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54404756 No.54404756 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54404824

because they have unity. same reason a tiny rinky dink little island named japan is one of the worlds strongest economies. when all your people believe the same thing and work toward the same goals, the possibilities really open up. a jew in china is working towards the same goals as a jew in america. jewish world domination

>> No.54404844

We're God's chosen people. Try reading the Bible, idiot.

>> No.54404853

The jewish bible is a retelling of Sumerian creation story.
Literally verbatim you guys just changed a few names.

Sorry Humans were the chosen species, it was never a race or group of specific people.

>> No.54404874

they follow "ends justify the means" they have no morals compared to other religions

>> No.54404882

No, the idea that cryptocurrency is a "Jewish psyop" is a baseless and unfounded conspiracy theory. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a blockchain technology, and it is used by people of all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds around the world. There is no evidence to suggest that any particular group or organization, including Jewish people or groups, are responsible for creating or promoting cryptocurrency for any particular agenda or purpose. The development and adoption of cryptocurrency is a complex and evolving field, and it is driven by a variety of technological, economic, and social factors.

>> No.54404905

ok, try the Christian Bible. still the chosen people

>> No.54404937

High intelligence runs in Jewish DNA because they were God's chosen people at one point. God actually chose them and blessed them, appeared to them, and then they got haughty and corrupt like the Jews they are. And God punished them and extended blessings to all the Gentiles.
Elite Jews like Pharisees and Sadducees decided to ignore the lessons from God. Repeated disrespect to the sacrificial rites, divine laws, prostitution inside the temple, idol worship inside the temple, corruption, bribery, scandals with neighboring nations. God is furious with the Jews and their tricks. And continued to defy God even when the temples were destroyed. That's why Jesus came here to offer salvation and create a new pact with believers (new testament)

>> No.54404949

>herpderp try the bible written after the bible written after the original bible
Every creation story is the same from south america to the vikings, only jews claim they are chosen.

Funny how that works.

>> No.54404970
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>> No.54404988
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>his parents didn't buy him a computer at age 8
ngmi sorry bro

>> No.54405001

what can you do about it? Are you going to change the statistics in fields of science, math, law, business, politics, media, and technology?

The only area they don't have as much influence is resource extraction

>> No.54405171

nepotism is how he sold his vaporware company for billions

>> No.54405202

>god choosen people
hairy, unattractive, big curvy nose
>staristics in fields like finance
every scam has a stein berg witz man behind, like fucking clockwork, nice stats there

>> No.54405228

oh, so this is why it's so lucrative speculating on ARB right now.

>> No.54405234
File: 104 KB, 845x403, 2b972c_1ad0393747e44c6bb9d07eb0f9c16149_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are more privileged and powerful today than they were thousands of years ago. The new covenant is just god jewing Gentiles to make life better for his chosen people.
>only jews claim they are chosen
Well many white polytheists claimed that they were descendants of the Gods and many non white polytheists agreed.

>> No.54405243

They practice racial supremacy for themselves while subverting everyone else to compete against eachother as individuals

>> No.54405247

Wrong you were. But you killed God's son and it made him angry. You got cursed, your people were scattered again like the wind, and you are now the cursed synagogue of satan.

>> No.54405251

You are the chosen people of the nigger demiurge Yahweh

>> No.54405255
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Why did god make you ugly and evil? Why do you use your "superior" intelligence to harm Gentiles and destroy our world instead of making it a better place?
The answer can only be that god is ugly and evil as his chosen people and hates mankind.
Also Mohammed the pedophile prophet like Jesus also descends from Abraham the hebrew. God again chose the Jews when he created Islam.

>> No.54405265

The new covenant is offering salvation to believers of any background, cleansing of sins and eternal life basking in the glory of God

The message is well understood by Bible readers.

>> No.54405281
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>salvation to believers
By making them cucks to the Jews in exchange for a promise of a non sense afterlife.
Jesus was the ultra jew who jewed mankind into oblivion (even if a historical Jesus never existed)

>> No.54405284

their alien hybrids with older dna. they understand the human psyche better than real humans which is why they're proficient at usury and can write compelling stories

>> No.54405298

> and can write compelling stories

Like the Holocaust?

>> No.54405309

It must be hard to feel you're in control, that you don't need any divine presence in your life. I pray for your heart to thaw so that you can receive a glorious prize some day
If you believe in science above all, consider this:
People don't realize they're participating in God's test. A higher power is observing your behavior, evaluating your moral character and seeing how you handle your struggles. There is a reason the Bible talks about "The Truth" so much. Its because even modern physicists are faced with evidence that Einstein's theories about the fabric of time and space aren't quite right. Look up The Crisis in Cosmology.

>> No.54405326

See also: the Double Slit Experiment

>> No.54405400

This if what America is losing unfortunately
Sadly trump is hope in this regard

>> No.54405516
