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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54403493 No.54403493 [Reply] [Original]

>Gold / Silver
>Real Estate
>Bitcoin / Ethereum

Did I miss anything else?

>> No.54403512
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that pic is what's happening right now in north america..

>> No.54403533

What does one do? I suppose being the person making the bread would be based

>> No.54403609

One thing I've /biz/ doesnt own land or real estate, they need to become landlords

>> No.54403722

>they need to become landlords
Smaller landlords are currently squeezed out of the market in several Western countries on purpose. I wouldn't invest into something that's designed to make your life more miserable.

>> No.54403779

rent is normaly pretty fixed for a year.

1000 rent income in january gets you enough bread.
1000 rent income in december doesn´t get you enough bread.

Your prime material cost go up too. You sell bread and by the time you want to buy flour the currency is not worth enough for you to buy and produce bread.

You have to be producer of prime material... even then forget about the possibility to acquire stuff like labor or machines.

Unless you fuel hyperinflation by taking credit.

Credit at fixed rate; in january you need to make a lot of bread to pay
in december you only need to sell a loaf of bread to pay down the whole house.


take credit shortly before hyperinflation at fixed rate
once hyperinflation is on full ludicrous mode sell gold ounce and buy whole streets of realestate.

Problem: People will know you won the game and they lost everything. Happened to some Jewellers in Germany... They bought up whole inner city blocks. Germans used hitler card to throw game of the table... did not fully succeed

>> No.54403841

examples of prime materials i could get into? Im thinking about buying a farm

>> No.54403974

If globohomo doesn't close that exit.... You know, CO2 emissions are too high on your already super duper optimized farm.

You also get price controls

you have to sell your harvest at certain price you capitalistic swine, think of the starving children on the streets...
What, those prices are below your rising production costs? You wont work and toil the fields?

Don't you even think about selling your produce on the black market or we'll lock you up.

Farm gets nationalized. You know, it's for the greater good.

>> No.54404014


>> No.54404025
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>crypto board
>asks THIS question

>> No.54404116
File: 356 KB, 1908x1146, 4F35AC1C00000578-0-image-a-57_1534672628952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until then you can however get rich, since everyone will sell anything they have to buy your food.

or your silver mercury dimes. Or your satoshis/ether (that is if on and off ramps are not closed....) if scaling problem (investigate BSV.)
anything that stores value longer than the faster and faster devaluing paper.

One mercury dime for happy time with a milf and her questionable age daughter.

You have to have those stores of value before the panic, or you'll be the one using kneepads.


>> No.54405058
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>inflating like crazy
>price of silver crabbing
Amazing time to buy silver?

>> No.54405162

Literally any physical asset with scarcity and demand

>> No.54406006

You know, it's interesting: do you think that the people in Weimar knew that they were living in hyperinflation while it was going on?

>> No.54406097

>in case
Anon its already to happening

People making 200k are living paycheck to paycheck, if that isnt hyperinflation i dont know what

>> No.54406506
File: 54 KB, 618x285, first-signs-of-hyperinflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
