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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54429258 No.54429258 [Reply] [Original]

What would it take for the monetary, fiscal and regulatory policies of the USA to change to bring prosperity back within the next 10 years?

>> No.54429282

only invalid retards think we're going into hyperinflation

>> No.54429290

Almost certainly unfeasible. Not to be a doomer ameribro but if your currency goes, your country does. I wouldn't go so far as to say you're balkanizing or anything but even holding onto Alaska seems unlikely once your nation is bankrupted.

Honestly when the SHTF in America and you aren't ALREADY past making it, get the fuck out of there.

>> No.54429295

abolish income tax and welfare

>> No.54429315

That #2 silver certificate is rare.

>> No.54429319
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Maybe they'll put us on a payment plan!

>> No.54429366
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>going into

>> No.54429451

The dollar is already a hundredth of what it was in 1913, if not worse.

>> No.54429466

>2.80/gal gas
bros i took things for granted

>> No.54429518
File: 917 KB, 1824x1136, 图片有关.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negotiate a reasonable surrender to the CPC and turn over the living members of the Bush II cabinet to Iraqi militias and the Taliban as an apology/blood sacrifice.

>> No.54429558
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The promise of the Lord is fulfilled.

>> No.54429588

I'm almost 100% confident that the jews in NY will find a way to kick this can further down the road and hold on for another 10 year cycle. This is probably gonna be done using CBDCs but there may be other ways.

In the long run all fiat currencies die, but for the dollar to die, China would have to aggressively push the US out of key markets around the world. The only issue is that China is a paper tiger and they immediately retreat from their position on the first sign of pushback from the US. If Winnie the Pooh grows a pair of balls, I might actually believe the USD is in trouble but as it stands right now, we're probably in for another 1 or 2 cycles of the USD. Probably 10-20 years.

>> No.54429637

this, but unironically

>> No.54429643

muh hyperinflation in 2 more weeks
while in reality inflation is cooling down

>> No.54429662

>inflation is cooling down
did they start un-printing money now?

>> No.54429665

Pretty much already are in real terms. Grocery bills are up past Argentina levels for most part I’ve talked to (80%+ yoy now for most goods).

>> No.54429666

its close to 1/32 not 1/100

>> No.54429683

i said inflation is slowing down i didnt say deflation

>> No.54429741
File: 21 KB, 900x900, (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw boomers who bought real property in the 1970s tell you to work harder

>> No.54430164

hyperinflation is much worse. look it up if you can't understand

>> No.54430192
File: 87 KB, 541x564, weimargold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the price of bitcoin and crypto marketcap and compare with picrel

>> No.54430208

are you saying bitcoin is money for nazis?

>> No.54430223

housing is, too

>> No.54430236

yeah they're different, your point?

>> No.54430237
File: 226 KB, 1200x1200, 167988325131541746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw guy who made this image was too much of a poorfag to get a bigger thing of gold, and he immortalized this fact

>> No.54430241

zoom out

>> No.54430548

>7 dollars of gas
wow that is a lot of gas, kek

>> No.54430697

But he is comparing with $1 bill?

>> No.54431157

Who gives a shit if it inflates 8% or 10,000%? Hyper means too much. 2% is hyperinflation. I don't have to deal with it. I like the currency that doesn't inflate. My brain is just too smooth for you to persuade me to hold a currency that loses value by design.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431227

>Deregulate housing construction
Zoning and other nimby tools restrict supply and make it expensive

>eliminate capital gains taxes and instead tax capital gains as regular income, adjusted for inflation
Low capital gains taxes increase the wealth gap

>eliminate buy-borrow-die and other tax loopholes by taxing loans in appreciated assets as realized income
This is one of the major loopholes the mega rich use to not pay taxes

>replace property taxes with land value taxes
Property taxes disincentivize construction and incentivize people engaging in land-value-speculation to keep properties undeveloped. Land value taxes don’t tax structures. So people are more incentivized to build than to do nothing.

>prosecute property crimes
Everybody is sick of porch pirates and not being able to leave their bikes out of sight

> legalize, tax, and regulate drugs
No need to spend money on the war on drugs, use the taxes to fund treatment, nobody dies because of hitting a fentanyl hotspot and wastes hundreds of thousands of dollars on repeated ER visits

>allow schools to suspend, expel, or hold back students
Teachers can’t control their classrooms anymore and kids aren’t held to almost any standards when it comes to making sure they actually learned anything before sending them to next grade

>annex Canada
Fuck Canada

>> No.54431784

while I support the message, those prices for 1932 are extremely off.

Gas was 21¢ in 1932 not 4.1¢
Milk was 26¢ a gallon not 4.6¢
Eggs were a dime a dozen not 3¢ a dozen
first class postage was 3¢ not .7¢

>> No.54432321

I think you take China’s lack of overt aggression as weakness. This is not the case
They are extremely careful and have a sort of stoic exterior. Knowing this, recent statements out of Beijing are extremely alarming given they’ve basically said outright “we want to end US hegemony”
This will probably happen semi violently. Taking back taiwan is a big symbol of this shift