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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54426934 No.54426934 [Reply] [Original]

Arbitrum rugpulling lmao

>> No.54426965
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>> No.54426968
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>its locked
>btw we have the key
jeets will baghold this

>> No.54426975
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>Arbitroon killed itself
wow who could've seen this coming?

>> No.54426985

Guys buy arbitrum to vote against!!

>> No.54426988

>unironic reddit screenshot
go back

>> No.54426997

>jews acting jewish
Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.54427012

April fools

>> No.54427016

be greedy while others are fearful
t. knower

>> No.54427019

>Leverage success on the back of Chainlink
My almonds are activating

>> No.54427028
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i'm sure it will all be fine

>> No.54427029

optitrannies having a field day with this one

>> No.54427045

this kek, people are making a mountain out of a molehill

>> No.54427049

it's funny how easily you can tell which posts are from people salty that they missed the airdrop and now want the project to die out of seethe

>> No.54427052

Agreed this supply shock is bullish!

>> No.54427085

what even is the token for, wasnt arbitrum "the chainlink ecosystem"

>> No.54427091


>> No.54427097

when you say things like this it makes me think you're mentally retarded just fyi

>> No.54427112 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1706x935, BA54362C-BDBC-4FD9-8FCC-DF699DAC49F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARB airdrop was coincidental did you? It’s literally just jews printing $ out of thin air and pumping and dumping their chosen assets

>> No.54427119

this is jeet tier cope

>> No.54427124
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>> No.54427143
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You guys keep trusting Jews and get burned every time. And then you whine.
Money is flowing from ARB to KAS. Both are owned primarily by Israelis. And these Israelis use their Indians that they own (their workers) to push their scams on social media.

Do you think ARB airdrop was coincidental did you? They $ from ARB airdrop immediately went into KAS, which is an israeli web3 coin. It’s literally just jews printing $ out of thin air and pumping and dumping their chosen assets

>> No.54427194
File: 213 KB, 631x988, 4AB634B4-490B-4325-BD2F-BF92C977517F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die jew. Like your tribe did in Masada. Die

>> No.54427236

when will kas crash?

>> No.54427248

based jews rugging goyim hahaha april fool's niggers Based Ed Felten uninstalled all tokens on Arbitrum and now he's going to rick roll you with an hilarious rug lmao
Arbicucks are such lolcows

>> No.54427252

>an heroes

>> No.54427306

When these kikes dump it. Pay no attention that KAS shills targeted craig Wrights twitter

>> No.54427324

i posted related reporting on an arb thread yesterday and as castigated.
gov token 100% held by devs kek

>> No.54427340
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You guys voted, right? Right??

>> No.54427345
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Jeet tier cope is being overjoyed at the thought of arb going under. Gmi material is holding your airdrop because it’s not enough free money yet to warrant selling

>> No.54427350

would be funny but the voting is already ongoing

>> No.54427433
File: 58 KB, 798x738, ARB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give yourself 750M tokens (60% of current supply) against the token supply documentation, without any DAO proposal passing
>start moving those funds, sending 50M of them to CEXs and MMs without any proposal passing
>create a DAO proposal full of useful stuff and hide the "give us $1B" part among them
>possibly use the unapproved 50M tokens to vote in favor of the proposal (speculation)
>majority vote is FOR even when community is massively against it, #1 article on Coindesk, #1 post on re**it etc.
>everyone in the community is asking for clarification on the AIP and separation of the multiple unrelated proposals
>no clarification from the proposal author or Arbitrum team
>voting ends in 2 days
Very scammy. It's a week from the token launch and they are already exit scamming. Can't wait to see how they try to explain this or will they just ignore it completely.

>> No.54427456
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Blockworks should say in their shilling article on the homepage what their position is maybe. I dunno. article: https://blockworks.co/news/arbitrum-foundation-billion-dollars

>> No.54427490

Sold this shit

>> No.54427498

(((diamond))) hands lmao

>> No.54427504

I voted yes and dumped. Hope baggies will have fun with it

>> No.54427510
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(((not poor))) hands

>> No.54427532

I am going to buy a yamcha and larp as a jew.

>> No.54427541

How big were the airdrops anyways?

>> No.54427557
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in this nightmare clown timeline, this is probably bullish<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54427563

imagine the seethe when the grant fund is worth 10 billion instead of 1 billion KEK

>> No.54427595

holy molly retard<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54428044
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Mine was 3500. I saw somewhere that the average was something like 1800-1900>>54427532

>> No.54429202

shorted, ready to get imminently liquidated

>> No.54429243

I will say that this debacle has revealed that the bear market hasn't burned out the greedy, non-technical, low IQ, parasite influencer class from crypto; if anything, they seem to be more prevalent than before. Bearish on governance desu, just let Arbitrum decide everything if these Twitter numbskulls are going to spaz out over a fucking seminal proposal

>> No.54429289

Everyone already know this whole clown show (L2s are genuinely the worst idea i've ever heard) is ETH maxis new Pump n dump, The ethereum whales cartel are the most powerful in this space, more than BTC ones, possibly because they're vile sociopaths

>> No.54429363

It's your job to make others rich, anons. Ridiculously so. Keep playing the game OVER AND OVER, know your role.

>> No.54429431

woah bro this post hit me deep and I had to take a step back buidl a lego set then write an essay length twitter thread on why this is totally wrong on so many levels. Crypto especially ETH is grassroots punk and we share power freely and easily we are not trying to grift you. Our products like SHIB are completely legitimate and well aligned with the grassroots punk ethos of the crypto space. Not sure were your vibe about us being "vile sociopaths" comes from but if you could leave me your information I will personally check your internet history for wrongthink then cancel you. kthxbai

>> No.54429577

well that's the funny part, the arbitrum devs did all the work, it's only the moment they handed out tokens that people suddenly start questioning their judgment


>> No.54429599
File: 20 KB, 750x205, ED177D90-6F2A-4125-A1E5-D5D1BBE4DAFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill bancor
>shill chainlink
>endlessly defend chainlink despite total lack of transparency about everything, including use of funds
>oh, arbitrum wants to fund a dao grant wallet? AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST

>> No.54429618
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Jews have become some of the biggest scammers in crypto in terms of the size of the scams they create, pajeets don't even come close:

Arbitrum: Jews already manipulating the DAO hoping to cash out early with their VC boys while their "vested" allocations remain untouched.

Kaspa: Israeli jews basically doing the same fucking thing because DAOs = Soft rugs.

Secret Network: Jews that once were out of the US, got fined by the SEC for running the enigma ICO, made 45 millions USD in BTC/ETH which they never touched, then escaped the US to Israel to create the SCRT token with a DAO ecosystem, they control over 55-60% of the supply through the DAO itself and pumped and dumped the token to 10$+ while telling people to stake for air drops that never came. With the 21 days unstaking period this let the insiders dump tokens relentlessly and even now with the token being worthless they still control the DAO and the validators via allocations so no one can defy them or call them out on their bullshit.

Secret Foundation director paid himself a 2.6m "dividend" and basically bailed on everyone, and Secret Labs still larping that they're working on anything while the network is not even fully private despite their claims, full of issues and no one using the technology.

You trust kikes, you get rugged. Simple as that.

>> No.54429621

Demonic faggot kike

>> No.54429628
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Chainlink god is IDF

>> No.54429638

You forgot chainlink

>> No.54429642
File: 23 KB, 756x112, SWPR go brrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXdao is going to shut down and throw their assets into their only functioning product. yolo your arbi airdrop into SWPR

>> No.54429645
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>> No.54429648

you forgot RVP. The r3ddit coin that ran with antifa commie aesthetic memes pushed by actual banker jews/ Wall Street scum . You forgot glowie DMG scam that (((linkies))) pushed here on /biz/ before it exit scammed .

>> No.54429713

Just tell me who you are anon and I will happily cancel you. Web3 is a grassroots punk space but I will gladly cancel you

>> No.54429738

I prefer to be fearful when other are greedy.

>> No.54429825

You forgot FTX, Bancor, Celsius. The list goes on

>> No.54429969

RVP was my favorite because it had one of the guys who Ted K mailed a letter bomb to because he was so evil as a project advisor

>> No.54431329

>Web3 is a grassroots punk space

If anything it's opposite of that. It's authoritarian gate-keeping, sold out and full of greed faggotry.

>> No.54431339

but the authoritarian gatekeeping and avarice is built on top of permissionless open source technology, which is what really matters