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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 85 KB, 1206x416, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 1.30.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5435911 No.5435911 [Reply] [Original]

you fuckin retards. I've been warning you.

>> No.5435971

wow .32 oh wait it was at .40 like a week ago

>> No.5436033


>measuring in fiat

lmao fucking newfag retard detected

>> No.5436407

>>measuring in fiat
>lmao fucking newfag retard detected

bitcoin is the real tether because it stays 1:1 with bitcoin

>> No.5436443

I made so much money ever since I sold my BAT bags

>> No.5436505

it fucking pisses me off that cmc replaced btc graph with fucking eth
even if its a erc20 token i do not care about how many eth its worth ffs
now i need to go onto exchanges to see historical btc prices ffs

>> No.5436541

Are you saying that BAT is going to go up in value?

>> No.5436763

Wow a 13% increase in BTC. How exciting. Can you newcoiners lurk more before you post your stupid nonsense?

>> No.5436863

>wow .32 oh wait it was at .40 like a week ago
huh? so?

if it goes to .40 again then what happens?


what's with all the flood of noobs???

>> No.5436915

Omg all these noobs amirite haha lol just eazy math xd 40/32 is 1.25 u make ez $25% profit yoooo we do it in fiat here loool cuz we care about fiat values in crypto world duuuuude so fucking noob omg we even uses satoshi lmao the nigga is aisan or w/e lol ikr? ok just measure crypto gainz in fiat okay dawg lmao fucking nobs...........!!! exde

>> No.5436967


spotted the normie coiner. You faggots only buy in once your shitcoins are already over 100% and ready to dump.

BAT is headed to 10k sats by March.

>> No.5437037

"Normie" I've been in crypto since early 2012. I've stopped dabbling with altcoins because it's practically a lottery. You have so many altcoins that hitting that 'moonshot' is next to impossible. I only stick to actual coins that have a proper development team with goals and an active development.

You can keep thinking you're going to get lucky, but you won't. Keep dreaming though, it's cute.

>> No.5437068


>I only stick to actual coins that have a proper development team with goals and an active development.

you obviously don't know shit about BAT then. fucking know-nothing larper.

>> No.5437137

BAT, the founder developed Javascript for Netscape and afterwards developed Firefox.
They've had a plan to create a browser around a year ago but nothing came out of it and the project is practically abandoned. So, yeah you can keep dreaming bud. Enjoy holding those bags sweetie.

>> No.5437172

you did man, you did
it's the ads right? you really think this will fly?

it really is the gold huh
so help me out... what signs do I look for in these crashes, clearly looking at the USD doesn't say much

>> No.5437736

thanks for the tip, dude.

>> No.5437799

The problem isn't measuring against the dollar.
The problem is retards measuring against something as volatile as bitcoin, causing the prices of other things to fluctuate for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.5438026
File: 95 KB, 501x810, 1513897843081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you measure a coins value?

>> No.5438078

HAHAH no its not. all you do is read the charts and buy low HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the people who cant even math.

>> No.5438123

look, imm going to tell you what. i dont give a shit HOW high this coin goes, if it moons to 10x. im NEVER buying this piece of shit. its not ever going to make it, no ones ever going to use the sucky ass brave browser, no ones ever going to pay tokens to watch ads or whatever the fuck it is. its just a stupid concept from the beginning, that no one will ever care about

>> No.5438213

you a millionaire already?

>> No.5438214

if ad companies adopt this idea, and they do have incentive to since it saves them money, then it wouldnt be just brave browser

>> No.5438527

how much would these tokens be worth compare to other cryptos?

>> No.5438714

Why? I see no news anywhere. I considered investing, but the project is silent

>> No.5438740

is 1k bat enough lmao
im still bagholding since june

>> No.5438758

>Measuring in a fundamentally broken currency that will be replaced by ETH by this time next year

>> No.5438783

Bitcoin will go back up in a few weeks and your coin will be worthless

>> No.5438797

>Brave doesn't exist
You're an idiot.

>> No.5439279
File: 90 KB, 1256x457, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 3.49.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5439806

F you
If BATards where not such insufferable spammers during september I would have considered putting my RDD gains into BAT for further gainings

>> No.5439845
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, ublock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.5439869

lol I thought the fucking brainlet was bragging about how much BTC he's made off trading BAT

>> No.5439877

it doesn't block youtube ads, brave does

>> No.5439946

I think it does but if not then adblock plus does.
Honestly forgot youtube even had ads

>> No.5440005

>bitcoin starts crashing
>holy shit my coin is mooning

>> No.5440017

you know what...I think you're right. I'm retarded again fuck. sorry anon. I think sometimes it breaks for a few weeks until they patch it.

>> No.5440038

Maybe you should do some actual research before you talk shit

>> No.5440042
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this is the first time i seen someone apologize on 4chan in the past 10 years

>> No.5440056
File: 51 KB, 680x583, 1513831673438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin's name is literally "Basic Attention Token"

What the fuck

>> No.5440193
File: 68 KB, 1066x600, 1512846012044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't using Brave as his mobile browser

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.5440223

The idea is great but I don't see why I need to hold tokens for it. It's basically just going to help monitize a browser, the tokens will max out at 1-2 dollars. Why hold them?

>> No.5440494

Could've made more if you followed these guys, they haven't been wrong yet
