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54408403 No.54408403 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54408421

westoid fat mystery meat womxn on suicide watch

>> No.54408441

the less fiat currencies, the better. It will make citizens see the merits of crypto even more.

>> No.54408476

>the biological trash of this world unite

>> No.54408500

Is this from 2013? It's been ten fucking years and they still haven't made their retarded bric dollar? Jesus. I hear you ivans going on about this in /pol/ 10 FUCKING YEARS ago.

>> No.54408502

>t.seething mutt
welcome to irrelevancy faggot

>> No.54408505

I think there should be some sort of "world currency" that is not any national currency. NOT one that all countries use as their own currency, but one that all national currencies compare their own to and use as trade instead of using the Dollar. Gold sort of used to be used like that, but we need something better now.

>> No.54408506
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Amerifats seething in every single thread about the USD becoming toilet paper accepted by no one is absolutely hilarious
as a european I couldn't be happier with your decline, it's time for us to break free

>> No.54408519

If this isn't a fiat currency then it's over the dollarino (ticker: USD).

>> No.54408525

I don't know if you were trying to be Socratic but you pretty much just described Bitcoin.

>> No.54408541

you just described Bitcoin and dont say transaction costs are too high cause you already know there will be banks for crypto anyway.

>> No.54408548

>the brown ruble
>everyone will start using for some reason

>> No.54408559

Why the fuck is the "collapse of america" fantasized about so much here? Please explain why you faggots would rather have China be the preeminent power in the world. As bad as the US is at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.

>> No.54408578

>it's time for us to break free
Mmm yes. Daddy Putin please send in the Russian hordes and rape us with your big slavic cocks like when we were evil nayzees. Please let us huff more of your natural gas!

>> No.54408580

and it will all work out perfectly. Just look at the Euro, no issues whatsoever. Chinks, niggs, jeets, putlers... lmao.

>> No.54408582

you can say whatever negative things about the US government, trannies, niggers or whatever else in China too

>> No.54408589

Half of this board are pajeets shilling their scamcoins and lefty /pol/ retards that flood the entire site since the invasion of Ukraine.

>> No.54408651

>As bad as the US is at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.
Lol are you fucking serious? Go say nigger to your employer right now, I dare you
>b-b-but it's not a legal consequence!
Go say nigger to a nigger, boom 20 years state prison for a "hate crime"
>Please explain why you faggots would rather have China be the preeminent power in the world.
Because really who fucking cares. China becoming economically dominant doesn't mean all the sudden Chinese landing craft are gonna be landing on the West coast like it's fucking Red Dawn. There seem to be plenty of people happy to live in countries that are not the US right now, I'm not gonna let GDP dickwaving dictate my personal happiness, that's what my own finances are for.
Anyway this is all literally the boomers' fault for outsourcing FUCKING EVERYTHING to China. The shitty part is that they make their descendants deal with it, but nothing a well-placed pillow won't make you feel better about.

>> No.54408656

>South Africa
How nice of BRIC to include the retarded kid in their game

>> No.54408658

Good job trying your best to be obtuse faggot. Be a citizen of China and speak ill of Xi or their government though. See how well that works out for you and the next two generations of your descendents.

Okay this kinda makes sense

>left /pol/
This one doesnt to me though. I cant imagine leftists are pro china.

>> No.54408672

You're making enemies with the entire world

>> No.54408686
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They’re gunna use XRP aren’t they?

>> No.54408701

China does not have a geostrategically defensible enough position to become a world hegemon in the way that America is. America has been able to maintain its post-ww2 hegemony by the projection of force abroad, which is due in large part to the fact that it is nearly impossible to invade. The other half of that is America is losing its grip on world hegemony, and the further it slips the more expensive it is to maintain. The DoD already spends something like $1 trillion a year (they have no problem going beyond their "budget"). As citizens we pay the brunt of these costs but do not get very much benefit from it, especially as time goes on and the dollar is losing its ability to slurp up the world's milkshake.

>> No.54408702
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>> No.54408716
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They always travel in groups of five. The spic, the cracker, the chink, the poo, and the nigger

>> No.54408724
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>As bad as the US is at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.

>> No.54408725

>Anyway this is all literally the boomers' fault for outsourcing FUCKING EVERYTHING to China
Blame neoliberals. Muh free market was too important to contradict to serve national interests, and wouldnt you know it rational actors would rather make more money than they would serve national interests

>> No.54408737

There's no crackers, pootin is a nigger

>> No.54408739

good job at reading comprehension you fat transgender midwit

>> No.54408761

>Be a citizen of China and speak ill of Xi or their government though. See how well that works out for you and the next two generations of your descendents.
You think that China becoming economically dominant means they're going to instantly launch a military occupation and put the US under Chinese law?
I'll blame the neoliberal boomers alongside the rest of them.

>> No.54408763

>b.but you will get fired at your job if you act like a belligerent retard at work
No fucking shit
>you could get sent to jail for a hate crime if you call someone a nigger!
You wont by the way. But even if you did, yeah lets fucking pretend like getting fired or sent to prison is at all comparable to your entire family getting sent to some labor camp because your daughter drew a funny caricature of Xi Jinping as a Winnie the Pooh character.
>hurrr durrr it doesn't matter if the US loses its reserve currency status
Sure you can say that. But thats not what i was implying in my post. Dont fucking pretend like there isnt alot of masturbatory fantasies here (really all over this site) about the US becoming some failed state, and I was simply asking the logic behind it.

>> No.54408798

Lmao rich one faggot. There was nothing to comprehend about it. Your post was worthless and completely irrelevant.

Did I say that?

>> No.54408802

Most people aren't able to imagine how fast this could spiral into a fucking disaster. Major economies will be forced to reduce their dollar reserves to counter the decline of the dollar value, this will just accelerate the decline of the dollar. You think inflation of the past two years was bad? Well prepare your anus for real inflation because the US laptop economy is limited in its ability to provide for itself, imports will become expensive as fuck. Guess what the 401ks will be worth? How the fuck is the FED going to counter declining demand for the dollar without risking blowing up the debt based system? As soon as there is an accepted alternative currency for global oil trade shit is going to get real ugly. I think USA seriously fucked up with their Ukraine proxy war.

>> No.54408818

>I cant imagine leftists are pro china.
It's very much a litmus test. The DSA/DNC type liberals are very much anti China, but there are a not ignorably small contingent of marxists that are pretty pro-China. The biggest ones are people like Ben Norton, the chapos, and yeah leftypol has "/prc/ general"s. Also that weird MAGAcommunist guy, but your mileage may vary on whether or not you consider that "left".

A lot of /pol/ types are adamant that China isn't communist, but considering the DSA socialists have the exact same opinion on that I don't really think it's a "serious" opinion.

>> No.54408823
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>> No.54408845

>saying a word makes you belligerent
Maybe if you're black, are you black? Do you take the stating of a simple word as an act of aggression?
>Dont fucking pretend like there isnt alot of masturbatory fantasies here (really all over this site) about the US becoming some failed state, and I was simply asking the logic behind it.
Failed states hold lots of opportunity for the intelligent, so of course you don't understand the logic
>durr durr, I didn't say that exactly!
Then why are you so concerned with what happens to Chinese citizens? You were talking about things happening to Chinese citizens as if we should care, why is that? Why the fuck should Americans care about Chinese law unless there is some circumstance that puts Americans under chinese law?
God you must actually be black, post hand

>> No.54408851

This shit has been happening for a long time. Nixon opening up china started the clock, and Reagan fucking up the trade balance with the volcker shocks and the plaza accords closed and locked the escape hatch. From there on out it was lurching from crisis to crisis. It's been "too late" for decades.

>> No.54408869
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> It's been "too late" for decades.
The warrants were already signed before any of us were born, what can we do besides just sit back and get comfy?

>> No.54408873

Because getting fired is at all similar to consequences you'd face in Russia or China for wrongthink

>> No.54408905

The long answer is yes

>> No.54408915

>Because getting fired is at all similar to consequences you'd face in Russia or China for wrongthink
Again, someone tells me why this fucking matters
>well you know, we gotta cut off your hand for this, but it could be worse, that guy is cutting off entire legs! You should be grateful we're stopping at your hand!

>> No.54408956

can the US even give all these countries "freedom"?

a new gold back currency would 100% result in WW3.

>> No.54408993

America almost did collapse in a way that left the PRC the dominant power and there's a good chance that America will collapse in a different way and leave the PRC in a condition something like Nazi Germany in May 1945.

>> No.54409009

Certain people (George W. Bush) certainly did try to make the PRC a global hegemon.

>> No.54409014


>> No.54409020

The ruling class is afraid of losing power, and they will sacrifice all of us to prevent that

>> No.54409028

Even if all those countries combined their GDPs, it'd still be less than the US's

>> No.54409048
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The average empire lasts 150 years.

>> No.54409050

Every action dubya took was to extend the US' lifespan as world hegemon, as laid out in PNAC. That he ultimately failed tells me less that he is secretly against American hegemony, and more that the idea of American hegemony's continuation is fundamentally flawed.

Saying "oh our leaders are just bad actors who fucked it up" implies there is a correct way to continue American hegemony (there isn't). It's pure neocon propaganda.

>> No.54409054

I life in an amerixan proxi state and we cant say anthing especially about the things you mentioned. People are getting years in prison for that.
I would prefer ANY nation to have the dominant role, including north korea

>> No.54409077

Quickly googling tells me they already planned this in 2009 on some summit

>> No.54409093

>china being a global hegemony will have 0 consequences for the US
Im thinking you might be the dumb nigger

>> No.54409094
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>>the biological trash of this world unite

>> No.54409095

Nah, this time it is happening for real. What you are describing is a "controlled" dedollarisation aimed to collapes the communists in China with capitalism. Create a middle class in a communist country and they'll want to copy the Western lifestyle of consumerism, luxury, travel, academia.... you prep up their economy, you trade with eachother and raise a new generation opposed to the communist ideology. This is what some think tank came up with a few decades ago and they followed that strategy until recently.

This dedollarisation now is not controlled. I can assure you there is panic in Washington DC circles because they are losing control on too many fronts at the same time. The speed of this is also crazy in geopolitical terms. Saudi Arabia and Iran restarting diplomacy? BRICS getting a few new members? SCO also increasing in size? France using Yuan to trade oil with Saudi Arabia?
How fast did the Soviet Union collapsed to the suprise of all the experts at that time?

The 2020s will go down in history like the 1910s. Happenings that will shape the world for the next century.

>> No.54409104

America does not give a fuck about protecting freedoms. You exist to be a pincushion for some foreign power to throw themselves against. Whether or not you have freedom is of no interest to the US government

>> No.54409135

>>54409104 Then why the fuck are you surprised that we want to usa to fail as badly as possible?

>> No.54409168

>Mmm yes. Daddy Putin please send in the Russian hordes and rape us with your big slavic cocks like when we were evil nayzees. Please let us huff more of your natural gas!
The see'eth intensified.

>> No.54409182


>> No.54409187

I'm not saying dedollarization isn't happening. Objectively foreign countries are dropping US backed securities. What I'm saying is this isn't just a sudden error or miscalculation. This is an ongoing process. Even without China, America's economy is inherently unsustainable: our economy is undergirded by a massive trade deficit (read: we get hundreds of billions of dollars of imports every year basically for free), we have no fundamentals because in order to maintain this deficit we have to have a strong dollar (only possible by projecting military force abroad and preventing the adoption of non dollar trade, see: libya, yugoslavia), and strong dollar means no exports means it's basically economically impossible to have meaningful domestic production. So even without China this was inevitable.

>> No.54409194

>Maybe if you're black, are you black? Do you take the stating of a simple word as an act of aggression?
Oh so you are a fucking snowflake looking for a reason to be oppressed? Yes screeching about niggers at work is rightfully a fireable offense. By the way screeching about "muh evil white people" at work will also likely get you fired.

>failed states are an opprotunity
Well that would be an appropriate answer to the question i posed wouldnt it? But lets not pretend like thats a common reason people fantasize about it here. But yeah sweety, you totally just need a collapse of the US for your big break, you are just too intelligent.

>why are you concerned blah blah blah
Good job posting what amounts to worthless word vomit faggot. My original post very clearly asks about the "american empire collapse" masturbatory fantasies. Obviously a total collapse of the US would have an effect on US citizens.

Oh and lastly if anyone is the shit skin here its you since you are so clearly concerned about race you couldnt stop mentioning it.

>> No.54409204

I'm not, in fact, I want the US government to fail too, because change is happening and the faster the government fails the faster it will see radical change away from this godawful system

>> No.54409213

>Half of this board are pajeets shilling their scamcoins and lefty /pol/ retards that flood the entire site since the invasion of Ukraine.
The other half are reddiors who decided to visit because they're not allowed to say fuck or bugger. The rise in the chud meme originates from their arrival; which ironically enough was originally an average redditor meme.

>> No.54409226

>Why the fuck is the "collapse of america" fantasized about so much here?
I suppose because a lot of anons perceive we are heading in a direction where the following will no longer be true:
>at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.

>> No.54409227

That’s bitcoin’s entire use case.

>> No.54409248

Isn’t this bullish for America? Will this force the US to become more self reliant and produce more as they did in the 1900s?

>> No.54409256

>America has been able to maintain its post-ww2 hegemony by the projection of force abroad, which is due in large part to the fact that it is nearly impossible to invade.
It was conventionally and historically.

It's not now if you think outside the standard approaches. But, I've said too much.

>> No.54409269

Even if what you say is true why would you rather have N.Korea have control over what you can or cant say? Genuinely asking

>> No.54409290

Because the usa government is responsible and the main pusher of white genocide. North Korea would not push this

>> No.54409294

the 1900s went like this
>1900-ww2: constant social unrest, socialist parties exploding in popularity
>ww2-1970: US is the only functioning economy on the planet
>1970-present: US is coasting on hegemony and burning through its reserves
Pre 1900 was more or less the same as the 1900-ww2 period, only they still had free land to give away. The instant the US government ran out of free land to turn malcontents into independent farmers, America has seen nothing but instability and change.

>> No.54409303

>a country full of asians wouldnt push for white genocide

>> No.54409320
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>> No.54409328

I guess I should also specify that the US was the only functioning economy on the planet at the time because Europe was blown to smithereens and the rest of the world was just beginning to develop. The only way to replicate this now would be to physically destroy every other economy on the planet, which imo is a pretty quixotic goal

>> No.54409329

>We showed in ‘Why Bretton Woods 3 Won’t Work’ (2022) that an anti-US BW3 bloc does not balance its trade internally by value or structure:
>BW3 can sell commodities to China; but unless they absorb the exports China now sends to the West, or China runs trade deficits like the US, then it can’t happen.
>Instead, we all just return to global mercantilism - which is happening, is inflationary, and ultimately suits the US – just not Wall Street (either in terms of mercantilism or monetary policy).
>When BW3 players no longer hold their official and unofficial savings in USD assets (if not Treasuries, then agencies or stocks, or property), and want to stash cash in Moscow and retire in China, then things are changing
yes, it is interesting news.
no, it's not even 5% close to the end of the petro-dollar.

>> No.54409342

What makes you think the radical change will be for the better?

Yeah i dont see an actual future where you cant speak poorly about niggers and trannies. But even if thats true imo if i had to choose between criticizing the government or criticizing niggers and trannies I will always choose to be able to criticize the government.

>> No.54409359
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>>a country full of asians wouldnt push for white genocide
They'd push for more exceptionally good offers on top quality products. Amma reet aliexpress bros!?

>> No.54409362

>because Europe was blown to smithereens and the rest of the world was just beginning to develop
has europe ever had a functioning economy?

>> No.54409366

But they have no reason to. Also i said rather them not that i would like it.

>> No.54409385

>What makes you think the radical change will be for the better?
Because I am not a faggot liberal who thinks we have reached peak human society

>> No.54409398

the colonial era up to the world wars was pretty dope, by the 70s-80s Europe was pretty well developed

>> No.54409399

Ah I see what you mean. Let me frame my view differently, we are currently experiencing the first serious and coordinated attack on the dollar since the Soviet Union I guess. Due to the many fronts it is almost impossible for the US to use its soft and hard power to counter this attack. There are just too many major economies shifting away from the dollar at the same time.

What should the FED do considering the projected global demand for dollar? Keep rasing rates and kill half of Wall Street? Hard recession? Turning on the money printer considering the declining demand for the dollar and inflation? I'm a midwit but seriously how fucked is the situation for USA?

>> No.54409444

Thing is nobody knows. The fed is gonna have to find a way to slurp up trillions, and fast. I am just as clueless as you as to how they can do it, and even if I had a good idea the government is so stifled and bureaucratic and shitty that it couldn't achieve it anyways, which is by design because "the government is best which governs least"

>> No.54409445

Do liberals think that? I wouldnt think they would since they are so concerned with niggers and trannies being treated fairly. Also good job dodging the question.

Honestly what sort of white genocide is even happening in western countries really? Going to jail because you called someone a nigger I wouldnt really define as "white genocide" plus as i pointed out, despite memes, that doesnt typically happen in the US. But then again i dont know where you live and how laws work there so whatever.

>> No.54409447
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>> No.54409471

>>china being a global hegemony will have 0 consequences for the US
Name them, the burden of proof is on you.
Name 3 concrete negative consequences for the average every day US citizen, I'll wait

>> No.54409482

don't be so obviously jewish

>> No.54409491

Also forgot to mention N.Korea is pretty effective at starving and killing their own people so they might be pretty effective at killing white people. Also black people so maybe it would be for the best.

>> No.54409507

So the current US hegemony has had all sorts of effects for the world at large but a Chinese one suddenly wont. Fuck off

>> No.54409509
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Because the US is turning into China with the additional flavor of globohomo. If a foreign power is going to mess with my cunt at least I want to one that just want exploit me, not turn me into a gay slave AND exploit me

>> No.54409511

>user was banned for this post

>> No.54409521

Bitcoin backed gold

>> No.54409526

why is the world so fucking gay bros

>> No.54409528

Shut the fuck up you homo state department intern, we're not playing RED TEAM BLUE TEAM here. You're so utterly BTFO you can't even respond to my point
>Obviously a total collapse of the US would have an effect on US citizens.
Who's talking about a total collapse? I was talking about the US not being a dominant power. You're the retard constantly conflating the two and here I am trying to patiently explain it to you, but again I think you're some poly sci reddit neolib retard whose ambition is to intern for (and be sexually abused by) your local politician so you're too low IQ to get it. You know red team and you know blue team, you don't know how to think for yourself

>> No.54409531

>Do liberals think that? I wouldnt think they would since they are so concerned with niggers and trannies being treated fairly. Also good job dodging the question.
I mean liberal in the classic sense of the word. Both DNC liberals and "classical liberals" are liberals.

And yes I genuinely believe being given the opportunity to have some input on how society is reformed would result in something better for me than the oligarchy we have now. Do you want more explanation?

>> No.54409539

i love seeing ameriburgers cope like this
soon you and your butt buddy israel will be completely isolated from the entire world

>> No.54409545

Then name three of those effects specifically, you ranting glowfaggot
Unless of course, you're just an NPC who thinks CHYNA BAD BECAUSE FOX SAY SO

>> No.54409546

2 more weeks

>> No.54409547

>posting tweets from 2016

>> No.54409571

>losing your career over something you say isn't a big deal, goy

>> No.54409572

I say we just bomb them, I’m not even American but most my wealth is in dollar dominated assets and these retards are trying to ruin it

>> No.54409584

destroying anuses is non negotiable

>> No.54409589

boomers would rather start a nuclear war than diversify their portfolio

>> No.54409605

>just bomb Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, bro
yeah you sure sound smart

>> No.54409611

>If a foreign power is going to mess with my cunt at least I want to one that just want exploit me, not turn me into a gay slave AND exploit
Things have gotten bad

>> No.54409618

>Who's talking about a total collapse?
>I was talking about the US not being a dominant power.
If the US isn't a dominant power, the US would totally collapse.
the other guy is a retarded faggot redditor.

>> No.54409648

that is the short synopsis of american foreign economic and political strategy.
>bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran
>hahaha McCain you're so funny, joking 'bout killing people

>> No.54409655

>just bomb them
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates (UAE)

>> No.54409663
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>> No.54409679

you live in peak society and you think if the government collapsed, you'd have more input in decision making then you do now?
good luck with that.
everyone would be more cucked slaves then we are now.

>> No.54409681

No Chinaman ever priced me out of a home

>> No.54409687

>you live in peak society
>Because I am not a faggot liberal who thinks we have reached peak human society

>> No.54409711

easier done then said.
easy to do, difficult to tell people, explicitly, that's the plan. e.g.
>Step 1: Country challenges petro-dollar
>Step 2: bomb & maim them and depose their leadership
>Step 3: ???
>Step 4: profit off the petro dollar
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54409735

we live in peak society because if you plotted standard of living etc. on a graph, we're at ATH.
of course we can still go higher, or be better.
WEF give us Morality Pills + wetware computers off harvested octopus brains.

>> No.54409752

america is fucking evil
china never nuked Japan
china never firebombed Dresden

>> No.54409756
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because things in china work, you get value for your tax money and you also KNOW what is not allowed

like not talking bad about Xi, CCP or promote democracy. In US or EU, a lot of things are allowed "on paper" but in reality refusing to use some made up pronoun can get you fired from any job which means you can't sustain yourself and new jobs will find your name in some news article but everything you did was 100% legal

I would even say this "cultural censorship" is more powerful than the legal chinese one

>> No.54409757

as a Montenigger I approve

>> No.54409759
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The media is telling me the commie is le hecking good guy, was lula betraying the united states part of biden’s master plan?

>> No.54409777

The last thing I want is for power to shift from US-EU to Asia, but the transfer of power is actually occuring. We are losing ground and they are gaining. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not occuring just because you don't like it is not doing any of us any good, you idiot

>> No.54409782

You’re not an Anglo Saxon then

>> No.54409784
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>Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.54409795

This just in. Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.54409798

>china never nuked Japan
>china never firebombed Dresden
uhhh yea, that's factual.
but china has killed MILLIONS of it's OWN people countless times throughout it's history.
which I feel like is arguably worse then nuking an enemy country
>hiroshima killed ??? 100k maimed 300k?

>> No.54409818

nothing compares to the absolute horror and evil that america committed during WWII

china wasn't even a cohesive country for most of its history. what you're talking about is basically warring tribes.

>> No.54409842

Yes the powerhouses of South Africa

>> No.54409850

>America trying to backtrack on the whole, just a couple of nukes, thing to make out like it was no buggy but not sure if that might encourage discourage getting a couple of lil nukes itself

America really is owed a couple of lil nukes by now. The amount of foreign tampering is insane.

>> No.54409853

i can assure you that the state department gives a fuck

>> No.54409858

All bombable, except Turkey they in nato why do they betray us?

>> No.54409868

Clearly you've never be to Canadian West Coast

>> No.54409878

>russia, a nuclear power, is totally bombable bro
how about you stop talking

>> No.54409882

be a citizen of US and try to go to north korea and educate them about free open information that isn't even created by the US Government about ETH and see what happens

Oh wait it did https://decrypt.co/97624/ethereum-dev-virgil-griffith-gets-five-years-in-prison-for-north-korea-trip

>> No.54409904

How about we just bomb you too

>> No.54409918

BRICoin chads, our time has come

>> No.54409926

land of the freeeeeee

>> No.54409930

I mean, come on guys, you put it into perspective, it's really not that bad.
come onnnn.
yea, it was abhorrent and horrendous, but I mean, never forget pearl harbor?
and look at their country, it's great, bounced back no problem.
and the japanese did really atrocious to china + taiwan, enslavement, massacres etc during ww2.
but anyways, naw, China is not a beacon of innocence and prosperity.
now if you were defending Israel over US, yea, I mean I can see where you're coming from, that makes sense.

>> No.54409939

US decadence is off the charts. My guess is even Mexico would embarrass US military. I'm not saying Mexico is going to win, but I'm pretty sure they will cause way mire damage than Taliban. Narcos would probably become a Wagner PMC like version.

>> No.54409945

>The developer also traveled to North Korea without permission from the U.S. government.

Kek, Land of the free!

>> No.54409951

Look at all the coping subhumans in the responses. 50% of the population and 25% of the world's economy. Lmao.

>C-c-hina will defeat the us!
>can't even take Taiwan
>Russia will defeat HATO!
>Entire military bludgeoned like slaughtered sheep
>south Africa, Brazil and India are up and coming super powers!
>can't even stop the daily gang rapes occuring on busses around their nation's capitals

BRIC niggers were a meme in the 00's and they're a meme now, just even more pathetic.

>> No.54409960


LoL who is going to make it collapse first?
south Africa, India, Brazil or Russia?
The only one somewhat reliable financially is china in the team.

>> No.54409975

Lmao you fucking retard

>> No.54409976

Because there’s a lot of 3rd world nigger tier people here clearly who are tired of feeling like they are powerless. It’s just a fantasy of a cuckholded group of shitskins and chinks.

>> No.54409984

Like what? Burning through 10 tons of coal just to process everyday transactions. It's also not even anonymous if you start using it at the fucking grocery store

>> No.54409989

or maybe it's because america is fucking evil and its collapse opens the door to a new and better world

>> No.54410002

I'm white from European heritage.

>> No.54410020

You mean the niggers browns and chinks that the white man has always had under their thumb? I think we’ll be just fine. You can’t compete.

>> No.54410046

you are complete cucks. nobody takes you seriously anymore

>> No.54410060

Basically Gold backed Bitcoin that ayys introduced to us?

>> No.54410084
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how much energy does us military use to prevent the dollar from imploding ?

>> No.54410149

with the Ukraine war, my calculation was we're willing to 'invest' upto $1.3 Trillion in their war, before we consider pulling support.
based on gdp's of different countries + how much of a 'discount' we get by forcing people to transact in petro-dollars.
as a reminder, we've only invested around $100+ BB cumulatively, so far.

>> No.54410210

exactly, just like in china you need a special permission to travel

sure one can be against china, but mutts who think USA is this glorious land of the free where they have civil forfeiture, can block you out of your bank account for buying a gun and there is 0 worker protection rights with regards to freedom of speech disgust me

>> No.54410213

Europe will never break free of anything. You are white slaves for the rich. Obedient mutts that slurp up all the rich family cummies. No actual independent thought. You will be slaves to people like Justin Sun when the Yuan becomes the reserve currency. Nobody will ever think of you as the world shifts its focus east, but not to you. You will never have an empire again because you are docile and afraid. Your buck has been broken, collectively, by the world. You don't have an identity anymore. You're just one big zogworld theme park. Africans penetrate every orifice of your society now. The hodge podge of 70IQ cultures have taken its toll and the best of you (THE FRENCH LOL) can't even get rid of a clearly unpopular president. You just let it happen. Over and over. Just let them all walk over you. Why? Because you're a peasant. Always have been. But now, not even one cycle after losing reserve currency status, you look like pathetic worms. Your continent will be a warning for all of time and this period in history will be called "The Actual Dark Ages" as African melanin floods through your lineage and dilutes your IQ back to when you were just retards living in stick huts on the outskirts of greatness. You will be recalled as the barbarians of your time.

>> No.54410243

I feel like I see this headline every year.

>> No.54410256

why would they "take" taiwan when they just can corrupt the US youth with ooga booga tiktok videos?

>> No.54410260

>if you plotted standard of living etc. on a graph, we're at ATH.
Thats just blantily wrong. The average american has less purchase power than even a decade ago.
They take more meds, they are more sucidial, they have less friends, they make less money, they have less sex.
>But muh Tech
Shut the fuck up,
>Muh GDP
Wow really happy some banker is making money.

>> No.54410363


>> No.54410524

>Thats just blantily wrong.
no, it's not.
>The average american has less purchase power than even a decade ago.
true, but you repeat the same point in the next line.
>They take more meds, they are more sucidial, they have less friends, they make less money, they have less sex.
and crime is far lower and much higher conviction rates with much higher certainty innocents aren't convicted.
we've also more or less moved away from the death penalty in lieu of life without parole.
lower domestic violence.
racial/gender equality. (you may not like it, but the 'average' american minority appreciates it greatly)
everyone has indoor plumbing.
everyone has electricity.
everyone has a cellphone and the vast majority a laptop or desktop computer.
you can fly, pretty much, anywhere around the world and arrive on the same day.
food is far better quality, with much higher yields.
the list goes on and on and on.
>but shut the fuck up about tech!
america invented all the tech you have today, and yes, people are a little poorer then a couple decades ago, but there life is far better.

>> No.54410646

>If the US isn't a dominant power, the US would totally collapse.
Mmm I still don't really think so, people said the same thing about Russia in 1991 and they're doing ok. Not great by any means, but they're not asian or african third world and you're being dishonest if you try to claim that

>> No.54410654

do not reply to the israeli shill

>> No.54410715

>racial/gender equality. (you may not like it, but the 'average' american minority appreciates it greatly)
No such thing as equality, women and blacks want revenge on white men not equality
>everyone has indoor plumbing.
Been true for over 100 years
>everyone has electricity.
Also true for over 100 years
>everyone has a cellphone and the vast majority a laptop or desktop computer.
Yes and now no one has any fucking peace. Tax collectors, foreign telemarketers, and government agencies can now be up your ass 24/7, great.
>you can fly, pretty much, anywhere around the world and arrive on the same day.
After getting molested by low IQ niggers
>food is far better quality, with much higher yields.
Actually nutritional quality of food has been dropping for decades, look into it
>yes, people are a little poorer then a couple decades ago, but there life is far better.
Lol you have some nerve calling other people redditors when this is the most reddit fucking take you can have

>> No.54410730

Hey remember when everyone said that the EURO would be the end of the dollar and would be the new world currency. lmao

>> No.54410745

you just kinda come off as an incel.
nothing wrong with that, but don't take it out on me.

>> No.54410759

like, e.g. the world is not a worse place, just because you have a hard time getting laid.

>> No.54410761

So much anti-amermutt copout in this thread

>> No.54410765

tits or gtfo

>> No.54410811

Chinese women have sex with me
American women do not have sex with me
Simple as

>> No.54410818

>do not reply to the israeli shill
and yet, you gave me 2 (you)'s

>> No.54410835

chinese women won't have sex with you if America collapses.
simple as.

>> No.54410911

if you think everyone will use a bitcoin wallet you are off. It will be more of a gold reserve kind of thing, where citizens regain power over governments yet again.
It is you decision how much you keep at a bank and not every store you purchase stuff form will know whats in your wallet.

>> No.54410981


>> No.54410996

led dot money

>> No.54411054

You're a stupid nigger. I had a nigger try to fight me and later had cops ask if I was racist during the situation

>> No.54411103

>number go up therefore society good
Standard of living is actually decreasing in the west, only gdp goes up because brrrrrr

>> No.54411260

>believing official statistics and Reddit tier consumerism as "increase in quality of life"
>calling others incel who disagrees

Not a good look there buddy.

>> No.54411286

This has existed since the 1960s, anon.

>> No.54411292

You didn’t learn your lesson, Cletus. Time for another session in jail. Or maybe you liked your last session with tyrone a lot, eh?

>> No.54411298

>implying I’m still going to be in America when this shithole collapses

>> No.54411338

>b-but that’s ok if visa, Amex, dinners club, and MasterCard do it!!!! Reeeeeeee!!!!!

>> No.54411363
File: 141 KB, 1200x1304, 794F42E6-E5F3-4280-A438-9572603170E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit, Cletus

>> No.54411410

>doesn’t speak the local language
>spending usd while everyone starved around him
>acts like a tourist and speaks really loud cuz all Anglos do
>sticks out like sore thumb whenever he goes
>goes to a brics country

Lmao, you can run but you can’t hide

>> No.54411448

>As a white European
Literally won't exist in 75 years. Congrats you won

>> No.54411517

burger cope

>> No.54411552
File: 524 KB, 2001x863, K.COM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a european

blocks your path

>> No.54411563

>doesn’t speak the local language
>goes to a brics country
India and South Africa speak English faggot. I also speak Portuguese too so I can go to Brazil
>spending usd
Cmon faggot this is /biz/ all my wealth is in bitcoin

>> No.54411585

>>t.seething mutt
>welcome to irrelevancy faggot

what would dollars even be for when this is launched

>> No.54411588


Being free doesn't mean you can use that freedom against freedom itself to undermine it. They warned him not to go, a patriot, even a normal person would listen to their government. But he had to be the big guy. He got off easy if you ask me. Just don't be a traitor and you'll be fine.

>> No.54411590

Hispanic will be considered white and assimilate, just like the Irish and the Italians before them.

>> No.54411608

You are genetically a biological trash.

>> No.54411621
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>> No.54411638

The US needs to get India under heel. They are getting a little big for their britches pulling shit like this. The other countries the US doesn't have any influence over.

>> No.54411647
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AI post?
No enlightened goyim can write anything like that with conviction.

>> No.54411663

Two more weeks you fucking gook.

>> No.54411729

The US has been an evil force since 9/11, every single one of the worlds degeneracy and chaos stems from American influence. I wish you just fucked off and became an isolationist country again, but instead you just had to let the Jews take over

>> No.54411744

>no u

Ok chinksect!

>> No.54411791

>to challenge
Guys just want to be free from the biggest scammers on earth
A burger flipper earns more than a fucking euro programmer ffs looool

>> No.54411806

I must express my disagreement with your statement, my esteemed interlocutor. It is worth mentioning that I have completed my education at the highest level within the Navy Seals and have participated in multiple covert operations against Al-Qaeda, resulting in over 300 confirmed eliminations. My expertise lies in guerrilla warfare, and I am recognized as the most skilled sniper in the entirety of the US armed forces. To me, you represent merely another objective. I assure you that I am capable of neutralizing you with unparalleled accuracy, the likes of which this world has yet to witness. Please take note of my words.

Do you believe you can communicate such remarks to me via the internet without consequences? I kindly advise you to reconsider, dear interlocutor. Concurrently, my confidential network of intelligence operatives across the United States is being alerted, and your IP address is being identified at this very moment. I urge you to prepare for the impending turbulence that will inevitably disrupt your existence. Regrettably, your time is limited.

My abilities allow me to be present at any location and at any given moment, with the capacity to eliminate you utilising over seven hundred distinct techniques, relying solely on my manual dexterity. My training extends beyond unarmed combat, providing me access to the comprehensive arsenal of the United States Marine Corps. I shall employ this arsenal to its maximum potential in order to expunge your presence from this continent, my dear acquaintance.

Had you been aware of the grave consequences that would follow your rather ingenious remark, perhaps you would have opted for discretion. Alas, you were unable to foresee the repercussions, and now you must face them. It is with great regret that I inform you of the impending deluge of retribution that shall befall you. Your journey has reached its conclusion, my young friend.

>> No.54411834

We know the Anglo-Jewish empire is coming to an end. But... Chinks, Indians, etc all live in White countries and benefit off our system. I think we should just cut them loose if they think they're better off without us.

>> No.54412059

>innocents aren't convicted.
You really believe this shit?
After the absolute clown show that our courts are and the constant lawfare?
We still have political prisoners from the Jan 6th parade who have spent 2+ years without trial
>we've also more or less moved away from the death penalty in lieu of life without parole.
But Cops gun down civilians and get a paid vacation for it, yeah right.
>food is far better quality, with much higher yields.
Vegetables have less minerals/nutrients due to breeding favor of size than those of 80 years ago.
There is so much corn syrup the majority of americans are obese to overweight.
>and crime is far lower and much higher
Crime and violent crime is up in the cities. Murder and muggings are more common not to mention the bi-monthly school shooting.
>but there life is far better.
By no metrix expect for the increase in phones and computers.

>> No.54412523

Damn, and 70% of the world's economy can't beat little Russia?
It must mean that financial capital means fucknothing when shit gets real.

>> No.54412585
File: 29 KB, 736x414, Ristas7bb3bbdd66f5c5b9a2526ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter Screenshot
>of blue-checked account
>citing Russian government official

>> No.54412604

This is irrelevant because the reality is these BRICS countries are all shitholes. Nobody is moving from the West to BRICS because we know the reality is those countries are terrible and the businesses are uninventable. BRICS can lie all they want on economic data to say they are equal to the West but everyone deep down knows the truth. Nobody is leaving America to go to Russia or India. Indeed, the reality is the complete opposite.

>> No.54412637
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Not a burgre, but in an attempt to lecture tards in here: The fact that BRICS will never be relevant on the world stage is simple: They cannot reach a world reserve currency because China (the only relevant one) is ran by a commie dictatorship (just like Russia, but nobody cares about Russia other than extracting commodities). The reason is simple: Nobody wants to hold their money on accounting done by a dictatorship in 2023. Everything is rigged. Inb4 retards blame the US dollar on being fake too. No, this is next level fakery. This is a fully closed source code you are putting your money into, with no third party analysis. And the only way to change this would be to do the opposite of what the Chinese regime does, which will not happen.

>> No.54412640

You can't say shit if they pass anything remotely similar to the restrict act. You can't say shit if it's actionable. The US has devolved so rapidly, I don't think it wouldn't be a major change for the millions already destitute and just hanging by a thread. They're pining for their own Mao revolution and rounding up landlords, bankers, whomever they just don't like to make them dig their own graves under the barrel. Why would they support any system that rapes them day by day?

>> No.54412709
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>blocks your path

>> No.54412708

Send all the H1-B jeets back.

>> No.54412719

>as a european
Ah, so you mean an asshole for most of human civilization until you guys finally fucked up so bad you brought the entire world into your gay wars and it blew up in your face and you've been seething since?
Europeans should be banned from ever dissing America for being the top dog, the only reason America is the top dog is because of you assholes

>> No.54412770

Asian women don't put out after having a kid

>> No.54412788
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the result of a stable government and wealthy society

or are we gonna pretend trannies don't exist in brazil too and there isn't a whole culture of prison gay in russian society

>> No.54412820
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USA definitely sucks, is constantly getting worse (and less "free"), and I don't doubt China and other powerful countries are uniting or beginning to unite to challenge the US dollar

that all being said, what is the alternative? In general, people still want to come here to live. Large swathes of the plebs here have it better than general population in at least most other countries, and it's probably better/easier to be rich in the USA than anywhere else in the world. These points are all debatable to a degree but my point is - where else is there to go? Are people going to start trying to border hop into China? India? Russia? I don't think so.

I mean an immigrant in China is probably like a 2nd class citizen, no matter how wealthy. You'd always have to watch what you say. USA is becoming more and more illiberal but there's just no alternative "City upon a Hill" or I would have already moved there.

>> No.54412839

this narrative is being pushed just as hard as the 2020 chinese "people dropping dead in the streets!" videos
guess what all these countries hold their debt denominated as? dollars
guess what the overwhelming majority of trade is settled in? dollars
it's like if a bunch of small crypto exchanges said they're ditching btc for BCH - while coinbase, kraken, gemini etc. all continue to be on BTC standard
>if you disagree, put your savings in the Yuan

>> No.54412861

but do they dress men up like demon women and have them read to children and then attack anyone who disagrees? do they teach kids about trans in school and then the teacher decides your boy is a girl and the government takes your child away to undergo gender transition? or is that just a western thing because tranny worship means they can do no wrong?

>> No.54412976

then don't go, don't bring your kids there

this isn't hard you can avoid trannies by ignoring them they're a mainstream part of society in southeast asia and latin america, you're always going to have gay people no matter how hard you try to force them into the closet

i never understood poltards who get professionally upset at things for a living

>> No.54413010

So many mutts ITT. It's hilarious watching them perform mental gymnastics. The dollar is finished, nobody wants some mutt sanctioning them for Israel

>> No.54413234

There will be an inflection point and the people being crushed in the US under class warfare won't continue being raped to maintain some notion of a middle class standard of living as that gets strangled out of reality so that many fewer people can become multimillionaires, living off dividends and rental income as the housing supply languishes and gets strangled, health services restricted, and food supply poisoned with healthy foods deemed a privelege at a premium, not a right. People that don't see a future for themselves in a country of nepotism, cronyism, feudalism, that's already written them off, will go for any manner of leverage that leads to large changes. But the issue today transcends nations.
The western coalition lead by the US spent decades installing and bolstering a global financial network operated by central banks that turned fraudulent and encouraged destructive parasitism and financial terrorism and rot.

>> No.54413294

>>54408502 >>54408672 >>54408823 >>54409094 >>54409539 >>54411608 >>54412637
None of you will be white and none of you will ever be purebred based on your definitions lmao cope muttys

>> No.54413326
File: 886 KB, 1301x1597, brazilsocietyfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't hard you can avoid trannies by ignoring them they're a mainstream part of society in southeast asia and latin america

>> No.54413348

South Africa cannot even keep the lights on.

>> No.54413468

Seethe kike
Your 100 years of tyranny and Talmudic kikery are coming to an end
And it's fucking beautiful

>> No.54413594


You lost
Jews won

>> No.54413685

>looks at thumbnail
yeah, not playin that

>> No.54413729

We should also give it a catchy name like, uhm, crypto

>> No.54413737

>the result of a stable government and wealthy society
no, that's the result of judeo social engineering

>> No.54413754
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>> No.54413939
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I'm here for the seething subhuman mutts.

>> No.54413964

How is the Asian the tallest of those manlets? China is a paper tiger that will have a civil war at some point. Russia is fucked fighting for a port they already had. South Africa, starts with N and rhymes with Tiggers. India, inevitable water dispute with China as their population booms. Brazil, Brazil, Brazil? That mutt nation with nothing but murder to export? Yea have fun with a bloc that will back stab each other every chance they get

>> No.54414073

>who is talking about the collapse of america
Me in my original post that started this whole discussion you dumb fucking faggot. Like i have told you the paat 3 replies now, but apparently reading is too hard.

>> No.54414116

Russian Duma members say a lot of stuff. One of them was saying they would nuke the US, Britain, and Germany. Doesn't mean it will happen

>> No.54414117

r u ok retard
this isn't 2016, nobody cares about bitcoin
ethereum l2s process millions of transactions at cheaper cost than visa
gnosischain is literally carbon positive

>> No.54414198
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North Korea has a higher birthrate than South Korea

>> No.54414255
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People don't move to those countries because they have strict immigration laws and harsh borders


Very high IQ post there Jamal

>> No.54414416

Where the fuck do you people live where you get your entire lives ruined because you called someone the wrong pronoun at work or called someone a nigger? I do not see this shit happen in the southern united states.

>> No.54414439

The death of the petrol dollar could be great for everyone involved.
Imagine, if the US didn't have to "police" the world, in order to enforce the Petro dollar. All the lives saved.

>> No.54414455

So based on this thread people would rather live under the thumb of a dictatorship in China with CCP propoganda shoved down their throat telling them exactly what they can think and say because it MIGHT allow them the freedom to call people fags, niggers, and trannies in public?

>> No.54414589

it does not matter a single iota as long as US's military dwarves the rest of the world. US is the only country that can send its forces anywhere in the world within 18 hours.
USD is backed by its military strength, the only other option is MAD but the bugmen doesn't want that either.

>> No.54414656


>> No.54414803

Satanic inversion. That's the only thing that stuck whenever I listened to faggots and nigger worshippers.

>> No.54415014

Really comes down to the fact that at least China, doesn't try to subvert nations cultures.
coming from an Eastern European country that is "forced" into accepting globohomo values, I find it unforgivable
not to mention other evils that US has committed just recently, such as instigating the Ukraine conflict or what they did with Libya or Iraq.
China hasn't shown any intention of doing either so far (doesn't mean that they won't in the future, but still).

>> No.54415073

As if we're worried about some second and third world shit holes creating their own currencies.

>> No.54415082

>USA is better because... le immigration!

Wow diversity really is progress, thanks!

>> No.54415126

you think usa is any better than that? lmfao you clearly haven't been here

>> No.54415195

Because the US use their meme soft power to fuck with our culture and social values on top of everything else, something that I can never see China doing.
Being in the position you are right now as a country doesn't benefit the average mutt in the slightest either, besides some deluded bragging rights.
Sweden is a political giant compared to Denmark or Norway yet I would live in the latter 1000 times out of 1000.
Internal prosperity in a semi isolated culture is better than a life of half luxury in a world hegemon.

>> No.54415196

Globohomo values such as rampant faggotry like Russians are known for?

>> No.54415197

Like another anon said at least they don't want to turn me into a gay tranny.

>> No.54415218

>Write all that out when you could have just said "I love CIA propaganda"
Yes anon all of America's geostrategic enemies are authoritarian dictatorships. And it's not a lie this time like all those other times were!

>> No.54415222

You mean the prison gay thing in the military? They really ought to have government issued comfort women, yes.

>> No.54415246

Why does India get out of hanging out with China and Russia?

>> No.54415272

When you see it

>> No.54415318

These....people will fall for whatever propaganda is fed to them and for some reason the BRICS propaganda seems more appealing to them at this moment. It's almost like the dumber the propaganda the more they like it. Anyone with even half a brain would instantly see through the bullshit. Great example is Russia's propaganda about the Ukraine war and how easily some of these gullible retards lapped it all up and we're instantly brainwashed into supporting the enemy. Truly the weakest links of society.

>> No.54415355

you clearly haven't figured out who the bad guys are yet

>> No.54415364

China emits bonds you retarded iliterate faggot. Cope more

>> No.54415384

This reminds me of the final scene in Too Old to Die Young.
Based series, would recommend.

>> No.54415387
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good thing pic related can take the entire world

>> No.54415494

China isnt a dictatorship?

>> No.54415515
File: 2.33 MB, 1251x819, sic semper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power

>> No.54415601

pottle call kettle black u basterd benchod mutt

>> No.54415623

lol, the u.s. can run the printing press for a day and create more wealth than all those countries do in a year

>> No.54415625

Three Letter Agent glow so bright. U break economy, you buy! Buy!

>> No.54415882

>government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.
>or whatever else
BRUH hahahahhhhhhhhhhhahahaahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaah ahahhaahahah haahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.54415903
File: 297 KB, 1080x1017, milf of the legislative house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is everyone who you don't agree with, a glowie?

>> No.54415930


>> No.54415947

>A bunch of shit nations coming together to create what they can't do on their own
Oh no I'm trembling in my boots. If the Euro didn't topple the dollar Chinkbux won't either.

>> No.54415957

The war in Ukraine show that China and Russia aren't even allies. They literally can't be bothered to help each other. And you expect fucking CHINA and INDIA to get along in the same org? Holy shit. They might as well bring in North Korea, South Korea, Israel, and Saudi Arabia

>> No.54415973

Haiyyaaa u can say NIGGER maaa... prus u gwailos vely razy with meme... terr your boss I can do your job for fraction of what they pay u gwailo monkey

>> No.54416084

India is hoping to fan flames so that the three will start a bidding war for India’s support.

Honestly, India's biggest trade partner is the usa, but it also gets energy and weapons from Russia. China can produce cheap goods but that isn't useful for their economy because their labor is cheaper than China's. China has a much tenser and weaker relationship with India than Russia does. Russia has a passing friendship and trade relationship with India spanning into the cold war.

At present, India isn't so much a thrall or best friend of either China Russia or the USA, it's simply trying to establish bilateral trade deals for what it sees as its own advantage. It is unlikely to commit to either side from this current point in time Prime minister Modi is simply trying to play both sides for a profit.

It is unclear how it'll play out for them. China will attempt to subvert their allies and basically already is. India is totally non committed to allyship on any side. I am not sure how South Africa or Brazil fit into the picture.

It seems like India's decision has led to a reevaluation of US intentions towards them. The United states likes having a cheap labor partner for manufacturing. First it was Japan, then China. The US floods the country with investment capital, builds a huge manufacturing arm and buys from it, turning 3rd world shitholes into productive wealthy economies. In particular it seems to always make them the world's second largest economy after 4 decades. India was very clearly on this same track. India's decision after their siding with China after Ukraine has basically put those plans on hold. So it is curious which country will want to take China's place now. Whoever wants that spot has a great opportunity for their country to rocket into the 2nd largest economy.

>> No.54416127
File: 148 KB, 1024x683, TheAbsoluteStateOfFrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European and unfortunately this faggot is completely right.

>> No.54416255
File: 669 KB, 2308x3264, deadass mans hand frfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol for sure man

>> No.54416256

Post your hand

>> No.54416293




Just look at how the Euro (ticker €) is destroying the EU because of the less productive south being subsidized by the super productive north.


>> No.54416324

See, dis what I talky talky about. Cringey normalfag, vely razy. And if you post nafo shib I wirr eat your dog, whitemonkey

>> No.54416523
File: 103 KB, 828x627, chad_jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comrade, we won't need currency where we're going

>> No.54416715
File: 142 KB, 1280x1001, 1664178791310420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks you'll see

>> No.54416850

>at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.
The US government is making all of those things bigger and worse.

>> No.54416896

Lmao they are literally going to measure the value of their own currency in USD. What kind of 3rd world cope is this? And why is every retard ITT too dumb to see what's happening here? Is it just because Le Biden bad?

>> No.54417045
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, 1662274319403591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, look at these seething dollar trannies. it's over amerigolems. your kike masters lost. deal with it.

>> No.54417070
File: 158 KB, 1176x1280, 1668989302691013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that pic suppose to mean?

>> No.54417082

>Economies whose entire economic model is performing labour for under the 1st world's value are abandoning the dollar!
>Be scared!

>> No.54417220

honestly I have no idea

>> No.54417340

You retarded cunts actually think even if it goes through it'll have really any of push on demand of the dollar. They still need to pay debts retard.

>> No.54417399




>> No.54417458


Aaaaand that's exactly why the US is doomed. Printing money is like cocaine. And now the whole country is junkiefied.

>> No.54417470

>24 replies
>none of them successfully refuted your post

They wouldn't last long in China. They'd complain about Xi's lockdowns and get disappeared in an instant.

>> No.54417506

Got home, so new ID. I was being sarcastic here >>54417082 as those economies are too integrally reliant on the USD to survive a transition away from it in any practical sense.

>> No.54417525

Holy fuck. Eurocucks get rekt

>> No.54417527
File: 89 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20230401-122901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why the DXY has been pumping ever since de-dollarization new has been out? Are investors really that confident in the USD or is this some kind of scam pump insider shit? Because nothing I am seeing is looking good for uSD except for a full scale war.

>> No.54417666
File: 71 KB, 1920x1200, MONDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant find a photo of china and india holding hands because they're in a low intensity border war
>Half of south east asia are terrified of the rise of China and rely on US to combat it
>Five Eyes anglo countries, Japan and the European Union will never ever step away from each other
>South Africa and Brazil are economic export competitors
>All rely on Slav-shit and Chink-shit weaponry and MIC's
oh no no no
laughing my lmfao ass off
Pic related it's the two opposing WW3 alliances, which side do you want to be on?

>> No.54417867

so fucking what, any country emits them, only one has a reserve currency dummy,

>> No.54418124

He should invest in a treadmill

>> No.54418259
File: 38 KB, 640x567, 262962701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re investors really that confident in the USD or is this some kind of scam pump insider shit? Because nothing I am seeing is looking good for uSD except for a full scale war
it's because BRICS is a fucking joke; not one of those countries actually matters

as long as europe and japan stand with the US, nothing changes

>> No.54418283
File: 148 KB, 410x598, based department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy, you got a call

>> No.54418359
File: 381 KB, 499x516, e37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use your own currency to denominate debts
>Buy 1 billion in steel using Chinese Yuan
>China devalues their currency on purpose
>All of their debts are worthless
Professional retards. This is BRI all over again.

>> No.54418390

Because they're Chinese and Russian shills seething that their plans never work.

>> No.54418417

We get global trade that isn't stopped by pirates that would love a free oil tanker if not for the threat of the US Navy.

>> No.54418444

Or maybe it's because you're a nigger from a shit hole country. Tell us where you're from. Go on. I want to laugh. /biz/ desperately needs flags.

>> No.54418449

India is in a tight rope because it has many disputes with China. From Kashmir to Buthan (India guarantees its defense) to the direct border between China and India, not to mention the Tibet exiles living in Inida.

The relationship between India and Russia is deeper than that, India needs its own military infrastructure which the west refused to privide, at most they sold some things like a bunch of Rafales. Russia went as far as lending their nuclear submarines to India with nearly no restrictions. Both Russia and India know that if Russia is held hostage by China then it is over for both of them, also they know they cannot be open enemies of China so they hedge their bets as well as they can through BRICS.

South Africa is also a Russian "ally", for somewhat similar reasons given the expansive Chinese influence in Africa. They even performed joint navy drills recently.

The only country in BRICS kinda neutral is Brazil, but this is because Brazil has strict neutral stances and a rigid non intervention clause in its constitution. It is also a long historical military partner of NATO since the times of the Allies in WW2. Its neutral stance is one of the biggest reasons for the Gripen deal. However, economically Brazil has been trying to diverse its partners and China is now its biggest partner so they are also hedging their bets through BRICS. In Brazil's case it is worse because of Mercosul which has prevented it from extending its trade deals so they see BRICS as an escape path.

>> No.54418456

What country?

>> No.54418479

And then never purchase anything again...

>> No.54418557

I don't want bugmen and chink media pervading every aspect of my life. It's already bad enough with the globohomo garbage from America, I don't need fucking chingchong crap on top of it. Plus I fucking hate chinks

>> No.54418564

Yeah all of the currencies in question are too unstable to be of value for holding trade debts. There isn't enough gold to represent the trades either. It would need to be a new currency. Purely Fiat.

>> No.54418594

>B-but we were strong a hundred fifty years ago! Member the British Empire? Member Napoleon? Come on you member guys, right?
Nobody gives a shit how strong the West was 200 years ago, faggot. The West is now a dying dog, nobody is afraid of it anymore. The Occident has completely failed their objectives in the Middle East in embarrasing fashion and has only created more Jihadism and Arab unity. They lost power over Africa. They've lost most of South America and are in the process of losing all influence in it once Brazil and Argentina go full socialist. Pacific countries are now siding with China, just look at the Solomon Islands pact that just happened like half a year ago. They have no colonies left except meme islands that nobody gives a shit about. They West is fucking over, Liberalism and Jews killed it and niggers will twerk on it's corpse. Womp womp.

>> No.54418604

This isn't the 50's, mutt

>> No.54418697

>The reason is simple: Nobody wants to hold their money on accounting done by a dictatorship in 2023. Everything is rigged. Inb4 retards blame the US dollar on being fake too. No, this is next level fakery. This is a fully closed source code you are putting your money into, with no third party analysis. And the only way to change this would be to do the opposite of what the Chinese regime does, which will not happen.

You mean like how America unilaterally seized a trillion dollars worth of treasury bonds held by Russia because they were being bad goyim? This made everyone shit themselves and there is a global race to see how fast they can dump their treasury trash without nuking the value of them going on right now.

>> No.54419055

So a group of countries which do not trust each other, which do not have open capital markets, which would prefer not to hold their FX reserves in any of the other countries currencies and (for some) rule of law has a vague definition, have “agreed” to CREATE a new currency to trade with each other.

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.54419872

China has the worst real estate bubble in the world, and also fuels the real estate bubbles in Australia and Canada.

>> No.54419897

>5 shitcoins partnering with each other to seem more legit

>> No.54420008

An America where the swamp (mostly Democrats) rule the media and university doesn't resemble America in the slightest. The banking crisis and indicting a former president because he's a political opponent are more bad omens. New York City the unofficial capital of your country is unrecognizable and lost all founding father values. Why should one bet on the rest of the country recovering and not going the same direction. After poisoning the whole world with idiotic social media websites, now the US tries to ban TikTok. Rating posts and videos has alread been banned on those website in the supposed beacon of freedom of speech. All the companies are forced to adhere to ESG rules which blends all kind of politically loaded ideology into the climate issue. I hope I'm just pessimistic but the US I looked up to seems to be in the past.

>> No.54420044
File: 684 KB, 568x850, 1654191094857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think there should be some sort of "world currency" that is not any national currency. NOT one that all countries use as their own currency, but one that all national currencies compare their own to and use as trade instead of using the Dollar. Gold sort of used to be used like that, but we need something better now.


The ONLY digital asset. There is no second best.

>> No.54420205

>As bad as the US is at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.

What's the name of that Washington football team and did they change it out of their own volition?

>> No.54420632

>10 years

>> No.54420656

No im actually white
In the usa there are many white people aswell im not denying it

>> No.54420694
File: 97 KB, 616x733, 1680149948385023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we just provide state mandated whores to every incel that would increase the nutrients in foods

>> No.54421028

Honestly a collapse would be welcome, the brown cockroaches would all scurry back to their turd world homelands, Jews leave with their baggies to China to subvert the new host or return to Israel. rootless bug ppl get slaughtered by inner city blacks, hell maybe some blacks go to Africa once the gib spigot is turned off.

>> No.54421059
File: 19 KB, 551x550, 1672497683758432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As bad as the US is at least I can say whatever negative things I want about the government, trannies, niggers, or whatever else.

>> No.54421071

Because if everyone goes home we can buy property

>> No.54421172
File: 56 KB, 1080x1027, 7299262380169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pakistan created and kept on life support by west as a hedge against India
>critical race theory brought to india to make people deluded with black vs white nonsense of west
>Canada on a govt level involved in sikh vs india narrative
>american ,Swedish ,german govt and church funded conversion of poor Indians in east and then using converts to fan seccesionist ideas
>Muslim are prosecuted class and Hindu natives is trying to holocaust them narrative
>dismantling hindutva conference held in america and Britain
>faggotry being taught in Indian schools
West uses ideological warfare on India. If india is less dependent on faggots their ideologies can also be rationalised instead of flowing into india with goods ,services ,banks ,google without question . Chinks are deluded by kikes to chimp after 5000 years of literal zero conflict with us for some reason but physical war is mostly a non issue .Its much easier to deal with few decades old chink concept of nation then to deal with western supra national economic cabal

>> No.54421173

Turkey have always been betrayers. Shit there was a time the US needed to go through Turkey airspace and Turkey stalled them.

>> No.54421251

They were just trying to milk America's cock for money, what else do u expect out of cockroaches

>> No.54421283

>amerilard calling anyone docile and afraid

French people are literally engaging in hand to hand combat with fully decked out riot police as we speak because the government is trying to raise the retirement age by two years. Meanwhile amerigolems have weapons of war lying around their homes and don't do shit while their government turns their savings into monopoly money printing off another trillion to give to Israel and niggers food stamps

>> No.54421457

French do this every 6 months. The chimps of Europe

>> No.54422198

as a south african, this will never succeed

>> No.54422230

Yeah and if the US can do that imagine what could a dictatorship do with 100% fake accounting and unilateral views on internal and external policy. Good luck holding your money in chink/rusky money

>> No.54422243


Лaхтoгoвнo, и тeбя пoвecим, дaжe ecли ты нa кoляcкe кaтaeшьcя.