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File: 82 KB, 2000x2000, avalanche-avax-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54421644 No.54421644 [Reply] [Original]

the days of 100x alts are over
2019-2020 you had "gems" like quant, dot, ada trading at or near $1

now you got bottom-of-the-shit-barrel coins trading at 100x on launch
with saturation, margins get lower, diminishing returns

>> No.54421679
File: 546 KB, 2016x1512, Scam train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why why they invest in Indians to shill that scam here on biz.
I still remember when they started the marketing campaign at the top and tricked thousands.

>> No.54421687
File: 922 KB, 2180x902, Screenshot 2023-04-01 at 11.09.30 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is one exception

> pic related

>> No.54421693

ROSE is a protocol of greater quality and usefulness and adoption than all of those and is still only $300MM mcap. 100x is all but guaranteed from here if there’s another bull run.

Of course you don’t get 100x’s in a bear easily.

>> No.54421699

Its called avalanche, its made by muslims and its red. They gave them all the signs.

>> No.54421713
File: 333 KB, 835x773, 1641364955254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link is a midwit trap
nobody cares about jpm or whatever other faggots might one day use link shit, and those arent the people u make money with

making money in crypto is a case of following trends, buy the shit pajeets will fomo into in 3 months
the problem as OP allude to is that its all inside now

u got youtubers, CT and shitcoin devs pumping and dumping into an art,
just look at the rollbit gainzy/pentoshi shit

>> No.54421858

Nah, I think you can still 100x from flare shitcoins.

>> No.54421930

The "inflation" here isn't protocol inflation though, it's caused by vested coin unlocks you fucking retard. It's only temporary and most of it gets delegated. AVAX also has a hard cap on max supply unlike the vast majority of other L1s.

>> No.54421945
File: 30 KB, 336x371, -17-67-Avalanche-AVAX-Price-Chart-Value-Market-Cap-CoinCodex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually 22% inflation

some other inflation rates of cryptos for comparison
>ETH 1.8%
>ADA 7.49%
>DOT 10.02%
>SOL 17.84%
>AVAX 21.8%
>ICP 37.74%
>MATIC 61.66%


>> No.54422005

Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%

Verification not required.

>> No.54422052

I know you fucking jeet, I'm trying to explain that it isn't "inflation", the supply is increasing because vested coins are getting unlocked. It's not protocol inflation and only temporary.

>> No.54422070

>the supply is increasing
>that it isn't "inflation"
Choose one.

>> No.54422105

>The dollar supply is increasing because they are printing more, it's not "inflation" and it is only temporary.
Has LAG ID, is stupid and has the audacity to call me jeet kek.

>> No.54422122

That is out of date now. Do the same math at today's date and the Inflation is 21.7%. So it has fallen.

>> No.54422127
File: 91 KB, 804x444, avaxdying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inflation out of control and no one using it either

>> No.54422139

wrong, you calculated past inflation, not current inflation. look up what an emission curve is. most of coins have a decreasing inflation rate modeled after BTC where inflation decreases exponentially. Not every coin does this, I remember ETH was one of the first coins to try a hybrid curve that would become linear at 2% inflation. I think they scrapped that idea post-merge and are now deflationary like BTC.

>> No.54422169

How the hell did they get to 38%, with ADA at 105% and MATIC at 0%? What work of curry is this?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54422173

what's the source for that pic? some of those numbers are way off. ADA doesn't have 105% inflation, not even close. MATIC is at 60%, not zero. DOT has 10%, not 1%.

>> No.54422183

Yeah its VCs dumping on you
If it was protocoll Inflation and people would get the apy it would be good. I would not brag about VCs dumping

>> No.54422184

You're right those are January numbers, it's even worse now.

>> No.54422190


>> No.54422201

why lie about something that can be easily checked? I think the only person you are fooling here is yourself

>> No.54422207
File: 62 KB, 554x799, 331872924_2246852402369299_4219136660848818584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading at 100x
Make that 300x and yes, why would I say no to that?
>t. 50000 AVAX for $25,000 buyer

>> No.54422208

>why lie about something that can be easily checked? I think the only person you are fooling here is yourself
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%

>> No.54422263
File: 56 KB, 813x603, BTC_emission_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you calculated a past inflation rate, not the current inflation rate. inflation rate goes down for most coins, including AVAX, following an emission often curve modeled after BTC's curve. see pic. do you understand now?

>> No.54422319

You're arguing with a bot

>> No.54422483

I got 1500 vaxxies and i'm feeling demoralized.

what to do bros

>> No.54422489

there's always going to be 100x opportunities
but they're never going to be found in old failed alts like avax or the rest of the 2021 hyped alts

>> No.54422565

There's more than one oracle service, linkies always forget that.

>> No.54422669
File: 474 KB, 1162x850, 1676571151878824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such low tier fud, grabbing 38% out of your ass. Actual inflation is around 6%. Including token unlocks its less than 20%.

All those coins unlocking are the foundations as well, so they will just be staked or used for incentive programs.