh yeah. It's not perfect and I don't think it ever will be. America needs to go back to being a protestant nation with values taken from the bible. It's the only viable counterweight to all the absolute absurdity going on

>> No.54435855
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>America in great depression
>Roosevelt order the confiscation of private gold
>Hitler rises, kills Jews and steals their gold
>Fort Knox gets built because of it

Wow, talk about indirectly confirming who owns and runs the United States.

>> No.54436182

and this talk helps the US economy in what way exactly, honestly id love to know. if "waking up to ____" is in your answer please eat your own shit.

>> No.54436387
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>Treats a shitpost as if I'm being unironic

>> No.54436519

Italian here.
Italian gold is in forte Knox After 1946

>> No.54436527

Kek cope more

>> No.54436592

>Germany put all their gold in fort knox which has never been audited and Germany cannot redeem from them when they try

That's wrong. They used to store it in New York/London but about a decade ago they paid a massive amount to transport the shiny rocks back to Germany and are paying to secure it. Should of just invest in bitcoin

>> No.54436616

>Not your vault not your gold
Thanks for playing

>> No.54436625


>> No.54436656

That'd be before the Wuhan fake gold revelation of 2021 (not a popular city in 2021)

>> No.54436660

Imagine the (((grabblers))) faces while convincing foreign governments to store their gold with us lol lmaoo even